NombreBorrego Núñez, Diana
DepartamentoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimientoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Categoría profesionalProfesora Contratada Doctora
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Feature models to boost the vulnerability management process

Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Márquez Trujillo, Antonio Germán (Elsevier Inc., 2023)
Vulnerability management is a critical and very challenging process that allows organisations to design a procedure to ...
Tesis Doctoral

Evidencias empíricas en el proceso de enseñanza de la programación. Una aproximación usando ALICE en el contexto universitario

Vinueza Morales, Mariuxi; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe; Borrego Núñez, Diana (2022)
Aprender a programar es una de las habilidades fundamentales para los estudiantes relacionados con el área de la informática. ...

Feature models to boost the vulnerability management process

Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Márquez Trujillo, Antonio Germán (Elsevier, 2022)
Vulnerability management is a critical and very challenging process that allows organisations to design a procedure to ...

Empirical Evidence of the Usage of Programming Languages in the Educational Process

Vinueza Morales, Mariuxi; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Galindo Duarte, José Ángel; Benavides Cuevas, David Felipe (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
Contribution: A systematic literature review on the empirical evidence regarding the usage of programming languages for ...

Self-Adaptative Troubleshooting for to Guide Resolution of Malfunctions in Aircraft Manufacturing

Ramos Gutiérrez, Belén; Gómez López, María Teresa; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Barea, Antonio (IEEE Computer Society, 2021)
The increasing complexity of systems and the heterogeneous origin of the possible malfunctions bring about the necessity ...

Multi-criteria decision analysis for non-conformance diagnosis: A priority-based strategy combining data and business rules

Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael (Elsevier, 2021)
Business process analytics and verification have become a major challenge for companies, especially when process data is ...

Prognosis of multiple instances in time-aware declarative business process models

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael (Elsevier, 2020)
Technological evolution, heading for industry 4.0, makes companies tend to automate their managementand operation, ideally ...

Problem Generalization for Designing Recursive Algorithms

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Barba Rodríguez, Irene; Toro Bonilla, Miguel; Valle Sevillano, Carmelo del (Springer, 2020)
This paper focuses on the difficulty for university students to acquire, within computational thinking, the skills to solve ...
Capítulo de Libro

Diagnosing Business Processes

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Escobet, Teresa; Bregon, Anibal; Pulido, Belarmino; Puig, Vicenç (Springer, 2019)

A Usage Control Model Extension for the Verification of Security Policies in Artifact-Centric Business Process Models

Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael (Springer, 2016)
Artifact-centric initiatives have been used in business processes whose data management is complex, being the simple ...

Computing alignments with constraint programming : the acyclic case

Gómez López, María Teresa; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Carmona, Josep; Martínez Gasca, Rafael (CEUR-WS.Org, 2016)
Conformance checking confronts process models with real process executions to detect and measure deviations between ...

Hybrid Diagnosis Applied to Multiple Instances in Business Processes

Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael (Springer, 2016)
Business Process compliance is an important issue in control flow and data-flow perspectives. Control-flow correctness can ...

Automating correctness verification of artifact-centric business process models

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Gómez López, María Teresa (Elsevier, 2015)
Context: The artifact-centric methodology has emerged as a new paradigm to support business process management over the ...

Conformance checking and diagnosis for declarative business process models in data-aware scenarios

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Barba Rodríguez, Irene (Elsevier, 2014)
A business process (BP) consists of a set of activities which are performed in coordination in an organizational and ...

Diagnosing correctness of semantic workflow models

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Eshuis, Rik; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael (Elsevier, 2013)
To model operational business processes in an accurate way, workflow models need to reference both the control flow and ...

Minimizing test-point allocation to improve diagnosability in business process models

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael (Elsevier, 2013)
Diagnosability analysis aims to determine whether observations available during the execution of a sys-tem are sufficient ...
Capítulo de Libro

Constraint-Driven Approach to Support Input Data Decision-Making in Business Process Management Systems

Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Parody Núñez, María Luisa; Borrego Núñez, Diana (Springer, 2013)
A business process consists of a set of activities that are performed in coordination in an organizational and technical ...
Tesis Doctoral

Using Distributed CSPs to Model Business Processes Agreement in Software Multiprocess

Parody Núñez, María Luisa; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Borrego Núñez, Diana (SciTePress, 2011)
A business process consists of a set of activities which are performed in a coordination way to obtain an objective. ...

