• Ponencia

      An Analysis of RESTful APIs Offerings in the Industry 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2017-11)
      As distribution models of information systems are moving to XaaS paradigms, microservices architectures are rapidly emerging, ...
    • Ponencia

      Automating SLA-Driven API Development with SLA4OAI 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2019-10-22)
      The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) is the de facto standard to describe RESTful APIs from a functional perspective. OAS has ...
    • Ponencia

      ELeCTRA: Induced Usage Limitations Calculation in RESTful APIs 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Pautasso, Cesare; Ivanchikj, Ana; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2018-11)
      As software architecture design is evolving to microservice paradigms, RESTful APIs become the building blocks of applications. ...
    • Artículo

      Flipping Laboratory Sessions in a Computer Science Course: An Experience Report 

      Troya Castilla, Javier; Parejo Maestre, José Antonio; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo; Río Ortega, Adela del (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
      Contribution: This article presents an experience report on the application of flipped classroom (FC) to the laboratory ...
    • Artículo

      Flipping Laboratory Sessions: An Experience in Computer Science 

      Parejo Maestre, José Antonio; Troya Castilla, Javier; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Río Ortega, Adela del; Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
      This paper reports our experience in flipping a second- year undergraduate course on software architecture and integration, ...
    • Ponencia

      Fostering SLA-Driven API Specifications 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Biblioteca Digital Sistedes, 2018-09-18)
      Software architecture tendencies are shifting to a microservice paradigm. In this context, RESTful APIs are being established ...
    • Ponencia

      Governify for APIs: SLA-Driven Ecosystem for API Governance 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ACM Digital Library, 2019-08)
      As software architecture design is evolving to a microservice paradigm, RESTful APIs are being established as the preferred ...
    • Ponencia

      Invirtiendo las clases de laboratorio en Ingeniería Informática: Un enfoque ágil 

      Troya Castilla, Javier; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Parejo Maestre, José Antonio; Río Ortega, Adela del; Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Márquez Chamorro, Alfonso Eduardo (Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2019)
      En este artículo describimos nuestra experiencia al aplicar la metodología de clase invertida en la asigna tura Arquitectura ...
    • Ponencia

      SLA-driven governance for RESTful systems 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2017)
      Sofware distribution models are moving to SaaS paradigms where customers no longer need to buy a perpetual license. In ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      SLA-Driven Governance of RESTful Systems 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio (2021-12-20)
      The Software as a Service (SaaS) paradigm has become entrenched in the industry as a deployment model, bringing flexibility ...
    • Ponencia

      The role of limitations and SLAs in the API industry 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Molina, Pedro J.; Kolekar, Nikhil; Bhogill, Prithpal; Mohaan, Madhurranjan; Méndez, Francisco (ACM Digital Library, 2019-08)
      As software architecture design is evolving to a microservice paradigm, RESTful APIs are being established as the preferred ...
    • Ponencia

      Towards SLA modeling for RESTful APIs 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (SISTEDES : Sociedad de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software,, 2017-07-19)
      The term of API Economy is becoming increasingly used to describe the change of vision in how APIs can add value to the ...
    • Ponencia

      Towards SLA-Driven API Gateways 

      Gámez Díaz, Antonio; Fernández Montes, Pablo; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2015-09)
      As APIs are becoming popular to build Service-Based Ap- plications (SBA), API Gateways are being increasingly used to ...