• Ponencia

      A faithful functor among algebras and graphs 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan; Pacheco Martínez, Ana María; Villar Liñán, María Trinidad (Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, 2016)
      The problem of identifying a functor between the categories of algebras and graphs is currently open. Based on a known ...
    • Ponencia

      Basic concepts on Lorentz simmetry and Minkowsky isogeometry by using the MCIM isotopic model 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2004-09)
      At 1978, R.M. Santilli proposed to generalize the conventional Lie theory by using isotopies. To do it, he considered that ...
    • Ponencia

      Classifications of evolution algebras over finite fields 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2016-01)
      In this communication we deal with a class of emerging algebras called evolution algebras. These algebras were firstly ...
    • Ponencia

      Computing the sets of totally symmetric and totally conjugate orthogonal partial Latin squares by means of a SAT solver 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Núñez Valdés, Juan (Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, 2017-07)
      Conjugacy and orthogonality of Latin squares have been widely studied in the literature not only for their theoretical ...
    • Ponencia

      Conceptos básicos sobre isocriptografía siguiendo el modelo MCIM 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2004)
      Una de las aplicaciones prácticas de la isoteoría de Santilli que ha surgido en los últimos años se refiere al campo de ...
    • Ponencia

      Las dificultades sufridas por una mujer para llegar a ser biomatemática : Nancy Kopell 

      Núñez Valdés, Juan; Camas Jiménez, Inmaculada; Fernández García, Soledad (2009)
      Tras haber superado una serie de dificultades de diversos tipos, entre ellas de género, de carácter y de enfermedad, la ...
    • Ponencia

      Distribution of low dimensional Malcev algebras over finite fields into isomorphism and isotopism classes 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2015)
      This paper addresses the distribution into isomorphism and isotopism classes of the set Mn,p of n-dimensional Malcev ...
    • Ponencia

      Isotopismos de álgebras de Lie filiformes sobre cuerpos finitos 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2013-10)
      El presente trabajo trata la distribución del conjunto $\mathcal{F}_n^p$ de álgebras de Lie filiformes de dimensión $n$ ...
    • Ponencia

      Isotopisms of Lie algebras 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2015)
      The distribution of algebras into equivalence classes is usually done according to the concept of isomorphism. However, ...
    • Ponencia

      Low-dimensional filiform Lie algebras over finite fields 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Núñez Valdés, Juan; Pacheco Martínez, Ana María; Villar Liñán, María Trinidad (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Press, 2011)
      In this paper we use some objects of Graph Theory to classify low-dimensional filiform Lie algebras over finite fields. ...
    • Ponencia

      Mutation graphs of asexual diploid organisms 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2017-07)
      The mutation graph of an asexual diploid organism is introduced as an edgecolouredgraph derived from the genetic pattern ...
    • Ponencia

      El papel de las webquest en las NTIC 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Óscar Jesús; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan; Tenorio Villalón, Ángel Francisco (2008-07)
      La ponencia que aquí se presenta persigue un triple objetivo. Por una parte, mostrarle al lector en general, y al profesorado ...
    • Ponencia

      Santilli's autotopism of associative partial quasigroups 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan (International Academic Press, 2007)
      In this paper, given an isotopism Θ ∈ In, we study some properties of the set SAPLS(Θ) of those partial Latin squares being the multiplication table of an associative partial quasigroup having Θ as a Santilli’s autotopism.
    • Ponencia

      Some advances in the research on Lie algebras 

      Benjumea Acevedo, Juan Carlos; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Fernández Ternero, Desamparados; Márquez García, María del Carmen; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2008)
      The main goal of this poster, which is written in the form of a survey and tries to show some aspects of the research of ...