• Artículo

      Infinite pointwise lineability: general criteria and applications 

      Prado Bassas, José Antonio; Gerlach Mena, Pablo José; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Springer, 2023-11-11)
      In this paper we introduce the concept of infinite pointwise dense lineability (spaceability), and provide a criterion to ...
    • Artículo

      Lacunary non-continuable boundary-regular holomorphic functions with universal properties 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Luh, Wolfgang (National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, 2006)
      A holomorphic function in a Jordan domain G in the complex plane is constructed with all its derivatives extending ...
    • Artículo

      Large algebras of singular functions vanishing on prescribed sets 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Springer, 2016-06-21)
      In this paper, the non-vacuousness of the family of all nowhere analytic infinitely differentiable functions on the real ...
    • Artículo

      Large linear manifolds of non-continuable boundary-regular holomorphic functions 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Luh, Wolfgang (Elsevier, 2008-05-01)
      We prove in this paper that if G is a domain in the complex plane satisfying adequate topological or geometrical conditions ...
    • Artículo

      Large subspaces of compositionally universal functions with maximal cluster sets 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Prado Bassas, José Antonio (Elsevier, 2012-02)
      Let (φn) be a sequence of holomorphic self-maps of a Jordan domain G in the complex plane. Under appropriate conditions ...
    • Trabajo Fin de Máster

      Lineabilidad en espacios de sucesiones 

      Gerlach Mena, Pablo José (2016-06)
      Desde siempre, grandes matemáticos de todas las épocas se han sentido atraídos y fascinados por la existencia de grandes ...
    • Trabajo Fin de Máster

      Lineabilidad y curvas de Peano 

      Jácome Maura, Francisco (2018)
      Las curvas de Peano pueden generalizarse y entenderse: o bien como aplicaciones continuas y sobreyectivas entre dos espacios ...
    • Artículo

      Lineability and modes of convergence 

      Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Gerlach Mena, Pablo José; Prado Bassas, José Antonio (Springer, 2020-01)
      In this paper we look for the existence of large linear and algebraic structures of sequences of measurable functions with ...
    • Tesis Doctoral

      Linear and algebraic structures in function sequence spaces 

      Gerlach Mena, Pablo José (2020-06-18)
      Historically, many mathematicians of all ages have been attracted and fascinated by the existence of large algebraic ...
    • Artículo

      Maximal cluster sets along arbitrary curves 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Prado Bassas, José Antonio (Elsevier, 2004-08)
      The existence of a dense linear manifold of holomorphic functions on a Jordan domain having except for zero maximal cluster set along any curve tending to the boundary with nontotal oscillation value set is shown.
    • Artículo

      Maximal cluster sets of L-analytic functions along arbitrary curves 

      Bernal González, Luis; Bonilla Ramírez, Antonio Lorenzo; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Prado Bassas, José Antonio (Springer, 2007-03)
      Let Ω be a domain in the N-dimensional real space, L be an elliptic differential operator, and (Tn) be a sequence whose ...
    • Trabajo Fin de Grado

      Modos de Convergencia 

      Pineda Santos, Daniel (2020)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar al lector varios modos de convergencia de sucesiones de funciones, estos son: ...
    • Artículo

      Monsters in Hardy and Bergman spaces 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Taylor & Francis, 2002)
      A monster in the sense of Luh is a holomorphic function on a simply connected domain in the complex plane such that it and ...
    • Trabajo Fin de Grado

      Monstruos de Weierstrass 

      Gerlach Mena, Pablo José (2015)
    • Artículo

      On universality of composition operators in several variables 

      Bonilla Ramírez, Antonio Lorenzo; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (University of Houston, 2001)
      In this paper we characterize the universality of a sequence of composition operators generated by automorphisms of the ...
    • Artículo

      Operators with dense images everywhere 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen (Elsevier, 2001-11-01)
      In this paper, the authors introduce the dense-image operators T as those with a wild behaviour near of the boundary of a ...
    • Artículo

      Pseudo-Fubini Real-Entire Functions on the Plane 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Jung, Andreas (Springer, 2022-09-09)
      In this note, it is proved the existence of a c -dimensional vector space of real-entire functions all of whose nonzero ...
    • Artículo

      Real-Analytic Non-Integrable Functions on the Plane with Equal Iterated Integrals 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Jung, Andreas (Springer, 2021-12-16)
      In this note, a vector space of real-analytic functions on the plane is explicitly constructed such that all its nonzero ...
    • Artículo

      Simultaneously maximal radial cluster sets 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Prado Bassas, José Antonio (Elsevier, 2005-07)
      In this paper, we show that for a wide class of operators T –including infi- nite order differential operators, and ...
    • Artículo

      Strongly omnipresent integral operators 

      Bernal González, Luis; Calderón Moreno, María del Carmen; Grosse-Erdmann, Karl-Goswin (Springer, 2002-12)
      An operator T on the space H(G) of holomorphic functions on a domain G is strongly omnipresent whenever there is a residual ...