Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Article

      Automated Validation of Compensable SLAs 

      Müller Cejás, Carlos; Gutiérrez Fernández, Antonio Manuel; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Martín Díaz, Octavio; Resinas Arias de Reyna, Manuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
      A Service Level Agreement (SLA) regulates the provisioning of a service by defining a set of guarantees. Each guarantee sets ...
    • Article

      Model-Based Development of firewall rule sets: Diagnosing model inconsistencies 

      Pozo Hidalgo, Sergio; Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael; Martínez Gasca, Rafael (Elsevier, 2009)
      The design and management of firewall rule sets is a very difficult and error-prone task because of the difficulty of ...