NombreFernández García, Juan Pablo
DepartamentoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Área de conocimientoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Strong Coupling Effects on Near-barrier 15C + 208Pb Elastic Scattering

Távora, V.G.; Ovejas, J.D.; Martel, I.; Keeley, N.; Acosta, L.; Borge, M.J.G.; Tengblad, O.; Arokiaraj, A.A.; Babo, M.; Cederkall, J.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Yang, J. (Elsevier, 2024)
The presence of a neutron halo in 15C has been demonstrated in several reaction experiments at intermediate energies. In ...

Proton halo effects in the 8B+64Zn collision around the Coulomb barrier

Di Pietro, Alessia; Spartá, R.; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Tengblad, Olof; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Lei, J.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Vignales, S. (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2023)
The 8B+64Zn reaction at 38.5 MeV has been studied at HIE-ISOLDE CERN to investigate proton halo effect on the reaction ...
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Caracterizacion del sistema de detección utilizado en el estudio de la reacción 11Li + 64Zn

Vegas Díaz, Alejandro; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (2022)
En el estudio de reacciones nucleares la detección, identificación y caracterización de los productos resultantes de las ...

Hints of quasi-molecular states in 13B via the study of 9Li-4He elastic scattering

Di Pietro, Alessia; Shotter, Alan C.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Zadro, Mile (Elsevier, 2022)
This paper reports on elastic scattering excitation functions for the reaction 9Li+4He measured at backward angles in the ...

Understanding the mechanisms of nuclear collisions: A complete study of the 10 B + 120 Sn reaction

Gasques, L. R.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Arazi, Andrés; Carlson, Brett Vern; Chamon, L. C.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Zagatto, Vinicius A. B. (American Physical Society, 2021)
Background: Reactions involving exotic and stable weakly bound nuclei have been extensively studied in recent years. ...

Systematic calculations of reactions with exotic and stable nuclei to establish a unified theoretical approach

González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Casal Berbel, Jesús; Lay Valera, José Antonio (American Physical Society, 2021)
We report on systematical optical model (OM) and continuum discretized coupled channel (CDCC) calculations applied to ...

Probing proton halo effects in the 8B+64Zn collision around the Coulomb barrier

Spartà, Roberta; Di Pietro, Alessia; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Tengblad, Olof; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Martel Bravo, Ismael; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Viñals, Silvia (Elsevier, 2021)
Proton halo effects in the 8B+64Zn reaction at an energy around 1.5 times the Coulomb barrier have been studied at HIE-ISOLDE ...

Investigation of the fusion process for B 10 + Au 197 at near-barrier energies

Aversa, M.; Abriola, Daniel; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Arazi, Andrés; Cardona, María Angélica; Chamon, L. C.; Barbará, E. de; Jesús, J. de; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Zagatto, Vinicius A. B. (American Physical Society, 2020)
In a previous work, we presented data for the B10+Au197 system, corresponding to quasielastic and elastic scattering, Au197 ...

Inclusive breakup measurements of the 7Li+ 119Sn reaction

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Cherubini, S.; Di Pietro, Alessia; D'Agata, Giuseppe; Fernández Martínez, Begoña; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Giulino, M.; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Zadro, Mile (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020)
We present preliminary data of elastic scattering and inclusive breakup cross sections for the 7Li+ 119Sn reaction, recently ...

Direct processes for the systems 7Be, 8B + 208Pb at Coulomb barrier energies

Mazzocco, Marco M.; Keeley, N.; Boiano, Alfonso; Commara, M. La; Lagni, A.; Manea, Christian; Parascandolo, Concetta; Pierroutsakou, Dimitra; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Iwasa, Naohito (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020)
The elastic scattering process for the nuclear reactions induced by the Radioactive Ion Beams 7Be and 8B on a 208Pb target ...

19F spectroscopy and implications for astrophysics

La Cognata, M.; Fisichella, Maria; Di Pietro, Alessia; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Goldberg, V. Z.; Cherubini, S.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gulino, Marisa; Lamia, Livio A.; Zadro, Mile (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020)
The spectroscopy of F is of interest for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. In these proceedings we will focus ...
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Estudio sistemático de reacciones de núcleos ligeros estables débilmente ligados

León García, José Luis; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio (2019)
Los procesos de reacciones nucleares entre dos núcleos se describen generalmente en términos de sus secciones eficaces. ...

