NombreCabello Quintero, Adán
DepartamentoFísica Aplicada II
Área de conocimientoFísica Aplicada
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Experimental post-selection loophole-free time-bin and energy-time nonlocality with integrated photonics

Santagiustina, Francesco B.L.; Agnesi, Costantino; Alarcón Cuevas, Álvaro; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Xavier, Guilherme B.; Villoresi, Paolo; Vallone, Giuseppe (Optica Publishing Group, 2024)
Time-bin (TB) and energy-time (ET) entanglements are crucial resources for long-distance quantum information processing. ...

Certifying sets of quantum observables with any full-rank state

Xu, Zhen-Peng; Saha, Debashis; Bharti, Kishor; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2024)
We show that some sets of quantum observables are unique up to an isometry and have a contextuality witness that attains ...

Loophole-free Bell tests with randomly chosen subsets of measurement settings

Singh, Jaskaran; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2024)
There are bipartite quantum nonlocal correlations requiring very low detection efficiency to reach the loophole-free regime ...

Quantum contextuality, causality and freedom of choice

Abramsky, Samson; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Dzhafarov, Ehtibar N. (The Royal Society, 2024)
The theme of this issue is ‘Quantum contextuality, causality and freedom of choice.’ Contextuality, including non-locality ...

The quantum maxima for the basic graphs of exclusivity are not reachable in Bell scenarios

Porto, Lucas E. A.; Rabelo, Rafael; Terra Cunha, Marcelo; Cabello Quintero, Adán (The Royal Society, 2024)
A necessary condition for the probabilities of a set of events to exhibit Bell nonlocality or Kochen-Specker contextuality ...

Self-testing of a single quantum system from theory to experiment

Hu, Xiao-Min; Xie, Yi; Arora, Atul Singh; Ai, Ming-Zhong; Bharti, Kishor; Zhang, Jie; Wu, Wei; Chen, Ping Xing; Cui, Jin Ming; Liu, Bi-Heng; Huang, Yun-Feng; Li, Chuan-Feng; Guo, Guang-Can; Roland, Jérémie; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Kwek, Leong-Chuan (Nature Research, 2023)
Self-testing allows one to characterise quantum systems under minimal assumptions. However, existing schemes rely on quantum ...

Experimental test of high-dimensional quantum contextuality based on contextuality concentration

Liu, Zheng-Hao; Meng, Hui-Xian; Xu, Zhen-Peng; Zhou, Jie; Chen, Jing-Ling; Xu, Jin-Shi; Li, Chuan-Feng; Guo, Guang-Can; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2023)
Contextuality is a distinctive feature of quantum theory and a fundamental resource for quantum computation. However, ...

Quantum contextuality provides communication complexity advantage

Gupta, Shashank; Saha, Debashis; Xu, Zhen-Peng; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Majumdar, Archan S. (American Physical Society, 2023)
Despite the conceptual importance of contextuality in quantum mechanics, there is a hitherto limited number of applications ...

Optimal and tight Bell inequalities for state-independent contextuality sets

Gonzales Ureta, Junior Ricardo; Predojević, Ana; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2023)
Two fundamental quantum resources, nonlocality and contextuality, can be connected through Bell inequalities that are ...

Graph-theoretic approach to Bell experiments with low detection efficiency

Xu, Zhen-Peng; Steinberg, Jonathan; Singh, Jaskaran; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Cabello Quintero, Adán (Cornell University, 2023)
Bell inequality tests where the detection efficiency is below a certain threshold ηcrit can be simulated with local ...

Kochen-Specker contextuality

Budroni, Costantino; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Gühne, Otfried; Kleinmann, Matthias; Larsson, Jan-Åke (American Physical Society, 2022)
A central result in the foundations of quantum mechanics is the Kochen-Specker theorem. In short, it states that quantum ...

Exponentially decreasing critical detection efficiency for any Bell inequality

Miklin, Nikolai; Chaturvedi, Anubhav; Bourennane, Mohamed; Pawłowski, Marcin; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2022)
We address the problem of closing the detection efficiency loophole in Bell experiments, which is crucial for real-world ...

