NombreTornero Sánchez, José María
Área de conocimientoÁlgebra
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
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Tesis Doctoral

On the generalised phase kick-back and its applications

Pastor Díaz, Ulises; Ossorio Castillo, Joaquín; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2024)
La computación cuántica es una rama que ha adquirido creciente relevancia en los últimos tiempos, sobre todo tras el ...
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El agujero negro de Reissner-Nordström

Cordero Ramírez, María; Tornero Sánchez, José María; Moreno González, Francisco Javier (2023)
En 1915, Albert Einstein publica la teoría de la relatividad general convirtiéndose en la teoría de la gravedad con mayor ...

A generalisation of the Phase Kick-Back

Ossorio Castillo, Joaquín; Pastor Díaz, Ulises; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Springer, 2023)
In this paper, we present a generalisation of the Phase Kick-Back technique, which is central to some of the classical ...
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Algebraic tools in quantum computing algorithms

Absalom Bautista, Lucía; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2023)
Universal quantum gates play a crucial role in quantum computing as they form the building blocks for quantum circuits. ...
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Muñoz Ramírez, Paula; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2023)
The aim of this work is to present a deterministic method that establishes with absolute certainty whether a given number ...
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Representaciones de Galois asociadas a curvas elípticas

Pineda Martín, Miguel; Tornero Sánchez, José María; Arias de Reyna Domínguez, Sara (2023)
J.P Serre made, in his article ’Proprietes galoisiénnés des points d’ordre fini des courbes elliptiques’ published in 1972 ...
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El Grupo de Tate-Shafarevich

Pineda Martín, Miguel; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2022)
The main purpose of this project is to develop the necessary theory to understand the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. ...
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Códigos Goppa

Beato Caro, Antonio; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2022)
El objetivo de este trabajo es servirnos de las herramientas impartidas en la asignatura de Álgebra Conmutativa y Geometría ...
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El teorema de Nagell-Lutz

Cano Wall, Pablo; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2022)
The goal of this memory is to prove the Nagell-Lutz theorem, an important theorem about the rational torsion of elliptic ...
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The Néron-Ogg-Shafarevich Criterion for elliptic curves

Navas Orozco, Jesús; Arias de Reyna Domínguez, Sara; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2020)
This text is the required master thesis that the author needs to present in order to obtain his Master’s degree in ...
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Teoría de la Complejidad en Computación Cuántica

Camacho Moro, Jesús; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2020)
During the rst half of the 20th century, the need of faster calculations brought the rst computers to our world. Those ...

Characterization of Gaps and Elements of a Numerical Semigroup Using Groebner Bases

Márquez Campos, Guadalupe; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Cornell University, 2019)
This article is partly a survey and partly a research paper. It tackles the use of Groebner bases for addressing problems ...
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Algoritmos fundamentales en computación cuántica

Pastor Díaz, Ulises; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2019)
At any point in history, we can find examples of problems solved mechanically, but it was in the 20th century with the ...
Tesis Doctoral

Quantum álgorithms for the combinatorial invariants of numerical semigroups

Ossorio Castillo, Joaquín; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2019)
It was back in spring 2014 when the author of this doctoral dissertation was finishing its master thesis, whose main ...
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Leyes de reciprocidad (cuatro demostraciones de la Ley de Reciprocidad Cuadrática)

Sevillano Castellano, Eric; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2018)
A lo largo del siguiente trabajo vamos a profundizar en los contenidos impartidos en la asignatura Estructuras Algebraicas ...
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Códigos correctores de errores cuánticos

Pastor Díaz, Ulises; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2018)
We could start our story talking about the revolution of quantum mechanics and the need to decipher the mystery that it ...
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El problema diofántico de Frobenius

Chacón Gómez, Manuel Jesús; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2016)
In this work, we study the diophantine Frobenius problem. First, in Chapter 1, we briefly present what are numerical ...

Torsion of rational elliptic curves over quadratic fields II

González Jiménez, Enrique; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Springer, 2016)
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q and let G=E(Q)_tors be the associated torsion group. In a previous paper, the ...
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El ataque polaco al protocolo Enigma

Gallardo Gómez, Rocío; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2016)
El principal objetivo de nuestro trabajo será desvelar las claves del exitoso ataque polaco al protocolo Enigma protagonizado ...

Integral points in rational polygons: a numerical semigroup approach

Márquez Campos, Guadalupe; Ramírez Alfonsín, Jorge Luis; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Springer, 2016)
In this paper we use an elementary approach by using numerical semigroups (specifically, those with two generators) to ...

Torsion of rational elliptic curves over cubic fields

González Jiménez, Enrique; Najman, Filip; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium, 2016)
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q. We study the relationship between the torsion subgroup E(Q)tors and the torsion ...

