NombreSilvero Casanova, Marithania
Área de conocimientoÁlgebra
Categoría profesionalProfesora Titular de Universidad
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Polinomio de Jones y homología de Khovanov de nudos y enlaces : versión clásica y anular

García Rodrigo, Sergio; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (2022)
Este trabajo se encuentra dentro de la Teoría de Nudos. En él, se presentan dos de los invariantes más relevantes de esta ...
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Las conjeturas de Tait

Baena Gómez, Jesús; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (2022)
In the late 19th century, Peter Guthrie Tait asserted three properties of alternating link diagrams, which are known today ...

Almost-extreme Khovanov spectra

Cantero Morán, Federico; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (Springer, 2021)
We introduce a functor from the cube to the Burnside 2-category and prove that it is equivalent to the Khovanov spectrum ...

Khovanov homotopy type, periodic links and localizations

Borodzik, Maciej; Politarczyk, Wojciech; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (Springer, 2021)
Given an m-periodic link L ⊂ S3, we show that the Khovanov spectrum XL con structed by Lipshitz and Sarkar admits a group ...

The root extraction problem for generic braids

Cumplido Cabello, María; González-Meneses López, Juan; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (MDPI, 2019)
We show that, generically, finding the k-th root of a braid is very fast. More precisely, we provide an algorithm which, ...

Extreme Khovanov spectra

Cantero Morán, Federico; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOC, 2019)
We prove that the spectrum constructed by González-Meneses, Manchón and the second author is stably homotopy equivalent to the Khovanov spectrum of Lipshitz and Sarkar at its extreme quantum grading.

A geometric description of the extreme Khovanov cohomology

González-Meneses López, Juan; González Manchón, Pedro María; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
We prove that the hypothetical extreme Khovanov cohomology of a link is the cohomology of the independence simplicial ...

Strongly quasipositive links with braid index 3 have positive Conway polynomial

Silvero Casanova, Marithania (World Scientific, 2016)
Strongly quasipositive links are those links which can be seen as closures of positive braids in terms of band generators. ...
Tesis Doctoral

On some families of links and new approaches to link homologies

Silvero Casanova, Marithania; González-Meneses López, Juan; González Manchón, Pedro María (2016)
Esta tesis se enmarca dentro de la Teoría de Nudos. En los Capítulos 1 y 2 se usan herramientas clásicas para estudiar las ...

Alexander-Conway polynomial state model and link homology

Kauffman, Louis H.; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (World Scientific Publishing, 2016)
This paper shows how the Formal Knot Theory state model for the Alexander-Conway polynomial is related to Knot Floer ...

On a conjecture by Kauffman on alternative and pseudoalternating links

Silvero Casanova, Marithania (Elsevier, 2015)
It is known that alternative links are pseudoalternating. In 1983 Louis Kauffman conjectured that both classes are identical. ...

A particular type of non-associative algebras and graph theory

Núñez Valdés, Juan; Silvero Casanova, Marithania; Villar Liñán, María Trinidad; Vasek, Vladimir; Shmaliy, Yuriy S.; Trcek, Denis; Kobayashi, Nobuhiko P.; Choras, Ryszard S.; Klos, Zbigniew (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Press, 2011)
Evolution algebras have many connections with other mathematical fields, like group theory, stochastics processes, dynamical ...

Muchos siglos antes de Hipatia ya hubo mujeres matemáticas

Núñez Valdés, Juan; Olivares Nadal, Alba Victoria; Rodríguez Lorenzo, Estrella; Silvero Casanova, Marithania (2010)
Evidentes razones mediáticas (película Ágora de 2009, biografías, documentales...), unidas a razones ciertamente científicas ...