Irreducible magic sets for n-Qubit systems

Trandafir, Stefan; Lisoněk, Petr; Cabello Quintero, Adán (Physical Review Letters, 2022)
Magic sets of observables are minimal structures that capture quantum state-independent advantage for systems of n ≥ 2 ...

Graph-theoretic approach for self-testing in Bell scenarios

Bharti, Kishor; Ray, Maharshi; Xu, Zhen Peng; Hayashi, Masahito; Kwek, Leong Chuan; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2022)
Self-testing is a technology to certify states and measurements using only the statistics of the experiment. Self-testing ...

Significant loophole-free test of Kochen-Specker contextuality using two species of atomic ions

Wang, Pengfei; Zhang, Junhua; Luan, Chun-Yang; Um, Mark; Wang, Ye; Qiao, Mu; Xie, Tian; Zhang, Jing-Ning; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Kim, Kihwan (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2022)
Quantum measurements cannot be thought of as revealing preexisting results, even when they do not disturb any other ...

Ruling out real-valued standard formalism of quantum theory

Chen, Ming Cheng; Wang, Can; Liu, Feng Ming; Wang, Jian Wen; Ying, Chong; Shang, Zhong; Shang, Zhong Xia; Wu, Yulin; Gong, M.; Deng, H.; Liang, F. T.; Zhang, Qiang; Peng, Cheng Zhi; Zhu, Xiaobo; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Lu, Chao Yang; Pan, Jian Wei (American Physical Society, 2022)

Bosonic indistinguishability-dependent contextuality

Asadian, Ali; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2022)
Producing contextual correlations in sequences of measurements on single quantum systems faces two major problems. One is ...

Converting contextuality into nonlocality

Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2021)
We introduce a general method which converts, in a unified way, any form of quantum contextuality, including any form of ...

Device-independent quantum key distribution based on Bell inequalities with more than two inputs and two outputs

Gonzalez Ureta, Junior Ricardo; Predojević, Ana; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2021)
Device-independent quantum key distribution (DI-QKD) offers the strongest form of security against eavesdroppers bounded ...

Bell non-locality and Kochen-Specker contextuality: how are they connected?

Cabello Quintero, Adán (Springer, 2021)
Bell non-locality and Kochen–Specker (KS) contextuality are logically independent concepts, fuel different protocols with ...

Multidimensional entanglement generation with multicore optical fibers

Gómez, E. S.; Gómez, S.; Machuca, I.; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Pádua‬, ‪Sebastião; Walborn, Stephen P.; Lima, Gustavo (American Physical Society, 2021)
Trends in photonic quantum information follow closely the technical progress in classical optics and telecommunications. ...

Graph-theoretic approach to dimension witnessing

Ray, Maharshi; Boddu, Naresh Goud; Bharti, Kishor; Kwek, Leong Chuan; Cabello Quintero, Adán (IOP Publishing, 2021)
A fundamental problem in quantum computation and quantum information is finding the minimum quantum dimension needed for ...

Quantum randomness protected against detection loophole attacks

Mironowicz, Piotr; Cañas Cardona, Gustavo; Cariñe Catrileo, Jaime Andrés; Sepúlveda Gómez, ‪Esteban Fernando; Figueroa Barra, Johanna; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Xavier, Guilherme B.; Moreira Lima, Gustavo; Pawłowski, Marcin (Springer, 2021)
Device and semi-device-independent private quantum randomness generators are crucial for applications requiring private ...

Las medidas ideales y el problema de entender la mecánica cuántica

Cabello Quintero, Adán (Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2021)
Uno de los problemas más antiguos de la física moderna es de dónde viene la mecánica cuántica. La observación de la ...

General Bayesian theories and the emergence of the exclusivity principle

Chiribella, Giulio; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Kleinmann, Matthias; Müller, Markus P. (American Physical Society, 2020)
We address the problem of reconstructing quantum theory from the perspective of an agent who makes bets about the outcomes ...

Bell nonlocality with intensity information only

Patrick, Ari; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2020)
We address the problem of detecting bipartite Bell nonlocality whenever the only experimental information are the intensities ...

