NombreMiró Recio-Mensaque, Juan Miguel
Área de conocimientoZoología
Categoría profesionalAcceso Margarita Salas (USE)
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The hyperturbid mesotidal Guadalquivir estuary during an extreme turbidity event: Identifying potential management strategies

Megina Martínez, César; Donázar Aramendía, Iñigo Javier; Miró Recio-Mensaque, Juan Miguel; García Lafuente, Jesús; García Gómez, José Carlos (Elsevier, 2023)
The Guadalquivir estuary (SW Iberian Peninsula) is a mesotidal system within a Mediterranean climatic region. It experiences ...

Mechanisms for longitudinal transport on early life stages in benthic-pelagic fishes within a tide-dominated estuary

Miró Recio-Mensaque, Juan Miguel; Megina Martínez, César; Garel, Erwan; Donázar Aramendía, Iñigo Javier; Olaya Ponzone, Liliana; García Gómez, José Carlos (Elsevier, 2022)
Mechanisms that control the longitudinal transport of larvae and juveniles in nursery grounds such as estuaries are reported ...

Effects of maintenance dredging on the macrofauna of the water column in a turbid estuary

Miró Recio-Mensaque, Juan Miguel; Megina Martínez, César; Donázar Aramendía, Iñigo Javier; García Gómez, José Carlos (Elsevier, 2022)
Many human activities in or near aquatic habitats generate alterations in their environmental conditions, which could ...
Tesis Doctoral

Spatio-temporal dynamic of the early life stages of fishassemblagesin the Guadalquivir estuary. Responses to anthropic and natural disturbances

Miró Recio-Mensaque, Juan Miguel; García Gómez, José Carlos; Megina Martínez, César (2021)
Estuarine environments are regions at the interface of riverine and marine systems and are critical habitats for many ...

Metabolic and Stress Responses in Senegalese Soles (Solea senegalensis Kaup) Fed Tryptophan Supplements: Effects of Concentration and Feeding Period

Herrera, Marcelino; Miró Recio-Mensaque, Juan Miguel; Giráldez, Inmaculada; Salamanca, Natalia; Martos Sitcha, Juan A.; Mancera, Juan M.; López, José R. (MDPI, 2019)
The objective of this study was to assess the impact of different dietary Trp concentrations on the stress and metabolism ...

Human pressures on two estuaries of the Iberian Peninsula are reflected in food web structure

Donázar Aramendía, Iñigo Javier; Sánchez Moyano, Juan Emilio; García Asencio, Isabel; Miró Recio-Mensaque, Juan Miguel; Megina Martínez, César; García Gómez, José Carlos (Nature Research, 2019)
As a result of the increased urban and agricultural development in coastal environments, estuaries are among the most ...