NombreVilà, Montserrat
DepartamentoBiología Vegetal y Ecología
Área de conocimientoEcología
Categoría profesionalProfesora Asociada
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Containing alien plants in coastal dunes: Evidence from a soil manipulation experiment

Trotta, Giacomo; Vuerich, Marco; Pellegrini, Elisa; Vilà, Montserrat; Asquini, Edoardo; Cingano, Paolo; Boscutti, Francesco (Elsevier, 2024)
Biological invasion is recognised as one of the major threats to biodiversity, particularly in disturbance-prone ecosystems ...

Risks posed by invasive species to the provision of ecosystem services in Europe

Gallardo, Belinda; Bacher, Sven; Barbosa, Ana Marcia; Gallien, Laure; González Moreno, Pablo; Martínez Bolea, Víctor; Vilà, Montserrat (Nature Publishing Group, 2024)
Invasive species significantly impact biodiversity and ecosystem services, yet understanding these effects at large spatial ...

Using the IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa to inform decision-making

Kumschick, Sabrina; Bertolino, Sandro; Blackburn, Tim M.; Brundu, Giuseppe; Costello, Katie E.; de Groot, Maarten; Evans, Thomas; Vilà, Montserrat; Bacher, Sven (Wiley-Blackwell, 2024)
The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) is an important tool for biological invasion policy and ...

A scenario- guided strategy for the futuremanagement of biological invasions

Roura Pascual, Núria; Saul, Wolf Christian; Pérez-Granados, Cristian; Rutting, Lucas; Peterson, Garry D.; Latombe, Guillaume; Bernardo Madrid, Rubén; Vilà, Montserrat; Jonathan M. (Wiley, 2024)
Future dynamics of biological invasions are highly uncertain because they depend on multiple social–ecological drivers. ...

Field studies of the ecological impacts of invasive plants in Europe

Vilà, Montserrat; Trillo, Alejandro; Castro Díez, Pilar; Gallardo, Belinda; Bacher, Sven (Pensoft Publishers, 2024)
The impacts of invasive species can vary widely across invaded sites and depend on the ecological variable of study. In ...

Early-season mass-flowering crop cover dilutes wild bee abundance and species richness in temperate regions: A quantitative synthesis

Riggi, Lea G. A.; Raderschall, C. A.; Fijen, T. P. M.; Scheper, J.; Smith, H. G.; Kleijn, David; Vilà, Montserrat; Lundin, O. (Wiley, 2023)
1. Pollinators benefit from increasing floral resources in agricultural landscapes, which could be an underexplored ...

European scenarios for future biological invasions

Pérez Granados, Cristian; Lenzner, Bernd; Golivets, Marina; Saul, Wolf Christian; Jeschke, Jonathan M.; Essl, Franz; Peterson, Garry D.; Bernardo Madrid, Rubén; Vilà, Montserrat; Roura Pascual, Núria (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Invasive alien species are one of the major threats to global biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, nature's contributions ...

The Alien Flora of Australia (AFA), a unified Australian national dataset on plant invasion

Martín-Forés, I.; Guerin, G.R.; Lewis, D.; Gallagher, R.V.; Vilà, Montserrat; Catford, J.A.; Pauchard, A.; Sparrow, B. (Springer Nature, 2023)
Biological invasions are a major threat to Australia. Information on alien flora in Australia is collated independently ...

Identification of potential invasive alien species in Spain through horizon scanning

Cano Barbacil, Carlos; Carrete, Martina; Castro Díez, Pilar; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Jaques, Josep A.; López Darias, Marta; Nogales, Manuel; Pino, Joan; Ros Clemente, Macarena; Vilà, Montserrat; Sánchez Ordóñez, Marta Isabel; García-Berthou, Emili (Elsevier, 2023)
Invasive alien species have widespread impacts on native biodiversity and ecosystem services. Since the number of introductions ...

