NombreViezzer, Eleonora
DepartamentoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Área de conocimientoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Categoría profesionalProfesora Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Non-linear MHD investigations of high-confinement regimes without type-I ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade and JT-60SA

Cathey, Andres; Hoelzl, M.; Meier, Lorenz; Dunne, M.G.; Huijsmans, G.T.A.; Gil, L.; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Günter, S. (IOP Publishing, 2024)
Large edge localised modes (ELMs) would cause an unacceptable reduction of material lifetime in future large tokamaks due ...

Poloidal structure of the edge parallel flow in H-mode, L-mode and I-mode confinement regimes

Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cano Megías, Pilar; Cavedon, Marco; Dux, Ralph; Plank, Ulrike; Pütterich, Thomas; McKay, Kiera Anne; Rodríguez González, Alfonso; García Muñoz, Manuel (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2024)
Impurity profiles have been measured with the edge high field side (HFS) and low field side (LFS) charge exchange recombination ...

Role of the edge electric field in the resonant mode-particle interactions and the formation of transport barriers in toroidal plasmas

Anastassiou, Giorgos; Zestanakis, Panagiotis; Antonenas, Yiannis; Viezzer, Eleonora; Kominis, Yannis (Cambridge University Press, 2024)
The impact of an edge radial electric field on the particle orbits and the orbital spectrum in an axisymmetric toroidal ...

Physical insights from the aspect ratio dependence of turbulence in negative triangularity plasmas

Balestri, A.; Ball, Juliane; Coda, S.; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2024)
In this work, we study the impact of aspect ratio A = R 0 / r (the ratio of major radius R 0 to minor radius r) on the ...

Measurement of toroidal Alfvén eigenmode-driven fast-ion flows using an imaging neutral particle analyzer at ASDEX Upgrade

Rueda Rueda, José; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Schneider, P.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Domínguez, Javier; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Velarde Gallardo, Lina; Hidalgo Salaverri, Javier; Gonzalez Martin, Javier; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel (IOP Publishing, 2024)
Alfvén Eigenmodes-driven fast-ion flows have been measured for the first time at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak using an imaging ...
Tesis Doctoral

Imaging neutral particle analyzer for fast-ion transport measurements in the ASDEX upgrade tokamak

Rueda Rueda, José; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (2024)
In future fusion reactors, suprathermal particles (fast ions, FI) will play a key role in the generation of fusion power ...

NBI optimization on SMART and implications for scenario development

Podestà, M.; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Poli, F. M.; Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; Berkery, J. W.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Mancini, Alessio; Segado Fernández, Jorge; Velarde Gallardo, Lina; Kaye, S. M. (IOP Publishing, 2024)
The SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) under commissioning at the University of Seville, Spain, aims to explore confinement ...

First measurements with a Coherence Imaging Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CICERS) diagnostic at Wendelstein 7-X

López Cansino, Ramón; Perseo, V.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Kriete, D. M.; Ford, O. P.; Romba, T.; Poloskei, P. Zs (IOP Publishing, 2024)
In this work, the Coherence Imaging Spectroscopy technique is exploited for active charge exchange radiation measurements ...

First measurements of an imaging heavy ion beam probe at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Birkenmeier, G.; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Lindl, H.; Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A.; Anda, G.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Herrmann, A.; Kalis, J.; Rueda Rueda, José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Zoletnik, S. (American Institute of Physics, 2024)
The imaging heavy ion beam probe (i-HIBP) diagnostic has been successfully commissioned at ASDEX Upgrade. The i-HIBP injects ...

The radial localization of the transition from low to high confinement mode in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Cavedon, M.; Happel, T.; Hennequin, P.; Dux, R.; Höfler, K.; Plank, U.; Pütterich, T.; Stroth, U.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Wolfrum, E. (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2024)
A novel experimental method is applied to localize the initial suppression of turbulence, in the form of density fluctuations, ...

Spectrometric Performance of SiC Radiation Detectors at High Temperature

Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; García Osuna, Adrián; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Viezzer, Eleonora; Pellegrini, G.; Godignon, P.; Rafí, J. M.; Rius, G.; García López, Francisco Javier (Elsevier, 2024)
In this work, we have investigated the performance of a 4H–SiC radiation sensor in the temperature range from 25 °C to 450 ...
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Impacto de la resistividad del plasma en los equilibrios del tokamak SMART

López Jiménez, Carlos; Viezzer, Eleonora (2023)
ThePlasma Science and Fusion Technology group of the University of Sevilla is developing a new fusion device, the tokamak ...

First measurements of a scintillator-based fast-ion loss detector in reversed Ip/Bt at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Hidalgo Salaverri, Javier; Rueda Rueda, José; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Cano Megías, Pilar; Viezzer, Eleonora; García Domínguez, Javier; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; García Muñoz, Manuel; Happel, T. (Elsevier, 2023)
Fast-α losses in future fusion power plants are expected to follow the co- and counter-current directions due to the ...

Predictive simulations for plasma scenarios in the SMART tokamak

Mancini, Alessio; Velarde Gallardo, Lina; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Rivero Rodríguez, Juan Francisco; García Muñoz, Manuel; Sanchís Sánchez, Lucía; Snicker, Antti; García Domínguez, J.; Segado Fernández, Jorge; Hidalgo Salaverri, Javier; Cano Megías, Pilar; Toscano Jiménez, Manuel (Elsevier, 2023)
The SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) is a new spherical machine that is currently being constructed at the University ...
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Evaluación de las secciones eficaces de reacciones de intercambio de carga para el tokamak SMART

Pérez González, Julia; Viezzer, Eleonora (2023)
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the Gas Puff-Charge Exchange Recombination Spec troscopy (GP-CXRS), a spectroscopy ...
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MHD stability analysis of the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART)

Reyner Viñolas, Alex; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José (2023)
At the University of Seville, a significant leap forward is being pursued in the race towards achieving viable fusion ...
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Plasma Diagnostic Using Spectroscopy Techniques at the SMART Tokamak

Rodríguez González, Alfonso; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cruz Zabala, Diego José (2023)
In nuclear fusion, impurities play an important role as they influence the performance of the plasma. To measure their ...

