• Artículo

      Cellular covers of local groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Scherer, Jérôme (Springer, 2018-12)
      We prove that, in the category of groups, the composition of a cellularization and a localization functor need not be idempotent. This provides a negative answer to a question of Emmanuel Dror Farjoun.
    • Artículo

      Cellular properties of nilpotent spaces 

      Chachólski, Wojciech; Farjoun, Emmanuel Dror; Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Scherer, Jérôme (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2015-10)
      We show that cellular approximations of nilpotent Postnikov stages are always nilpotent Postnikov stages, in particular ...
    • Artículo

      Cryptography with right-angled Artin groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Kahrobaei, Delaram (Polish Academy of Sciences, 2016)
      In this paper we propose right-angled Artin groups as a platform for secret sharingschemes based on the efficiency (linear ...
    • Artículo

      Expanders and right-angled Artin groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Kahrobaei, Delaram; Koberda, Thomas (World Scientific Publishing Company, 2021)
      The purpose of this paper is to give a characterization of families of expander graphs via right-angled Artin groups. We ...
    • Artículo

      Generators and closed classes of groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Rodríguez, José L. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de Matemàtiques, 2021)
      We show that, in the category of groups, every singly-generated class which is closed under isomorphisms, direct limits, ...
    • Artículo

      Homogeneity test for functional data 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Lillo Rodríguez, Rosa Elvira; Romo Urroz, Juan (Taylor & Francis, 2017)
      In the context of functional data analysis, we propose new two sample tests for homogeneity. Based on some well-known depth ...
    • Artículo

      Homotopy idempotent functors on classifying spaces 

      Castellana Vila, Natàlia; Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús (American Mathematical Society, 2015-02)
      Fix a prime p. Since their definition in the context of Localization Theory, the homotopy functors PBZ/p and CWBZ/p have ...
    • Artículo

      K-homology and K-theory for the lamplighter groups of finite groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Pooya, Sanaz; Valette, Alain (London Mathematical Society, 2017-08)
      Let F be a finite group. We consider the lamplighter group L = F ≀ Z over F. We prove that L has a classifying space for ...
    • Artículo

      Nullification and cellularization of classifying spaces of finite groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús (American Mathematical Society, 2007-04)
      In this note we discuss the effect of the BZ/p-nullification PBZ/p and the BZ/p-cellularization CWBZ/p over classifying ...
    • Artículo

      Nullification functors and the homotopy type of the classifying space for proper bundles 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2005-09)
      Let G be a discrete group for which the classifying space for proper G-actions is finite-dimensional. We find a space W ...
    • Artículo

      On localizations of quasi-simple groups with given countable center 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Rodríguez, José Luis (EMS Press, 2020-10-22)
      A group homomorphism i:H→G is a localization of H, if for every homomorphism φ:H→G there exists a unique endomorphism ψ:G→G ...
    • Artículo

      On the classifying space for proper actions of groups with cyclic torsion 

      Antolín Pichel, Yago; Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús (De Gruyter, 2014-01)
      In this paper we introduce a common framework for describing the topological part of the Baum-Connes conjecture for a ...
    • Artículo

      On the idempotency of some composite functors 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús (Springer, 2012-01)
      We present examples of localization functors whose composition with certain cellularization functors is not idempotent, and vice versa.
    • Artículo

      Polynomial braid combing 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; González-Meneses López, Juan (Oxford University Press, 2018)
      We prove that, for n ≥ 3, the minimal dimension of a model of the classifying space of the braid group Bn, and of the pure braid group Pn, with respect to the family of virtually cyclic groups is n.
    • Artículo

      Pyramidal values 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Molina Ferragut, Elisenda; Tejada Cazorla, Juan Antonio (Springer, 2014-06)
      We propose and analyze a new type of values for cooperative TU-games, which we call pyramidal values. Assuming that the ...
    • Artículo

      The cellular structure of the classifying spaces of finite groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Foote, Richard M. (Springer, 2011-08)
      In this paper we obtain a description of the BZ/p-cellularization (in the sense of Dror-Farjoun) of the classifying spaces of all finite groups, for all primes p.