Fault Tolerance Framework using Model-Based Diagnosis: Towards Dependable Business Processes

Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Pozo Hidalgo, Sergio (International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), 2011)
Several reports indicate that one of the most important business priorities is the improvement of business and IT management. ...

Improving the Diagnosability of Business Process Management Systems Using Test Points

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael (Springer, 2010)
The management and automation of business processes have become an essential task within IT organizations, where the ...

Resolución de acuerdos en Procesos de Negocio para Multiproceso Software usando Programación con Restricciones Distribuidas

Parody Núñez, María Luisa; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Borrego Núñez, Diana (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2010)
Un proceso de negocio consiste en un conjunto de actividades que trabajan de manera coordinada para obtener un objetivo ...

Diagnosis de Errores en la Gestión de Procesos Software con Programación con Restricciones

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Parody Núñez, María Luisa (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2010)
El desarrollo de proyectos software similares es habitual en las empresas de desarrollo de software. Esto proporciona una ...

Contract-based Diagnosis for Business Process Instances using Business Compliance Rules

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Gómez López, María Teresa; Parody Núñez, María Luisa (PHM Society, 2010)
In order to increase the quality of business pro cesses when they are automated, the correctness of the activities can be ...

Determination of an optimal test points allocation for business process analysis

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael (IEEE Computer Society, 2010)
The management and automation of business processes have become an essential task within IT organizations. Diagnosis enables ...

Towards Dependable Business Processes with Fault-Tolerance Approach

Varela Vaca, Ángel Jesús; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Pozo Hidalgo, Sergio (IEEE Computer Society, 2010)
The management and automation of business processes have become an essential tasks within IT organizations. Companies could ...

Una propuesta usando Restricciones para la toma de decisiones en la tolerancia a fallos en procesos de negocio

Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Borrego Núñez, Diana (Mondragón Unibertsitatea, 2009)
Cuando un proceso de negocio no obtiene el objetivo que se propone será necesario realizar una diagnosis y detección de ...

Choreography Analysis for Diagnosing Faulty Activities in Business-to-Business Collaboration

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Gómez López, María Teresa; Barba Rodríguez, Irene (Linköping University, 2009)
The interaction between business processes (BPs) by means of a choreography is considered as a Business-to-Business ...

A Constraint-based Model for Multi-objective Repair Planning

Barba Rodríguez, Irene; Valle Sevillano, Carmelo del; Borrego Núñez, Diana (IEEE Computer Society, 2009)
This work presents a constraint based model for the planning and scheduling of disconnection and connection tasks when ...

A Multiobjective Constraint Optimization Model for Multimode Repair Plans

Barba Rodríguez, Irene; Valle Sevillano, Carmelo del; Borrego Núñez, Diana (SciTePress, 2009)
This work presents a constraint based model for the planning and scheduling of disconnection and connection tasks when ...

A Constraint-based Job-Shop Scheduling Model for Software Development Planning

Barba Rodríguez, Irene; Valle Sevillano, Carmelo del; Borrego Núñez, Diana (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2009)
This paper proposes a constraint-based model for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem to be solved using local search techniques. The ...

Nuevas propuestas sobre evaluación alternativa para las asignaturas de programación en las Ingenierías en Informática

Barba Rodríguez, Irene; Borrego Núñez, Diana; Pozo Hidalgo, Sergio; Valle Sevillano, Carmelo del (Universidad de Sevilla, 2008)
En este trabajo se expone la experiencia de un equipo docente para la enseñanza de las asignaturas de programación de ...

Diagnosing Business Processes Execution using Choreography Analysis

Borrego Núñez, Diana; Gómez López, María Teresa; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Barba Rodríguez, Irene (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2008)
This work presents a proposal to diagnose business processes that form a global process using a choreography analysis. The ...

Constraint satisfaction techniques for diagnosing errors in Design by Contract software

Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Borrego Núñez, Diana (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2006)
Design by Contract enables the development of more reliable and robust software applications. In this paper, a methodology that ...

Diagnosing Errors in DbC Programs Using Constraint Programming

Ceballos Guerrero, Rafael; Martínez Gasca, Rafael; Valle Sevillano, Carmelo del; Borrego Núñez, Diana (Springer, 2005)
Model-Based Diagnosis allows to determine why a correctly designed system does not work as it was expected. In this paper, ...