NombreJiménez Calzado, Carmen
DepartamentoQuímica Física
Área de conocimientoQuímica Física
Categoría profesionalCatedrática de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Voltage-induced modulation of the magnetic exchange in binuclear Fe(iii) complex deposited on Au(111) surface

Montenegro-Pohlhammer, Nicolás; Cárdenas-Jirón, Gloria; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024)
We present a complete computational study devoted to the deposition of a magnetic binuclear complex on a metallic surface, ...

Dinitrogen Activation Mediated by the (P2PPh)Fe Complex: Electronic Structure, Dimerization Mechanism, and Magnetic Coupling

Zapata Rivera, Jhon; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (American Chemical Society, 2024)
Herein, we report the estimation of the extent of dinitrogen activation by different charged and structural forms of ...

How complex-surface interactions modulate the spin transition of Fe(II) SCO complexes supported on metallic surfaces?

Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Jaber El Lala, Iman; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023)
The deposition of a prototypical spin-crossover [Fe(phen)2(NCS)2] complex on Au(111), Cu(111) and Ag(111) surfaces has ...

Theoretical approach to the one-step versus two-step spin transitions in Hofmann-like FeII SCO metal-organic frameworks

Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Arias Olivares, Nelson David; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Elsevier, 2023)
Guest molecules in the 3D Hofmann-type FeII spin-crossover (SCO) metal-organic frameworks modulate the magnetic properties ...

Exploring the potential as molecular quantum-dot cellular automata of a mixed-valence Ru2 complex deposited on Au(111) surface

Montenegro Pohlhammer, Nicolás; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Martínez Palomino, Carlos (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023)
A key requirement for the implementation of molecular quantum dot cellular automata (mQCA) is the ordered attachment of ...

Computational demonstration of isomer- and spin-state-dependent charge transport in molecular junctions composed of charge-neutral iron(II) spin-crossover complexes

Montenegro-Pohlhammer, Nicolás; Kuppusamy, Senthil Kumar; Cárdenas-Jirón, Gloria; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Ruben, Mario (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023)
Chemistry offers a multitude of opportunities towards harnessing functional molecular materials with application propensity. ...

Spin-crossover Fe(ii) complexes on a surface: a mixture of low-spin and high-spin molecules at low temperature from quantum-chemistry calculations

Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022)
A common feature of spin-crossover molecules deposited on a substrate is the presence of a residual proportion of high-spin ...

Theoretical inspection of the spin-crossover [Fe(tzpy)2(NCS)2] complex on Au(100) surface

Palomino, Carlos M.; Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (American Institute of Physics, 2021)
We explore the deposition of the spin-crossover [Fe(tzpy)2(NCS)2] complex on the Au(100) surface by means of density ...

Spin-state-dependent electrical conductivity in single-walled carbon nanotubes encapsulating spin-crossover molecules

Villalva, Julia; Develioglu, Aysegul; Montenegro Pohlhammer, Nicolás; Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Gamonal, Arturo; Rial, Eduardo; García Hernández, Mar; Ruiz González, Luisa; Sánchez Costa, José; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Pérez, Emilio M.; Burzuri, Enrique (Springer Nature, 2021)
Spin crossover (SCO) molecules are promising nanoscale magnetic switches due to their ability to modify their spin state ...

Spin-crossover complexes in nanoscale devices: main ingredients of the molecule–substrate interactions

Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Montenegro Pohlhammer, Nicolás; Develioglu, Aysegul; Burzurí, Enrique; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021)
Spin-crossover complexes embedded in nanodevices experience effects that are absent in the bulk that can modulate, quench ...

The deposition of the spin crossover Fe(II)-pyrazolylborate complex on Au(111) surface at molecular level

Montenegro-Pohlhammer, Nicolás; Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Wiley, 2021)
The interaction at molecular level of the spin-crossover FeII((3,5-(CH3)2Pz)3BH)2 complex with the Au(111) surface is ...

Light-Induced Control of the Spin Distribution on Cu⁻Dithiolene Complexes: A Correlated Ab Initio Study

Zapata Rivera, J.; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (MDPI, 2019)
Metal dithiolene complexes-M(dmit)₂-are key building blocks for magnetic, conducting, and optical molecular materials, ...

Theoretical study of the photoconduction and photomagnetism of the BPY[Ni(dmit)2]2 molecular crystal

Zapata Rivera, J.; Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019)
The BPY[Ni(dmit)2]2 molecular crystal synthesized by Naito and coworkers (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 18656) was ...