Breakup mechanisms in the He 6 + Zn 64 reaction at near-barrier energies

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Di Pietro, Alessia; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Lattuada, M.; Lei, Jin; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Scuderi, V. (American Physical Society, 2019)
New experimental results for the elastic scattering of He6 on Zn64 at incident energies of 15.0 and 18.0 MeV and He4 at ...

Systematic study of optical potential strengths in reactions on Sn 120 involving strongly bound, weakly bound, and exotic nuclei

González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; León García, José Luis; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Romero Gasques, Leandro; Chamon, L. C.; Zagatto, Vinicius A. B.; Lépine-Szily, Alinka; Oliveira, J. R. B.; Scarduelli, V.; Torres, D. A.; Ramírez, F. (American Physical Society, 2019)
We present new experimental angular distributions for the elastic scattering of Li6+Sn120 at three bombarding energies. ...

Elastic scattering for the B 8 and Be 7 + Pb 208 systems at near-Coulomb barrier energies

Mazzocco, M.; Keeley, N.; Boiano, A.; Boiano, C.; La Commara, M.; Manea, C.; Parascandolo, C.; Pierroutsakou, D.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Zhang, H. Q. (American Physical Society, 2019)
The elastic scattering of the weakly bound radioactive nuclei B8 and Be7 from a Pb208 target was measured for the first ...

Interaction of 8 He with 208Pb at near-barrier energies: 4 He and 6 He production

Marquínez Durán, G.; Martel, I.; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Acosta, Luis; Aguado, J. L.; Berjillos, R.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Fernández Martínez, Begoña (American Physical Society, 2018)

Experimental investigation of exotic clustering in 13B and 14C using the resonance scattering method

Di Pietro, Alessia; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Ferrera, Francesco; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Lattuada, Marcello; Marchetta, Carmelo; Torresi, Domenico; Tengblad, Olof; Zadro, Mile (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2018)
In order to investigate the existence of molecular and/or exotic cluster configurations in Boron and Carbon n-rich isotopes ...

Observation of 15 N + α resonant structures in 19 F using the thick target in inverse kinematics scattering method

La Cognata, M.; Fisichella, Maria; Di Pietro, A.; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Goldberg, V. Z.; Cherubini, S.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Zadro, M. (American Physical Society, 2018)
The spectroscopy of 19 F is of interest for nuclear astrophysics and nuclear structure. In astrophysics, fluorine and ...

7Be and 8B reaction dynamics at Coulomb barrier energies

Strano, E.; Mazzocco, Marco M.; Boiano, Alfonso; Boiano, Ciro; Commara la, M.; Manea, Christian; Parascandolo, Concetta; Pierroutsakou, Dimitra; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Kim, Yung-hee (EDP Sciences, 2018)
We investigated the reaction dynamics induced by the 7Be,8B+208Pb collisions at energies around the Coulomb barrier. Charged ...

Reaction Dynamics for the Systems 7Be,8B + 208Pb at Coulomb Barrier Energies

Mazzocco, M.; Boiano, A.; Boiano, C.; La Commara, M.; Manea, C.; Parascandolo, C.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (IOP Publishing, 2018)
In this contribution we describe the first results obtained for the investigation of the elastic scattering process in the ...

Breakup and n -transfer effects on the fusion reactions Li 6,7 + Sn 120,119 around the Coulomb barrier

Fisichella, Maria; Shotter, A. C.; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Lubian, J.; Di Pietro, Alessia; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Ferreira, J. L.; Lattuada, M.; Lotti, P.; Musumarra, A. (American Physical Society, 2017)
This paper presents values of complete fusion cross sections deduced from activation measurements for the reactions Li6+Sn120 ...

Investigation of the reaction mechanisms for 10 B + 197 Au at near-barrier energies

Gasques, L. R.; Chamon, L. C.; Lépine Szily, A.; Scarduelli, V.; Zagatto, Vinicius A. B.; Abriola, Daniel; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Achí Prado, S. (American Physical Society, 2017)
The 10 B + 197 Au reaction has been investigated through cross-section measurements for different channels, such as ...

