NombreJiménez Losada, Andrés
DepartamentoMatemática Aplicada II
Área de conocimientoMatemática Aplicada
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Allocation rules for communication situations with incompatibilities

Basallote Galván, Manuela; Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Hernández Mancera, Carmen; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Springer, 2024)
In this article we analyze certain situations with restricted cooperation. To do this we introduce a model that combines ...

Weighing hierarchical power and active contribution in cooperative games with authorization structure

Alarcón Carrero, Antonio Carlos; Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Springer, 2024)
Cooperative games model situations in which a group of players work together to make a profit. Frequently, in cooperative ...

Two families of values for global cooperative games

Alonso Meijide, José María; Álvarez Mozos. Mikel; Fiestras Janeiro, María Gloria; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Springer, 2024)
A global (cooperative) game describes the utility that the whole set of players generates depending on the coalition ...

Sharing profits in formal fuzzy contexts

Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (Elsevier, 2023)
Cooperative game theory is concerned with situations where a group of agents coordinate their actions to get a common ...

Rough Shapley functions for games with a priori unions

Basallote Galván, Manuela; Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Hernández Mancera, Carmen; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Taylor and Francis, 2023)
A family of allocation rules for cooperative games with a priori unions is introduced in this paper. These allocation ...

A Value for Graph-Restricted Games with Middlemen on Edges

Alarcón Carrero, Antonio Carlos; Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (MDPI, 2022)
In a cooperative game with a communication structure, a graph describes the communication possibilities of the players, ...
Tesis Doctoral

Valores reales para juegos cooperativos con función característica difusa

Galindo Beleña, Hugo; Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (2022)
La cooperación es un comportamiento social relevante, y en algunos contextos como la economía o la ciencia políıtica, tiene ...

The power of an elector in the Spanish parliament: A study compared with power indices

Fernández García, Julio R.; Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Fernández García, Julio R. (SAGE, 2022)
The main goal of this article is to study, from a game theory perspective, the composition of the Spanish Parliament ...

Cost-allocation problems for fuzzy agents in a fixed-tree network

Fernández García, Julio R.; Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (Springer, 2022)
Cost-allocation problems in a fixed network are concerned with distributing the costs for use by a group of clients who ...

A value for games on colored communication structures

Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Fernández García, Julio R.; Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena (Springer, 2021)
Colored graphs have been used in many areas of technological research such as computer science, multiprocessor systems, ...

Marginality and convexity in partition function form games

Alonso Meijide, José María; Álvarez Mozos, Mikel; Fiestras Janeiro, M. Gloria; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Springer Nature, 2021)
In this paper an order on the set of embedded coalitions is studied in detail. This allows us to define new notions of ...

A real Shapley value for cooperative games with fuzzy characteristic function

Galindo Beleña, Hugo; Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Elsevier, 2021)
There are cooperative situations in which the players have only imprecise expectations about the profit that can be obtained ...

Banzhaf values for cooperative games with fuzzy characteristic function

Galindo Beleña, Hugo; Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Taylor & Francis, 2021)
The Banzhaf value, which determines the power of each agent in a cooperative game, has been used in the literature to ...
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Soluciones para juegos en contextos formales

Rodríguez Gómez, Juan Carlos; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (2021)

A characterization of the Shapley value for cooperative games with fuzzy characteristic function

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Elsevier, 2020)
The characteristic function of a cooperative game determines the payment that each coalition can obtain when the players ...

A Symmetric Banzhaf Cooperation Value for Games with a Proximity Relation among the Agents

Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Fernández García, Julio R.; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (MDPI, 2020)
A cooperative game represents a situation in which a set of agents form coalitions in order to achieve a common good. To ...

The cg-average tree value for games on cycle-free fuzzy communication structures

Fernández García, Julio R.; Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 2019)
The main goal in a cooperative game is to obtain a fair allocation of the profit due the cooperation of the involved agents. ...
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Aplicaciones de juegos cooperativos en grafos de colores

Borrero Viguera, Juan; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (2019)
En este trabajo estudiamos dos situaciones distintas, pero a la vez muy parecidas. En el primer problema nos encontraremos ...
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Aplicación de juegos hedónicos en grupos de robots

Robles López, Celia; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (2019)
Muchos han sido los estudios realizados en los últimos años sobre sistemas multirobot debido al gran potencial que han ...
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Aplicación de la Teoría de Juegos a la programación de vuelos

Gómez de Agüero Ortiz, Miguel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; ; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (2019)
Estudiamos en este trabajo una situación de tres compañías aéreas que vuelan a cinco ciudades desde un aeropuerto ficticio. ...
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Seguridad en aeropuertos basada en la Teoría de Juegos

Maza Moreno, Alfredo; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (2019)
La seguridad en los aeropuertos es un tema muy actual debido a la gran cantidad de personas que se mueven por ellos y la ...
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Reparto de costos y establecimiento de precios en el uso del agua. Aplicación en zonas del postrasvase Tajo-Segura

Candón Fernández, José; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (2019)
En este trabajo hemos contemplado la problemática del abastecimiento del agua a regiones agrícolas. En particular nos hemos ...

Nontransferable utility games with fuzzy coalition restrictions

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Elsevier, 2018)
A value for nontransferable utility (NTU) games with fuzzy coalition restrictions is introduced and characterized. In a ...

Comment on "A new approach of cooperative interval games: The interval core and Shapley value revisited"

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Elsevier, 2018)
The interval Shapley-like value for cooperative interval games was introduced by Han et al. (2012).A theorem of characterization ...

