NombrePérez Castiñeira, José Román
DepartamentoBioquímica Vegetal y Biología Molecular
Área de conocimientoBioquímica y Biología Molecular
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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CONSTANS, a HUB for all seasons: How photoperiod pervades plant physiology regulatory circuits

Romero Rodríguez, José María; Serrano Bueno, Gloria; Camacho-Fernández, Carolina; Henrique Vicente, Mateus; Ruiz, María Teresa; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Pérez Hormaeche, Javier; Nogueira, Fabio; Valverde, Federico (AMER SOC PLANT BIOLOGISTS; OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, 2024)
How does a plant detect the changing seasons and make important developmental decisions accordingly? How do they incorporate ...

Editorial: pyrophosphates and polyphosphates in plants and microorganisms

Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Docampo, Roberto; Ezawa, Tatsuhiro; Serrano, Aurelio (Frontiers Media, 2021)
Phosphorus is the fifth most abundant chemical element in living cells. Microorganisms and plants take up phosphorus as ...

The H+-Translocating Inorganic Pyrophosphatase From Arabidopsis thaliana Is More Sensitive to Sodium Than Its Na+-Translocating Counterpart From Methanosarcina mazei

Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (Frontiers Media S.A., 2020)
Overexpression of membrane-bound K+-dependent H+-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatases (H+-PPases) from higher plants ...

Hongos entomopatógenos: de la agricultura a la conservación del patrimonio histórico

Crespo Martín, Eva; Gallego Sánchez, Luis Miguel; Gámez Arcas, Samuel; Mozo Mulero, Marta; Nevado Berzosa, María Patricia; Pérez Camacho, Inmaculada Concepción; Soriano Bermúdez, Jesús José; Téllez Pueblas, Elan Alexis; Molina Heredia, Fernando Publio; Roncel Gil, Mercedes; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román (Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, 2018)
Los métodos tradicionales utilizados en la conservación del patrimonio histórico incluyen principalmente el uso de ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudios funcionales de las pirofosfatasas inorgánicas de saccharomyces cerevisiae y organismos fotosintéticos

Madroñal de Sancha, Juan Manuel; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román (2017)
Obje tivos de la Te s is Doctoral 1. Expresar funcionalmente la pirofosfatasa soluble (sPPasa) de la Familia II de Moorella ...

Inorganic Pyrophosphatases: Study of Interest

Papa Daouda, Mar; Elkhalfi, Bouchra; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio; Soukri, Abdelaziz (Scientific Research Publishing, 2017)
Inorganic pyrophosphatases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate to orthophosphate. These ...

Cell stress by phosphate of two protozoa tetrahymena thermophila and tetrahymena pyriformis

Papa Daouda, Mar; Elkhalfi, Bouchra; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio; Soukri, Abdelaziz (Scientific Research Publishing, 2017)
Phosphorus is one of the bioelements most needed as a compound cell by living organisms. Phosphorus is involved in several ...

Vacuolar H+-Pyrophosphatase AVP1 is Involved in Amine Fungicide Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and Provides Tridemorph Resistance in Yeast

Hernández, Agustín; Herrera Palau, Rosana; Madroñal, Juan M.; Albi Rodríguez, Tomás; López Lluch, Guillermo; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Navas Lloret, Plácido; Valverde Albacete, Federico; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (Frontiers Media, 2016)
Amine fungicides are widely used as crop protectants. Their success is believed to be related to their ability to inhibit ...

8-Dehydrosterols induce membrane traffic and autophagy defects through V-ATPase dysfunction in Saccharomyces cerevisae

Hernández, Agustín; Serrano Bueno, Gloria; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Serrano, Aurelio (Elsevier, 2015)
8-Dehydrosterols are present in a wide range of biologically relevant situations, from human rare diseases to amine ...

