NombreCalvo Baltanás, Fernando
DepartamentoFisiología Médica y Biofísica
Área de conocimientoFisiología
Categoría profesionalProfesor Contratado Doctor
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Critical Requirement of SOS1 for Development of BCR/ABL-Driven Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

Gómez Rodríguez, Carmela; García Navas, Rósula; Calvo Baltanás, Fernando; Fuentes Mateos, Rocío; Fernández Medarde, Alberto; Calzada, Nuria; Santos, Eugenio (MDPI, 2022)
We showed previously that the ABL-mediated phosphorylation of SOS1 promotes RAC activation and contributes to BCR-ABL ...
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Propuesta de entrenamiento para paliar las consecuencias del tratamiento ante diferentes tipos de cáncer de mama y leucemia infantil.

Holgado Villena, Luis; Calvo Baltanás, Fernando (2022)
En este proyecto hemos llevado a cabo una revisión de las principales guías sobre ejercicio para el paciente ...

The Childhood-Onset Neurodegeneration with Cerebellar Atrophy (CONDCA) Disease Caused by AGTPBP1 Gene Mutations: The Purkinje Cell Degeneration Mouse as an Animal Model for the Study of this Human Disease

Calvo Baltanás, Fernando; Berciano, María T.; Santos, Eugenio; Lafarga, Miguel (MDPI, 2021)
Recent reports have identified rare, biallelic damaging variants of the AGTPBP1 gene that cause a novel and documented ...

SOS2 Comes to the Fore: Differential Functionalities in Physiology and Pathology

Calvo Baltanás, Fernando; García Navas, Rósula; Santos, Eugenio (MDPI, 2021)
The SOS family of Ras-GEFs encompasses two highly homologous and widely expressed members, SOS1 and SOS2. Despite their ...

Critical requirement of SOS1 RAS-GEF function for mitochondrial dynamics, metabolism, and redox homeostasis

García Navas, Rósula; Liceras Boillos, Pilar; Gómez Rodríguez, Carmela; Calvo Baltanás, Fernando; Calzada, Nuria; Nuevo Tapioles, Cristina; Cuezva Marcos, Jose Manuel; Santos, Eugenio (Nature Publishing Group, 2021)
SOS1 ablation causes specific defective phenotypes in MEFs including increased levels of intracellular ROS. We showed that ...

Functional Specificity of the Members of the Sos Family of Ras-GEF Activators: Novel Role of Sos2 in Control of Epidermal Stem Cell Homeostasis

Mucientes Valdivieso, Cynthia; Lorenzo Martín, Luis Francisco; Fernández Parejo, Natalia; García Navas, Rósula; Segrelles, Carmen; Calzada, Nuria; Fuentes Mateos, Rocío; Paramio, Jesús M.; Bustelo, Xosé R.; Santos, Eugenio; Calvo Baltanás, Fernando (MDPI, 2021)
Prior reports showed the critical requirement of Sos1 for epithelial carcinogenesis, but the specific functionalities of ...

SOS GEFs in health and disease

Calvo Baltanás, Fernando; Zarich, N; Rojas-Cabaneros, JM; Santos, E (Elsevier, 2020)
SOS1 and SOS2 are the most universal and widely expressed family of guanine exchange factors (GEFs) capable or activating ...