NombreCárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique
DepartamentoGeometría y Topología
Área de conocimientoGeometría y Topología
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
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Proper 2–equivalences between infinite ended finitely presented groups

Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Ranja, R. (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2023)
Recall that two finitely presented groups G and H are “proper 2–equivalent” if they can be realized by finite 2–dimensional ...

Weak- Z-Structures and one-relator groups

Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael (ScienceDirect, 2022)
Motivated by the notion of boundary for hyperbolic and groups, Bestvina [2] introduced the notion of a (weak) -structure ...

A topological equivalence relation for finitely presented groups

Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Roy, R. (ScienceDirect, 2020)
In this paper, we consider an equivalence relation within the class of finitely presented discrete groups attending to ...

On manifolds with nonhomogeneous factors

Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Repovš, Dušan (Springer, 2012)
We present simple examples of finite-dimensional connected homogeneous spaces (they are actually topological manifolds) ...

One-relator groups and proper 3-realizability

Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Repovš, Dušan (European Mathematical Society, 2009)
How different is the universal cover of a given finite 2-complex from a 3-manifold (from the proper homotopy viewpoint)? ...

Amalgamated products and properly 3-realizable groups

Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael; Repovš, Dušan (Elsevier, 2007)
In this paper, we show that the class of all properly 3-realizable groups is closed under amalgamated free products (and ...

Minimal covers of open manifolds with half-spaces and the proper L-S category of product spaces

Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Fernández Lasheras, Francisco Jesús; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael (Belgian Mathematical Society, 2002)
Classical results about the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of product spaces have their analogues in the category of ...
Tesis Doctoral

La sucesión de fibración homotópica de K-teorías asociada a la localización de categorías exactas

Cárdenas Escudero, Manuel Enrique; Quintero Toscano, Antonio Rafael (2001)
En la tesis que se presenta se extienden fundamentalmente algunos resultados y metodologías de mediados de los años 80 y ...