NombreMuñoz Rojas, Miriam
DepartamentoBiología Vegetal y Ecología
Área de conocimientoEcología
Categoría profesionalInvestigadora Contratada (Ramón y Cajal)
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Exploring the potential of topsoil pellets to improve native seedling establishment on degraded agricultural land

Munro, Thomas P.; Erickson, Todd E.; Nimmo, Dale G.; Dadzie, Frederick A.; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Price, Jodi N. (Springer, 2024)
Background and aims Agricultural activities can degrade soils and promote weeds, posing challenges to native species ...

Inoculating native microorganisms improved soil function and altered the microbial composition of a degraded soil

Dadzie, Frederick A.; Moles, Angela T.; Erickson, Todd E.; Machado de Lima, Nathali; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Restoration managers inoculate microorganisms to enhance soil function and improve restoration success, but the efficacy ...

Soil microbial community composition and functions are disrupted by fire and land use in a Mediterranean woodland

Ondik, Mercedes M.; Ooi, Mark K.J.; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam (Elsevier, 2023)
The intersection of fire, land use transformations, and climate change is putting Mediterranean climate-type ecosystems ...

Seed biopriming at different concentrations to assess the effects of Cyanobacteria on germination and seedling performance of keystone arid species

Machado-de-Lima, Nathali M.; Charlesworth, James; Stewart, Jana; Ooi, Mark K. J.; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Introduction: Biocrust cyanobacteria have a large potential as biofertilizers for restoring degraded ecosystems because ...

Unpacking the recruitment potential of seeds in reconstructed soils and varying rainfall patterns

Erickson, Todd E.; Dwyer, John M.; Dalziell, Emma L.; James, Jeremy J.; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Merritt, David J. (CSIRO Publishing, 2023)
Context: Seeding is common practice for ecological restoration, but establishment rates can be low. For seeds to successfully ...

Native bacteria and cyanobacteria can influence seedling emergence and growth of native plants used in dryland restoration

Dadzie, Frederick A.; Moles, Angela T.; Erickson, Todd E.; Slavich, Eve; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam (Wiley, 2022)
1. Seed-based ecosystem restoration has huge potential to restore degraded drylands. However, fewer than 10% of directly ...

Biocrust Amendments to Topsoils Facilitate Biocrust Restoration in a Post-mining Arid Environment

Schultz, Nick L.; Sluiter, Ian R. K.; Allen, Geoffrey G.; Machado de Lima, Nathali M.; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam (Frontiers Media, 2022)
Soil cryptogamic biocrusts provide many ecological functions in arid zone ecosystems, though their natural reestablishment ...

Global maps of soil temperature

Lembrechts, J. J.; Hoogen, J. van den; Aalto, J.; Ashcroft, M. B.; Frenne, P. de; Kemppinen, J.; Kopecky, M.; Luoto, M.; Maclean, I. M. D.; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam (Wiley, 2022)
Research in global change ecology relies heavily on global climatic grids derived from estimates of air temperature in ...

Editorial: Restoration of Degraded Terrestrial Ecosystems

Santini, Nadia S.; Chamizo, Sonia; Lucas Borja, Manuel Esteban; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam (Frontiers Media, 2022)

Editorial: Eurosoil 2021: Sustainable Management of Soil Functions as a Basis to Avoid, Halt, and Reverse Land Degradation

Luster, Jörg; Crockford, Lucy; Keller, Thomas; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Wollschläger, Ute (Frontiers Media S.A., 2022)

Global Urban Environmental Change Drives Adaptation in White Clover

Santangelo, James S.; Ness, Rob W.; Cohan, Beata; Fitzpatrick, Connor R.; Innes, Simon G.; Koch, Sophie; Miles, Lindsay S.; Munim, Samreen; Peres-Neto, Pedro R.; Prashad, Cindy; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2022)
Urbanization transforms environments in ways that alter biological evolution. We examined whether urban environmental ...

Soil biodiversity and organic carbon are essential to reverse desertification

Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Delgado Baquerizo, M.; Lucas Borja, M. E. (Asociacion Espanola de Ecologia Terrestre, 2021)
La biodiversidad y el carbono orgánico del suelo, así como la interacción entre ambos, juegan papeles esenciales en el ...

Assessment of soil suitability for improvement of soil factors and agricultural management

Abd Elmabod, Sameh Kotb Mohamed; Bakr, Noura; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Pereira, Paulo; Zhang, Zhenhua; Cerdà, Artemi; Jordán López, Antonio; Mansour, Hani; Rosa, Diego De la; Jones, Laurence (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2019)
The dramatic growth of the world's population is increasing the pressure on natural resources, particularly on soil systems. ...

Spatial Gradients of Intensity and Persistence of Soil Water Repellency Under Different Forest Types in Central Mexico

Alanís, Nancy; Hernández Madrigal, Victor M; Cerdá, Artemi; Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Martínez Zavala, Lorena María; Jordán López, Antonio (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2017)
Organic residues release hydrophobic compounds to the soil that may induce soil water repellency (WR), which may inhibit ...

Modelling soil organic carbon stocks in global change scenarios: a CarboSOIL application

Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Jordán López, Antonio; Martínez Zavala, Lorena María; González Peñaloza, Félix Ángel; Rosa Acosta, Diego de La; Pino Mejías, Rafael; Anaya Romero, María (Copernicus, 2013)
Global climate change, as a consequence of the increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration, may significantly affect ...

Organic carbon stocks in Mediterranean soil types under different land uses (Southern Spain)

Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Jordán López, Antonio; Martínez Zavala, Lorena María; Rosa, Diego De la; Abd Elmabod, Sameh Kotb Mohamed; Anaya Romero, María (European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2012)
Soil C sequestration through changes in land use and management is one of the sustainable and long-term strategies to ...
Tesis Doctoral

Modelización de la capacidad de secuestro de Carbono en Suelos Mediterráneos: Modelling carbon sequestration capacity in Mediterranean soils

Muñoz Rojas, Miriam; Anaya Romero, María; Jordán López, Antonio; Martínez Zavala, Lorena María (2010)
Durante las últimas décadas, los cambios de uso del suelo han afectado en gran medida al proceso de calentamiento global ...