Copper-nitroxide based breathing crystals: a unified mechanism of gradual magnetostructural transition supported by quantum chemistry calculations

Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Cruz Hernández, Norge; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019)
The molecular magnets Cu(hfac)2LR based on copper(II) and pyrazolyl-substituted nitronyl nitroxide radicals LR exhibit ...

Light-induced spin transitions in copper-nitroxide-based switchable molecular magnets: insights from periodic DFT+U calculations

Sánchez de Armas, María Rocío; Cruz Hernandez, Norge; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (Wiley, 2018)
The electronic structure and magnetic interactions of three representative members of the breathing crystal Cu(hfac)2LR ...

Electronic Structure and Magnetic Interactions in the Radical Salt [BEDT-TTF]2[CuCl4]

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Rodríguez García, Bárbara; Galán Mascarós, José Ramón; Cruz Hernández, Norge (American Chemical Society, 2018)
The magnetic behavior and electric properties of the hybrid radical salt [BEDT-TTF]2[CuCl4] have been revisited through ...

Analysis of the Magnetic Exchange Interactions in Yttrium(III) Complexes Containing Nitronyl Nitroxide Radicals

Jung, Julie; Puget, Marin; Cador, Olivier; Bernot, Kevin; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Le Guennic, Boris (American Chemical Society, 2017)
We report a combined theoretical and experimental investigation of the exchange interactions governing the magnetic behavior ...

Metal-Metal Interactions in Trinuclear Copper(II) Complexes [Cu3(RCOO)4(H2TEA)2] and Binuclear [Cu2(RCOO)2(H2TEA)2]. Syntheses and Combined Structural, Magnetic, High-Field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, and Theoretical Studies

Ozarowski, Andrew; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Sharma, Raj Pal; Kumar, Santosh; Jezierska, Julia; Angeli, Celestino; Spizzo, Federico; Ferretti, Valeria (American Chemical Society, 2015)
The trinuclear [Cu3(RCOO)4(H2TEA)2] copper(II) complexes, where RCOO- = 2-furoate (1), 2-methoxybenzoate (2), and ...

Multi-scale multireference configuration interaction calculations for large systems using localized orbitals: Partition in zones

Chang, Cristian; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Ben Amor, Nadia; Sánchez Marín, José; Maynau, Daniel (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2012)
A new multireference configuration interaction method using localised orbitals is proposed, in which a molecular system ...

The role of the magnetic orbitals in the calculation of the magnetic coupling constants from multireference perturbation theory methods

Angeli, Celestino; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2012)
The use of multireference perturbation theory (MRPT) for the calculation of the magnetic coupling in binuclear complexes ...

Evaluation of magnetic terms in Cu4O4 cubane-like systems from selected configuration interaction calculations: A case study of polynuclear transition-metal systems

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Maynau, Daniel (AIP Publishing, 2011)
We present the evaluation of magnetic terms in a Cu4O4 cubane-like system from truncated CI calculations, as a case study ...

Physical analysis of the through-ligand long-distance magnetic coupling: Spin-polarization versus Anderson mechanism

Terencio, T.; Bastardis, R.; Suaud, N.; Maynau, Daniel; Bonvoisin, J.; Malrieu, J. P.; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Guihéry, Nathalie (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2011)
The physical factors governing the magnetic coupling between two magnetic sites are analyzed and quantified as functions ...

Microscopic origins of the ferromagnetic exchange coupling in oxoverdazyl-based Cu(II) complex

Rota, Jean Baptiste; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Train, Cyrille; Robert, Vincent (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2010)
The exchange channels governing the experimentally reported coupling constant Jexpt=6 cm−1 value in the verdazyl-ligand ...

Analysis of the magnetic coupling in binuclear systems. III. The role of the ligand to metal charge transfer excitations revisited

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Angeli, Celestino; Taratiel, David; Caballol, Rosa; Malrieu, J.P. (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2009)
In magnetic coordination compounds and solids the magnetic orbitals are essentially located on metallic centers but present ...

Effect of on-site Coulomb repulsion term U on the band-gap states of the reduced rutile (110) TiO2 surface

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Cruz Hernández, Norge; Fernández Sanz, Javier (American Physical Society, 2008)
We present a study concerning the effect of the on site d-d Coulomb interaction energy U on the band-gap states of ...

A general procedure to evaluate many-body spin operator amplitudes from periodic calculations: application to cuprates

Malrieu, J.P.; Illas, Francesc; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Moreira, I. P. R. (2007)

Approaches to dealing with high‐sized polynuclear systems with ab initio methods

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Malrieu, J.P.; Maynau, Daniel (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2007)
This contribution sununarizes sorne of the theoretical strategies developed in the recent past to study systems with an ...

