Mostrando ítems 61-69 de 69

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      Persistent Homology for 3D Reconstruction Evaluation 

      Gutiérrez, Antonio; Monaghan, David S.; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; O'Connor, Noel E. (2012)
      Space or voxel carving is a non-invasive technique that is used to produce a 3D volume and can be used in particular for ...
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      Incremental-Decremental Algorithm for Computing AT-Models and Persistent Homology 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Adrian, Ion; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Poyatos, Regina (2011)
      In this paper, we establish a correspondence between the incremental algorithm for computing AT-models [8,9] and the one ...
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      Well-Composed Cell Complexes 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Medrano Garfia, Belén (2011)
      Well-composed 3D digital images, which are 3D binary digital images whose boundary surface is made up by 2D manifolds, ...
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      Integral operators for computing homology generators at any dimension 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Molina Abril, Helena; Real Jurado, Pedro (2008)
      Starting from an nD geometrical object, a cellular subdivision of such an object provides an algebraic counterpart from ...
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      A Graph-with-Loop Structure for a Topological Representation of 3D Objects 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Real Jurado, Pedro (2007)
      Given a cell complex K whose geometric realization |K| is embedded in R 3 and a continuous function h: |K|→R (called the ...
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      On the Computation of Ainfinity-Maps 

      Berciano Alcaraz, Ainhoa; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Real Jurado, Pedro (2007)
      Starting from a chain contraction (a special chain homotopy equivalence) connecting a differential graded algebra A with ...
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      Extending the notion of AT-Model for integer homology computation 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Real Jurado, Pedro (2007)
      When the ground ring is a field, the notion of algebraic topological model (AT-model) is a useful tool for computing ...
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      Reducing Computational Costs in the Basic Perturbation Lemma 

      Real Jurado, Pedro; Berciano Alcaraz, Ainhoa; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José (2006)
      Homological Perturbation Theory [11, 13] is a well-known general method for computing homology, but its main algorithm, ...
    • Artículo

      Computation of cohomology operations of finite simplicial complexes 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Real Jurado, Pedro (2003)
      We propose a method for calculating cohomology operations on finite simplicial complexes. Of course, there exist well–known ...