NombreRomero Enrique, José Manuel
DepartamentoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Área de conocimientoFísica Teórica
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Derivation of the Casimir contribution to the binding potential for 3D wetting

Squarcini, Alessio; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Parry, Andrew O. (Taylor & Francis, 2023)
The renormalisation group theory of critical and tri-critical wetting transitions in three-dimensional systems with ...

Orientational transition in nanobridges of nematic liquid crystals in slit pores

Romero Enrique, José Manuel (Taylor & Francis, 2023)
In this work, the morphology of nematic capillary nanobridges in slit pores separated by a vertical distance (Formula ...

Casimir Contribution to the Interfacial Hamiltonian for 3D Wetting

Squarcini, Alessio; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Parry, Andrew O. (American Physical Society, 2022)
Previous treatments of three-dimensional (3D) short-ranged wetting transitions have missed an entropic or low-temperature ...
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Caos en sistemas hamiltonianos

Ibañez García, Miguel; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (2021)
En el presente trabajo estudiaremos numéricamente la dinámica del modelo propuesto por Hénon y Heiles en [14]: un sistema ...
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Introducción a la superconductividad

Álvarez Domínguez, Álvaro; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (2020)
Desde el hallazgo en 1908 de la existencia de materiales superconductores, muchos han sido los científicos que han intentado ...
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Introducción a la superconductividad

Álvarez Domínguez, Álavaro; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (2020)
Desde el hallazgo en 1908 de la existencia de materiales superconductores, muchos han sido los científicos que han intentado ...

Wetting of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Crenellated Substrates: A Frank–Oseen Approach

Rojas Gómez, Oscar A.; Telo Da Gama, Margarida Maria; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (MDPI, 2019)
We revisit the wetting of nematic liquid crystals in contact with crenellated substrates, studied previously using the ...
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La transición de mojado crítica en el modelo interfacial no local con interacciones de corto alcance

Palacios González, Juan; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (2019)
El estudio de los fenómenos críticos y las transiciones de fase de segundo orden es un área de gran interés en el ámbito ...

Curvature corrections to the nonlocal interfacial model for short-ranged forces

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Squarcini, Alessio; Parry, Andrew O.; Goldbart, Paul M. (American Physical Society Sites, 2018)
In this paper we revisit the derivation of a nonlocal interfacial Hamiltonian model for systems with short-ranged ...
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Introducción a los Cristales Líquidos

Coronado Núñez, Daniel; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe (2018)
En este trabajo se estudia la descripción teórica de una fase nemática, la transición de fase isotrópica–nemática ...

Computer simulation study of the nematic–vapour interface in the Gay–Berne model

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe (Taylor & Francis, 2017)
We present computer simulations of the vapour–nematic interface of the Gay–Berne model. We considered situations which ...
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La transición de fase de Kosterlitz-Thouless

Toledo Garrido, Juan José; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Fernández Rull, Luis Felipe (2017)
En el siguiente trabajo vamos a estudiar la Transición de Kosterlitz-Thouless. Se trata de una transición de fases presente ...

Nematic liquid crystals on sinusoidal channels: the zigzag instability

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Silvestre, Nuno M.; Telo Da Gama, Margarida Maria (IOP Publishing, 2017)
Substrates which are chemically or topographically patterned induce a variety of liquid crystal textures. The response of ...

Pattern-induced anchoring transitions in nematic liquid crystals

Rojas Gómez, Oscar A.; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Silvestre, Nuno M.; Telo Da Gama, Margarida Maria (IOP Publishing, 2016)
In this paper we revisit the problem of a nematic liquid crystal in contact with patterned substrates. The substrate is ...

Flue gas adsorption by single-wall carbon nanotubes: A Monte Carlo study

Romero Hermida, Isabel; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Morales Flórez, Víctor; Esquivias Fedriani, Luis María (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2016)
Adsorption of flue gases by single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) has been studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The ...