First-principles periodic calculation of four-body spin terms in high-Tc cuprate superconductors

Moreira, I. P. R.; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Malrieu, J.P.; Illas, Francesc (American Physical Society, 2006)
A general mapping between the energy of pertinent magnetic solutions and the diagonal terms of the spin Hamiltonian in a ...

A convenient decontraction procedure of internally contracted state-specific multireference algorithms

Angeli, Celestino; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Cimiraglia, Renzo; Malrieu, Jean Paul (American Institute of Physics, 2006)
Internally contracted state-specific multireference (MR) algorithms, either perturbative such as CASPT2 or NEVPT2, or ...

A convenient decontraction procedure of internally contracted state-specific multireference algorithms

Angeli, Celestino; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Cimiraglia, Renzo; Malrieu, J.P. (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2006)
Internally contracted state-specific multireference MR algorithms, either perturbative such as CASPT2 or NEVPT2, or ...

Electronic structure of Ca Cu2 O3: Spin ladder versus one-dimensional spin chain

Bordas, Esther; Graaf, Coen de; Caballol, Rosa; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen (American Physical Society, 2005)
Quantum chemical calculations on embedded cluster models have been performed to extract accurate estimates of the magnetic ...

Origin and evaluation of the four-spin operators in magnetic lattices

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Malrieu, J.P. (American Physical Society, 2004)
The four-spin operators are suspected to have a significant amplitude and an impact on the collective properties in spin ...

Four-spin cyclic exchange in spin ladder cuprates

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Graaf, Coen de; Bordas, Esther; Caballol, Rosa; Malrieu, J.P. (American Physical Society, 2003)
The four-spin cyclic exchange term Jring of three spin-ladder cuprates (SrCu2O3, Sr2Cu3O5, and CaCu2O3) has been calculated ...

Analysis of the magnetic coupling in binuclear complexes. II. Derivation of valence effective Hamiltonians from ab initio Cl and DFT calculations

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Cabrero, Jesús; Malrieu, J.P.; Caballol, Rosa (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2002)
Most interpretations of the magnetic coupling J between two unpaired electrons rest upon simple valence models that involve ...

Direct generation of local orbitals for multireference treatment and subsequent uses for the calculation of the correlation energy

Maynau, Daniel; Evangelisti, Stefano; Guihéry, Nathalie; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Malrieu, J.P. (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2002)
We present a method that uses the one-particle density matrix to generate directly localized orbitals dedicated to ...

Analysis of the magnetic coupling in binuclear complexes. I. Physics of the coupling

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Cabrero, Jesús; Malrieu, J.P.; Caballol, Rosa (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2002)
Accurate estimates of the magnetic coupling in binuclear complexes can be obtained from ab initio configuration interaction ...

Ab initio determination of an extended Heisenberg Hamiltonian in CuO2 layers

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Malrieu, Jean Paul (Springer Nature, 2001)
Accurate ab initio calculations on embedded Cu4O12 square clusters, fragments of the La2CuO4 lattice, confirm a value of ...

Proposal of an extended t-J Hamiltonian for high-Tc cuprates from ab initio calculations on embedded clusters

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Malrieu, J.P. (American Physical Society, 2001)
A series of accurate ab initio calculations on CupOq finite clusters, properly embedded in the Madelung potential of the ...

Accurate ab initio determination of magnetic interactions and hopping integrals in La2-xSrxCuO4 systems

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Fernández Sanz, Javier; Malrieu, J.P. (American Institute of Physics Publising LLC, 2000)
The nature of magnetic interactions and electron transfer processes in La22xSrxCuO4 systems are studied, by means of an ...

Local character of magnetic coupling in ionic solids

Moreira, I. P. R.; Illas, Francesc; Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Fernández Sanz, Javier; Malrieu, J.P.; Ben Amor, Nadia; Maynau, Daniel (American Physical Society, 1999)
Magnetic interactions in ionic solids are studied using parameter-free methods designed to provide accurate energy differences ...
Tesis Doctoral

Desarrollo y aplicación de métodos teóricos en el estudio de reacciones de transferencia electrónica en sistemas de valencia mixta

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Fernández Sanz, Javier (1998)
La Memoria está organizada en seis capítulos y dos apéndices. En el Capítulo 1, se presenta una breve introducción a las ...

Métodos Ab Initio aplicados al cálculo del elemento matriz de transferencia eléctrónica en compuestos de valencia mixta Cu (I)-Cu(II)

Jiménez Calzado, Carmen; Fernández Sanz, Javier (1995)
La omnipresencia e importancia de las reacciones de transferencia electrónica que se dan en la naturaleza han motivado que ...