Analysis and design of the central stack for the SMART tokamak

Segado Fernández, Jorge; Mancini, Alessio; García Domínguez, Javier; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Velarde Gallardo, Lina; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Navarro Pintado, Carlos; Agredano Torres, Manuel; Vicente Torres, P. (Elsevier, 2023)
The SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) is a new spherical machine that is currently under construction at the University ...
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Charge Exchange Reaction Rate Evaluation for Different Impurities at Moderate Temperatures

Pérez González, Julia; Viezzer, Eleonora (2023)
This bachelor thesis is dedicated to the Gas Puff-Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (GP-CXRS), a spectroscopy ...

Neoclassical Toroidal Plasma Viscosity in Bounce-transit and Drift Resonance Regimes in Tokamaks

Shaing, K.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2023)
Neoclassical toroidal plasma viscosity in the bounce-transit and drift resonance regimes is calculated using a version of ...

Prospects of Core–edge Integrated No-ELM and Small-ELM Scenarios for Future Fusion Devices

Viezzer, Eleonora; Austin, M. E.; Bernert, M.; Burrell, K. H.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Chen, X.; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Coda, S.; Faitsch, M.; Février, O.; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Solano, E. R. (Elsevier, 2023)
One of our grand challenges towards fusion energy is the achievement of a high-performance plasma core coupled to a boundary ...

Transport and acceleration mechanism of fast ions during edge localized modes in ASDEX Upgrade

Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; García Muñoz, Manuel; García Vallejo, Daniel; Gonzalez Martin, Javier; Velarde Gallardo, Lina; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2023)
Observations of enhanced fast-ion losses during edge localized modes (ELMs) have been reported in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak, ...

MHD Simulations of Formation, Sustainment and Loss of Quiescent H-mode in the All-tungsten ASDEX Upgrade

Meier, Lorenz; Hoelzl, Matthias; Cathey, Andres; Huijsmans, Guido; Viezzer, Eleonora; Dunne, Mike; van Dijk, Jan; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Lackner, Karl; Günter, Sibylle (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2023)
Periodic edge localized modes (ELMs) are the non-linear consequences of pressure-gradient-driven ballooning modes and ...
Tesis Doctoral

Characterization of main ion properties for the optimization of future fusion power plants

Cano Megías, Pilar; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Viezzer, Eleonora (2022)
In the search for a clean and sustainable energy source for our society, fusion energy emerges as a promising candidate. ...

Conceptual study for velocity space resolved thermal ion loss detection in tokamaks

Poley Sanjuán, Jesús; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora; Rueda Rueda, José; Cano Megías, Pilar; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Cruz Zabala, Diego José (AIP Publishing, 2022)
A new concept for velocity space thermal ion loss detection is presented. This diagnostic provides pitch angle resolved ...
Tesis Doctoral

Edge poloidal impurity asymmetry studies using gas puff based charge exchange recombination spectroscopy at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Cruz Zabala, Diego José; García López, Francisco Javier; Viezzer, Eleonora (2022)
Nuclear fusion, the energy source of the stars, is expected to be a clean and abundant source of energy on Earth in the ...

Disruption prediction with artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas

Vega, J.; Murari, A.; Dormido-Canto, S.; Rattá, G. A.; Gelfusa, M.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Rodríguez Ramos, M.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Jet Contributors (Nature Publishing Group, 2022)
In nuclear fusion reactors, plasmas are heated to very high temperatures of more than 100 million kelvin and, in so-called ...

Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development

Stroth, U.; Aguiam, D.; Alessi, E.; Angioni, C.; Arden, N.; Parra, R. Arredondo; Cano Megías, Pilar; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; García Muñoz, Manuel; González Martín, Javier; Rivero Rodríguez, Juan Francisco; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Sanchís Sánchez, Lucía; Van Vuuren, Anton Jansen; Viezzer, Eleonora; EUROfusion MST1 Team (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2022)
An overview of recent results obtained at the tokamak ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) is given. A work flow for predictive profile ...

Understanding JET-C quiescent phases with edge harmonic magnetohydrodynamic activity and comparison with behaviour under ITER-like wall conditioning

Brunetti, D.; Ham, C. J.; Graves, J. P.; Lazzaro, Enzo; Nowak, S.; Mariani, A.; Wahlberg, C.; Cooper, W. A.; Solano, E. R.; Saarelma, S.; Frassinetti, L.; Fontana, M.; Kleiner, A.; Ramirez, G. B.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Jet Contributors (IOP Publishing, 2022)
An analysis of edge localised mode-free (quiescent) H-mode discharges exhibiting edge harmonic magnetoydrodynamic activity ...

Commissioning of the imaging neutral particle analyser for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Rueda Rueda, José; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Schneider, P. A.; García Domínguez, Javier; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Hidalgo Salaverri, Javier; Du, X. D.; Van Zeeland, M. A.; Videla Trevin, Micaela; Van Vuuren, Anton Jansen; ASDEX Upgrade Team (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2022)
An imaging neutral particle analyser (INPA) diagnostic has been installed and commissioned at the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) ...
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Numerical simulation of Alfven waves in non uniform plasmas

Kabirov Leontieva, Daniil; Viezzer, Eleonora; Chen, Haotian (2022)
Nuclear fusion can provide a sustainable and nearly unlimited source of energy, but for it to become a viable alternative, ...

In-out charge exchange measurements and 3D modelling of diagnostic thermal neutrals to study edge poloidal impurity asymmetries

Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Plank, U.; McDermott, R. M.; Cavedon, M.; Fable, E.; Dux, R.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Pütterich, T.; Van Vuuren, Anton Jansen; García Muñoz, Manuel; García López, Francisco Javier (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2022)
A new method was developed to model the neutral population produced by the gas puff based charge exchange recombination ...

Building high accuracy emulators for scientific simulations with deep neural architecture search

Kasim, M. F.; Watson-Parris, D.; Deaconu, L.; Oliver, S.; Hatfield, P.; Froula, D. H.; Gregori, G.; Jarvis, M.; Khatiwala, S.; Korenaga, J.; Topp-Mugglestone, J.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Vinko, S. M. (IOP Publishing, 2022)
Computer simulations are invaluable tools for scientific discovery. However, accurate simulations are often slow to execute, ...