Experimental certification of sustained entanglement and nonlocality after sequential measurements

Foletto, Giulio; Calderaro, Luca; Tavakoli, Armin; Schiavon, Matteo; Picciariello, Francesco; Cabello Quintero, Adán; ; Villoresi, Paolo; Vallone, Giuseppe (American Physical Society, 2020)
Entanglement is a fundamental resource for quantum information science. However, bipartite entanglement is destroyed when ...

Tracking the dynamics of an ideal quantum measurement

Pokorny, Fabian; Zhang, Chi; Higgins, Gerard; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Kleinmann, Matthias; Hennrich, Markus (American Physical Society, 2020)
The existence of ideal quantum measurements is one of the fundamental predictions of quantum mechanics. In theory, an ideal ...

Experimental certification of an informationally complete quantum measurement in a device-independent protocol

Smania, Massimiliano; Mironowicz, Piotr; Nawareg, Mohamed; Pawłowski, Marcin; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Bourennane, Mohamed (Optical Society of America, 2020)
Minimal informationally complete positive operator-valued measures (MIC-POVMs) are special kinds of measurement in quantum ...

Weak measurements for reutilizing entanglement

Foletto, Giulio; Calderaro, Luca; Tavakoli, Armin; Schiavon, Matteo; Picciariello, Francesco; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Villoresi, Paolo; Vallone, Giuseppe (2020)
Weak measurements are a relevant tool for quantum information because they allow tuning the disturbance on the observed ...

Device-independent tests of structures of measurement incompatibility

Quintino, Marco Túlio; Budroni, Costantino; Woodhead, Erik; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Cavalcanti, Daniel (American Physical Society, 2019)
In contrast with classical physics, in quantum physics some sets of measurements are incompatible in the sense that they ...

Experimental observation of quantum contextuality beyond Bell nonlocality

Liu, Zheng-Hao; Meng, Hui-Xian; Xu, Zhen-Peng; Zhou, Jie; Ye, Sheng; Li, Qiang; Sun, Kai; Su, Hong-Yi; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Chen, Jing-Ling; Xu, Jin-Shi; Li, Chuan-Feng; Guo, Guang-Can (American Physical Society, 2019)
Bell nonlocality and quantum contextuality are two important resources which, however, behave very differently in many ...

Quantum correlations from simple assumptions

Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2019)
We address the problem of deriving the set of quantum correlations for every Bell and Kochen-Specker (KS) contextuality ...

Robust self-testing of quantum systems via noncontextuality Inequalities

Bharti, Kishor; Ray, Maharshi; Varvitsiotis, Antonios; Warsi, Naqueeb Ahmad; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Kwek, Leong Chuan (American Physical Society, 2019)
Characterizing unknown quantum states and measurements is a fundamental problem in quantum information processing. In this ...

Necessary and sufficient condition for contextuality from incompatibility

Xu, Zhen-Peng; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2019)
Measurement incompatibility is the most basic resource that distinguishes quantum from classical physics. Contextuality ...

Probing the limits of correlations in an indivisible quantum system

Malinowski, Maciej; Zhang, Chi; Leupold, Florian; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Alonso, J; Home, Jonathan (APS Publications, 2018)
We employ a trapped ion to study quantum contextual correlations in a single qutrit using the 5-observable ...

Space QUEST mission proposal: experimentally testing decoherence due to gravity

Joshi, Siddarth Koduru; Pienaar, Jacques; Ralph, Timothy C.; Cacciapuoti, Luigi; McCutcheon, Will; Rarity, John; Giggenbach, Dirk; Lim, Jin Gyu; Cabello Quintero, Adán (IOP Science, 2018)
Models of quantum systems on curved space-times lack sufficient experimental verification. Some speculative theories suggest ...

Experimental test of quantum correlations from Platonic graphs

Xiao, Ya; Xu, Zhen-Peng; Li, Qiang; Su, Hong-Yi; Sun, Kai; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Xu, Jin-Shi; Chen, Jing-Ling; Li, Chuan-Feng; Guo, Guang-Can (Optica Publishing Group, 2018)
Great effort has been made in the investigation of contextual correlations between compatible observables due to their ...

