NombreMartín Mateos, Francisco Jesús
DepartamentoCiencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Área de conocimientoCiencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Librería sobre grafos en Haskell : el problema del camino más corto

Manrique Merchán, Pablo; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (2023)
The shortest path problem is an important problem in graph theory, consisting in finding paths between two nodes in weighted ...
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Librería sobre esteganografía en Haskell

Mariano Herzog, Teresa; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (2023)
Steganography is the art of hiding the fact that comunication is taking place. In this project we present an introduction ...
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Deducción Natural para Lógica Proposicional : Entorno de aprendizaje

Chaves Benítez, Gabriel; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (2023)
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Desarrollo de una librería Haskell sobre árboles de decisión

García Sancho, Carlos; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (2021)
A Decision Tree is a supervised learning technique used for prediction tasks, which stands out for being able to produce ...
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Desarrollo de una librería Haskell sobre códigos QR

Delgado Cruces, Javier; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (2021)
QR codes are the most common way of storing and exchanging information. In this project they will be studied in order to create a Haskell package with necessary functions and data types to implement them.
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Desarrollo de una librería Haskell sobre redes neuronales

Ramírez de Arellano Marrero, Antonio; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (2020)
Artificial Neural Networks are a computational model whose objective is to simulate the learning system of the human brain, ...
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Librería Haskell sobre Model Checking

Domínguez Balbás, Pablo; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (2020)
In this project we establish the basic theoretical concepts about F inite State M achines and Model Checking so we can ...

Using Abstract Stobjs in ACL2 to Compute Matrix Normal Forms

Lambán Pardo, Laureano; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Rubio, Julio; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2017)
We present here an application of abstract single threaded objects (abstract stobjs) in the ACL2 theorem prover, to define ...

Towards a verifiable topology of data

Lambán Pardo, Laureano; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Rubio, Julio; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Universidad de La Rioja, Departamento de Matemáticas y Computación, 2016)

Modelling algebraic structures and morphisms in ACL2

Heras, Jónathan; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Pascual, Vico (Springer, 2015)
In this paper, we present how algebraic structures and morphisms can be modelled in the ACL2 theorem prover. Namely, we ...

Formally Verified Tableau-Based Reasoners for a Description Logic

Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Borrego Díaz, Joaquín; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2014)
Description Logics are a family of logics used to represent and reason about conceptual and terminological knowledge. One ...

Verifying the bridge between simplicial topology and algebra: the Eilenberg–Zilber algorithm

Lambán Pardo, Laureano; Rubio, Julio; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Oxford Academic, 2013)
The Eilenberg–Zilber algorithm is one of the central components of the computer algebra system called Kenzo, devoted ...

Certified Symbolic Manipulation: Bivariate Simplicial Polynomials

Lambán Pardo, Laureano; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Rubio, Julio; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (ACM, 2013)
Certified symbolic manipulation is an emerging new field where programs are accompanied by certificates that, suitably ...
Tesis Doctoral

Formalización en Isar de la metalógica de primer orden

Serrano Suárez, Fabián Fernando; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio (2012)
El objetivo del trabajo es formalizar razonamiento complejo de forma legible por los humanos y procesable por las máquinas. ...

Formalization of a normalization theorem in simplicial topology

Lambán Pardo, Laureano; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Rubio, Julio; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2012)
In this paper we present a complete formalization of the Normalization Theorem, a result in Algebraic Simplicial Topology ...

Proof Pearl: a Formal Proof of Higman’s Lemma in ACL2

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José (Springer, 2011)
Higman’s lemma is an important result in infinitary combinatorics, which has been formalized in several theorem provers. ...

Applying ACL2 to the Formalization of Algebraic Topology: Simplicial Polynomials

Lambán Pardo, Laureano; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Rubio, Julio; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2011)
In this paper we present a complete formalization, using the ACL2 theorem prover, of the Normalization Theorem, a result ...

Sensorización y control de un proceso de mecanizado utilizando un sistema experto basado en reglas

Serrano Bello, Rafael; González Valencia, Luis Carlos; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO), 2010)
Aunque el proceso de fabricación por arranque de viruta ha evolucionado mucho en los últimos años con la incorporación de ...
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Topología simplicial en ACL2

Lambán Pardo, Laureano; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Lambán Pardo, Laureano; Romero, Ana; Rubio, Julio (Universidad de la Rioja, 2010)

Expert System to Real Time Control of Machining Processes

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; González Valencia, Luis Carlos; Serrano Bello, Rafael (Springer, 2009)
Industrial machining processes use automated milling machines. These machines are connected to a control device that ...

ACL2 Verification of Simplicial Degeneracy Programs in the Kenzo System

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Rubio, Julio; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2009)
Kenzo is a Computer Algebra system devoted to Algebraic Topology, and written in the Common Lisp programming language. It ...

