NombreMerino Monge, Manuel
DepartamentoTecnología Electrónica
Área de conocimientoTecnología Electrónica
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Emotional State Measurement Trial (EMOPROEXE): A Protocol for Promoting Exercise in Adults and Children with Cerebral Palsy

Gómez González, Isabel María; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Merino Monge, Manuel; Sánchez Antón, Gemma; Hamidi, Foad; Mendoza-Sagrera, Alejandro; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús (MDPI, 2024)
: Background: The protocol described in this paper is part of a research project coordinated between three Spanish ...

A review on visible-light eye-tracking methods based on a low-cost camera

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Merino Monge, Manuel; Biscarri Triviño, Félix; Escudero Fombuena, José Ignacio (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024)
This paper is the first of a two-part study aiming at building a low-cost visible-light eye tracker (ET) for people with ...

The Effect of Demanding Mental Tasks on Electrodermal Activity and Heart Rate During Physical Activity: A Pilot Study

Castro García, Juan Antonio; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Merino Monge, Manuel; Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Gómez González, Isabel María (IEEE, 2023)
This paper presents the development of a virtual rehabilitation game and mental load with different difficulty blocks. The ...

Heartbeat detector from ECG and PPG signals based on wavelet transform and upper envelopes

Merino Monge, Manuel; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Gómez González, Isabel María; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús (Springer Link, 2023)
The analysis of cardiac activity is one of the most common elements for evaluating the state of a subject, either to control ...

Smart bracelet for anxiety

Navarro-Moreno, Noelia; Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Merino Monge, Manuel; Lafuente Arroyo, Sergio; Castro García, Juan Antonio (Kalpa Publications in Computing, 2023)
This paper introduces a novel non-invasive wearable device that can infer whether people are suffering from anxiety or ...

Towards Human Stress and Activity Recognition: A Review and a First Approach Based on Low-Cost Wearables

Castro García, Juan Antonio; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Gómez González, Isabel María; Lafuente Arroyo, Sergio; Merino Monge, Manuel (MDPI, 2022)
Detecting stress when performing physical activities is an interesting field that has received relatively little research ...

A methodological proposal for the Digital Electronics subject laboratory

Gómez González, Isabel María; Juan Chico, Jorge; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Merino Monge, Manuel; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús (IEE Xplore, 2022)
This paper describes a proposal for teaching the digital electronics laboratory that combines the traditional method based ...

Promoting Physical Activity in People with Functional Diversity through a Multiplayer Musical Game

Merino Monge, Manuel; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Gómez González, Isabel María (MDPI, 2021)
Physical activity (PA) performed in group can slow down the decline in motor functions in people with disabilities. With ...

Development and Testing of Motion-Detection Techniques for People with Cerebral Palsy

Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María (MDPI, 2021)
This paper describes several computer access methods tested by Eva, a woman with choreoathetosic cerebral palsy. This ...

Smart Bracelet for Emotional Enhancement in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Ortolan-Soto, Alba; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María (MDPI, 2021)
People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have great difficulties in social interaction and in the management of personal ...

Study of Blood-Pressure Measurement Using Noninvasive Methods

González-Pena, Mariña; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María (MDPI, 2021)
The correct diagnosis of high blood pressure is important to avoid cardiovascular diseases. In this work, we propose a ...

A study on physical exercise and general mobility in people with cerebral palsy: health through costless routines

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Merino Monge, Manuel; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Pousada-García, Thais; Valenzuela-Muñoz, David; Gutiérrez-Párraga, David; López-Álvarez, Setefilla; Gómez González, Isabel María (MDPI, 2021)
Sedentary behavior (SB) is a common problem that may produce health issues in people with cerebral palsy (CP). When added ...

An Easy-to-Use Multi-Source Recording and Synchronization Software for Experimental Trials

Merino Monge, Manuel; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Gómez González, Isabel María (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
A typical routine in many scienti c studies consists of recording data from devices and identifying which segment of data ...

Communication Technologies Based on Voluntary Blinks: Assessment and Design

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Merino Monge, Manuel; Quesada Tabares, Roylán; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Gómez González, Isabel María (IEEE Computer Society, 2019)
Some people with severe disabilities are con ned in a state in which communication is virtually impossible, being reduced ...

