NombreBernabé-Caro, Reyes
Área de conocimientoMedicina
Categoría profesionalProfesora Asociada CIS
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Tesis Doctoral

Impacto de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal en el área sanitaria del Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío y sus distritos de atención sanitaria

Gallego Jiménez, Inmaculada; Portilla de Juan, Fernando de la; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes (2023)
Introducción: Desde la irrupción del SARS-CoV-2, la pandemia COVID ha tenido un gran impacto sobre el sistema sanitario, ...

Cost-effectiveness of atezolizumab versus pembrolizumab as first-line treatment in PD-L1-positive advanced non-small-cell lung cancer in Spain

Isla, Dolores; Lopez-Brea, Marta; Espinosa, María; Arrabal, Natalia; Pérez-Parente, Diego; Carcedo, David; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes (2023)
Background Atezolizumab has recently been approved for first-line treatment of high PD-L1 expression metastatic Non-Small-Cell ...

Alectinib after failure to crizotinib in patients with ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer: results from the Spanish early access program

Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Garrido, Pilar; García Campelo, Rosario; Palmero, Ramón; Artal, Ángel; Bayona, Cristina; Castro, Javier de (Impact Journals, 2022)
This retrospective observational study analyzed the clinical characteristics, treatment patterns and outcomes of 120 ...

Addition of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors to Chemotherapy vs Chemotherapy Alone as First-Line Treatment in Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Arriola, Edurne; González Cao, María; Domine, Manuel; De Castro, Javier; Cobo, Manuel; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Isla, Dolores (SPRINGER, 2022)
Introduction The addition of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) to conventional chemotherapy (CT) as first-line treatment ...

Determination of essential biomarkers in lung cancer: a real-world data study in Spain with demographic, clinical, epidemiological and pathological characteristics

Provencio, Mariano; Cobo, Manuel; Rodríguez Abreu, Delvys; Calvo, Virginia; Carcereny, Enric; Cantero, Alexandra; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Torrente, Ana (BMC, 2022)
Background: The survival of patients with lung cancer has substantially increased in the last decade by about 15%. This ...

First-Line Nivolumab Plus Ipilimumab in Advanced NSCLC: 4-Year Outcomes From the Randomized, Open-Label, Phase 3 CheckMate 227 Part 1 Trial

Paz Ares, Luis; Ramalingam, Suresh S.; Ciuleanu, Tudor Eliade; Lee, Jong Seok; Urban, Laszlo; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Reck, Martin (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2022)
Introduction: In CheckMate 227, nivolumab plus ipilimu mab prolonged overall survival (OS) versus chemotherapy in patients ...

Cost-effectiveness analysis of molecular diagnosis by next-generation sequencing versus sequential single testing in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients from a south Spanish hospital perspective

Álava Casado, Enrique de; Pareja, María Jesús; Carcedo, David; Arrabal, Natalia; García, José-Francisco; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes (Taylor and Francis LTD, 2022)
Background: To assess the cost-effectiveness of using next-generation sequencing (NGS) compared to sequential single-testing ...

Impact of smoking status on the relative efficacy of the EGFR TKI/ angiogenesis inhibitor combination therapy in advanced NSCLCda systematic review and meta-analysis

Dafni, U.; Soo, R. A.; Peters, S.; Tsourti, Z.; Zygoura, P.; Vervita, K.; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Stahel, R. A. (ESMO open, 2022)
Background: The ETOP 10-16 BOOSTER trial failed to demonstrate a progression-free survival (PFS) benefit for adding bevacizumab ...

Overall Survival and Biomarker Analysis of Neoadjuvant Nivolumab Plus Chemotherapy in Operable Stage IIIA Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer (NADIM phase II trial)

Provencio, Mariano; Serna Blasco, Roberto; Nadal, Ernest; Insa, Amelia; García Campelo, M. Rosario; Casal Rubio, Joaquín; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Romero, Atocha (AMER SOC CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2022)
PURPOSE Neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus nivolumab has been shown to be effective in resectable non–small cell lung cancer ...

Real-World Analysis of Nivolumab and Atezolizumab Efficacy in Previously Treated Patients with Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Alonso-García, Miriam; Sánchez-Gastaldo, Amparo; Muñoz-Fuentes, Miguel A.; Molina-Pinelo, Sonia; Boyero, Laura; Benedetti, Johana Cristina; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes (MDPI, 2022)
Nivolumab (anti-PD-1 antibody) and atezolizumab (anti-PD-L1 antibody) have shown superior survival outcomes and improved ...

SEOM-GECP-GETTHI Clinical Guidelines for the treatment of patients with thymic epithelial tumours (2021)

Remón, Jordi; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Felip, E.; González Larriba, J.L.; Lázaro, M.; Mielgo Rubio, X; Sánchez, A.; Sullivan, I.; Massuti, B. (SPRINGER, 2022)
Thymic epithelial tumours (TET) represent a heterogeneous group of rare malignancies that include thymomas and thymic ...