Sustained state-independent quantum contextual correlations from a single ion

Leupold, Florian; Malinowski, Maciej; Zhang, Chi; Negnevitsky, Vlad, Dr.; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Alonso, J; Home, Jonathan (American Physical Society, 2018)
We use a single trapped-ion qutrit to demonstrate the quantum-state-independent violation of noncontextuality inequalities ...

Noncontextual wirings

Amaral, Barbara; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Terra Cunha, Marcelo; Aolita, Leandro (American Physical Society, 2018)
Contextuality is a fundamental feature of quantum theory necessary for certain models of quantum computation and communication. ...

Automated quantum operations in photonic qutrits

Borges, Guilherme de Freitas; Baldijão, Roberto Dobal; Condé, João Guilherme Lara; Cabral, Jader de Souza; Marques, B.; Terra Cunha, Marcelo; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Pádua, Sebastião (American Physical Society, 2018)
We report an experimental implementation of automated state transformations on spatial photonic qutrits following the ...

Device-independent certification of two bits of randomness from one entangled bit and Gisin's elegant Bell inequality

Andersson, Ole; Badziag, Piotr; Dumitru, Irina; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2018)
We prove that as conjectured by Acín et al. [Phys. Rev. A 93, 040102(R) (2016)], two bits of randomness can be certified ...

Experimental observation of quantum state-independent contextuality under no-signaling conditions

Ya Xiao; Zhen Peng Xu; Qiang Li; Jin Shi Xu; Kai Sun; Jin Ming Cui; Zong Quan Zhou; Hong Yi Su; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Jing Ling Chen; Chuan Feng Li; Guang Can Guo (OSA Publishing, 2018)
Contextuality, the impossibility of assigning context-independent measurement outcomes, is a critical resource for quantum ...

Minimal true-implies-false and true-implies-true sets of propositions in noncontextual hidden-variable theories

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Solís, Alberto; Svozil, Karl (American Physical Society, 2018)
An essential ingredient in many examples of the conflict between quantum theory and noncontextual hidden variables (e.g., ...

Single-photon quantum contextuality on a chip

Crespi, Andrea; Bentivegna, Marco; Pitsios, Ioannis; Rusca, Davide; Poderini, Davide; Carvacho, Gonzalo; D'Ambrosio, Vincenzo; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Sciarrino, Fabio; Osellame, Roberto (American Chemical Society, 2017)
In classical physics, properties of objects exist independently of the context, i.e., whether and how measurements are ...

Proposed experiment to test fundamentally binary theories

Kleinmann, Matthias; Vértesi, Tamás; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2017)
Fundamentally binary theories are nonsignaling theories in which measurements of many outcomes are constructed by selecting ...

El puzle de la teoría cuántica. ¿Es posible zanjar científicamente el debate sobre la naturaleza del mundo cuántico?

Cabello Quintero, Adán (Prensa Científica, 2017)
La mecánica cuántica choca con algunas de nuestras intuiciones más arraigadas acerca del mundo físico. A lo largo de la ...

Maximum nonlocality in the (3,2,2) scenario

López Rosa, Sheila; Xu, Zhen-Peng; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2016)
We identify the simplest combinations of entanglement and incompatibility giving the maximum quantum violation for each ...

Experimental demonstration of the connection between quantum contextuality and graph theory

Cañas Cardona, Gustavo; Acuña Montecino, Evelyn Estrella; Cariñe Catrileo, Jaime Andrés; Figueroa Barra, Johanna; Sepúlveda Gómez, ‪Esteban Fernando; Xavier, Guilherme B.; Lima Moreira, Gustavo; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2016)
We report a method that exploits a connection between quantum contextuality and graph theory to reveal any form of quantum ...

Quantum nonlocality via local contextuality with qubit-qubit entanglement

Saha, Debashis; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Choudhary, Sujit K.; Pawłowski, Marcin (American Physical Society, 2016)
Quantum nonlocality can be revealed “via local contextuality” in qudit-qudit entangled systems with d > 2 , that is, ...

Quantum state-independent contextuality requires 13 rays

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Kleinmann, Matthias; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (IOP Science, 2016)
We show that, regardless of the dimension of the Hilbert space, there exists no set of rays revealing state-independent ...