Filling and wetting transitions on sinusoidal substrates: a mean-field study of the Landau-Ginzburg model

Rodríguez Rivas, Álvaro; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Galván, José (IOP Publishing, 2014)
We study the interfacial phenomenology of a fluid in contact with a one-dimensional array of infinitely long grooves of ...

Observation of a tricritical wedge filling transition in the 3D Ising model

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rodríguez Rivas, Álvaro; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe; Milchev, A. (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2014)
In this letter we present evidences of the occurrence of a tricritical filling transition for an Ising model in a linear ...

Generalized Berreman's model of the elastic surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal on a sawtoothed substrate

Rojas-Gómez, O.A.; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2012)
In this paper we present a generalization of Berreman’s model for the elastic contribution to the surface free-energy ...

Nematic wetting and filling of crenellated surfaces

Silvestre, Nuno M.; Eskandari, Zahra; Patrício, Pedro; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Telo Da Gama, Margarida Maria (American Physical Society, 2012)
We investigate nematic wetting and filling transitions of crenellated surfaces (rectangular gratings) by numerical minimization ...

Computer simulations of nematic drops: Coupling between drop shape and nematic order

Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Fernández Nieves, A. (AIP Publishing, 2012)
We perform Monte Carlo computer simulations of nematic drops in equilibrium with their vapor using a Gay-Berne interaction ...

Filling and wetting transitions of nematic liquid crystals on sinusoidal substrates

Patrício, Pedro; Silvestre, Nuno M.; Pham, Chi Tuong; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2011)
Close to sinusoidal substrates, simple fluids may undergo a filling transition, in which the fluid passes from a dry to a ...

Renormalisation group determination of the order of the DNA denaturation transition

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Santos, Francisco J. de los; Muñoz, Miguel Ángel (Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP), 2010)
We report on the nature of the thermal-denaturation transition of homogeneous DNA as determined from a renormalisation ...

Scaling of the elastic contribution to the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal on a sawtoothed substrate

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Pham, Chi Tuong; Patrício, Pedro (American Physical Society, 2010)
We characterize the elastic contribution to the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal in the presence of a ...

Field dependence of the adiabatic temperature change in second order phase transition materials: Application to Gd

Franco García, Victorino; Conde Amiano, Alejandro; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Spichkin, Y. I.; Zverev, V. I.; Tishin, A. M. (AIP Publishing, 2009)
The field dependence of the adiabatic temperature change LlTad of second order phase transition materials is studied, both ...

Bilayered smectic phase polymorphism in the dipolar Gay-Berne liquid crystal model

Houssa Benzaida, Mohammed; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (AIP Publishing, 2009)
We present computer simulations of the Gay–Berne model with a strong terminal dipole. We report the existence of different stable ...

The magnetocaloric effect in materials with a second order phase transition: Are T C and T peak necessarily coincident?

Conde Amiano, Alejandro; Franco García, Victorino; Kuz'min, Michael D.; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (AIP Publishing, 2009)
Using the Arrott–Noakes equation of state it is shown that the Curie point TC and the temperature where the magnetic ...

3D short-range wetting and nonlocality

Parry, Andrew O.; Rascón, Carlos; Bernardino, Nelson Rei; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2008)
Analysis of a microscopic Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson model of 3D short-ranged wetting shows that correlation functions are ...

Wetting transition of a nematic liquid crystal on a periodic wedge-structured substrate

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Patrício, Pedro; Pham, Chi Tuong (EDP Sciences, 2007)
It is known that the wetting behaviour of a fluid is deeply altered by the presence of rough or structured substrates. We ...

Controlling the order of wedge filling transitions: the role of line tension

Romero Enrique, José Manuel (2007)
We study filling phenomena in 3D wedge geometries paying particular attention to the role played by a line tension associated ...

Liquid-gas separation in colloidal electrolytes

Caballero, José B.; Puertas, Antonio M.; Fernández-Barbero, Antonio; Nieves, F.J. de las; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2006)
The liquid-gas transition of an electroneutral mixture of oppositely charged colloids, studied by Monte Carlo simulations, ...