Overview of JET results for optimising ITER operation

Mailloux J.; Abid N.; Abraham K.; Abreu P.; Adabonyan O.; Adrich P.; Afanasev V.; Afzal M.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2022)
The JET 2019-2020 scientific and technological programme exploited the results of years of concerted scientific and ...
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Sensitivity of i-HIBP plasma diagnostic to density and temperature background profiles and perturbations

Rodríguez González, Alfonso; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora (2022)
Una de las regiones de inter´es en los experimentos de fusi´on actuales es la regi´on del borde del plasma. Esta regi´on ...

Characterization of scintillator screens under irradiation of low energy 133Cs ions

Toledo Garrido, J. J.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora; Birkenmeier, Gregor; Olevskaia, V.; Balden, M.; García López, Francisco Javier; Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; Rodríguez Ramos, M.; Anda, G.; Videla Trevin, Micaela; García Muñoz, Manuel (IOP Publishing, 2022)
An imaging heavy ion beam probe (i-HIBP) diagnostic, for the simultaneous measurement of plasma density, magnetic field ...

I-mode pedestal relaxation events in the Alcator C-Mod and ASDEX Upgrade tokamaks

Silvagni, D.; Terry, J. L.; McCarthy, W.; Hubbard, A. E.; Eich, T.; Faitsch, M.; Gil, L.; Golfinopoulos, T.; Grenfell, G.; Griener, M.; Happel, T.; Hughes, J. W.; Stroth, U.; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2022)
In some conditions, I-mode plasmas can feature pedestal relaxation events (PREs) that transiently enhance the energy ...
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Feasibility Study of an Imaging Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy Diagnostic for Wendelstein 7-X

López Cansino, Ramón; Viezzer, Eleonora (2022)
Impurities, which are all the ion species other than the main fuel present in a fusion plasma, play an important role in ...

Implementation of synthetic fast-ion loss detector and imaging heavy ion beam probe diagnostics in the 3D hybrid kinetic-MHD code MEGA

Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; González Martín, J.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Birkenmeier, G.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; Rueda Rueda, José; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Todo, Y. (American Institute of Physics, 2021)
A synthetic fast-ion loss (FIL) detector and an imaging Heavy Ion Beam Probe (i-HIBP) have been implemented in the 3D ...

Design and simulation of an imaging neutral particle analyzer for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Rueda Rueda, José; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Schneider, P. A.; García Domínguez, J.; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Herrmann, A.; Du, X. D.; Van Zeeland, M. A.; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Rodríguez Ramos, M. (American Institute of Physics, 2021)
An Imaging Neutral Particle Analyzer (INPA) diagnostic has been designed for the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak. The AUG INPA ...

Optimizing beam-ion confinement in ITER by adjusting the toroidal phase of the 3D magnetic fields applied for ELM control

Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Loarte, A.; Li, L.; Liu, Y. Q.; Zarzoso, D. (IOP Publishing, 2021)
The confinement of neutral beam injection (NBI) particles in the presence of n = 3 resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) ...

Coils and power supplies design for the SMART tokamak

Agredano Torres, Manuel; García Sánchez, J. L.; Mancini, Alessio; Doyle, S. J.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; Barragán-Villarejo, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier Ltd, 2021)
A new spherical tokamak, the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART), is currently being designed at the University of Seville. ...

Experimental study of the impact of ion orbit losses on the edge radial electric field at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Cano Megías, Pilar; Viezzer, Eleonora; Brzozowski, R. W.; Plank, U.; Cavedon, M.; Happel, T.; Höfler, K.; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Chacartegui, Ricardo (European Physical Society (EPS), 2021)

Progress towards a quiescent, high confinement regime for the all-metal ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Viezzer, Eleonora; Solano, E. R.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Karagianni, C.; Meyer, H.; Hobirk, J.; Bielajew, R.; Willensdorfer, M. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2021)

Characterization of edge poloidal impurity asymmetries at ASDEX Upgrade

Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Plank, U.; McDermott, R. M.; Cavedon, M.; Dux, R.; Cano Megías, Pilar; García López, Francisco Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel (European Physical Society (EPS), 2021)

Determination of the background neutral density from passive Balmer alpha CX emission at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Van Vuuren, Anton Jansen; Bogar, K.; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Cavedon, M.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Kappatou, A.; Dux, R.; Schneider, P. A.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Nishizawa, T.; García Muñoz, Manuel (European Physical Society (EPS), 2021)

Kinetic Modelling of ELM-induced Fast-ion Transport and Acceleration in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak

Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; García Muñoz, Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Snicker, Antti; Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; Chen, H.; Doyle, S. J.; García Vallejo, Daniel; González Martín, Javier; Sanchís Sánchez, Lucía; Viezzer, Eleonora (European Physical Society (EPS), 2021)

Modelling of the interaction between ELMs and fast-ions using MEGA

Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; Futatani, S.; González Martín, Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Toscano Jiménez, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco (European Physical Society (EPS), 2021)

Analysis of supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycles for a helium-cooled pebble bed blanket DEMO-like fusion power plant

Hidalgo Salaverri, Javier; Cano Megías, Pilar; Chacartegui, Ricardo; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier Ltd, 2021)
Nuclear fusion is expected to be a clean and almost-unlimited power source in the near future. The first net power ...

Beam-ion transport dependence on Magnetic Perturbations spectrum and plasma helicity in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Snicker, Antti; Gonzalez Martin, Javier; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Chen, L.; Zonca, F.; Zarzoso, D.; Suttrop, W.; Willensdorfer, M. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2021)
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Characterization of scintillators for ion detection dagnostics in nuclear fusion reactors

Videla Trevin, Micaela; Viezzer, Eleonora; Ferrer Fernández, Francisco Javier (2021)
Abstract Scintillator materials are used for ion detection diagnostics in nuclear fusion devices. These diagnostics obtain ...
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Feasibility study of a thermal ion loss detector for a magnetically confined fusion device

Poley Sanjuán, Jesús; Viezzer, Eleonora; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín (2021)
Magnetic confinement devices can be used to confine the plasma and produce fusion. These kind of devices can operate in ...

Approaching Detachment in I-mode - Response of Core Confinement and the Edge Pedestal in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak

Happel, T. ; Reinke, M. L.; Silvagni, D.; Bernert, M.; Grover, O.; Hennequin, P.; Hubbard, A. E.; Plank, U.; Trier, E.; Brida, D.; Viezzer, Eleonora (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2021)
Experiments on nitrogen assisted divertor detachment in the improved energy confinement mode (I-mode) are reported from ...
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Investigation of the separatrix ion temperature using impurity Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy

McKay, Kiera; Viezzer, Eleonora (2021)
The ion temperature of a magnetically confined plasma plays an important roll in that plasma’s ability to initiate and ...

