• Ponencia

      Design of Specific P Systems Simulators on GPUs 

      Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Orellana Martín, David; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Springer, 2018)
      In order to validate P system models and to assist on their formal verification, simulators are indispensable. Moreover, ...
    • Capítulo de Libro

      Design Patterns for Efficient Solutions to NP-Complete Problems in Membrane Computing 

      Romero Jiménez, Álvaro; Orellana Martín, David (Springer, 2018)
      Many variants of P systems have the ability to generate an exponential number of membranes in linear time. This feature ...
    • Libro

      Eighteenth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing Sevilla, February 4 - 7, 2020 : RGNC REPORT 1/2020 

      Orellana Martín, David; Paun, Gheorghe; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Sevilla, 2020)
    • Ponencia

      Extracting Parallelism in Simulation Algorithms for PDP systems 

      Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Doncel Ramírez, Andrés; Orellana Martín, David; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Sevilla, 2020)
      Population Dynamics P systems is a modelling framework that have been used successfully for some important real ecosystems. ...
    • Artículo

      From distribution to replication in cooperative systems with active membranes: A frontier of the efficiency 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Orellana Martín, David; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Elsevier, 2018)
      P systems with active membranes use evolution, communication, dissolution and division(or separation) rules. They do not ...
    • Artículo

      From NP-Completeness to DP-Completeness: A Membrane Computing Perspective 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Orellana Martín, David; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Hindawi, 2020)
      Presumably efficient computing models are characterized by their capability to provide polynomial-time solutions for ...
    • Artículo

      From Super-cells to Robotic Swarms: Two Decades of Evolution in the Simulation of P Systems 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Orellana Martín, David; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (IMCS: International Membrane Computing Society, 2017)
      Membrane Computing provides machine-oriented models of computation, with types and variants including different elements ...
    • Artículo

      Fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P systems revisited: A formalization 

      Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Graciani Díaz, Carmen; Orellana Martín, David; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Romero Jiménez, Álvaro; Valencia Cabrera, Luis (Elsevier, 2017)
      Research interest within membrane computing is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary.In particular, one of the latest ...
    • Artículo

      GPU implementation of evolving spiking neural P systems 

      Gungon, Rogelio V.; Hernandez, Katreen Kyle M.; Cabarle, Francis George C.; Cruz, Ren Tristan de la; Adorna, Henry N.; Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Orellana Martín, David; Pérez Hurtado, Ignacio (ScienceDirect, 2022-09)
      Methods for optimizing and evolving spiking neural P systems (in short, SN P systems) have been previously developed with ...
    • Artículo

      Laser Dynamics from a Membrane Computing Perspective 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Guisado Lizar, José Luis; Jiménez-Morales, Francisco de Paula; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (IMCS. International Membrane Computational Society, 2018)
      Modelling real systems and processes is a task classically performed through the approach of di erential equation systems, ...
    • Ponencia

      Limits on P Systems with Proteins and Without Division 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, 2018)
      In the field of Membrane Computing, computational complexity theory has been widely studied trying to nd frontiers of ...
    • Artículo

      Membrane creation and symport/antiport rules solving QSAT 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Springer, 2022-09-12)
      In Membrane Computing, diferent variants of devices can be found by changing both syntactical and semantic ingredients. ...
    • Artículo

      Minimal cooperation as a way to achieve the efficiency in cell-like membrane systems 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Springer, 2019)
      Cooperation is doubtless a relevant ingredient on rewriting rules based computing models. This paper provides an overview on ...
    • Ponencia

      Minimal cooperation in polarizationless P systems with active membranes 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Orellana Martín, David; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Fénix, 2016)
      P systems with active membranes is a well developed framework in the eld of Membrane Computing. Using evolution, ...
    • Ponencia

      Narrowing Frontiers of Efficiency with Evolutional Communication Rules and Cell Separation 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Song, Bosheng; Pan, Linqiang; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, 2018)
      In the framework of Membrane Computing, several efficient solutions to computationally hard problems have been given. To ...
    • Ponencia

      New applications for an old tool 

      Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Orellana Martín, David; Pérez Hurtado de Mendoza, Ignacio; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Universidad de Sevilla, 2019)
      First, the dependency graph technique, not so far from its current application, was developed trying to nd the shortest ...
    • Ponencia

      On GPU-Oriented P Systems 

      Martínez del Amor, Miguel Ángel; Orellana Martín, David; Riscos Núñez, Agustín; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (IEEE Computer Society, 2018)
    • Ponencia

      P Systems with Active Cells 

      Orellana Martín, David (Fenix Editora, 2017)
      P systems with active membranes is a widely studied framework within the field of Membrane Computing since the creation ...
    • Artículo

      P systems with evolutional communication and division rules 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (MDPI, 2021)
      A widely studied field in the framework of membrane computing is computational complexity theory. While some types of P ...
    • Artículo

      P systems with evolutional symport and membrane creation rules solving QSAT 

      Orellana Martín, David; Valencia Cabrera, Luis; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Elsevier, 2022)
      P systems are computing devices based on sets of rules that dictate how they work. While some of these rules can change ...