NombreGancedo García, Francisco
DepartamentoAnálisis Matemático
Área de conocimientoAnálisis Matemático
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Tesis Doctoral

Free boundary and turbulence for incompressible viscous fluids

Salguero Quirós, Elena; Gancedo García, Francisco (2023)
The mathematical bases of the dynamics of viscous fluids are given by the classical Navier- Stokes equations, which model ...
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Solutions for the Surface Quasigeostrophic equation

Vidal Pereira, Tomás; Gancedo García, Francisco (2023)
The main aim of this project is to understand the surface quasi-geostrophic model (SQG) and prove the existence of global ...

Quantitative Hölder estimates for even singular integral operators on patches

Gancedo García, Francisco; García Juárez, Eduardo Miguel (ScienceDirect, 2022)
In this paper we show a constructive method to obtain estimates of even singular integral operators on characteristic ...
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Deducción y resolución de las ecuaciones de las olas del mar lineales

Luna Velasco, Paula; Gancedo García, Francisco (2022)
The main goal of this work is to prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the water waves equation in 2-D. We ...

Surface tension stabilization of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability for a fluid layer in a porous medium

Gancedo García, Francisco; Granero Belinchón, Rafael; Scrobogna, Stefano (ScienceDirect, 2020)
This paper studies the dynamics of an incompressible fluid driven by gravity and capillarity forces in a porous medium. ...
Tesis Doctoral

Global regularity for incompressible fluid interfaces.

García Juárez, Eduardo Miguel; Gancedo García, Francisco (2018)
Esta memoria esta dedicada al estudio de tres problemas de frontera libre dadas por interfases entre fluidos incompresibles: ...
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Soluciones débiles en mecánica de fluidos

Hidalgo Torné, Antonio; Gancedo García, Francisco (2018)
The main aim of this work is to prove theoretical results on partial differential equations from fluid mechanics. Particularly, ...

Uniqueness for SQG patch solutions

Córdoba Barba, Antonio; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (American Mathematical Society, 2018)
This paper is about the evolution of a temperature front governed by the surface quasi-geostrophic equation. The existence ...

Global regularity of 2D density patches for inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes

Gancedo García, Francisco; García Juárez, Eduardo Miguel (Springer, 2018)
This paper is about Lions’ open problem on density patches: whether inhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations ...
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Soluciones explícitas de las ecuaciones de los fluidos y consecuencias

Garzón Martínez, Manuel; Gancedo García, Francisco (2017)
Entender el movimiento de los líquidos, gases y plasmas forma la parte central de la Mecánica de Fluidos, que es de gran ...

A survey for the Muskat problem and a new estimate

Gancedo García, Francisco (Springer, 2017)
This paper shows a summary of mathematical results about the Muskat problem. The main concern is well-posed scenarios which ...

On the Muskat problem: global in time results in 2D and 3D

Constantin, Peter; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco; Rodríguez Piazza, Luis; Strain, Robert M. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016)
This paper considers the three dimensional Muskat problem in the stable regime. We obtain a conservation law which provides ...

Splash singularities for the one-phase Muskat problem in stable regimes

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Fefferman, Charles L.; Gancedo García, Francisco (Springer, 2016)
This paper shows finite time singularity formation for the Muskat problem in a stable regime. The framework we exhibit is ...

Structural stability for the splash singularities of the water waves problem

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Fefferman, Charles L.; Gancedo García, Francisco; Gómez Serrano, Javier (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2014)
In this paper we show a structural stability result for water waves. The main motivation for this result is that we would ...

Absence of splash singularities for surface quasi-geostrophic sharp fronts and the Muskat problem

Gancedo García, Francisco; Strain, Robert M. (National Academy of Sciences (United States), 2014)
In this paper, for both the sharp front surface quasi-geostrophic equation and the Muskat problem, we rule out the “splash ...

Breakdown of smoothness for the Muskat problem

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Fefferman, Charles L.; Gancedo García, Francisco (Springer, 2013)
In this paper we show that there exist analytic initial data in the stable regime for the Muskat problem such that the solution turns to the unstable regime and later breaks down, i.e., no longer belongs to C4.

On the global existence for the Muskat problem

Constantin, Peter; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco; Strain, Robert M. (European Mathematical Society, 2013)
The Muskat problem models the dynamics of the interface between two incompressible immiscible fluids with different constant ...

Porous media: the Muskat problem in 3D

Córdoba Barba, Antonio; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (Mathematical Sciences Publishers, 2013)
The Muskat problem involves filtration of two incompressible fluids throughout a porous medium. In this paper we shall ...

2º Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores

Gancedo García, Francisco; Muro Jiménez, Fernando (Real Sociedad Matematica Española, 2013)

Finite time singularities for the free boundary incompressible Euler equations

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Fefferman, Charles L.; Gancedo García, Francisco; Gómez Serrano, Javier (Princeton University, 2013)
In this paper, we prove the existence of smooth initial data for the 2D free boundary incompressible Euler equations (also ...