Magnetic equilibrium design for the SMART tokamak

Doyle, S. J.; López-Aires, D.; Mancini, Alessio; Agredano Torres, Manuel; García Sánchez, J. L.; Segado Fernández, Jorge; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; García López, J; Cunningham, G. (Elsevier Ltd, 2021)
The SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) device is a new compact (plasma major radius Rgeo≥0.40 m, minor radius a≥0.20 m, ...
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Solución numérica de ecuaciones magnetohidrodinámicas 1D simplificadas

Llanes Gamonoso,José; Viezzer, Eleonora; García Muñoz, Manuel (2020)
En este trabajo nos centraremos en el uso de métodos numéricos para resolver sistemas de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales ...

Connecting the global H-mode power threshold to the local radial electric field at ASDEX Upgrade

Cavedon, M.; Birkenmeier, G.; Pütterich, T.; Ryter, F.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Wolfrum, E.; Willensdorfer, M. (IOP Publishing, 2020)
The relation between the macroscopic input power required at ASDEX Upgrade to access the H-mode Pthr and the microscopic ...

I-mode pedestal relaxation events at ASDEX Upgrade

Silvagni, D.; Eich, T.; Happel, T.; Harrer, G. F.; Griener, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Cavedon, M.; Faitsch, M.; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2020)
The I-mode confinement regime can feature small edge temperature drops that can lead to an increase in the energy deposited ...
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Caracterización del espectro de emisión del boro y nitrógeno en el reactor de fusión ASDEX Upgrade

Pérez Quinta, Samuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cruz Zabala, Diego José (2020)
El método GP-CXRS (del inglés "Gas Pu -Charge Exchange Recombination Spectros- copy") es una técnica que permite conocer ...

Mixed hydrogen-deuterium plasmas on JET ILW

King, D. B.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Balboa, I.; Baruzzo, M.; Belonohy, E.; Buchanan, J.; Weisen, H. (IOP Publishing, 2020)
A study of mixed hydrogen-deuterium H-mode plasmas has been carried out in JET-ILW to strengthen the physics basis for ...

Determination of retained tritium from ILW dust particles in JET

Ashikawa, N.; Torikai, Y.; Asakura, N.; Otsuka, T.; Widdowson, A.; Rubel, M.; Hayashi, T.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2020)
Quantitative tritium inventory in dust particles from campaigns in the JET tokamak with the carbon wall (2007–2009) and ...

Dose rates and specific activities of copper based materials irradiated during the TT plasma operation at JET

Tidikas, Andrius; Breidokaite, Simona; Slavickas, Andrius; Stankunas, Gediminas; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2020)
Before deuterium-tritium (DTE2), a new tritium campaign (TT) with the objective to validate the activities, dose rates for ...

Neural network approximated Bayesian inference of edge electron density profiles at JET

Pavone, A.; Svensson, J.; Kwak, S.; Brix, M.; Wolf, R. C; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2020)
A neural network (NN) has been trained on the inference of the edge electron density profiles from measurements of the JET ...

Global scaling of the heat transport in fusion plasmas

Moradi, Sara; Anderson, Johan; Romanelli, Michele; Kim, Hyun Tae; Jet Contributors; Viezzer, Eleonora; García Muñoz, Manuel (American Physical Society, 2020)
A global heat flux model based on a fractional derivative of plasma pressure is proposed for the heat transport in fusion ...

Dynamics of the pedestal transport during edge localized mode cycles at ASDEX Upgrade

Viezzer, Eleonora; Cavedon, M.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Fable, E.; Wolfrum, Elisabeth; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Willensdorfer, M. (IOP Publishing, 2020)
The dynamic behaviour of the ion and electron energy, particle and momentum transport measured during type-I edge localized ...

Isotope dependence of energy, momentum and particle confinement in tokamaks

Weisen, H.; Maggi, C. F.; Oberparleiter, M.; Casson, F. J.; Camenen, Y.; Menmuir, S.; Viezzer, Eleonora (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
The isotope dependence of plasma transport will have a significant impact on the performance of future D-T experiments in ...
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Optimization of the plasma start-up of the Seville spherical tokamak (SMART)

Poley Sanjuán, Jesús; Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; Viezzer, Eleonora (2020)
The SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) is currently being designed by the Plasma Science and Fusion Technology Group (PSFT) ...

Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade

Meyer, H.; Aguiam, D.; Angioni, C.; Albert, C.G.; Arden, N.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Gonzalez Martin, Javier; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Rodriguez Ramos, María José; Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; Viezzer, Eleonora; Meyer, H. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
The ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) programme, jointly run with the EUROfusion MST1 task force, continues to significantly enhance the ...

Interpretative and predictive modelling of Joint European Torus collisionality scans

Eriksson, F.; Fransson, E.; Oberparleiter, M.; Nordman, H.; Strand, P.; Jet Contributors; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Eriksson, F. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
Transport modelling of Joint European Torus (JET) dimensionless collisionality scaling experiments in various operational ...

Physics research on the TCV tokamak facility: from conventional to alternative scenarios and beyond

Coda, S.; Agostini, M.; Albanese, R.; Alberti, S.; Alessi, E.; Jet Contributors; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Coda, S. et al (IOP Publishing, 2019)
The research program of the TCV tokamak ranges from conventional to advanced-tokamak scenarios and alternative divertor ...

Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium–tritium operation with the ITER like-wall

Joffrin, E.; Abduallev, S.; Abhangi, M.; Abreu, P.; Afanasev, V.; Jet Contributors; Viezzer, Eleonora; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; García Muñoz, Manuel; Joffrin, E. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
For the past several years, the JET scientific programme (Pamela et al 2007 Fusion Eng. Des. 82 590) has been engaged in ...

Dependence on plasma shape and plasma fueling for small ELM regimes in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade

Labit, B.; Eich, T.; Harrer, G.; Wolfrum, E.; Bernert, M.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; Cano Megías, Pilar; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García López, Francisco Javier; Gonzalez Martin, Javier; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Sanchís Sánchez, Lucía; Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; Toscano Jiménez, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (2019)
Within the EUROfusion MST1 Work Package, a series of experiments has been conducted on AUG and TCV devices to disentangle ...

