• Ponencia

      Representing the Surface of Objects by Combinatorial Pyramids 

      Antúnez, Esther; Molina Abril, Helena; Kropatsch, Walter G. (Czech Pattern Recognition Society, 2010)
      This paper introduces a new method to rep- resent the surface of objects using two dimensional com- binatorial maps. The ...
    • Ponencia

      Resolución interactiva de problemas con GeoGebra 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Rios Collantes de Terán, Ricardo (2016-04)
      En la presente comunicación se pretende abordar cómo trabajar en el aula la resolución interactiva de algunos de los ...
    • Ponencia

      Rooted Trees Searching for Cocyclic Hadamard Matrices over D4t 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Springer, 2009)
      A new reduction on the size of the search space for cocyclic Hadamard matrices over dihedral groups D4t is described, in ...
    • Ponencia

      Santilli's autotopism of associative partial quasigroups 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan (International Academic Press, 2007)
      In this paper, given an isotopism Θ ∈ In, we study some properties of the set SAPLS(Θ) of those partial Latin squares being the multiplication table of an associative partial quasigroup having Θ as a Santilli’s autotopism.
    • Ponencia

      Searching for partial Hadamard matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Gudiel Rodríguez, Félix; Güemes Alzaga, María Belén; Martín García, Elena; Osuna Lucena, Amparo (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2010)
      Three algorithms looking for pretty large partial Hadamard ma- trices are described. Here “large” means that hopefully ...
    • Ponencia

      Self-constructing Recognizer P Systems 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Peña Cantillana, Francisco; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (Fénix Editora, 2014)
      Usually, the changes produced in the membrane structure of a P system are considered side effects. The output of the ...
    • Ponencia

      Semantics of Deductive Databases in a Membrane Computing Connectionist Model 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (Fénix, 2016)
      The integration of symbolic reasoning systems based on logic and connectionist systems based on the functioning of living ...
    • Ponencia

      Separación y clasificación de puntos rojos y azules 

      Garijo Royo, Delia; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Mitchell, Joseph S. B.; Seara, Carlos (Universidad de Valladolid, 2007)
      En este trabajo estudiamos el problema de determinar si dos conjuntos disjuntos de n puntos en el plano son separables ...
    • Ponencia

      Separating Topological Noise from Features Using Persistent Entropy 

      Atienza Martínez, María Nieves; González Díaz, Rocío; Rucco, Matteo (Springer, 2016)
      Topology is the branch of mathematics that studies shapes and maps among them. From the algebraic definition of topology ...
    • Ponencia

      Shortcut sets for Euclidean graphs 

      Cáceres, José; Garijo Royo, Delia; González Herrera, Antonio; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Puertas, María Luz (2015-07)
      A Euclidean graph G is the locus of a rectilinear embedding of a planar graph in the Euclidean plane. A shortcut set S is ...
    • Ponencia

      Simbiosis entre webct y software matemático relativo a matemáticas aplicadas a la edificación 

      Arriola Hernández, Rosario; Barrena Algara, Eva; Chávez de Diego, María José; Delgado Garrido, Olvido; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Fernández Pérez-Rendón, Antonio; Garrido Vizuete, María de los Angeles; Marín Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Navarro Domínguez, María de los Ángeles; Pérez Martín, Francisco de Paula; Revuelta Marchena, María Pastora; Riva Moreno, Yolanda de la; Sanz Domínguez, María Isabel (2009-11)
    • Ponencia

      Skeletonizing Images by Using Spiking Neural P Systems 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Peña Cantillana, Francisco; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (Fénix Editora, 2012)
      Skeletonizing an image is representing a shape with a small amount of information by converting the initial image into a ...
    • Ponencia

      Smoothing Problem in 2D Images with Tissue-like P Systems and Parallel Implementation 

      Peña Cantillana, Francisco; Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Christinal, Hepzibah A.; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (Fénix Editora, 2011)
      Smoothing is often used in Digital Imagery to reduce noise within an image. In this paper we present a Membrane Computing ...
    • Ponencia

      Snell’s law in an isoperimetric setting 

      Cañete Martín, Antonio Jesús (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
      In this work we focus on the isoperimetric problem in R2 endowed with a piecewise constant density. We will see that the ...
    • Ponencia

      Solving SAT with Antimatter in Membrane Computing 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Alhazov, Artiom; Freund, Rudolf; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (Fénix Editora, 2015)
      The set of NP-complete problems is split into weakly and strongly NP- complete ones. The di erence consists in the in uence ...
    • Ponencia

      Solving the 3-COL Problem by Using Tissue P Systems without Environment and Proteins on Cells 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Christinal, Hepzibah A.; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel (Fénix, 2016)
      The 3-COL problem consists on deciding if the regions of a map can be coloured with only three colors bearing in mind ...
    • Ponencia

      Solving the Independent Set problem by using tissue-like P systems with cell division 

      Díaz Pernil, Daniel; Gutiérrez Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Riscos Núñez, Agustín (Springer, 2009)
      Tissue-like P systems with cell division is a computing model in the framework of Membrane Computing inspired by the ...
    • Ponencia

      Some advances in the research on Lie algebras 

      Benjumea Acevedo, Juan Carlos; Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel; Fernández Ternero, Desamparados; Márquez García, María del Carmen; Núñez Valdés, Juan (2008)
      The main goal of this poster, which is written in the form of a survey and tries to show some aspects of the research of ...
    • Ponencia

      Some Geophysical Applications with Finite Volume Solvers of Two-Layer and Two-Phase Systems 

      Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Springer, 2017)
      There exists in the literature a huge range of geophysical applications that have been modeled trough two-layer or two-phase ...
    • Ponencia

      Space-Variant Gabor Decomposition for Filtering 3D Medical Images 

      Onchis, Darian M.; Istin, Codruta; Real Jurado, Pedro (Springer, 2017)
      This is an experimental paper in which we introduce the possibility to analyze and to synthesize 3D medical images by using ...