Reaction dynamics studies for the system 7Be + 208Pb at Coulomb barrier energies

Mazzocco, Marco M.; Boiano, Alfonso; Boiano, Ciro; Commara, M. La; Manea, Christian; Parascandolo, Concetta; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Stroe, Lucian (EDP Sciences, 2017)
The scattering process of the Radioactive Ion Beam 7Be from a 208Pb target was measured at three near-barrier energies. ...

Scattering of the Halo Nucleus 11Be on 197Au at Energies around the Coulomb Barrier

Pesudo, V.; Borge, M. J. G.; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Nácher, E.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Tengblad, Olof; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Wang, Z. M. (American Physical Society, 2017)
Angular distributions of the elastic, inelastic, and breakup cross sections of the halo nucleus 11Be on197 Au were measured ...

A new analysis procedure to extract fusion excitation function with large beam energy dispersions: Application to the 6Li+120Sn and 7Li+119Sn

Di Pietro, Alessia; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Shotter, Alan C.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Ferreira, Jonas Leonardo; Lattuada, Marcello; Lotti, Paolo; Lubián, Jesus Rios; Ruiz, Chris; Torresi, Domenico; Zadro, Mile (EDP Sciences, 2017)
In the present paper it is described an analysis procedure suited for experiments where cross-sections strongly varying ...

15O+α resonant elastic scattering to study cluster states in19Ne

Torresi, Domenico; Wheldon, C.; Kokalova, Tz.; Bailey, S.; Boiano, Alfonso; Boiano, Ciro; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Zadro, Mile (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017)
Clustering phenomena are well known in nuclear physics for stable nuclei, both α-conjugate (N=Z, A=2N), like8Be,16O,20Ne, ...

Breakup of 6Li + p at near-barrier energies and the effect on elastic scattering

Soukeras, V.; Pakou, A.; Cappuzzello, F.; Acosta, Luis; Agodi, C.; Alamanos, N.; Calabrese, S.; Carbone, D.; Cavallaro, M.; Cunsolo, A.; Di Pietro, A.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (American Physical Society, 2017)
Exclusive breakup measurements have been performed for the Li6+p system in inverse kinematics at Li6 incident energies of ...

Scattering of halo nuclei on heavy targets at energies around the Coulomb barrier: The case of 11Be on 197Au

Pesudo, Vicente; García Borge, María José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Nácher, E.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; O'Malley, Patrick D. (EDP Sciences, 2017)
This work reports on the scattering of 11Be on 197Au at energies around and below the Coulomb barrier. By experimentally ...

Oxygen-15+ resonant elastic scattering to study cluster states in 19Ne

Torresi, D.; Wheldon, C.; Kokalova, Tz.; Bailey, S.; Boiano, A.; Boiano, C.; Cavallaro, M.; Cherubini, S.; Di Pietro, A.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2017)
The elastic scattering excitation function for 15O on 4He was measured - for the first time - by using the Inverse Kinematic ...

Study of the near-barrier scattering of 8He on 208Pb

Marquínez Durán, G.; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Martel Bravo, I.; Acosta, Luis A.; Rusek, K.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Fernández Martínez, Begoña; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Labrador Bernal, Juan Ángel; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Ziad, A. H. (Jagiellonian University Press, 2016)
The structure and dynamics of 8He have been studied through the collision process with a 208Pb target at energies of 22 ...

Be-7- and B-8-reaction dynamics at Coulomb barrier energies

Lay Valera, José Antonio; Mazzocco, M.; Acosta, Luis; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Martel, I.; Boiano, A.; Boiano, C.; Manea, C.; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Marquínez Durán, G. (EDP Sciences, 2016)
We investigated the reaction dynamics induced by the Radioactive Ion Beams Be-7 and B-8 on a Pb-208 target at energies ...

Measurement of fragmentation cross sections of 12C ions on a thin gold target with the FIRST apparatus

Toppi, M.; Abou-Haidar, Z.; Agodi, C.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Aumann, T.; Balestra, F.; Patera, V.; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (American Physical Society, 2016)
A detailed knowledge of the light ions interaction processes with matter is of great interest in basic and applied physics. ...

