• Artículo

      Barrelledness of Spaces with Toeplitz Decompositions 

      Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Sáez Agulló, Carmen; Virués Gavira, Juan Manuel (Elsevier, 1999)
      A Toeplitz decomposition of a locally convex space E into subspaces (Ek) with projections (Pk) is a decomposition of every ...
    • Artículo

      Completeness of spaces wth Toeplitz decompositions 

      Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Sáez Agulló, Carmen; Virués Gavira, Juan Manuel (Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 1998)
    • Artículo

      On the Mikusiński-Antosik diagonal theorem 

      Florencio Lora, Miguel; Paúl Escolano, Pedro José; Virués Gavira, Juan Manuel (De Gruyter Open, 1992)
      We give and improvement cf de Mikusinski-Antosik Diagonal Theorem. From this result we obtain as corollaries the other matrix lemmas used by P. Antosik and C. Swartz, showing that they have a common character