• Artículo

      Generalized (κ,μ)-space forms 

      Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Martín Molina, Verónica; Tripathi, Mukut Mani (Springer, 2013-02)
      Generalized (κ, µ)-space forms are introduced and studied. We examine in depth the contact metric case and present examples for all possible dimensions. We also analyse the trans-Sasakian case.
    • Artículo

      Generalized S-space-forms 

      Prieto Martín, Alicia; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fuentes, Ana M. (2013)
      We introduce and study generalized S-space-forms. Moreover, we investigate generalized S-space-forms endowed with an additional structure and we obtain some obstructions for them to be S-manifolds
    • Artículo

      Generalized S-space-forms with two structure vector fields 

      Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Fuentes Pino, Ana María (De Gruyter, 2010-01)
      We introduce and study generalized S-space-forms with two structure vector fields. We also present several examples of ...
    • Artículo

      Generalized Sasakian Space Forms Which Are Realized as Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Space Forms 

      Carriazo Rubio, Alfonso; Cho, Jong Taek; Martín Molina, Verónica (MDPI, 2020-05-29)
      We prove a classification theorem of the generalized Sasakian space forms which are realized as real hypersurfaces in complex space forms.
    • Artículo

      Generating families of surface triangulations. The case of punctured surfaces with inner degree at least 4 

      Chávez de Diego, María José; Negami, Seiya; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Villar Liñán, María Trinidad (2015)
      We present two versions of a method for generating all triangulations of any punctured surface in each of these two families: ...
    • Artículo

      Generators and closed classes of groups 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Rodríguez, José L. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament de Matemàtiques, 2021)
      We show that, in the category of groups, every singly-generated class which is closed under isomorphisms, direct limits, ...
    • Artículo

      Gertrude Belle Elion, Chemist and Pharmacologist, Discoverer of Highly Relevant Active Substances 

      Núñez Valdés, Juan; Pablos Pons, Fernando de; Ramos Carrillo, Antonio (MDPI, 2022-05)
      Gertrude Belle Elion was a woman who had to overcome many difficulties to achieve her dream of studying to be able to cure ...
    • Artículo

      Graph operations and Lie algebras 

      Cáceres González, José; Ceballos González, Manuel; Núñez Valdés, Juan; Puertas González, María Luz (Taylor & Francis, 2013)
      This paper deals with several operations on graphs and combinatorial structures linking them with their associated Lie ...
    • Artículo

      Graphs associated with nilpotent Lie algebras of maximal rank 

      Díaz Delgado, José Eduardo; Fernández Mateos, Rafael; Fernández Ternero, Desamparados; Núñez Valdés, Juan (European Mathematical Society, 2003)
      In this paper, we use the graphs as a tool to study nilpotent Lie algebras. It implies to set up a link between graph ...
    • Ponencia

      Graphs related to principal autotopisms of Latin squares 

      Falcón Ganfornina, Raúl Manuel (2006-07)
      Latin squares of order nare equivalent to 1-factorizations of Kn,n. In this way, fixed a principal isotopism Θ=(α,β,ε)∈S3n, ...
    • Artículo

      Groups which are not properly 3-realizable 

      Funar, Louis; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Repovš, Dušan (European Mathematical Society, 2012)
      A group is properly 3-realizable if it is the fundamental group of a compact polyhedron whose universal covering is proper ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Grupos de Lie asociados a álgebras de Lie filiformes 

      Tenorio Villalón, Ángel Francisco (2002)
      En esta tesis se plantea el problema de determinar a partir de un álgebra de Lie, cuáles son los grupos Lie cuya álgebra ...
    • Artículo

      Homogeneity test for functional data 

      Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús; Lillo Rodríguez, Rosa Elvira; Romo Urroz, Juan (Taylor & Francis, 2017)
      In the context of functional data analysis, we propose new two sample tests for homogeneity. Based on some well-known depth ...
    • Artículo

      Homotopy idempotent functors on classifying spaces 

      Castellana Vila, Natàlia; Flores Díaz, Ramón Jesús (American Mathematical Society, 2015-02)
      Fix a prime p. Since their definition in the context of Localization Theory, the homotopy functors PBZ/p and CWBZ/p have ...
    • Artículo

      Homotopy in digital spaces 

      Ayala Gómez, Rafael; Domínguez Murillo, Eladio; Francés Román, Ángel Ramón; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael (Elsevier, 2003-01-15)
      The main contribution of this paper is a new “extrinsic” digital fundamental group that can be readily generalized to ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Ideales conmutativos en las álgebras de Lie resolubles y nilpotentes 

      López Garzón, Juan José (1987-05-27)
      En esta memoria que presentamos para optar al grado de Doctor, hemos estudiado diversos aspectos de las álgebras de Lie ...
    • Artículo

      Ideas para enseñar: vidas de matemáticos que abrazaron la fe religiosa 

      Arroyo Castilleja, María; Núñez Valdés, Juan; Recacha González, Silvia (Federación Iberoamericana de Educación Matemática, 2014-03)
      En este artículo se muestran las biografías de una serie de matemáticos, algunos de ellos muy conocidos por la obra ...
    • Artículo

      Induced structures on slant submanifolds of metric F-manifolds 

      Fernández Fernández, Luis Manuel; Hans Uber, María Belén (Indian National Science Academy, 2008-10)
      We study whether it is possible to obtain an induced structure on a slant submanifold of a metric f-manifold. Moreover, ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Inmersiones de grafos en superficies y seudosuperficies con todos los vértices en una misma cara 

      Fedriani Martel, Eugenio Manuel (2001)
      La memoria se enmarca en la "Teoría de Inmersiones de Grafos en Superficies", presentando y resolviendo varios e interesantes ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Inmersiones isotrópicas pseudo-riemannianas 

      Gómez Casanueva, Juan Salvador (2008)
      La noción de inmersión isotrópica Riemanniana fue introducida por B. O Neill [O N1] quien estudió propiedades generales ...