Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Article

      Calculation of clinical dose distributions in proton therapy from microdosimetry 

      Bertolet Reina, Alejandro; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Souris, Kevin; Cohilis, Marie; Carabe Fernández, Alejandro (Wiley, 2019-12)
      Purpose: To introduce a new algorithm—MicroCalc—for dose calculation by modeling microdosimetric energy depositions and ...
    • Article

      Unresponsive wakefulness syndrome: a new name for the vegetative state or apallic syndrome 

      Laureys, Steven; Celesia, Gaston G.; Cohadon, François; Lavrijsen, Jan; León Carrión, José; Sannita, Walter G.; Sazbon, Leon; Schmutzhard, Erich; Wild, Klaus R. von; Zeman, Adam; Dolce, Giuliano; European Task Force on Disorders of Consciousness (BioMed Central, 2010)
      Some patients awaken from coma (that is, open the eyes) but remain unresponsive (that is, only showing reflex movements ...