On the computation of the Apéry set of numerical monoids and affine semigroups

Márquez Campos, Guadalupe; Ojeda, Ignacio; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Springer, 2014)
A simple way of computing the Apéry set of a numerical semigroup (or monoid) with respect to a generator, using Groebner ...

Torsion of rational elliptic curves over quadratic fields

González Jiménez, Enrique; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Springer, 2014)
Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q. We study the relationship between the torsion subgroup E(Q)tors and the torsion subgroup E(K)tors, where K is a quadratic number field.

Some combinatorial remarks on normal flatness in analytic spaces

Soto Prieto, Manuel Jesús; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Mathematical Society of the Republic of China, 2014)
In this article we present a combinatorial treatment of normal flatness in analytic spaces, using the idea of equimultiple ...
Tesis Doctoral

Cálculo de invariantes combinatorios de semigrupos numéricos y aplicaciones

Márquez Campos, Guadalupe; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2014)
En esta tesis trata básicamente, de en primer lugar establecer una relación entre bases de Groebner y semigrupos numéricos ...

Markoff-Rosenberger triples in arithmetic progression

González Jiménez, Enrique; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Elsevier, 2013)
We study the solutions of the Rosenberg–Markoff equation ax2 + by2 + cz2 = dxyz (a generalization of the well–known Markoff ...

A complete diophantine characterization of the rational torsion of an elliptic curve

García Selfa, Irene; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Springer, 2012)
We give a complete characterization for the rational torsion of an elliptic curve in terms of the (non–)existence of integral solutions of a system of diophantine equations.

Galois Theory, discriminants and torsion subgroups of elliptic curves

García Selfa, Irene; González Jiménez, Enrique; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Elsevier, 2010)
We find a tight relationship between the torsion subgroup and the image of the mod 2 Galois representation associated to ...

On the ubiquity of trivial torsion on elliptic curves

González Jiménez, Enrique; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Springer, 2010)
The purpose of this paper is to give a down-to-earth proof of the well–known fact that a randomly chosen elliptic curve over the rationals is most likely to have trivial torsion.

Equimultiple locus of embedded algebroid surfaces and blowing-up in arbitrary characteristic

Piedra Sánchez, Ramón; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009)
This paper extends previous results of the authors, concerning the behaviour of the equimultiple locus of algebroid surfaces under blowing–up, to arbitrary characteristic.

Thue equations and torsion groups of elliptic curves

García Selfa, Irene; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Elsevier, 2009)
A new characterization of rational torsion subgroups of elliptic curves is found, for points of order greater than 4, through the existence of solution for systems of Thue equations.

Hironaka's characteristic polygon and effective resolution of surfaces

Piedra Sánchez, Ramón; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Elsevier, 2007)
Hironaka’s concept of characteristic polyhedron of a singularity has been one of the most powerful and fruitful ideas of ...
Tesis Doctoral

Aspectos diofánticos y computacionales de la torsión racional en curvas elípticas

García Selfa, Irene; Tornero Sánchez, José María (2006)

On simultaneous arithmetic progressions on elliptic curves

García Selfa, Irene; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Taylor & Francis, 2006)
In this paper we study elliptic curves which have a number of points whose coordinates are in arithmetic progression. We ...

Searching for simultaneous arithmetic progressions on elliptic curves

García Selfa, Irene; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Australian Mathematical Society, 2005)
We look for elliptic curves featuring rational points whose coordinates form two arithmetic progressions, one for each coordinate. A constructive method for creating such curves is shown, for lengths up to 5.

On the singular braid monoid of an orientable surface

Díaz Cantos, Jerónimo; González-Meneses López, Juan; Tornero Sánchez, José María (American Mathematical Society, 2004)
In this paper we show that the singular braid monoid of an orientable surface can be embedded in a group. The proof is purely topological, making no use of the monoid presentation.

Equimultiple locus of embedded algebroid surfaces and blowing-up in characteristic zero

Piedra Sánchez, Ramón; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2004)
The smooth equimultiple locus of embedded algebroid surfaces appears naturally in many resolution process, both classical and modern.In this paper we explore how it changes by blowing–up.

Some geometric aspects of Puiseux surfaces

Tornero Sánchez, José María (European Mathematical Society, 2003)
The following problem is treated: Characterizing the tangent cone and the equimultiple locus of a Puiseux surface (that ...

Computing the rational torsion of an elliptic curve using Tate normal form

García Selfa, Irene; Olalla Acosta, Miguel Ángel; Tornero Sánchez, José María (Elsevier, 2002)
It is a classical result (apparently due to Tate) that all elliptic curves with a torsion point of order n (4 ≤ n ≤ 10, ...
Tesis Doctoral

Aspectos locales de singularidades de superficies superficies de Puiseux

Tornero Sánchez, José María; Vicente Córdoba, José Luis (2001)
La memoria se articula en tres capítulos. En el primer capítulo se fijan definiciones y propiedades conocidas. Superficies ...