Macroscale analyses suggest invasive plant impacts depend more on the composition of invading plants than on environmental context

Beaury, Evelyn M.; Sofaer, Helen R.; Early, Regan; Pearse, Ian S.; Blumenthal, Dana M.; Corbin, Jeffrey D.; Diez, Jeffrey; Dukes, Jeffrey S.; Barnett, David T.; Ibáñez, Inés; Petri, Laís; Vilà, Montserrat; Bradley, Bethany A. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Aim: Native biodiversity is threatened by the spread of non-native invasive species. Many studies demonstrate that invasions ...

Which features at home make a plant prone to become invasive?

Galán Díaz, Javier; de la Riva, Enrique G.; Martín Forés, Irene; Vilà, Montserrat (Pensoft Publishers, 2023)
Determining the factors that pre-adapt plant species to successfully establish and spread outside of their native ranges ...

Influential factors and barriers change along the invasion continuum of an alien plant

Montero Castaño, Ana; Aizen, Marcelo A.; González Moreno, Pablo; Cavallero, Laura; Vilà, Montserrat; Morales, Carolina L. (Springer Nature, 2023)
Upon arrival to a new area, alien species have to overcome a series of biotic and abiotic barriers to survive, reproduce, ...

Combining local, landscape, and regional geographies to assess plant community vulnerability to invasion impact

Ibáñez, Inés; Petri, Laís; Barnett, David T.; Beaury, Evelyn M.; Blumenthal, Dana M.; Corbin, Jeffrey D.; Vilà, Montserrat; Bradley, Bethany A. (Wiley, 2023)
Invasive species science has focused heavily on the invasive agent. However, management to protect native species also ...

Functional assembly of grassland plant species in native communities in Spain and recipient communities in California

Galán Díaz, Javier; Vilà, Montserrat; Parker, Ingrid M.; de la Riva, Enrique G. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
A major aim in invasion ecology is to understand the role of exotic species in plant communities. Whereas most studies ...

Biodiversity and pollination benefits trade off against profit in an intensive farming system

Scheper, Jeroen; Badenhausser, Isabelle; Kantelhardt, Jochen; Kirchweger, Stefan; Bartomeus, Ignasi; Bretagnolle, Vincent; Clough, Yann; Gross, Nicolas; Raemakers, Ivo; Vilà, Montserrat; Zaragoza Trello, Carlos; Kleijn, David (National Academy of Sciences, 2023)
Agricultural expansion and intensification have boosted global food production but have come at the cost of environmental ...

Temporal and Spatial Niche Complementarity in Sunflower Pollinator Communities and Pollination Function

Zaragoza Trello, Carlos; Vilà, Montserrat; Scheper, Jeroen; Badenhausser, Isabelle; Kleijn, David; Bartomeus, Ignasi (Elsevier, 2023)
One of the most invoked mechanisms mediating the positive effect of pollinator diversity on plant reproduction is pollinator's ...

Global environmental changes more frequently offset than intensify detrimental effects of biological invasions

López, Bianca E.; Allen, Jenica M.; Dukes, Jeffrey S.; Lenoir, Jonathan; Vilà, Montserrat; Blumenthal, Dana M.; Beaury, Evelyn M.; Fusco, Emily J.; Bradley, Bethany A. (National Academy of Sciences, 2022)
Human-induced abiotic global environmental changes (GECs) and the spread of nonnative invasive species are rapidly altering ...

The EICAT+ framework enables classification of positive impacts of alien taxa on native biodiversity

Vimercati, Giovanni; Probert, Anna F.; Volery, Lara; Bernardo Madrid, Rubén; Bertolino, Sandro; Cespedes, Vanessa; Essl, Franz; Evans, Thomas; González Moreno, Pablo; Vilà, Montserrat; Wilson, John R U.; Bacher, Sven (Public Library of Science, 2022)
Species introduced through human-related activities beyond their native range, termed alien species, have various impacts ...

