• Artículo

      Neutrino Energy Reconstruction from Semi-inclusive Samples 

      González Jiménez, Raúl; Barbaro, M. B; Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio; Donnelly, T. W.; Jachowicz, N.; Megías Vázquez, Guillermo Daniel; Niewczas, K.; Nikolakopoulos, A.; Van Orden, J. W.; Udías, J. M. (American Physical Society, 2022)
      We study neutrino-nucleus charged-current reactions on finite nuclei for the situation in which an outgoing muon and a ...
    • Artículo

      Neutrino-nucleus scattering in the SuSA model 

      Amaro, J. E.; Barbaro, M. B.; Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio; Donnelly, T. W.; González Jiménez, Raúl; Megías Vázquez, Guillermo Daniel (Springer, 2021)
      The super-scaling approach (SuSA) model, based on the analogies between electron and neutrino interactions with nuclei, ...
    • Artículo

      Superscaling in the resonance region for neutrino-nucleus scattering: The SuSAv2 dynamical coupled-channels model 

      González Rosa, Jesús; Megías Vázquez, Guillermo Daniel; Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio; Barbaro, M. B.; Franco Patiño, Juan Manuel (American Physical Society, 2023-12-20)
      In this work, the SuSAv2 and dynamical coupled-channels (DCC) models have been combined and tested in the inelastic regime ...
    • Artículo

      SuSAv2 Model for Inelastic Neutrino-nucleus Scattering 

      González Rosa, Jesús; Megías Vázquez, Guillermo Daniel; Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio; Barbaro, M. B. (American Physical Society, 2022)
      The susperscaling model SuSAv2, already available for charged-current neutrino-nucleus cross sections in the quasielastic ...