An Open-Source Hardware Acquisition Platform for Physiological Measurements

Castro García, Juan Antonio; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María (IEEE Computer Society, 2019)
In this article we present a new low-cost physiological signal acquisition platform in compliance with Open-Source Hardware ...

Real-Time Processing Library for Open-Source Hardware Biomedical Sensors

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Gómez González, Isabel María; Merino Monge, Manuel (MDPI, 2018)
Applications involving data acquisition from sensors need samples at a preset frequency rate, the filtering out of noise ...

Looking for Emotions on a Single EEG Signal

Quesada Tabares, Roylán; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Escudero Fombuena, José Ignacio; Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Lebrato Vázquez, Clara; Castro García, Juan Antonio (Springer, 2018)
This work aims at demonstrating that it is possible to detect emotions using a single EEG channel with an accuracy that ...

A Preliminary Study about the Music Influence on EEG and ECG Signals

Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Quesada Tabares, Roylán (ScitePress Digital Library, 2018)
In this work, music is used to elicit emotions and the impact produced by it on the electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram ...
Patente. Invención

Sistema de detección adaptativo de movimientos leves para personas con discapacidad

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Gómez González, Isabel María; Cabrera Cabrera, Rafael; Merino Monge, Manuel; Guerrero Cubero, Jaime; López Álvarez, Setefilla (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2017)
La presente invención tiene por objeto un sistema para la detección de movimientos voluntarios leves en personas con ...

A Wearable System for Multisensory Stimulation Therapy for Children

Hamidi, Foad; Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; López Álvarez, Setefilla; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Baljko, Melanie (ACM. Association for Computing Machinery, 2017)
Multisensory stimulation therapy involves the simultaneous stimulation of several senses in a relaxing environment to ...

Characterizing Computer Access Using a One-Channel EEG Wireless Sensor

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Guerrero Cubero, Jaime; Gómez González, Isabel María; Merino Monge, Manuel; Silva Silva, Juan I. (MDPI, 2017)
This work studies the feasibility of using mental attention to access a computer. Brain activity was measured with an ...

A Hardware/Software Platform to Acquire Bioelectrical Signals. A Case Study: Characterizing Computer Access through Attention

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Gómez González, Isabel María; Guerrero, Jaime; Merino Monge, Manuel; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Quesada Tabares, Roylán; Berrazueta Alvarado, Santiago; Hermoso de Mendoza, María (SciTePress Digital Library, 2017)
This paper describes a hardware/software platform to acquire human body signals. In the field of physiological computing ...

A new multisensor software architecture for movement detection: Preliminary study with people with cerebral palsy

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Guerrero, Jaime; Gómez González, Isabel María; Merino Monge, Manuel (Elsevier, 2017)
A five-layered software architecture translating movements into mouse clicks has been developed and tested on an Arduino ...

Emotions Detection based on a Single-electrode EEG Device

Quesada Tabares, Roylán; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Gómez González, Isabel María; Merino Monge, Manuel; Castro García, Juan Antonio; Cabrera Cabrera, Rafael (SciTePress, 2017)
The study of emotions using multiple channels of EEG represents a widespread practice in the field of research related to ...

Procesamiento de bioseñales: un enfoque práctico

Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Barrero, Federico; Juan Chico, Jorge; Viejo Cortés, Julián; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Toral, S. L.; Millán Calderón, Alejandro (Universidad de Sevilla, 2016)
La disciplina de procesamiento de bioseñales aparca un amplio y complejo espectro de conocimientos. El diseño de sesiones ...

The Role of Small Robots in Designed Play Workshops in Centers of Adults with Cerebral Palsy

Gómez González, Isabel María; Rodríguez, Rubén; Otero, Juan Jesús; Merino Monge, Manuel; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Cabrera Cabrera, Rafael (Springer, 2016)
An experience that took place in ASPACE (Association of People with Cerebral Palsy in Seville) showed that the intervention ...

Metodología de evaluación continua para grupos numerosos en Procesamiento de Señales Multimedia

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Mora-Merchán, Javier María; Cabrera Cabrera, Rafael; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Gómez González, Isabel María; Merino Monge, Manuel; Barrero, Federico; Juan Chico, Jorge; Viejo Cortés, Julián; Jiménez Fernández, Carlos Jesús; Toral, S. L.; Millán Calderón, Alejandro (Universidad de Sevilla, 2016)
La asignatura de Procesamiento de Señales Multimedia utiliza una metodología de evaluación continua consistente en la ...
Tesis Doctoral

Procesamiento y caracterización de bioseñales para su uso en interfaces de control y afectividad

Merino Monge, Manuel; Goméz González, Isabel María; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús (2015)
Las interfaces HCI y PC basadas en bioseñales constan de 3 fases: la captación de los datos, procesamiento y actuación ...

