• Ponencia

      On some partitioning problems for two-colored point sets 

      Grima Ruiz, Clara Isabel; Hernando Martín, Carmen; Huemer, Clemens; Hurtado Díaz, Ferran (Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2009)
      Let S be a two-colored set of n points in general position in the plane. We show that S admits at least 2 n 17 ...
    • Ponencia

      Witness-Bar Visibility Graphs 

      Cortés Parejo, María del Carmen; Hurtado, Ferrán; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Valenzuela Muñoz, Jesús (Instituto de Matemáticas de la UNAM, 2013)
      Bar visibility graphs were introduced in the seventies as a model for some VLSI layout problems. They have been also ...