Constructing Formally Verified Reasoners for the ALC Description Logic

Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Elsevier, 2008)
Description Logics are a family of logics used to represent and reason about conceptual and terminological knowledge. ...

KRRT: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Tutor System

Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Aranda, Gonzalo A.; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (Springer, 2007)
Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (KR&R) is a fundamental topic in Artificial Intelligence. A basic KR language is ...

A Formally Verified Prover for the ALC Description Logic

Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Borrego Díaz, Joaquín; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2007)
The Ontology Web Language (OWL) is a language used for the Semantic Web. OWL is based on Description Logics (DLs), a ...

Foundational Challenges in Automated Data and Ontology Cleaning in the Semantic Web

Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Borrego Díaz, Joaquín; Chávez González, Antonia María; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (IEEE Computer Society, 2006)
The application of automated reasoning systems to data cleaning in the Semantic Web raises many challenges on the foundational ...

Formal Correctness of a Quadratic Unification Algorithm

Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José (Springer, 2006)
We present a case study using ACL2 [5] to verify a non-trivial algorithm that uses efficient data structures. The algorithm ...

Rete Algorithm Applied to Robotic Soccer

Palomo, M.; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio (Springer, 2005)
This article is a first approach to the use of Rete algorithm to design a team of robotic soccer playing agents for Robocup ...

Verification of the Formal Concept Analysis

Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Borrego Díaz, Joaquín; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Real Academia de Ciencias, 2004)
This paper is concerned with a formal verification of the Formal Concept Analysis framework. We use the PVS system to ...

Formal verification of a generic framework to synthesize SAT-provers

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2004)
We present in this paper an application of the ACL2 system to generate and reason about propositional satis ability provers. ...

Formal Reasoning about Efficient Data Structures: A Case Study in ACL2

Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (Springer, 2003)
We describe in this paper the formal verification, using the ACL2 system, of a syntactic unification algorithm where terms ...

Formal Verification of Molecular Computational Models in ACL2: A Case Study

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2003)
Theorem proving is a classical AI problem with a broad range of applications. Since its complexity is exponential in the ...

A Formal Proof of Dickson’s Lemma in ACL2

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2003)
Dickson’s Lemma is the main result needed to prove the termination of Buchberger’s algorithm for computing Gr¨obner basis ...

A Generic Instantiation Tool and a Case Study: A Generic Multiset Theory.

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (University of Texas, 2002)
In some cases, when we develop a formal theory in ACL2, it would be desirable that the definitions and theorems of the ...

Molecular Computation Models in ACL2: a Simulation of Lipton’s Experiment Solving SAT

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús; Sancho Caparrini, Fernando (2002)
In this paper we present an ACL2 formalization of a molecular computing model: Adleman’s restricted model [2]. This is a ...

Progress Report: Term Dags Using Stobjs

Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (University of Texas, 2002)
We explore in this paper the use of efficient data structures to implement operations on first-order terms, that can be ...

Formal proofs about rewriting using ACL2

Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (Springer, 2002)
We present an application of the ACL2 theorem prover to reason about rewrite systems theory. We describe the formalization ...

Verification in ACL2 of a Generic Framework to Synthesize SAT–Provers

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2002)
We present in this paper an application of the ACL2 system to reason about propositional satisfiability provers. For that ...

A Theory About First-Order Terms in ACL2

Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (University of Texas, 2002)
We describe the development in ACL2 of a library of results about first-order terms. In particular, we present the ...
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Specification of Adleman’s Restricted Model Using an Automated Reasoning System: Verification of Lipton’s Experiment

Graciani Díaz, Carmen; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Pérez Jiménez, Mario de Jesús (Springer, 2002)
The aim ofthis paper is to develop an executable prototype ofan unconventional model ofcomputation. Using the PVS ...
Tesis Doctoral

Teoría computacional (en ACL2) sobre cálculos proposicionales

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio (2002)
En este trabajo se desarrolla una formalización de sistemas de razonamiento proposicionales y se verifican automáticamente sus principales propiedades en el sistema de demostración automática ACL2.

Verifying an Applicative ATP Using Multiset Relations

Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Ruiz Reina, José Luis (Springer, 2001)
We present in this paper a formalization of multiset relations in the ACL2 theorem prover [6], and we show how multisets ...

Multiset Relations: A Tool for Proving Termination

Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (University of Texas, 2000)

Formalizing Rewriting in the ACL2 Theorem Prover

Ruiz Reina, José Luis; Alonso Jiménez, José Antonio; Hidalgo Doblado, María José; Martín Mateos, Francisco Jesús (Springer, 2000)
We present an application of the ACL2 theorem prover to formalize and reason about rewrite systems theory. This can be ...