Stopping Winter Flooding of Rice Fields to Control Invasive Snails Has no Effect on Waterbird Abundance at the Landscape Scale

Bernardo Madrid, Rubén; Vera, Pablo; Gallardo, Belinda; Vilà, Montserrat (Frontiers Media, 2022)
The invasive apple snail (Pomacea maculata) appeared in 2010 in the Ebro Delta Natural Park, an important area for rice ...

Consistency in impact assessments of invasive species is generally high and depends on protocols and impact types

Bernardo Madrid, Rubén; González Moreno, Pablo; Gallardo, Belinda; Bacher, Sven; Vilà, Montserrat (Pensoft Publishers, 2022)
Impact assessments can help prioritising limited resources for invasive species management. However, their usefulness to ...

Potential impact of four invasive alien plants on the provision of ecosystem services in Europe under present and future climatic scenarios

Pérez, Gyovanni; Vilà, Montserrat; Gallardo, Belinda (Elsevier, 2022)
Invasive alien species (IAS) are one of the main threats to biodiversity conservation, with significant socio-economic and ...

Invasion Risks and Social Interest of Non-native Woody Plants in Urban Parks of Mainland Spain

Bayón Medrano, Álvaro; Godoy, Óscar; Vilà, Montserrat (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-CSIC, 2022)
Urban parks and gardens are one of the most important pathways for the deliberate introduction of non-native plant species, ...

Base de datos de abejas ibéricas

Bartomeus, Ignasi; Lanuza, J.B.; Wood, T.J.; Carvalheiro, L.; Molina, F.P.; Collado, M.A.; Aguado Martín, L.O.; Alomar, D.; Fidalgo, M.A.; Fidalgo, P.A.; Arista Palmero, Montserrat; Pareja Bonilla, Daniel; Valverde Morillas, Francisco Javier; Vilà, Montserrat; Vinuela, E. (Asociacion Espanola de Ecologia Terrestre, 2022)
Las abejas son un grupo extremadamente diverso con más de 1000 especies descritas en la península ibérica. Además, son ...
Tesis Doctoral

Community assembly of exotic plant species across Mediterranean regions

Galán Díaz, Javier; Vilà, Montserrat; García de la Riva, Enrique (2021)
Invasions by plant species are an increasing threat which is reducing species diversity across regions, changing community ...
Tesis Doctoral

Patrones de introducción deliberada, predicción de invasiones y análisis de impactos de especies de plantas ornamentales en España

Bayón Medrano, Álvaro; Vilà, Montserrat; Godoy del Olmo, Óscar (2021)
La introducción de especies no nativas invasoras es de gran preocupación en el contexto del cambio global debido a los ...

Functional Segregation of Resource-use Strategies of Native and Invasive Plants Across Mediterranean Biome Communities

Galán Díaz, Javier; de la Riva, Enrique G.; Funk, Jennifer L.; Vilà, Montserrat (Springer Nature, 2021)
Functional segregation among species in a community depends on their mean trait values (i.e. functional distinctiveness), ...

Viewing Emerging Human Infectious Epidemics through the Lens of Invasion Biology

Vilà, Montserrat; Dunn, A. M.; Essl, F.; Gómez Díaz, E.; Hulme, P. E.; Jeschke, J. M.; Nuñez, M. A.; Ostfeld, R. S.; Pauchard, A.; Ricciardi, A.; Gallardo, B. (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Invasion biology examines species originated elsewhere and moved with the help of humans, and those species' impacts on ...

No detectable impact of parasite-infected commercial bumblebees on wild bees in areas adjacent to greenhouses despite diet overlap

Trillo, Alejandro; Bartomeus, Ignasi; Ortiz Sánchez, F. J.; Belmonte, Jordina; Vilà, Montserrat (Elsevier, 2021)
Over two million commercial bumblebee colonies are used on an annual basis to pollinate around 20 crop types worldwide. ...