Thermodynamical cost of some interpretations of quantum theory

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Mile Gu; Gühne, Otfried; Larsson, Jan Ake; Wiesner, Karoline (PRA, 2016)
The interpretation of quantum theory is one of the longest-standing debates in physics. Type I interpretations see quantum ...

Quantum clock synchronization with a single qudit

Tavakoli, Armin; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Zukowski, Marek; Bourennane, Mohamed (Nature Research, 2015)
Clock synchronization for nonfaulty processes in multiprocess networks is indispensable for a variety of technologies. A ...

Quantum Clock Synchronization with a Single Qudit

Tavakoli, Armin; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Zukowski, Marek; Bourennane, Mohamed (Nature Publishing Group, 2015)
Clock synchronization for nonfaulty processes in multiprocess networks is indispensable for a variety of technologies. A ...

La curiosidad y el universo.

Cabello Quintero, Adán (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2015)
Las respuestas a preguntas formuladas por niños (¿Por qué el cielo es azul? ¿Cuál es el trozo más pequeño que existe? ...

Multigraph approach to quantum non-locality

Rabelo, Rafael; Duarte, Cristhiano; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Terra Cunha, Marcelo; Cabello Quintero, Adán (IOP Publishing, 2014)
Non-contextuality (NC) and Bell inequalities can be expressed as bounds Ω for positive linear combinations S of probabilities ...
Tesis Doctoral

Quantum correlations and graphs

López Tarrida, Antonio José; Cabello Quintero, Adán (2014)
Esta tesis doctoral trata de diversos aspectos de la teoría cuántica (TC), que abarcan desde el campo de los fundamentos ...

Kochen-Specker set with seven contexts

Lisonek, Petr; Badziag, Piotr; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2014)
The Kochen-Specker (KS) theorem is a central result in quantum theory and has applications in quantum information. Its ...

All noncontextuality inequalities for the n -cycle scenario

Araújo, Mateus; Quintino, Marco Túlio; Budroni, Costantino; Terra Cunha, Marcelo; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2013)
The problem of separating classical from quantum correlations is, in general, intractable and has been solved explicitly ...

Two fundamental experimental tests of nonclassicality with qutrits

Ahrens, Johan; Amselem, Elias; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Bourennane, Mohamed (Nature Research, 2013)
We report two fundamental experiments on three-level quantum systems (qutrits). The first one tests the simplest task for ...

All-versus-nothing proof of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering

Chen, Jing-Ling; Ye, Xiang-Jun; Wu, Chunfeng; Su, Hong-Yi; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Kwek‬, ‪Leong Chuan; Oh, Choo-Hiap (Nature Research, 2013)
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is a form of quantum nonlocality intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. ...

Basic exclusivity graphs in quantum correlations

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Danielsen, Lars Eirik; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (American Physical Society, 2013)
A fundamental problem is to understand why quantum theory only violates some noncontextuality (NC) inequalities and identify ...

Experimental implementation of a Kochen-Specker Set of Quantum Tests

Cabello Quintero, Adán; D’Ambrosio, Vicenzo; Herbauts, Isabelle; Amselem, Elias; Nagali,, Eleanora; Bourennane, Mohamed; Sciarrino, Fabio (American Physical Society, 2013)
The conflict between classical and quantum physics can be identified through a series of yes-no tests onquantum systems, ...

All-Versus-Nothing Proof of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering

Chen, Jing-Ling; Ye, Xiang-Jun; Wu, Chunfeng; Su, Hong-Yi; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Kwek‬, ‪Leong Chuan; Oh, Choo-Hiap (Nature Publishing Group, 2013)
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is a form of quantum nonlocality intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. ...

Two fundamental experimental tests of nonclassicality with qutrits

Ahrens, Johan; Amselem, Elias; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Bourennane, Mohamed (Nature Publishing Group, 2013)
We report two fundamental experiments on three-level quantum systems (qutrits). The first one tests the simplest task for ...