Estudio de microorganismos causantes de biodeterioro mediante técnicas de biología molecular en el IAPH

Menguiano Chaparro, Víctor M.; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Sameño Puerto, Marta (Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico. Consejería de Cultura y Patrimonio Histórico. Junta de Andalucía, 2013)
El Laboratorio de Biología del IAPH, en colaboración con el Departamento de Bioquímica Vegetal y Biología Molecular de la ...

Inorganic pyrophosphatase defects lead to cell cycle arrest and autophagic cell death through NAD+ depletion in fermenting yeast

Serrano Bueno, Gloria; Hernández, Agustín; López Lluch, Guillermo; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Navas, Plácido; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (Elsevier, 2013)
Inorganic pyrophosphatases are required for anabolism to take place in all living organisms. Defects in genes encoding ...

Intracellular proton pumps as targets in chemotherapy: V-ATPases and cancer

Hernández López, Agustín; Serrano Bueno, Gloria; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (Bentham Science Publishers, 2012)
Cancer cells show a metabolic shift that makes them overproduce protons; this has the potential to disturb ...

A plant proton-pumping inorganic pyrophosphatase functionally complements the vacuolar ATPase transport activity and confers bafilomycin resistance in yeast

Drake García, Rocío; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Hernández López, Agustín (2011)

N-terminal chimaeras with signal sequences enhance the functional expression and alter the subcellular localization of heterologous membrane-bound inorganic pyrophosphatases in yeast

Drake García, Rocío; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román (Portland Press, 2010)
Expression of heterologous multispanning membrane proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a difficult task. Quite often, ...

Intraorganellar acidification by V-ATPases: a target in cellproliferation and cancer therapy

Hernández López, Agustín; Serrano Bueno, Gloria; Herrera Palau, Rosana; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (Bentham Science Publishers, 2010)
V-ATPases are multicomponent proton pumps involved in the acidification of singlemembrane intracellular compartments such ...

Differential regulation of soluble and membrane-bound inorganic pyrophosphatases in the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum provides insights into pyrophosphate-based stress bioenergetics

Losada Villasante, Manuel; López Marqués, Rosa Laura; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (American Society for Microbiology, 2004)
Soluble and membrane-bound inorganic pyrophosphatases (sPPase and H -PPase, respectively) of the purple nonsulfur bacterium ...
Tesis Doctoral

Fisiología molecular y bioquímica de pirofosfatasas translocadoras de protones

López Marqués, Rosa Laura; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (2004)
El pirofosfato (PPi) es una sencilla molécula inorgánica que posee un enlace P-O-P, denominado enlace pirofosfato, ...

Functional complementation of yeast cytosolic pyrophosphatase by bacterial and plant H -translocating pyrophosphatases

Losada Villasante, Manuel; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; López Marqués, Rosa Laura; Villalba Montoro, José Manuel; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (National Academy of Sciences, 2002)
Two types of proteins that hydrolyze inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi), very different in both amino acid sequence and structure, ...

Enzymatic systems of inorganic pyrophosphate bioenergetics in photosynthetic and heterotrophic protists: remmants or metabolic cornerstones?

Losada Villasante, Manuel; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román; Gómez García, Rosario; López Marqués, Rosa Laura; Serrano Delgado, Aurelio (Springer, 2001)
An increasing body of biochemical and genetic evidence suggests that inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) plays an important role ...
Tesis Doctoral

Metabolismo del azufre inorgánico en la microalga eucariótica Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

Prieto Rodríguez, José Luis; Vega Piqueres, José María; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román (1996)
El consumo de sulfato por chlamydomonas reinhardtii depende de energía metabólica, esta mediado por permeasas especificas, ...
Tesis Doctoral

Metabolismo del azufre en el alga eucariota Monoraphidium braunii. Purificación y caracterización de la O-Acetil-L-Serina(Tiol)Liasa

González Arroyo, Jorge Guillermo; Vega Piqueres, José M.; Pérez Castiñeira, José Román (1993)