Insertion calorimetric flowmeter for liquids with multiple temperature sensors to improve measurement by redundancy

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Biscarri Triviño, Félix; Leal Díaz, Miguel Ángel; Merino Monge, Manuel (Elsevier, 2015)
In this paper a thermal flowmeter based on the calorimetric principle is reported and analytically modeled. The flow is ...

Envelopment filter and K-means for the detection of QRS waveforms in electrocardiogram

Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Molina Molero, Alberto José (ScienceDirect, 2015)
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a well-established technique for determining the electrical activity of the heart and ...

EEG Feature Variations under Stress Situations

Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús (IEEE Computer Society, 2015)
The goal of this study is to identify EEG parameters and electrode positions with the highest significant values ...

Envelope filter sequence to delete blinks and overshoots

Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús (BioMed Central, 2015)
Background: Eye movements have been used in control interfaces and as indicators of somnolence, workload and concentration. ...

Stress and heart rate: significant parameters and their variations

Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús (Cardiology Academic Press, 2014)
The aim of this paper is to identify heart rate parameters with higher significant values when a set of people are performing ...

Assessment of Biosignals for Managing a Virtual Keyboard

Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Guzman, Kevin (Springer, 2012)
In this paper we propose an assessment of biosignals for handling an application based on virtual keyboard and automatic ...

A standard-based Body Sensor Network system proposal

Dorronzoro Zubiete, Enrique; Medina Rodríguez, Ana Verónica; Gómez González, Isabel María; Gómez Martín, José Antonio; Merino Monge, Manuel (Springer, 2011)
Body Area Networks are a solution to remote monitoring in order to acquire vital signals of patients. Actual sensors provide ...

Comparison Among Ambiguous Virtual Keyboards For People With Severe Motor Disabilities

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Gómez González, Isabel María; Merino Monge, Manuel; Ropero Rodríguez, Jorge (IJMER, 2011)
This paper presents an exhaustive study on the different topologies of ambiguous soft keyboards, analyzing the text entry ...

A Flexible, Open, Multimodal System of Computer Control Based on Infrared Light

Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Gómez González, Isabel María; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Merino Monge, Manuel (ExcelingTech Publisher, 2011)
This In this paper, a system architecture that can be adapted to an individual’s motor capacity and preferences, to control ...

Fingerprint indoor position system based on OpenMAC

Medina Rodríguez, Ana Verónica; Gómez Martín, José Antonio; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Dorronzoro Zubiete, Enrique; Merino Monge, Manuel (IEEE Computer Society, 2011)
This paper presents a work in progress for the developing of a fingerprint indoor position system based on OpenMAC, an ...

Customizable Software Interface for Monitoring Applications

Merino Monge, Manuel; Gómez González, Isabel María; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús (Springer, 2010)
In this paper we propose an application based on virtual keyboard and automatic scanning to communicate with a PC and the ...

Augmented and Alternative Communication System Based on Dasher Application and an Accelerometer

Gómez González, Isabel María; Anaya González, Pablo; Cabrera Cabrera, Rafael; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Merino Monge, Manuel (Springer, 2010)
This paper describes a system composed by predictive text input software called “Dasher” and a hardware used to connect ...

A Method of EOG Signal Processing to Detect the Direction of Eye Movements

Merino Monge, Manuel; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Gómez González, Isabel María; Molina Cantero, Alberto Jesús; Dorronzoro Zubiete, Enrique (IEEE Computer Society, 2010)
In this paper, a signal processing algorithm to detect eye movements is developed. The algorithm works with two kinds of ...

The IEC-60870-5 standard for a personal server applied to telemedicine

Dorronzoro Zubiete, Enrique; Medina Rodríguez, Ana Verónica; Gómez González, Isabel María; Rivera Romero, Octavio; Merino Monge, Manuel (IEEE Computer Society, 2010)
This paper presents a proposal of a flexible telemedicine system for remote patient monitoring. It can be used in different ...