NombreLópez Acedo, Genaro
DepartamentoAnálisis Matemático
Área de conocimientoAnálisis Matemático
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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A uniform betweenness property in metric spaces and its role in the quantitative analysis of the “Lion-man” game

Kohlenbach, Ulrich Wilhelm; López Acedo, Genaro; Nicolae, Adriana (MSP, 2021)
We analyze, based on an interplay between ideas and techniques from logic and geometric analysis, a pursuit-evasion game. ...

Equilibrium problems on Riemannian manifolds with applications

Wang, Xiangmei; López Acedo, Genaro; Li, Chong; Yao, Jen-Chih (Elsevier, 2019)
We study the equilibrium problem on general Riemannian manifolds. The results on existence of solutions and on the convex ...

The proximal point method for locally lipschitz functions in multiobjective optimization with application to the compromise problem

Bento, Glaydston de Carvalho; Cruz Neto, João Xavier; López Acedo, Genaro; Soubeyran, Antoine; Oliveira Souza, Joao Carlos de (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2018)
This paper studies the constrained multiobjective optimization problem of finding Pareto critical points of vector-valued ...

What do 'convexities' imply on Hadamard manifolds?

Kristály, Alexandru; Li, Chong; López Acedo, Genaro; Nicolae, Adriana (Springer, 2016)
Various results based on some convexity assumptions (involving the exponential map along with affine maps, geodesics and ...
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Juegos de evasión

Japón Sáez, Alberto; López Acedo, Genaro; Silva Zurita, Manuel (2016)
The goals of the work are twofold. The first one is about the background of mathematics of pursuit and evasion, models ...

Quantitative asymptotic regularity results for the composition of two mappings

Kohlenbach, Ulrich Wilhelm; López Acedo, Genaro; Nicolae, Adriana (Taylor & Francis, 2016)
In this paper, we use techniques which originate from proof mining to give rates of asymptotic regularity and metastability for a sequence associated to the composition of two firmly nonexpansive mappings.

Proximal point algorithms on Hadamard manifolds: linear convergence and finite termination

Wang, Jinhua; Li, Chong; López Acedo, Genaro; Yao, Jen-Chih (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2016)
In the present paper, we consider inexact proximal point algorithms for finding singular points of multivalued vector ...

The asymptotic behavior of the composition of firmly nonexpansive mappings

Ariza Ruiz, David; López Acedo, Genaro; Nicolae, Adriana (Springer, 2015)
In this paper we provide a unified treatment of some convex minimization problems, which allows for a better understanding ...

Firmly nonexpansive mappings in classes of geodesic spaces

Ariza Ruiz, David; Leustean, Laurentiu; López Acedo, Genaro (American Mathematical Society, 2014)
Firmly nonexpansive mappings play an important role in metric fixed point theory and optimization due to their correspondence ...

Rate of convergence under weak contractiveness conditions

Ariza Ruiz, David; Briseid, Eyvind Martol; Jiménez Melado, Antonio; López Acedo, Genaro (Casa Cartii de Stiinta, 2013)
We introduce a new class of selfmaps T of metric spaces, which generalizes the weakly Zamfirescu maps (and therefore weakly ...

Forward-Backward splitting methods for accretive operators in Banach spaces

López Acedo, Genaro; Wang, Fenghui; Martín Márquez, Victoria; Xu, Hong-Kun (2012)

A fixed point theorem for weakly Zamfirescu mappings

Ariza Ruiz, David; Jiménez Melado, Antonio; López Acedo, Genaro (Elsevier, 2011)
In [13] T. Zamfirescu, Fixed point theorems in metric spaces, Arch. Math. 23 (1972), 292–298. Zamfirescu gave a fixed point ...

Fixed-point theory, variational inequalities, and its approximation algorithms

Marino, Giuseppe; Colao, Vittorio; Yao, Yonghong; López Acedo, Genaro; Llorens Fuster, Enrique (Hindawi, 2011)

Monotone and accretive vector fields on Riemannian manifolds

Wang, Jinhua; López Acedo, Genaro; Martín Márquez, Victoria; Li, Chong (Springer, 2010)
The relationship between monotonicity and accretivity on Riemannian manifolds is studied in this paper and both concepts ...