Freezing of hard spheres confined in narrow cylindrical pores

Gordillo, M. C.; Martínez-Haya, Bruno; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2006)
Monte Carlo simulations for the equation of state and phase behavior of hard spheres confined inside very narrow hard tubes ...

Phase transitions, interfacial fluctuations and hidden symmetries for fluids near structured walls

Parry, Andrew O.; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (Indian Academy of Sciences, 2005)
Fluids adsorbed at micro-patterned and geometrically structured substrates can exhibit novel phase transitions and interfacial ...

3D wedge filling and 2D random-bond wetting

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Parry, Andrew O. (Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP), 2005)
Fluids adsorbed in 3D wedges are shown to exhibit two types of continuous interfacial unbinding corresponding to critical ...

Tricritical wedge filling transitions with short-ranged forces

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Parry, Andrew O. (IOP Publishing, 2005)
We show that the 3D wedge filling transition in the presence of short-ranged interactions can be first order or second ...

Density functional theory study of the nematic-isotropic transition in an hybrid cel

Rodríguez Ponce, Inmaculada; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe (AIP Publishing, 2005)
We have employed the density functional theory formalism to investigate the nematic–isotropic capillary transitions of a ...

Interfacial structure at a two-dimensional wedge filling transition: Exact results and a renormalization group study

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Parry, Andrew O.; Greenall, Martin J. (American Physical Society, 2004)
Interfacial structure and correlation functions near a two-dimensional wedge filling transition are studied using effective ...

Nonlocality and short-range wetting phenomena

Parry, Andrew O.; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Lazarides, Achilleas (American Physical Society, 2004)
We propose a nonlocal interfacial model for 3D short-range wetting at planar and nonplanar walls. The model is characterized ...

Fluid adsorption near an Apex: Covariance between complete and critical wetting

Parry, Andrew O.; Greenall, Martin J.; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2003)
Critical wetting is an elusive phenomenon for solid-fluid interfaces. Using interfacial models we show that the diverging ...

Surface and capillary transitions in an associating binary mixture model

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe; Marini Bettolo Marconi, Umberto (American Physical Society, 2003)
We investigate the phase diagram of a two-component associating fluid mixture in the presence of selectively adsorbing ...

Dipolar origin of the gas-liquid coexistence of the hard-core 1:1 electrolyte model

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z. (American Physical Society, 2002)
We present a systematic study of the effect of the ion pairing on the gas-liquid phase transition of hard-core 1:1 electrolyte ...
Tesis Doctoral

Efectos de la asociación en las transiciones de fase de fase de fluidos complejos

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe (2001)

Orientational transitions in a nematic liquid crystal confined by competing surfaces

Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe; Rodríguez Ponce, Inmaculada; Romero Enrique, José Manuel (American Physical Society, 2001)
The effect of confinement on the orientational structure of a nematic liquid crystal model has been investigated by using ...

Coexistence and Criticality in Size-Asymmetric Hard-Core Electrolytes

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Orkoulas, Gerassimos; Panagiotopoulos, Athanassios Z.; Fisher, Michael E. (American Physical Society, 2000)
Liquid-vapor coexistence curves and critical parameters for hard-core 1:1 electrolyte models with diameter ...

Interplay between anchoring and wetting at a nematic-substrate interface

Rodríguez Ponce, Inmaculada; Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Velasco, Enrique; Mederos, Luis; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe (American Physical Society, 1999)
We use a generalized van der Waals molecular theory to study a model substrate-nematic interface in the regime of complete ...

Comment on "Exact results for the lower critical solution in the asymmetric model of an interacting binary mixture"

Romero Enrique, José Manuel; Rodríguez Ponce, Inmaculada; Rull Fernández, Luis Felipe; Marini Bettolo Marconi, Umberto (American Physical Society, 1997)