Isotope identity experiments in JET-ILW with H and D L-mode plasmas

Maggi, C.F.; Weisen, H.; Casson, F.J.; Auriemma, F.; Lorenzini, R.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora; Maggi, C. F. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
NBI-heated L-mode plasmas have been obtained in JET with the Be/W ITER-like wall (JETILW) in H and D, with matched profiles ...

Impact of fast ions on density peaking in JET: fluid and gyrokinetic modeling

Eriksson, F.; Oberparleiter, M.; Skyman, A.; Nordman, H.; Strand, P.; Jet Contributors; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2019)
The effect of fast ions on turbulent particle transport, driven by ion temperature gradient (ITG)/ trapped electron mode ...

Deposition of impurity metals during campaigns with the JET ITER-like Wall

Widdowson, A.; Coad, J.P.; Alves, E.; Baron-Wiechec, A.; Catarino, N.; Jet Contributors; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2019)
Post mortem analysis shows that mid and high atomic number metallic impurities are present in deposits on JET plasma facing ...

First mirror test in JET for ITER: Complete overview after three ILW campaigns

Sunwoo Moon; Petersson, P.; Fortuna, E.; Widdowson, A.; Jachmich, S.; Jet Contributors; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (ELSEVIER, 2019)
The First Mirror Test for ITER has been carried out in JET with mirrors exposed during (1) the third IIW campaign (11.W-3, ...

Investigation of deuterium trapping and release in the JET ITER-like wall divertor using TDS and TMAP

Likonen, J.; Heinola, K.; Backer, A. de; Baron-Wiechec, A.; Catarino, N.; Jet Contributors; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (ELSEVIER, 2019)
Selected set of samples from JET TER-Like Wall (JET-ILW) divertor tiles exposed both in 20132014 and 20112014 has been ...

Modelling of the effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W divertor of JET

Heinola, K.; Ahlgren, T.; Brezinsek, S.; Vuoriheimo, T.; Wiesen, S.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2019)
Effect of ELMs on fuel retention at the bulk W target of JET ITER-Like Wall was studied with multi-scale calculations. ...

The effect of beryllium oxide on retention in JET ITER-like wall tiles

Makepeace, C.; Pardanaud, C.; Roubin, P.; Borodkina, I.; Ayres, C.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2019)
Preliminary results investigating the microstructure, bonding and effect of beryllium oxide formation on retention in the ...

Dynamic modelling of local fuel inventory and desorption in the whole tokamak vacuum vessel for auto-consistent plasma-wall interaction simulations

Denis, J.; Bucalossi, J.; Ciraolo, G.; Hodille, E.A.; Pégourié, B.; Jet Contributors; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2019)
An extension of the SolEdge2D-EIRENE code package, named D-WEE, has been developed to add the dynamics of thermal desorption ...

Comparison of the structure of the plasma-facing surface and tritium accumulation in beryllium tiles from JET ILW campaigns 2011-2012 and 2013-2014

Pajuste, E.; Kizane, G.; Igaune, I.; Avotina, L.; Jet Contributors; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (ELSEVIER, 2019)
In this study, beryllium tiles from Joint European Torus (JET) vacuum vessel wall were analysed and compared regarding ...

RF sheath modeling of experimentally observed plasma surface interactions with the JET ITER-Like Antenna

Křivská, A.; Bobkov, V.; Colas, L.; Dumortier, P.; Durodié, F.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2019)
Waves in the Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) enhance local Plasma-Surface Interactions (PSI) near the wave ...

Improved ERO modelling of beryllium erosion at ITER upper first wall panel using JET-ILW and PISCES-B experience

Borodin, D.; Romazanov, J.; Pitts, R.A.; Lisgo, S.W.; Brezinsek, S.; Jet Contributors; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2019)
ERO is a 3D Monte-Carlo impurity transport and plasma-surface interaction code. In 2011 it was applied for the ITER first ...

Investigation of deuterium trapping and release in the JET divertor during the third ILW campaign using TDS

Likonen, J.; Heinola, K.; Backer, A. de; Baron-Wiechec, A.; Catarino, N.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2019)
Selected set of samples from JET ITER-Like Wall (JET-ILW) divertor tiles exposed in 2015–2016 has been analysed using ...

EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of the influence of isotope effects and anomalous transport coefficients on near scrape-off layer radial electric field

Chankin, A.V.; Corrigan, G.; Maggi, C.F.; Jet Contributors; García Muñoz, Manuel; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2019)
EDGE2D-EIRENE (the ‘code’) simulations show that radial electric field, Er, in the near scrape-off layer (SOL) of tokamaks ...

Electron temperature fluctuation measurements in the pedestal of improved confinement regimes at ASDEX Upgrade

Bielajew, R.; Conway, G. D.; Gil, L.; Hubbard, A. E.; Molina Cabrera, P. A.; Silvagni, D.; Viezzer, Eleonora; White, A. E. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)

SOLPS 5.0 simulations of the high-field side divertor detachment of L-mode plasmas in ASDEX upgrade with convection-dominated radial SOL transport

Karhunen, Juuso; Groth, Mathias; Coster, D. P.; Carralero, D.; Guimarãis, Luís; Nikolaeva, V. E.; Potzel, S.; Pütterich, T.; Reimold, F.; Scarabosio, Andrea; Viezzer, Eleonora; Wischmeier, Marco (Elsevier, 2019)
SOLPS 5.0 simulations assuming convection-dominated radial ion transport show qualitative and quantitative agreement with ...

Non-linear modeling of the threshold between ELM mitigation and ELM suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in ASDEX upgrade

Orain, F.; Hoelzl, M.; Mink, F.; Willensdorfer, M.; Bécoulet, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Günter, S.; Huijsmans, G.; Lackner, K.; Pamela, S.; Suttrop, W.; Viezzer, Eleonora (American Institute of Physics, 2019)
The interaction between Edge-Localized Modes (ELMs) and Resonant Magnetic Perturbations (RMPs) is modeled with the ...