Prognostic model of long-term advanced stage (IIIB-IV) EGFR mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) survivors using real-life data

Gutiérrez, Lourdes; Royuela, Ana.; Carcereny, Enric; López Castro, Rafael; Rodríguez Abreu, Delvys; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Provencio, Mariano (BMC, 2021)
Background There is a lack of useful diagnostic tools to identify EGFR mutated NSCLC patients with long-term survival. ...

Blood biomarkers associated to complete pathologicalresponse on NSCLC patients treated with neoadjuvantchemoimmunotherapy included in NADIM clinical trial

Laza-Briviesca, Raquel; Cruz Bermúdez, Alberto; Nadal, Ernest; Insa, Amelia; García Campelo, María del Rosario; Huidobro, Gerardo; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Provencio, Mariano (Wiley Open Access, 2021)
Background:Immunotherapy is being tested in early-stage non-small cell lungcancer (NSCLC), and achieving higher rates of ...

PD-(L)1 Inhibitors as Monotherapy for the First-Line Treatment of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients with High PD-L1 Expression: A Network Meta-Analysis

Majem, Margarita; Cobo, Manuel; Isla, Dolores; Márquez Medina, Diego; Rodríguez Abreu, Delvys; Casal Rubio, Joaquín; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Paz-Ares Rodriguez, Luis (MDPI, 2021)
Programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) has emerged as a potential biomarker for selection of patients more likely to respond ...

Metronomic oral vinorelbine in previously untreated advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients unfit for platinum-based chemotherapy: results of the randomized phase II Tempo Lung trial

Camerini, A.; Morabito, A.; Montanino, A.; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Grossi, F.; Kowalski, D. (Elsevier, 2021)
Background: To assess the efficacy and safety of a metronomic schedule of oral vinorelbine (mVNR) in advanced non small-cell ...

Comprehensive cross-platform comparison of methods for non-invasive EGFR mutation testing: results of the RING observational trial

Romero, Atocha; Jantus-Lewintre, Eloisa; García-Peláez, Beatriz; Royuela, Ana.; Insa, Amelia; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Provencio, Mariano (Wiley Open Access, 2021)
Several platforms for noninvasive EGFR testing are currently used in the clinical setting with sensitivities ranging from ...

Clinical and molecular parameters associated to pneumonitis development in non-small-cell lung cancer patients receiving chemoimmunotherapy from NADIM trial

Sierra Rodero, Belén; Cruz Bermúdez, Alberto; Nadal, Ernest; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Provencio, Mariano (BMC, 2021)
Background Pneumonitis (Pn) is one of the main immune-related adverse effects, having a special importance in lung cancer, ...

Correlation of peripheral blood biomarkers with clinical outcomes in NSCLC patients with high PD-L1 expression treated with pembrolizumab

Sánchez-Gastaldo, Amparo; Muñoz-Fuentes, Miguel A.; Molina-Pinelo, Sonia; Alonso-García, Miriam; Boyero, Laura; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes (2021)
Background: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are currently the standard therapy in advanced non small cell lung cancer ...

Veliparib in Combination With Platinum-Based Chemotherapy for First-Line Treatment of Advanced Squamous Cell Lung Cancer: A Randomized, Multicenter Phase III Study

Ramalingam, Suresh S.; Novello, Silvia; Guclu, Salih Zeki; Bentsion, Dmitry; Zvirbule, Zanete; Szilasi, Maria; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes (American Society Clinical Oncology, 2021)
PURPOSE Squamous non–small-cell lung cancer (sqNSCLC) is genetically complex with evidence of DNA damage. This phase III ...

Primary and acquired resistance to immunotherapy in lung cancer: unveiling the mechanisms underlying of immune checkpoint blockade therapy

Boyero, Laura; Sanchez-Gastaldo, Amparo; Alonso, Miriam; Noguera Uclés, José Francisco; Molina Pinelo, Sonia; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes (MDPI, 2020)
After several decades without maintained responses or long-term survival of patients with lung cancer, novel therapies ...

The roles of imprinted SLC22A18 and SLC22A18AS gene overexpression caused by promoter CPG island hypomethylation as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for non-small cell lung cancer patients

Noguera-Uclés, José Francisco; Boyero, Laura; Salinas, Ana; Varela, Juan Antonio Cordero; Benedetti, Johana Cristina; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Molina-Pinelo, Sonia (MDPI, 2020)
Genomic imprinting is a process that involves one gene copy turned-off in a parent-of-origin-dependent manner. The regulation ...

Postnatal Fate of the Ultimobranchial Remnants in the Rat Thyroid Gland

Vázquez Román, María Victoria; Utrilla Alcolea, José Carmelo; Fernández-Santos, José María; Conde Amiano, Esperanza; Bernabé-Caro, Reyes; Sampedro, Consuelo; Martín Lacave, Inés María (Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 2013)
The ultimobranchial follicles (UBFs) areconsidered embryonic remnants from the ultimobran-chial body (UBB). ...