Iterative algorithms for nonexpansive mappings on Hadamard manifolds

Li, Chong; López Acedo, Genaro; Martín Márquez, Victoria (The Mathematical Society of the Republic of China, 2010)
Two iterative algorithms for nonexpansive mappings on Hadamard manifolds, which are extensions of the well-known Halpern's ...

Browder's convergence for uniformly asymptotically regular nonexpansive semigroups in Hilbert spaces

López Acedo, Genaro; Suzuki, Tomonari (Springer Open, 2010)
We give a sufficient and necessary condition concerning a Browder’s convergence type theorem for uniformly asymptotically regular one-parameter nonexpansive semigroups in Hilbert spaces.
Tesis Doctoral

Fixed point approximation methods for nonexpansive mappings: optimization problems

Martín Márquez, Victoria; López Acedo, Genaro; Xu, Hong-Kun (2010)
En esta tesis, se estudia los problemas que aparecen en la conexión entre las teorías de operadores monótonos y aplicaciones ...

Stable and total Fenchel duality for convex optimization problems in locally convex spaces

Li, Chong; Fang, Donghui; López Acedo, Genaro; López Cerdá, Marco Antonio (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009)
We consider the optimization problem (PA) infx∈X{f(x) + g(Ax)} where f and g are proper convex functions defined on locally ...

Best simultaneous approximation to totally bounded sequences in Banach spaces

Luo, Xian Fa; Li, Chong; López Acedo, Genaro (Springer, 2008)
This paper is concerned with the problem of best weighted simultaneous approximations to totally bounded sequences in ...

Complete characterizations of Kadec-Klee properties in Orlicz spaces

Domínguez Benavides, Tomás; Hudzik, Henryk; López Acedo, Genaro; Mastylo, Mieczyslaw; Sims, Brailey (University of Houston, 2003)
We study the connections between the Kadec-Klee property for local convergence in measure H`, the Kadec-Klee property for ...

On a result of W. A. Kirk

Espínola García, Rafael; López Acedo, Genaro (University of Houston, 1999)
W. A. Kirk has recently proved a constructive fixed point theorem for continuous mappings in compact hyperconvex metric ...
Tesis Doctoral

Espacios hiperconvexos y teoría métrica del punto fijo

Espínola García, Rafael; López Acedo, Genaro (1998)
El objetivo inicial de esta Memoria fue la búsqueda de teoremas de existencia de puntos fijos para aplicaciones condensantes ...

Qualitative and quantitative properties for the space ℓp,q

Domínguez Benavides, Tomás; López Acedo, Genaro; Xu, Hong-Kun (University of Houston, 1996)
The space lp,q is simply the space lp but renormed by 1 Ixlp,q =(11x+llg + IIx-IIg);, ß E where II'[Ip is the usual lp ...

Remarks on multivalued nonexpansive mappings

López Acedo, Genaro; Xu, Hong-Kun (Soochow University, 1995)
Convergence of fixed point sets of multivalued nonexpansive mappings is studied under both the Mosco and Hausdorff senses. ...

The product formula

López Acedo, Genaro (Universitat de Barcelona, 1991)
A useful property of the Brouwer degree relates the degree of a composition of maps to the degree of each map. This property, ...

Connections between some measures of non-compactness and associated operators

Ayerbe Toledano, José María; Domínguez Benavides, Tomás; López Acedo, Genaro (Universidad de Extremadura, 1990)
Some relationships between the Kuratowski's measure of noncompactness, the ball measure of noncompactness and the d-separation ...

Axiomática para el grado muitivaluado

López Acedo, Genaro (Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 1988)
In this paper we develop an axiomatic theory for the multivalued degree that preserves the basic properties of the classical ...
Tesis Doctoral

Teoría del grado multivaluado

López Acedo, Genaro; Domínguez Benavides, Tomás (1987)
El primero de los capítulos recoge únicamente los resultados que hemos tenido que utilizar para el desarrollo del trabajo que se presentas, estos resultados han sido extraídos fundamentalmente del libro de K. Deimling (6).