Heat transport driven by the ion temperature gradient and electron temperature gradient instabilities in ASDEX Upgrade H-modes

Ryter, F.; Angioni, C.; Dunne, M. G.; Fischer, R.; Kurzan, B.; Lebschy, A.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Willensdorfer, M. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
A study of the properties of the turbulence-driven ion and electron heat fluxes, is presented. Dedicated H-mode experiments ...

Upgrade of the edge Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy system at the High Field Side of ASDEX Upgrade

Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Griener, M.; Plank, U.; Cavedon, M.; Cano Megías, Pilar; García López, Francisco Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Rohde, V. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
The upgrade of the high field side (HFS) edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) system of ASDEX Upgrade ...

On the ion and electron temperature recovery after the ELM-crash at ASDEX upgrade

Cavedon, M.; Dux, R.; Putterich, T.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Wolfrum, E.; Dunne, M. G.; Willensdorfer, M. (Elsevier, 2019)
The access to fast measurements, i.e. Δt ≈ 100 µs, of the ions and the electrons during an entire edge localized cycle ...

Non-linear hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations of ELMs in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Domínguez-Palacios Durán, Jesús José; González Martín, Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Toscano Jiménez, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora; Futatani, S.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Hoelzl, M.; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; Suzuki, Y.; Todo, Y. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)

An imaging heavy ion beam probe diagnostic for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Birkenmeier, G.; Olevskaia, V.; Sochor, M.; Anda, G.; Bald, K.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Viezzer, Eleonora; Stroth, U. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)

Characterisation of the fast-ion edge resonant transport layer induced by 3D perturbative fields in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak through full orbit simulations

Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; García Muñoz, Manuel; Snicker, Antti; Ryan, D. A.; Zarzoso, D.; Chen, L.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Viezzer, Eleonora; Zonca, F. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
In recent experiments at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak the existence of an Edge Resonant Transport Layer (ERTL) was revealed ...

Poloidal impurity asymmetry studies using the upgraded high field side edge CXRS diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade

Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cavedon, M.; Cano Megías, Pilar; Plank, U.; Dux, R.; García López, Francisco Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Pütterich, T. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)

Effect of fuel isotope mass on q-profile formation in JET hybrid plasmas

Challis, C.; Brezinsek, S.; Coffey, I.; Hawkes, N.; Keeling, D.; King, D.; Pucella, G.; Viezzer, Eleonora (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)

Assessment of the current density evolution during an ELM cycle using beam emission polarimetry at ASDEX Upgrade

Dux, R.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Fischer, R. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)

Stationarity of I-mode operation and I-mode divertor heat fluxes on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Happel, T.; Griener, M.; Silvagni, D.; Freethy, S. J.; Hennequin, P.; Janky, F.; Viezzer, Eleonora (Elsevier, 2019)
Recent I-mode investigations from the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak are reported. It is shown that neutral-beam-injection heated ...

Observation of accelerated beam ion population during edge localized modes in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; McClements, K. G.; Nocente, M.; Denk, S. S.; Freethy, S.; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; Viezzer, Eleonora; Willensdorfer, M. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
The interaction between fast-ions and edge localized modes (ELMs) is investigated by means of fast-ion loss detector ...
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Simulations of Eddy currents in the Seville spherical tokamak

López Aires, Daniel; Soria del Hoyo, Carlos; Viezzer, Eleonora (2019)
Achieving controlled nuclear fusion on Earth could be a decisive aspect on the climate change ght. It is also an exciting ...

Beam modelling and hardware design of an imaging heavy ion beam probe for ASDEX Upgrade

Birkenmeier, G.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Olevskaia, V.; Sochor, M.; Kaunert, K.; Anda, G.; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Viezzer, Eleonora; García Muñoz, Manuel (IOP Publishing, 2019)
The imaging heavy ion beam probe (i-HIBP) developed at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak is a new diagnostic concept for investigations ...

Inner versus outer E×B shear layer: an attempt to radially localize the L-H transition

Cavedon, M.; Dux, R.; Happel, T.; Hennequin, P.; Plank, U.; Pütterich, T.; Ryter, F.; Stroth, U.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Wolfrum, E. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2019)

Feasibility study for an edge main ion charge exchange recombination spectroscopy system at ASDEX Upgrade

Cano Megías, Pilar; Viezzer, Eleonora; Van Vuuren, Anton Jansen; Cavedon, M.; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Dux, R.; Geiger, B.; García Muñoz, Manuel; Chacartegui, Ricardo (IOP Publishing, 2019)
A feasibility study for a new edge main ion charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (CXRS) system at the ASDEX Upgrade ...

Understanding helium transport: experimental and theoretical investigations of low-Z impurity transport at ASDEX Upgrade

Kappatou, A.; McDermott, R. M.; Angioni, C.; Manas, P.; Pütterich, T.; Dux, R.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Tardini, G. (IOP Publishing, 2019)
The presence of helium is fundamentally connected to the performance of a fusion reactor, as fusion-produced helium is ...
Tesis Doctoral

Velocity-space resolved measurements of fast-ion losses due to magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak.

Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (2018)
The confinement of suprathermal ions in magnetically confined fusion plasmas is essential to ensure a good fusion performance. ...
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Deposición y caracterización de materiales centelladores para su utilización en el detector FILD.

Toledo Garrido, Juan José; Viezzer, Eleonora; García Muñoz, Manuel (2018)
La fusión nuclear se muestra como una posible opción de fuente de energ´ıa. Esta estaría bien distribuida globalmente y ...
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Orbit simulations of fast-ion transport induced by externally applied 3D magnetic perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak.

González Rosa, Jesús; Viezzer, Eleonora; García Muñoz, Manuel (2018)
Externally applied 3D magnetic perturbations break the symmetry of the magnetic field in a tokamak and have an impact on ...

Evaluation of impurity densities from charge exchange recombination spectroscopy measurements at ASDEX Upgrade

McDermott, R. M.; Dux, R.; Pütterich, T.; Geiger, B.; Kappatou, A.; Lebschy, A.; Bruhn, C.; Cavedon, M.; Frank, A.; Harder, N. den; Viezzer, Eleonora (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2018)
At ASDEX upgrade (AUG) a new framework for the evaluation of impurity densities based on measurements from charge exchange ...
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Non-linear magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulations of the stability in tokamaks

Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (2018)
Plasma physics plays a fundamental role in fusion technology research. However, the main equations governing the plasma ...