The cg-position value for games on fuzzy communication structures

Fernández García, Julio R.; Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (Elsevier, 2018)
A cooperative game for a set of agents establishes a fair allocation of the profit obtained for their cooperation. The ...

Soft cooperation systems and games

Fernández García, Julio R.; Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (Taylor and Francis, 2018)
A cooperative game for a set of agents establishes a fair allocation of the profit obtained for their cooperation. In order ...

A Shapley distance in graphs

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Elsevier, 2018)
A new distance in finite graphs is defined through a game-theoretic approach. This distance arises when solving the problem ...
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Una solución de compromiso para el reparto de costes del agua en una zona acotada del Guadalquivir

Moyano García, Eduardo; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (2018)
En este trabajo hemos dado un posible reparto de los costes a un conjunto de cuatro agentes que emplean las diversas ...

A Banzhaf value for games with a proximity relation among the agents

Fernández García, Julio R.; Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (Elsevier, 2017)
The Banzhaf index is a function determining the power or influence in the decision of a set of agents. The extension of ...

Fuzzy restrictions and an application to cooperative games with restricted cooperation

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Taylor and Francis, 2017)
The concept of restriction, which is an extension of that of interior operator, was introduced to model limited cooperation ...
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Reparto de costos y establecimiento de precios en el uso del agua. Aplicación en zonas de la cuenca del Guadalquivir

Pastor Dorado, Gabriel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (2017)
La importancia del agua y su uso tanto para el consumo como para la agricultura e industria exige actualmente el uso de ...

Comments on: Games with a permission structure - A survey on generalizations and applications 2

Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Sociedad Española de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, 2017)
In the field of cooperative games with restricted cooperation, various restrictions on coalition formation are studied. ...

A Shapley measure of power in hierarchies

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (Elsevier, 2016)
A method for measuring positional power in hierarchies is proposed. Inspired by models of cooperative TU-games with ...
Tesis Doctoral

Juegos con cooperación restringida por grafos difusos

Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Fernández García, Julio R. (2016)

Cooperation among agents with a proximity relation

Fernández García, Julio R.; Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel; Andrés Jiménez-Losada (Elsevier, 2016)
A cooperative game consists of a set of players and a characteristic function determining the maximal gain or minimal cost ...

Cooperative Games and Coalition Cohesion Indices: The Choquet–Owen Value

Fiestras Janeiro, M. Gloria; Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Mosquera Rodríguez, Manuel Alfredo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2016)
In a cooperative game with transferable utility, it is usually assumed that all coalitions are equally feasible. However, ...

Games with fuzzy authorization structure: a Shapley value

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Lebrón Rueda, Esperanza Angustias (Elsevier, 2015)
A cooperative game consists of a set of players and a characteristic function which determines the maximal gain or minimal ...
Tesis Doctoral

Values for games with authorization structure

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves (2015)

Games on concept lattices: Shapley value and core

Faigle, Ulrich; Grabisch, Michel; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (Elsevier, 2015)
We introduce cooperative TU-games on concept lattices, where a concept is a pair (S, S′ ) with S being a subset of players ...

A Banzhaf value for games with fuzzy communication structure: Computing the power of the political groups in the European Parliament

Gallego Sánchez, Inés Magdalena; Fernández García, Julio R.; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Ordóñez Sánchez, Manuel (Elsevier, 2014)
In 2013, Jiménez-Losada et al. introduced several extensions of the Myerson value for games with fuzzy communication ...

Games with fuzzy permission structure: A conjunctive approach

Gallardo Morilla, José Manuel; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Lebrón Rueda, Esperanza Angustias (Elsevier, 2014)
A cooperative game consists of a set of players and a characteristic function which determines the maximal gain or minimal ...

An Application of Cooperative Game Theory to Distributed Control

Maestre Torreblanca, José María; Muñoz de la Peña Sequedo, David; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Algaba Durán, Encarnación; Camacho, Eduardo F. (Elsevier, 2011)
In this paper we propose to study the underlying properties of a given distributed control scheme in which a set of agents ...
Tesis Doctoral

Juegos de operador interior sobre antimatroides

Chacón Fernández, María Casimira; Lebrón Rueda, Esperanza Angustias; Jiménez Losada, Andrés (2008)

Avances en teoría de juegos con aplicaciones económicas y sociales

Algaba Durán, Encarnación; Bilbao Arrese, Jesús Mario; Fernández García, Francisco Ramón; Fernández García, Julio R.; Hinojosa Ramos, Miguel Ángel; Jiménez Jiménez, María Nieves; Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Lebrón Rueda, Esperanza Angustias; López Vázquez, Jorge Jesús; Mármol Conde, Amparo María; Monroy Berjillos, Luisa; Puerto Albandoz, Justo; Bilbao Arrese, Jesús Mario; Fernández García, Francisco Ramón (Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de Publicaciones, 1999)
La teoría de juegos es una valiosa herramienta para analizar situaciones económicas, políticas y sociales, mediante modelos ...
Tesis Doctoral

Valores para juegos sobre estructuras combinatorias

Jiménez Losada, Andrés; Lebrón Rueda, Esperanza Angustias; Bilbao Arrese, Jesús Mario (1998)
Esta Memoria consta de cinco capítulos.En el Capítulo primero, se modela la cooperación parcial definiendo la función ...