Precise measurement of near-barrier He 8 + Pb 208 elastic scattering: Comparison with He 6

Marquínez Durán, G.; Martel Bravo, Ismael; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Acosta, Luis; Berjillos, R.; Dueñas, Jose Antonio; Rusek, K.; Keeley, N.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Borge, María José G.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Fernández Martínez, Begoña (American Physical Society, 2016)
Dramatic differences in the elastic scattering of the neutron rich nuclei 6He and 8He are found when new high quality data ...

Reaction studies with low-energy weakly-bound beams at INFN-LNS

Di Pietro, Alessia; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Lattuada, Marcello; Torresi, Domenico; Zadro, Mile (EDP Sciences, 2016)
The reaction dynamics of collisions involving halo or weakly bound nuclei, at energies around the Coulomb barrier, can be ...

Effects of coupling to breakup channels in reactions induced by weakly bound and halo nuclei

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Di Pietro, Alessia; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Lattuada, M.; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Musumarra, Agatino (EDP Sciences, 2016)
The experimental elastic scattering angular distributions of the collisions involving the weakly bound nuclei 6,7Li and ...

Reaction dynamics induced by the radioactive ion beam 7Be on medium-mass and heavy targets

Mazzocco, M.; Boiano, A.; Boiano, C.; La Commara, M.; Manea, C.; Parascandolo, C.; Pierroutsakou, D.; Stefanini, C.; Strano, E.; Torresi, D.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (American Institute of Physics, 2015)
We studied the reaction dynamics induced at Coulomb barrier energies by the weakly-bound Radioactive Ion Beam 7Be (Sα = ...

Coupling to continuum effects in the 6,7Li +64Zn reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Zadro, M.; Di Pietro, A.; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Lattuada, M.; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Torresi, D. (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015)
The elastic scattering angular distributions for the weakly bound nuclei 6Li and 7Li on 64Zn were measured in a wide angular ...

Simultaneous analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction 11 Li + 208 Pb at energies near the Coulomb barrier

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Cubero, M; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Borge, María José G; Walden, Patrick L; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela (American Physical Society, 2015)
We present a detailed analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction of Li11 on Pb208 at incident ...

11Li structural information from inclusive break-up measurements

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Cubero, M.; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Borge, María José G.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Martel Bravo, Ismael; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Sánchez Benítez, A. M. (EDP Sciences, 2015)
Structure information of 11Li halo nucleus has been obtained from the inclusive break-up measurements of the 11Li+208Pb ...

Effects of coupling to breakup in the 6,7 Li + 64 Zn systems at near-barrier energies

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Zadro, M.; Di Pietro, A.; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Goryunov, O.; Torresi, D.; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (American Physical Society, 2015)
Elastic scattering angular distributions for the weakly bound nucleus Li7 on Zn64 have been measured in a wide angular ...

Investigation of Coulomb dipole polarization effects on reactions involving exotic nuclei

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Chamon, L. C. (American Physical Society, 2015)
We have analyzed elastic scattering angular distributions and total reaction cross sections of the exotic nuclei Li9,11 ...

Reexamination of Li 6 +p elastic scattering in inverse kinematics

Soukeras, V.; Pakou, A.; Cappuzzello, F.; Acosta, Luis; Agodi, C.; Alamanos, N.; Bondi, M.; Carbone, D.; Cavallaro, M.; Cunsolo, A.; De Napoli, M.; Di Pietro, A.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (American Physical Society, 2015)
Elastic-scattering measurements have been performed for the Li6+p system in inverse kinematics at the energies of 16, 20, ...

Elastic scattering for the system 6Li + p at near barrier energies with MAGNEX

Soukeras, V.; Pakou, A.; Cappuzzello, F.; Acosta, Luis; Agodi, C.; Alamanos, N.; Bondi, M.; Carbone, D.; Cavallaro, M.; Cunsolo, A.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo (American Institute of Physics, 2015)
Elastic scattering measurements have been performed for the 6Li+p system in inverse kinematics at the energies of 16, 20, ...

Comparison of the effects of couplings to breakup channels in reactions induced by 6Li and 6He on the same 64Zn target

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Di Pietro, Alessia; Figuera, Pierpaolo; Fisichella, Maria; Lattuada, Marcello; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Zadro, Mile (American Institute of Physics, 2015)
The experimental elastic scattering angular distributions for the weakly bound nuclei 6,7Li and for the halo nucleus 6He ...

