NombreAbellán Ródenas, Pedro
Área de conocimientoZoología
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Thermal tolerance does not explain the altitudinal segregation of lowland and alpine aquatic insects

Carbonell Hernández, José Antonio; Pallarés Párraga, Susana; Velasco J.; Millán A.; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro (Elsevier, 2024)
Elevation gradients provide powerful study systems for examining the influence of environmental filters in shaping species ...

Thermal biology of aquatic insects in alpine lakes: Insights from diving beetles

Carbonell Hernández, José Antonio; Pallares Párraga, Susana; Velasco, J.; Millán, A.; Picazo, Félix; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro (Wiley, 2023)
High mountain areas are especially vulnerable to global warming, as they ex-perience faster temperature changes than ...

A dark side of conservation biology: Protected areas fail in representing subterranean biodiversity

Colado, Raquel; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Pallarés Párraga, Susana; Mammola, Stefano; Milione, Roberto; Faille, Arnaud; Fresneda, Javier; Sánchez-Fernández, David (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)
Biodiversity conservation is a central imperative of the 21st century. Subterranean ecosystems deliver critical nature's ...

Fine-scale niche differences allow the co-existence of congeneric aquatic beetles in supratidal rockpools

García Meseguer, A. J.; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Miron Gaton, J. M.; Botella Cruz, M.; Guareschi, Simone; Millan, A.; Velasco, J. (Springer, 2023)
Here we focused on the co-occurrence pattern on regional and local scales, and on the niche differences of two species of ...

Seeking Sustainable Solutions in a Time of Change

Beltrán Gala, Juan Francisco; Litvaitis, J. A.; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022)

Incorporating phylogeographic information in alien bird distribution models increases geographic extent but not accuracy of predictions

Cardador, Laura; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Blackburn, Tim M. (Springer, 2022)
Species distribution models (SDM) have been proposed as valuable first screening tools for predicting species responses ...

Climate matching and anthropogenic factors contribute to the colonization and extinction of local populations during avian invasions

Cardador, Laura; Tella, José Luis; Louvrier, Julie; Anadón, José D.; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Carrete, Martina (Wiley, 2022)
Aim: Concern about the impacts of biological invasions has generated a great deal of interest in understanding factors ...

Effects of climate change on the distribution of threatened invertebrates in a Mediterranean hotspot

Martín Vélez, Víctor; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro (Wiley, 2022)
1. The effects of climate change may constitute a major threat factor for endemic and threatened species of invertebrates. ...
Trabajo Fin de Máster

Macroinvertebrate community dynamics in the alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada

Pérez Bonet, Sergio; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Carbonell Hernández, José Antonio (2022)
Alpine lakes harbor unique macroinvertebrate communities as a result of their isolation and extreme environmental conditions. ...

Habitat preference and diversification rates in a speciose lineage of diving beetles

Villastrigo, Adrián; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Ribera, Ignacio (Elsevier, 2021)
The long-term geological stability of aquatic habitats has been demonstrated to be a determinant in the evolution of ...

Distribution of alien tetrapods in the Iberian Peninsula

Ascensáo, Fernando; D’Amico, Marcello; Martins, Ricardo C.; Rebelo, Rui; Barbosa, A. Márcia; Bencatel, Joana; Barrientos, Rafael; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Tella, José Luis; Capinha, César (Pensoft Publishers, 2021)
We present a dataset that assembles occurrence records of alien tetrapods (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) in the ...

Collembola from Hundidero-Gato Cave in Southern Spain, with the description of a new species of Entomobrya Rondani, 1861 (Collembola, Entomobryidae)

Arbea, Javier I.; García López, Virginia; Soria Iglesias, Francisco Javier; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro (Pensoft Publishers, 2021)
This paper deals with some Collembola from a cave at La Sierra de Grazalema (Málaga). In total, eight species of springtails ...

Drivers of compositional dissimilarity for native and alien birds: 2 the relative roles of human activity and environmental suitability

Ascensão, Fernando; Latombe, Guillaume; Anadón, José D.; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Cardador, Laura; Carrete, Martina; Tella, José Luis; Capinha, César (Springer, 2020)
We assessed the relative importance of human activity and environmental suitability as drivers of compositional dissimilarity ...

Assessing the capacity of endemic alpine water beetles to face climate change

Pallarés Párraga, Susana; Millán, Andrés; Mirón, Juana M.; Ros Velasco, Josefa; Sánchez Fernández, David; Botella Cruz, María; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro (Wiley, 2020)
1. Accurate assessments of species’vulnerability to climate change requireintegrated measurements of its different drivers, ...

The European trade ban on wild birds reduced invasion risks

Cardador, Laura; Tella, José Luis; Anadón, José D.; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Carrete, Martina (Wiley, 2019)
International wildlife trade is a major source of current biological invasions. However, the power of trade regulations ...

An interspecific test of Bergmann’s rule reveals inconsistent body size patterns across several lineages of water beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)

Pallarés Párraga, Susana; Lai, Michele; Abellán Ródenas, Pedro; Ribera, Ignacio; Sánchez Fernández, David (Wiley, 2019)
1. Bergmann's rule sensu lato, the ecogeographic pattern relating animals' body size with environmental temperature (or ...