Loophole-free bell test based on local precertification of photon’s presence

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Sciarrino, Fabio (American Physical Society, 2012)
A loophole-free violation of Bell inequalities is of fundamental importance for demonstrating quantum nonlocality and ...

Quantum social networks

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Danielsen, Lars Eirik; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (IOP Science, 2012)
We introduce a physical approach to social networks (SNs) in which each actor is characterized by a yes–no test on a ...

Loophole-Free Bell Test based on local precertification of Photon’s Presence

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Sciarrino, Fabio (American Physical Society, 2012)
A loophole-free violation of Bell inequalities is of fundamental importance for demonstrating quantumnonlocality and ...

Experimental fully contextual correlations

Amselem, Elias; Danielsen, Lars Eirik; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Bourennane, Mohamed; Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2012)
Quantum correlations are contextual yet, in general, nothing prevents the existence of even more contextual correlations. ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estados Grafo Entrelazamiento e Imposibilidad de elementos de realidad locales

Moreno Martín, María del Pilar; Cabello Quintero, Adán (2011)
Este trabajo trata de un tipo particular de estados puros de n >qubits, los estados grafo. En el Capítulo 1 se presentan ...

Extreme non-locality with one photon

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Vedral, Vlatko; França Santos, Marcelo; Heaney, Libby (2011)

Optimal preparation of graph states

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Danielsen, Lars Eirik; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (American Physical Society, 2011)
We show how to prepare any graph state of up to 12 qubits with (a) the minimum number of controlled-Z gates and (b) the ...

Memory cost of quantum contextuality

Cabello Quintero, Adán; Gühne, Otfried; Kleinmann, Matthias; Larsson, Jan Ake; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (2011)

Quantum Information and Entanglement

Fei, Shao-Ming; Albeverio, Sergio; Cabello Quintero, Adán; Jing, Naihuan; Goswami, Debashish (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2010)

Compact set of invariants characterizing graph states of up to eight qubits

Cabello Quintero, Adán; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Moreno,, Pilar; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (American Physical Society, 2009)
The set of entanglement measures proposed by Hein, Eisert, and Briegel for n-qubit graph states [Phys. Rev. A 69, 062311 ...

Entanglement in eight-qubit graph states

Cabello Quintero, Adán; López Tarrida, Antonio José; Moreno, Pilar; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón (Elsevier, 2009)
Any 8-qubit graph state belongs to one of the 101 equivalence classes under local unitary operations within the Clifford ...

Stronger two-observer all-versus-nothing violation of local realism

Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2005)
We introduce a two-observer all-versus-nothing proof of Bell’s theorem which reduces the number of required quantum ...

Proposed experiment for the quantum "Guess My Number" protocol

Cabello Quintero, Adán; López Tarrida, Antonio José (American Physical Society, 2005)
An experimental realization of the entanglement-assisted “Guess My Number” protocol for the reduction of communication ...

Two qubits of a W state violate Bell's inequality beyond Cirel'son's bound

Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2002)
It is shown that the correlations between two qubits selected from a trio prepared in a W state violate the ...

Procedimiento cuantico para distribuir claves criptograficas sin descartar datos.

Cabello Quintero, Adán (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas , 2002)
El invento es un procedimiento para distribuir claves criptográficas entre dos usuarios distantes que usan una propiedad ...

Violating bell's inequality beyond Cirel'son's bound

Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2002)
Cirel’son inequality states that the absolute value of the combination of quantum correlations appearing in the ...

Quantum key distribution in the Holevo limit

Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2000)
A theorem by Shannon and the Holevo theorem impose that the efficiency of any protocol for quantum key distribution, E , ...

Quantum key distribution without alternative measurements

Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 2000)
Entanglement swapping between Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs can be used to generate the same sequence of random bits ...

Introducción a la lógica cuántica

Cabello Quintero, Adán (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC, 2000)
En este trabajo trataremos de responder las siguientes preguntas: 1. ¿Qué entendemos por «lógica» de una teoría física? ...

No-hidden-variables proof for two spin-1/2 particles preselected and postselected in unentangled states

Cabello Quintero, Adán (American Physical Society, 1997)
It is a well-known fact that all the statistical predictions of quantum mechanics on the state of any physical system ...