Scattering of light halo nuclei on heavy target at energies around the coulomb barrier

Tengblad, Olof; Borge, María José G.; Cubero, M.; Nácher, E.; Pesudo, V.; Perea, Ángel; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Martel Bravo, Ismael; Acosta, Luis; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Marquínez Durán, G.; Walden, Patrick L. (EDP Sciences, 2014)
We report here on experiments performed at TRIUMF to study the scattering of the light halo nuclei 11Li on lead at energies ...

Study of the break-up channel in 11Li+208Pb collisions at energies around the Coulomb barrier

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Cubero, M.; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Borge, M. J. G.; Buchmann, L.; Diget, C. A.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, 2014)
We present a study of 11Li+208 Pb collisions at energies around the Coulomb barrier (Elab = 24.3 and 29.8 MeV), measured ...

Reaction of the Halo Nucleus 11Be on Heavy Targets at Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier

Pesudo, Vicente; García Borge, María José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Nacher, E.; Acosta, L.; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Wang, Z. M. (Jagiellonian University, 2014)
New data for the reaction 11Be on 197Au at Elab=31.9 MeV are presented. The angular distributions of the inelastically ...

Near barrier scattering of 8He on 208Pb

Marquínez Durán, G; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Martel Bravo, Ismael; Acosta, Luis; Rusek, K.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Berjillos, R.; Borge, María José G; Chbihi, Abdelahad; Cruz, Christophe Santa; Cubero, M; Dueñas, Jose Antonio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Fernández Martínez, Begoña; Flores, Jorge Luis; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Keeley, N; Labrador Bernal, Juan Ángel; Marqués, Miriam Fátima Ferreira; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Ziad, A. H. (EDP Sciences, 2014)
The exotic nucleus 8He is investigated by means of the measurement of the angular distributions of the elastic channel and ...

11Li Breakup on 208Pb at Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Mukha, I.; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Cubero, M. (American Physical Society, 2013)
The inclusive breakup for the 11Li+208Pb reaction at energies around the Coulomb barrier has been measured for the first ...

First experiment: Fragmentation of ions relevant for space and therapy

Agodi, C.; Abou-Haidar, Z.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Aumann, T.; Battistoni, G.; Bocci, A.; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gallardo Fuentes, María Isabel; Quesada Molina, José Manuel (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2013)
Nuclear fragmentation processes are relevant in different fields of basic research and applied physics and are of particular ...

Scattering of 8He on 208Pb at 22 MeV

Marquínez Durán, G.; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Martel, I.; Acosta, Luis; Rusek, K.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Berjillos, R.; Borge, M. J. G.; Chbihi, Abdelahad; Cruz, C.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Fernández Martínez, Begoña (American Institute of Physics, 2013)
The skin nucleus 8He is investigated by measuring the angular distribution of the elasticly scattered 8He and the 6,4He ...

Elastic scattering of 8He + 208Pb at 22MeV

Marquínez Durán, G.; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Martel, I.; Acosta, Luis; Rusek, K.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Berjillos, R.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Fernández Martínez, Begoña; Flores, J. L. (Jagiellonian University, 2013)
The dynamics of 8He around the Coulomb barrier is investigated by measuring the energy and angular distribution of the ...

DHalo nuclei follow rutherford elastic scattering at energies below the barrier? the case of 11Li

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Cubero, M.; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín (American Physical Society, 2012)
The first measurement of the elastic scattering of the halo nucleus 11Li and its core 9Li on 208Pb at energies near the ...

Scattering of the halo nucleus 11Li and its core 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier

Borge, M. J. G.; Cubero, M; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Buchmann, L.; Diget, C. A.; Al Falou, H.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2012)
The first measurement of the elastic scattering of the halo nucleus 11Li and its core 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the ...

Performance of upstream interaction region detectors for the FIRST experiment at GSI

Abou-Haïdar, Z.; Agodi, Clementina; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Anelli, Mario; Aumann, Thomas; Battistoni, Giuseppe; Bocci, A.; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gallardo Fuentes, María Isabel; Quesada Molina, José Manuel; Younis, Hannan (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2012)
The FIRST (Fragmentation of Ions Relevant for Space and Therapy) experiment at GSI has been designed to study carbon ...
Tesis Doctoral

Análisis de los Canales de Ruptura de la Reacción 11Li+208Pb a energías en torno a la Barrera de Coulomb

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio (2012)
En los últimos años, uno de los temas de trabajo más activos en el campo de la Física Nuclear es el estudio de los llamados ...