Beam-Ion Acceleration during Edge Localized Modes in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak

Galdón-Quiroga, J.; García Muñoz, Manuel; McClements, K.G.; Nocente, M.; Hoelzl, M.; Jacobsen, A.S.; Orain, F.; Ribero-Rodríguez, J.F.; Salewski, M.; Sanchis-Sánchez, L.; Suttrop, W.; Viezzer, Eleonora (American Physical Society, 2018)
The acceleration of beam ions during edge localized modes (ELMs) in a tokamak is observed for the first time through direct ...
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Feasibility study for a new imaging neutral particle analyser in the asdex upgrade tokamak

Rueda Rueda, José; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (2018)
Magnetically confined fusion plasmas are the prior candidate to achieve an operative fusion power plant. The confinement ...

A forward model for the helium plume effect and the interpretation of helium charge exchange measurements at ASDEX Upgrade

Kappatou, A.; McDermott, R. M.; Pütterich, T.; Dux, R.; Geiger, B.; Jaspers, R. J. E.; Donné, A. J. H.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Cavedon, M. (IOP Science, 2018)
The analysis of the charge exchange measurements of helium is hindered by an additional emission contributing to the ...

Divertor, scrape-off layer and pedestal particle dynamics in the ELM cycle on ASDEX Upgrade

Laggner, F. M.; Keerl, S.; Gnilsen, J.; Wolfrum, E.; Bernert, M.; Carralero, D.; Guimarais, L.; Nikolaeva, V.; Potzel, S.; Cavedon, M.; Mink, F.; Dunne, M. G.; Birkenmeier, G.; Fischer, R.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Willensdorfer, M.; Wischmeier, M.; Aumayr, F. (IOP Publishing, 2018)
In addition to the relaxation of the pedestal, edge localised modes (ELMs) introduce changes to the divertor and scrape-off ...

Acceleration of beam ions during edge localized modes in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; McClements, K. G.; Nocente, M.; Denk, S. S.; Freethy, S.; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; Viezzer, Eleonora; Willensdorfer, M. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2018)

Experimental conditions for suppressing Edge Localised Modes by magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade

Suttrop, W.; Kirk, A.; Bobkov, V.; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Leuthold, N.; McDermott, R. M.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Willensdorfer, M. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2018)

Access and sustainment of naturally ELM-free and small-ELM regimes

Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2018)
Edge localized modes (ELMs) have a detrimental effect on the plasma facing components and pose one of the most serious ...

Non-Linear 3D Hybrid Kinetic-MHD Simulations of Alfvén Eigenmodes in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak

González Martín, Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Todo, Y.; Sharapov, S. E.; Dunne, M. G.; Igochine, V.; Oyola Domínguez, Pablo; Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; Viezzer, Eleonora; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Domínguez Abascal, Jaime (European Physical Society (EPS), 2018)

Ion heat transport dynamics during edge localized mode cycles at ASDEX Upgrade

Viezzer, Eleonora; Cavedon, M.; Fable, E.; Laggner, F. M.; McDermott, R. M.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Cano Magias, Pilar; Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Wolfrum, E. (IOP Publishing, 2018)
The edge ion heat transport is analyzed in ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) by combining a comprehensive set of pedestal measurements ...

Effects of density gradients and fluctuations at the plasma edge on ECEI measurements at ASDEX Upgrade

Vanovac, B.; Wolfrum, E.; Denk, S. S.; Mink, F.; Laggner, F. M.; Birkenmeier, G.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Luhmann, N. C. (IOP Publishing, 2018)
Electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) provides measurements of electron temperature (Te) and its fluctuations (δTe). ...

Qualification and implementation of line ratio spectroscopy on helium as plasma edge diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade

Griener, M.; Muñoz Burgos, J.M.; Cavedon, M.; Birkenmeier, G.; Dux, R.; Kurzan, B.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Wolfrum, E. (IOP Publishing, 2018)
A new thermal helium beam diagnostic has been implemented as plasma edge diagnostic at the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak. ...

Experimental conditions to suppress edge localised modes by magnetic perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Suttrop, W.; Kirk, A.; Bobkov, V.; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M. G.; McDermott, R. M.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Willensdorfer, M. (IOP Publishing, 2018)
Access conditions for full suppression of edge localised modes (ELMs) by magnetic perturbations (MP) in low density high ...

Velocity-space sensitivity and tomography of scintillator-based fast-ion loss detectors

Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Salewski, M.; Jacobsen, A.S.; Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; García López, Francisco Javier; González Martín, Javier; Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2018)
A simple model for the instrument function of scintillator-based fast-ion loss detectors (FILD) has been developed which ...

Extensions to the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic suite at ASDEX Upgrade

McDermott, R. M.; Lebschy, A.; Geiger, B.; Bruhn, C.; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Dux, R.; Fischer, R.; Kappatou, A.; Pütterich, T.; Viezzer, Eleonora (AIP Publishing, 2017)
A new core charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic has been installed in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak that is ...

Pedestal and Er profile evolution during an edge localized mode cycle at ASDEX Upgrade

Cavedon, M.; Pütterich, T.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Laggner, F. M.; Burckhart, A.; Dunne, M. G.; Fischer, R.; Lebschy, A.; Mink, F.; Stroth, U.; Willensdorfer, M.; Wolfrum, E. (IOP Publishing, 2017)
The upgrade of the edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade has enabled highly spatially ...

The I-mode confinement regime at ASDEX Upgrade: global propert ies and characterization of strongly intermittent density fluctuations

Happel, T.; Manz, P.; Ryter, F.; Bernert, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Hennequin, P.; Hetzenecker, A.; Stroth, U.; Conway, G. D.; Guimarais, L.; Honoré, C.; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2017)
Properties of the I­mode confinement regime on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak are summarized. A weak dependence of the power ...

Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution

Meyer, H.; Eich, T.; Beurskens, M.; Coda, S.; Hakola, A.; Martin, P.; Barrera, L.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García López, Francisco Javier; García Muñoz, Manuel; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Sanchis-Sánchez, L.; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2017)
Integrating the plasma core performance with an edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) that leads to tolerable heat and particle ...