Understanding the combined impacts of weeds and climate change on crops

Vilà, Montserrat; Beaury, Evelyn M.; Blumenthal, Dana M.; Bradley, Bethany A.; Early, Regan; Laginhas, Brittany B.; Trillo, Alejandro; Ibáñez, Inés (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2021)
Crops worldwide are simultaneously affected by weeds, which reduce yield, and by climate change, which can negatively or ...

Management of invasive alien species in Spain: a bibliometric review

Muñoz Mas, Rafael; Carrete, Martina; Castro Díez, Pilar; Delibes Mateos, Miguel; Jaques, Josep A.; López Darias, Marta; Nogales, Manuel; Pino, Joan; Traveset, Anna; Turon, Xavier; Vilà, Montserrat; García Berthou, Emili (Pensoft Publishers, 2021)
Scientific and grey literature on invasive alien species (IAS) is conditioned by social, economic and political priorities, ...

Proportion of non-native plants in urban parks correlates with climate, socioeconomic factors and plant traits

Bayón, Álvaro; Godoy, Oscar; Maurel, Noëlie; van Kleunen, Mark; Vilà, Montserrat (Elsevier, 2021)
Urban parks and gardens provide cultural and aesthetic services critical for human well-being. Yet, they represent one of ...

Distinct Biogeographic Phenomena Require a Specific Terminology: A Reply to Wilson and Sagoff

Essl, Franz; Dullinger, Stefan; Genovesi, Piero; Hulme, Philip E.; Jeschke, Jonathan M; Katsanevakis, Stelios; Vilà, Montserrat; Bacher, Sven (Oxford University Press, 2020)
In a recent publication, we proposed that the increasing number of range-expanding species that track human induced ...

Scientists' warning on invasive alien species

Vilà, Montserrat; Pyšek, Petr; Hulme, Philip E.; Simberloff, Dan; Bacher, Sven; Blackburn, Tim M.; Carlton, James T. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020)
Biological invasions are a global consequence of an increasingly connected world and the rise in human population size. ...

Combined Effects of Land-use Intensification and Plant Invasion on Native Communities

Gutiérrez Cánovas, C.; Sánchez Fernández, D.; González Moreno, P.; Mateos Naranjo, Enrique; Castro Díez, P.; Vilà, Montserrat (Springer Nature, 2020)
Land-use intensification (LUI) and biological invasions are two of the most important global change pressures driving ...

Applying the convention on biological diversity pathway classification to alien species in Europe

Vilà, Montserrat; Pergl, Jan; Perglová, Irena; Brundu, Giuseppe; Lozano, Vanessa; Harrower, Colin A.; Roy, Helen E.; Zenetos, Argyro (2020)
The number of alien species arriving within new regions has increased at unprecedented rates. Managing the pathways through ...

Plant community assembly in invaded recipient californian grasslands and putative donor grasslands in Spain

Galán Díaz, Javier; Riva, Enrique G. de la; Parker, Ingrid M.; Leiva Morales, María José; Bernardo Madrid, Rubén; Vilà, Montserrat (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2020)
The introduction of exotic species to new regions offers opportunities to test fundamental questions in ecology, such as ...

A conceptual map of invasion biology: Integrating hypotheses into a consensus network

Vilà, Montserrat; Enders, M.; Havemann, F; Ruland, F.; Bernard Verdier, M.; Catford, J.A.; Gómez Aparicio, Lorena (Wiley-Blackwell, 2020)
Background and aims: Since its emergence in the mid-20th century, invasion biology has matured into a productive research ...

Present and future of ecological and evolutionary research in mediterranean-type ecosystems: Conclusions from the last international mediterranean ecosystems conference

Arista Palmero, Montserrat; Arroyo Marín, Juan; Jiménez Lobato, Vania; Jiménez López, Francisco Javier; López Jurado, Javier; Olmedo Vicente, Erika; Rodríguez Castañeda, Nancy L.; Sánchez, Mercedes; Simón Porcar, Violeta; Márquez Corro, J. Ignacio; Vilà, Montserrat (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017)