• Ponencia

      On 4-connected geometric graphs 

      García Olaverri, Alfredo; Huemer, Clemens; Tejel Altarriba, Francisco Javier; Valtr, Pavel (2013)
      Given a set S of n points in the plane, in this paper we give a necessary and sometimes sufficient condition to build a 4-connected non-crossing geometric graph on S.
    • Ponencia

      On making a graph crossing-critical 

      Hernández Vélez, César Israel; Leaños Macías, Jesús (2013)
      A graph is crossing-critical if its crossing number decreases when we remove any of its edges. Recently it was proved that ...
    • Ponencia

      On the barrier-resilience of arrangements of ray-sensors 

      Kirkpatrick, David; Yang, Boting; Zilles, Sandra (2013)
      Given an arrangement A of n sensors and two points s and t in the plane, the barrier resilience of A with respect to s and ...
    • Ponencia

      On the enumeration of permutominoes 

      Nunes Gomes Tomás, Ana Paula (2013)
      Although the exact counting and enumeration of polyominoes remain challenging open problems, several positive results were ...
    • Ponencia

      On the nonexistence of k-reptile simplices in R3 and R4 

      Kynčl, Jan; Safernova, Zuzana (2013)
      A d-dimensional simplex S is called a k-reptile (or a k-reptile simplex) if it can be tiled without overlaps by k simplices ...
    • Ponencia

      On three parameters of invisibility graphs 

      Cibulka, Josef; Korbelář, Miroslav; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel (2013)
      The invisibility graph I(X) of a set X ⊆ Rd is a (possibly infinite) graph whose vertices are the points of X and two ...
    • Ponencia

      Phase transitions in the Ramsey-Turán theory 

      Balogh, József (2013)
      Let f(n) be a function and L be a graph. Denote by RT(n, L, f(n)) the maximum number of edges of an L-free graph on n ...
    • Ponencia

      El problema del anti-k-centrum en grafos 

      Lozano Palacio, Antonio José; Mesa López-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Plastria, Frank (Alberto Márquez, 2002)
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      El problema del puente recto maximin 

      Barcia Gómez, José Antonio; Díaz Báñez, José Miguel; Ventura Molina, Inmaculada (Alberto Márquez, 2002)
    • Ponencia

      Procedimientos matemáticos y resolución de problemas: una propuesta de libre configuración 

      Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; López Vázquez, Jorge Jesús (IX CIEET, 2001)
      Dentro de la enseñanza de las matemáticas no existe únicamente un campo conceptual que sea necesario desarrollar en la ...
    • Ponencia

      Protagonismo del mentor en una actividad tutorial de carácter multidisciplinar en Ingeniería 

      Durán-Barrantes, María de la Montaña; Ager Vázquez, Francisco José; Bachiller-Soler, Alfonso; Bravo-Rodríguez, Juan Carlos; Cordobés Carmona, Felipe; Gasch Illescas, Consolación; Gómez-Alós, Milagros; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Lebrón Rueda, Esperanza Angustias; López Vázquez, Jorge Jesús; Miró Amarante, Gloria; Morón Romero, María del Carmen; Romero Rodríguez, Soledad; Ruiz Domínguez, Manuela; Sánchez Gómez, Ana Beatriz; Santana Hidalgo, Amalia; Sepúlveda Ferrer, Ranier Enrique (2011-07)
      En la Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS) de la Universidad de Sevilla se ha trabajado, por tercer curso consecutivo, en ...
    • Ponencia
    • Ponencia

      Reporting flock patterns on the GPU 

      Fort i Masdevall, Marta; Sellarès Chiva, Joan Antoni; Valladares Cereceda, Ignacio (2013)
      In this paper we study the problem of finding flock patterns in a set of trajectories of moving entities. A flock refers ...
    • Ponencia

      Saddle-node bifurcation of canard limit cycles in piecewise linear systems 

      Fernández García, Soledad; Carmona Centeno, Victoriano; Teruel Aguilar, Antonio Esteban (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2021-06)
      We study saddle-node bifurcations of canard limit cycles in PWL systems by using singular perturbation theory tools. We ...
    • Ponencia

      SensoGraph: Using proximity graphs for sensory analysis 

      Miguel, David N. de; Orden Martín, David; Fernández Fernández, Encarnación; Rodríguez Nogales, José Manuel; Vila Crespo, Josefina (2013)
      Sensory evaluation of foods is as important as chemical, physical or microbiological examinations, being specially relevant ...
    • Ponencia

      Simulating distributed algorithms for lattice agents 

      Aichholzer, Oswin; Hackl, Thomas; Sacristán Adinolfi, Vera; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Wallner, Reinhardt (2013)
      We present a practical Java tool for simulating synchronized distributed algorithms on sets of 2-and 3-dimensional ...
    • Ponencia

      Simultaneous frequency and capacity setting for rapid transit systems with a competing mode and capacity constraints 

      Santos Pineda, Alicia de los; Laporte, Gilbert; Mesa López-Colmenar, Juan Antonio; Perea Rojas-Marcos, Federico (2014-09)
      The railway planning problem consists of several consecutive phases: network design, line plan- ning, timetabling, personnel ...
    • Ponencia

      Sobre los multiplicadores entre espacios de Cesáro 

      Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Florencio Lora, Miguel (Universidad de Coimbra, 1985)
    • Ponencia

      Solving common influence region queries with the GPU 

      Fort i Masdevall, Marta; Sellarès Chiva, Joan Antoni (2013)
      In this paper we propose and solve common influence region queries. We present GPU parallel algorithms, designed under ...
    • Ponencia

      Some results on open edge guarding of polygons 

      Bajuelos Domínguez, António Leslie; Canales Cano, Santiago; Hernández Peñalver, Gregorio; Oliveira Martins, Ana Mafalda de; Matos. Inês (2013)
      This paper focuses on a variation of the Art Gallery problem that considers open edge guards. The “open” prefix means the ...