The effect of helium on plasma performance at ASDEX Upgrade and JET

Kappatou, A.; Angioni, C.; Sips, A. C. C.; Lerche, E.; Pütterich, T.; Dunne, M. G.; Neu, R.; Giroud, C.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Bernert, M. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2017)
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Characterization of the ion pedestal in low and high collisionality plasmas

Cruz Zabala, Diego José; Viezzer, Eleonora (2017)
The high confinement mode (H-mode) is a very important regime for future fusion devices. In this regime, the global ...

Mixed Hydrogen-Deuterium plasmas on JET ILW: H-mode confinement and isotope mixture control

King, D. B.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Baruzzo, M.; Belonohy, E.; Buchanan, J.; Carvalho, I.; Weisen, H. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2017)

Effects of strong density fluctuations at the plasma edge on ECEI measurements at ASDEX Upgrade

Vanovac, B.; Wolfrum, E.; Denk, S. S.; Mink, F.; Laggner, F. M.; Birkenmeier, G.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Luhmann, N. C. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2017)

I-mode studies at ASDEX Upgrade: L-I and I-H transitions, pedestal and confinement properties

Ryter, F.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, C.; Happel, T.; McDermott, R. M.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Wolfrum, E.; Barrera Orte, L.; Bernert, M.; Burckhart, A.; Graça, S. da; Kurzan, B.; McCarthy, P.; Pütterich, T.; Suttrop, W.; Willensdorfer, M. (IOP Publishing, 2017)
The I-mode is a plasma regime obtained when the usual L-H power threshold is high, e.g. with unfavourable ion B ∇ ...

Low-Z impurity transport studies using CXRS at ASDEX Upgrade

Bruhn, C.; McDermott, R. M.; Lebschy, A.; Dux, R.; Angioni, C.; Manas, P.; Viezzer, Eleonora (European Physical Society (EPS), 2017)
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Impact of externally applied 3D fields on plasma rotation and correlation to particle losses

Cano Megías, Pilar; Viezzer, Eleonora (2017)
El modo de alto confinamiento (H-mode) está considerado como el modo de operación óptimo para futuros dispositivos de fusión ...

Full suppression of Edge Localised Modes with non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations at low plasma edge collisionality in ASDEX Upgrade

Suttrop, W.; Kirk, A.; Nazikian, R.; Bobkov, V.; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Willensdorfer, M. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2017)

A fast edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy system at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Cavedon, M.; Pütterich, T.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Dux, R.; Geiger, B.; McDermott, R. M.; Meyer, H.; Stroth, U. (AIP Publishing, 2017)
In this work, a new type of high through-put Czerny-Turner spectrometer has been developed which allows us to acquire ...

Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results

Kallenbach, A.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Sanchis-Sánchez, L.; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2017)
The ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) programme is directed towards physics input to critical elements of the ITER design and the ...

The role of radial electric field and neoclassical transport in the establishment and sustainment of the edge transport barrier in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Cavedon, M.; Pütterich, T.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Birkenmeier, G.; Dunne, M. G.; Dux, R.; Fable, E.; Happel, T.; Laggner, F. M.; Wolfrum, E. (European Physical Society (EPS), 2017)

Overview of the JET results in support to ITER

Litaudon, X.; Abduallev, S.; Abhangi, M.; Abreu, P.; Afzal, M.; Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; García Muñoz, Manuel; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2017)
The 2014–2016 JET results are reviewed in the light of their significance for optimising the ITER research plan for the ...

Conceptual design of a scintillator based Imaging Heavy Ion Beam Probe for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

Galdón Quiroga, Joaquín; Rivero Rodriguez, Juan Francisco; García Muñoz, Manuel; Birkenmeier, Gregor; Viezzer, Eleonora; Ayllón Guerola, Juan Manuel; Dunne, M. G.; García López, Francisco Javier; González Martín, J.; Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; Rodríguez Ramos, M.; Sanchís Sánchez, Lucía; Wolfrum, Elisabeth; ASDEX Upgrade Team (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017)
A conceptual design of a new diagnostic for the simultaneous space and time resolved measurement of plasma density, potential ...

Investigation of inter-ELM ion heat transport in the H-mode pedestal of ASDEX Upgrade plasmas

Viezzer, Eleonora; Fable, E.; Cavedon, M.; Angioni, C.; Dux, R.; Laggner, F. M.; Bernert, M.; Burckhart, A.; McDermott, R. M.; Pütterich, T.; Ryter, F.; Willensdorfer, M.; Wolfrum, E. (IOP Publishing, 2017)
The ion heat transport in the pedestal of H-mode plasmas is investigated in various H-mode discharges with different ...

Edge momentum transport by neutrals: an interpretive numerical framework

Omotani, J.T.; Newton, S.L.; Pusztai, I.; Viezzer, Eleonora; Fülöp, T. (IOP Publishing, 2017)
Due to their high cross-field mobility, neutrals can contribute to momentum transport even at the low relative densities ...

A new beam emission polarimetry diagnostic for measuring the magnetic field line angle at the plasma edge of ASDEX Upgrade

Viezzer, Eleonora; Dux, R.; Dunne, M. G. (AIP Publishing, 2016)
A new edge beam emission polarimetry diagnostic dedicated to the measurement of the magnetic field line angle has been ...

Recent ASDEX Upgrade research in support of ITER and DEMO

Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team; EUROfusion MST1 Team; García Muñoz, Manuel; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Sanchis Sánchez, Lucía; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2015)
Recent experiments on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak aim at improving the physics base for ITER and DEMO to aid the machine design ...

Fast-ion redistribution and loss due to edge perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks

García Muñoz, Manuel; Äkäslompolo, S.; Asunta, O.; Boom, J. E.; Chen, X.; Classen, I. G. J.; Rodríguez Ramos, Mauricio; Viezzer, Eleonora; Wolfrum, E. (IOP Publishing, 2013)
The impact of edge localized modes (ELMs) and externally applied resonant and non-resonant magnetic perturbations (MPs) ...

Fast-ion redistribution and loss due to edge perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks

García Muñoz, Manuel; Akaslompolo, S.; Asunta, O.; Boom, J. E.; Chen, X.; Classen, I. G. J.; Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio; Viezzer, Eleonora (IOP Publishing, 2013)
The impact of edge localized modes (ELMs) and externally applied resonant and non-resonant magnetic perturbations (MPs) ...