Scattering of 8He on 208Pb at Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier

Marquínez Durán, G.; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Martel, I.; Berjillos, R.; Dueñas, J.; Parkar, V. V.; Acosta, L.; Rusek, K.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Fernández Martínez, Begoña; Wolski, R. (Jagiellonian University, 2012)
We have measured the angular distributions of elastic scattering and 6,4He fragments produced in the collisions of an ...

Scattering of 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the coulomb barrier

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Borge, María José G; Martel Bravo, Ismael; Fernández Martínez, Begoña (EDP Sciences, 2011)
In order to study the dynamics of 11Li and 9Li beams in a strong electric field at energies around the Coulomb barrier, we ...

Simultaneous analysis of elastic, breakup, and fusion channels for 6He induced reactions at energies near the coulomb barrier

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela (EDP Sciences, 2011)
We present some recent applications of the Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels (CDCC) and Coupled-Reaction-Channels ...

Fusion of 8He with 206Pb around Coulomb barrier energies

Parkar, V. V.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Fernández Martínez, Begoña; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Flores, J.L. (EDP Sciences, 2011)
The experimental study of the fusion of light neutron-rich nucleus 8He with 206Pb is reported in this work. A fusion stack ...

Elastic scattering and α -particle production in 6 He + 208 Pb collisions at 22 MeV

Acosta, Luis; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Gómez Santamaría, Mario E.; Martel Bravo, Ismael; Pérez Bernal, Francisco; Pizarro, F.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Andrés Martín, María Victoria; Espino Navas, José Manuel; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rahighi, J.; Rodríguez Quintero, José; Rusek, K. (American Physical Society, 2011)
Experimental results of the elastic scattering of 6He on 208Pb at E LAB=22 MeV, measured at the CRC facility (Louvain-la-Neuve, ...

Elastic scattering of 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier

Cubero, M.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Borge, M. J. G.; Buchmann, L.; Diget, C. A.; Fulton, B.; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (American Institute of Physics, 2011)
We have studied the dynamical effects of the halo structure of 11Li on the scattering on heavy targets at energies around ...

Study of the scattering of halo nuclei around the Coulomb barrier

Acosta, Luis; Cubero, M.; Escrig, D.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Andrés Martín, María Victoria; Cortés Giraldo, Miguel Antonio; Espino Navas, José Manuel; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José (American Institute of Physics, 2011)
During the past ten years the present collaboration has carried out several experiments related with the study of radioactive ...

Fusion of 8He with 206Pb around Coulomb barrier energies

Parkar, V. V.; Marquinez, G.; Martel, I.; Sánchez Benítez, A. M.; Acosta, Luis; Berjillos, R.; Dueñas, J.; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Fernández Martínez, Begoña; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Labrador, J. A. (EDP Sciences, 2011)
The experimental study of the fusion of light neutron-rich nucleus 8He with 206Pb is reported in this work. A fusion stack ...

The 6He Optical Potential at energies around the Coulomb barrier

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
We present an Optical Model (OM) study of 6He on 208Pb elastic scattering data, measured at laboratory energies around the ...

Dynamic studies of 11Li and its core 9Li on 208Pb near the Coulomb barrier

Cubero, M; Borge, M. J. G.; Acosta, Luis; Alcorta, Martín; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Diget, C.; Galaviz, D.; Fernández García, Juan Pablo; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José; Lay Valera, José Antonio; Madurga, Miguel; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Mukha, I. (American Institute of Physics, 2010)
We measured the scattering of the halo nucleus 11Li and its core 9Li on the lead target at TRIUMF at energies below and around to the Coulomb barrier. We report here on our preliminary analysis of the inclusive breakup reaction.

Simultaneous analysis of elastic scattering and transfer/breakup channels for the 6 He + 208 Pb reaction at energies near the Coulomb barrier

Fernández García, Juan Pablo; González Álvarez, Marcos Aurelio; Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías; Rodríguez Gallardo, Manuela (Elsevier, 2010)
The elastic and α-production channels for the 6He+208Pb reaction are investigated at energies around the Coulomb barrier ...