NombreGonzález García, María de la Cruz
DepartamentoBioquímica Vegetal y Biología Molecular
Área de conocimientoBioquímica y Biología Molecular
Categoría profesionalProfesora Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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The Functional Relationship between NADPH Thioredoxin Reductase C, 2-Cys Peroxiredoxins, and m-Type Thioredoxins in the Regulation of Calvin–Benson Cycle and Malate-Valve Enzymes in Arabidopsis

Delgado Requerey, Víctor; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; González García, María de la Cruz (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)
The concerted regulation of chloroplast biosynthetic pathways and NADPH extrusion via malate valve depends on f and m ...

Current knowledge on mechanisms preventing photosynthesis redox imbalance in plants

González García, María de la Cruz; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; Sahrawy, Mariam; Serrato, Antonio Jesús (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021)
Photosynthesis includes a set of redox reactions that are the source of reducing power and energy for the assimilation of ...

Redox regulation of chloroplast metabolism

Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; González García, María de la Cruz; Pérez Ruiz, Juan Manuel (American Society of Plant Biologists, 2021)
Regulation of enzyme activity based on thiol-disulfide exchange is a regulatory mechanism in which the protein disulfide ...

Chloroplast Redox Regulatory Mechanisms in Plant Adaptation to Light and Darkness

Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; Ojeda Servián, Valle; Delgado Requerey, Victor; Pérez Ruiz, Juan Manuel; González García, María de la Cruz (Frontiers Media, 2019)
Light is probably the most important environmental stimulus for plant development. As sessile organisms, plants have ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudio de NTRC en semillas de cereales

Armario Nájera, María Victoria; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; González García, María de la Cruz (2017)

An event of alternative splicing affects the expression of the NTRC gene, encoding NADPH-thioredoxin reductase C, in seed plants

Armario Nájera, María Victoria; González García, María de la Cruz; Pérez Ruiz, Juan Manuel; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier (Elsevier, 2017)
The NTRCgene encodes aNADPH-dependentthioredoxin reductase with a joint thioredoxin domain, exclusive ofphotosynthetic ...

Photosynthetic activity of cotyledons is critical during post-germinative growth and seedling establishment

Ojeda Servián, Valle; Armario Nájera, María Victoria; González García, María de la Cruz; Pérez Ruiz, Juan Manuel; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier (Taylor & Francis, 2017)
Thioredoxins (Trxs) play a relevant role in thiol-dependent redox regulation, which allows the rapid adaptation of chloroplast ...

NADPH Thioredoxin Reductase C and Thioredoxins Act Concertedly in Seedling Development

Ojeda Servián, Valle; Pérez Ruiz, Juan Manuel; González García, María de la Cruz; Armario Nájera, María Victoria; Sahrawy, Mariam; Serrato, Antonio J.; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier (American Society of Plant Biologists, 2017)
Thiol-dependent redox regulation of enzyme activity plays a central role in the rapid acclimation of chloroplast metabolism ...

Metabolic control of tobacco pollination by sugars and invertases

González García, María de la Cruz; Goetz, M.; Guivar'cn, Anne; Hirsche, J.; Bauerfeind, M.A. (2017)
Pollination in flowering plants is initiated by germination of pollen grains on stigmas followed by fast growth of pollen ...

Ectopic overexpression of the cell wall invertase gene CIN1 leads to dehydration avoidance in tomato

Albacete, Alfonso; Cantero Navarro, Elena; Großkinsky, Dominik K.; Arias, Cintia L.; Balibrea, Mª Encarnación; González García, María de la Cruz (Oxford University Press, 2015)
Drought stress conditions modify source–sink relations, thereby influencing plant growth, adaptive responses, and consequently ...

Hormonal and metabolic regulation of tomato fruit sink activity and yield under salinity

Albacete, Alfonso; Cantero Navarro, Elena; Balibrea, Mª Encarnación; Großkinsky, Dominik K.; González García, María de la Cruz; Martínez Andújar, Cristina (Oxford University Press, 2014)
Salinization of water and soil has a negative impact on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) productivity by reducing growth ...

Overoxidation of chloroplast 2-Cys peroxiredoxins: balancing toxic and signaling activities of hydrogen peroxide

Puerto Galán, Leonor; Pérez Ruiz, Juan Manuel; Ferrández Navarro, Julia; Cano Ruiz, Beatriz; Naranjo Río-Miranda, Belén; Armario Nájera, María Victoria; González García, María de la Cruz; Lindahl, Anna Marika; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier (Frontiers media, 2013)
Photosynthesis, the primary source of biomass and oxygen into the biosphere, involves the transport of electrons in the ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudio de la regulación redox en tejidos fotosintéticos y no fotosintéticos de arabidopsis thaliana

Ferrández Navarro, Julia; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; González García, María de la Cruz (2013)

Chloroplast redox homeostasis is essential for lateral root formation in Arabidopsis

Ferrández Navarro, Julia; González García, María de la Cruz; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier (Taylor & Francis, 2012)
Redox regulation based on dithiol-disulphide interchange is an essential component of the control of chloroplast metabolism. ...

NADPH thioredoxin reductase C is localized in plastids of photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic tissues and is involved in lateral root formation in Arabidopsis

Ferrández Navarro, Julia; Kirchsteiger, Kerstin; Pacual, María Belén; González García, María de la Cruz; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier (American Society of Plant Biologists, 2012)
Plastids are organelles present in photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic plant tissues. While it is well known that ...

Functional analysis of the pathways for 2-Cys peroxiredoxin reduction in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplasts

Pulido, Pablo; Espínola, María Cristina; Kirchsteiger, Kerstin; Guinea, Manuel; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; González García, María de la Cruz (Oxford University Press, 2010)
Photosynthesis is a process that inevitably produces reactive oxygen species, such as hydrogen peroxide, which is reduced ...
Tesis Doctoral

Clonación y estudio de la expresión de la fosfoenolpiruvato carboxilasa de trigo

González García, María de la Cruz; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier (1999)
Los objetivos que nos hemos planteado en este trabajo son: 1) Clonación de un gen de PEPC de trigo. 2) Estudio de la ...
Capítulo de Libro

Localization and Regulation of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase from Wheat and Barley Seeds

Echevarría Ruiz de Vargas, Cristina; Osuna Beviá, Lidia; González García, María de la Cruz; Álvarez Morales, Rosario; Pierre, Jean-Nöel; Vidal, Jean; Cejudo Fernández, Francisco Javier; Gadal, P.; Kreis, M.; Dron, M.; Brulfert, J.; Bergounioux, C.; Vidal, J. (Institut de Biotechnologie des Plantes, 1998)