On a singular incompressible porous media equation

Friedlander, Susan; Gancedo García, Francisco; Sun, Weiran; Vicol, Vlad (AIP Publishing, 2012)
This paper considers a family of active scalar equations with transport velocities which are more singular by a derivative ...

Finite time singularities for water waves with surface tension

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Fefferman, Charles L.; Gancedo García, Francisco; Gómez Serrano, Javier (AIP Publishing, 2012)
Here we consider the 2D free boundary incompressible Euler equation with surface tension. We prove that the surface tension ...

Splash singularity for water waves

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Fefferman, Charles L.; Gancedo García, Francisco; Gómez Serrano, Javier (National Academy of Sciences, 2012)
We exhibit smooth initial data for the two-dimensional (2D) waterwave equation for which we prove that smoothness of the ...

Generalized surface quasi-geostrophic equations with singular velocities

Chae, Dongho; Constantin, Peter; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco; Wu, Jiahong (Wiley, 2012)
This paper establishes several existence and uniqueness results for two families of active scalar equations with velocity ...

Rayleigh-Taylor breakdown for the Muskat problem with applications to water waves

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Fefferman, Charles L.; Gancedo García, Francisco; López Fernández, María (Princeton University, 2012)
The Muskat problem models the evolution of the interface between two different fluids in porous media. The Rayleigh-Taylor ...

Lack of uniqueness for weak solutions of the incompressible porous media equation

Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Faraco Hurtado, Daniel; Gancedo García, Francisco (Springer, 2011)
In this work we consider weak solutions of the incompressible 2-D porous media equation. By using the approach of De Lellis-Sz´ekelyhidi we prove non-uniqueness for solutions in L∞ in space and time.

Turning waves and breakdown for incompressible flows

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Fefferman, Charles L.; Gancedo García, Francisco; López Fernández, María (National Academy of Sciences, 2011)
We consider the evolution of an interface generated between two immiscible, incompressible, and irrotational fluids. ...

Interface evolution: the Hele-Shaw and Muskat problems

Córdoba Barba, Antonio; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (Princeton University, 2011)
We study the dynamics of the interface between two incompressible 2-D flows where the evolution equation is obtained from ...

Singularity formations for a surface wave model

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (IOP Publishing, 2010)
In this paper we study the Burgers equation with a nonlocal term of the form Hu where H is the Hilbert transform. This ...

Absence of squirt singularities for the multi-phase Muskat problem

Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (Springer, 2010)
In this paper we study the evolution of multiple fluids with different constant densities in porous media. This physical ...

Interface evolution: water waves in 2-D

Córdoba Barba, Antonio; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (Elsevier, 2010)
We study the free boundary evolution between two irrotational, incompressible and inviscid fluids in 2-D without surface ...

Some recent results on the Muskat problem

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (Cellule MathDoc, 2010)
We consider the dynamics of an interface given by two incompressible fluids with different characteristics evolving by ...

Contour dynamics for 2D active scalars

Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (2010)

Incompressible flow in porous media with fractional diffusion

Castro Martínez, Ángel; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco; Orive Illera, Rafael (IOP Publishing, 2009)
In this paper we study the heat transfer with a general fractional diffusion term of an incompressible fluid in a porous ...

The Rayleigh-Taylor condition for the evolution of irrotational fluid interfaces

Córdoba Barba, Antonio; Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (National Academy of Sciences, 2009)
For the free boundary dynamics of the two-phase Hele-Shaw and Muskat problems, and also for the irrotational incompressible ...

A maximum principle for the Muskat problem for fluids with different densities

Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (Springer, 2009)
We consider the fluid interface problem given by two incompressible fluids with different densities evolving by Darcy’s ...

Contour dynamics for 2D active scalars

Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (European Mathematical Society, 2009)

A note on interface dynamics for convection in porous media

Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco; Orive Illera, Rafael (Elsevier, 2008)
We study the fluid interface problem through porous media given by two incompressible 2-D fluids of different densities. ...

Existence for the α-patch model and the QG sharp front in Sobolev spaces

Gancedo García, Francisco (Elsevier, 2008)
We consider a family of contour dynamics equations depending on a parameter α with 0<α⩽1. The vortex patch problem of the ...

Contour dynamics of incompressible 3-D fluids in a porous medium with different densities

Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco (Springer, 2007)
We consider the problem of the evolution of the interface given by two incompressible fluids through a porous medium, which ...

Analytical behavior of two-dimensional incompressible flow in porous media

Córdoba Gazolaz, Diego; Gancedo García, Francisco; Orive Illera, Rafael (AIP Publishing (American Institute of Physics), 2007)
In this paper we study the analytic structure of a two-dimensional mass balance equation of an incompressible fluid in a ...