Now showing items 1-4 of 4
PhD Thesis
Methods for the analysis of thermomagnetic phase transitions of magnetocaloric materials
This thesis focuses on the analysis of the relation between thermomagnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric response of materials. First, various experimental factors that can a ect the measurements of the magnetocaloric ...
PhD Thesis
Efecto magnetocalórico en materiales con transiciones de fase de segundo orden: Optimización de la capacidad de refrigeración
La tesis presenta un estudio del efecto magnetocalórico en materiales con transiciones de fase de segundo orden. Se centra esencialmente en la dependencia con el campo magnético aplicado de la variables termodinámicas ...
PhD Thesis
Métodos para la caracterización de materiales magnetocalóricos multifásicos
This thesis is aimed to study the characteristics of thermomagnetic phase transitions and the resulting magnetocaloric effect in multiphase magnetocaloric materials, which is a very common scenario in the research of the ...
PhD Thesis