NombreFernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo
DepartamentoMatemática Aplicada I
Área de conocimientoMatemática Aplicada
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Capítulo de Libro

A Correction of the Friction Term in Depth-Averaged Granular Flow Models Related to the Motion/Stop Criterion

Bouchut, François; Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (SEMA SIMAI Springer Series 35, 2024)
In the pioneer work of Savage and Hutter [ 7] the first depth-averaged model for granular landslides was proposed written ...

Multilayer models for hydrostatic Herschel-Bulkley viscoplastic flows

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José; Vigneaux, Paul (Elsevier, 2023)
Starting from Navier-Stokes’ equation we derive two shallow water multilayer models for yield stress fluids, depending on ...

Non-hydrostatic layer-averaged approximation of Euler system with enhanced dispersion properties

Escalante Sánchez, Cipriano; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Penel, Yohan (Springer, 2023)
A new family of non-hydrostatic layer-averaged models for the non-stationary Euler equations is presented in this work, ...

Performance and limits of a shallow-water model for landslide-generated tsunamis: from laboratory experiments to simulations of flank collapses at Montagne Pelée (Martinique)

Poulain, Pablo; Le Friant, Anne; Mangeney, Anne; Viroulet, Sylvain; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Peruzzetto, Marc; Grandjean, Gilles; Bouchut, François; Pedreros, Rodrigo; Komorowski, Jean-Christophe (Oxford University Press, 2023)
We investigate the dynamics and deposits of granular flows and the amplitude of landslide-generated water waves using the ...

Layer-averaged approximation of Navier-Stokes system with complex rheologies

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José (EDP Sciences / Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, 2023)
In this work, we present a family of layer-averaged models for the Navier–Stokes equations. For its derivation, we consider ...

Non-hydrostatic layer-averaged approximation of Euler system with enhanced dispersion properties

Escalante Sánchez, Cipriano; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Penel, Yohan (Springer Nature, 2023)
A new family of non-hydrostatic layer-averaged models for the non-stationary Euler equations is presented in this work, ...

Discussion on different numerical treatments on the loss of hyperbolicity for the two-layer shallow water system

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José; Morales de Luna, Tomás (Elsevier, 2023)
This paper focus on the numerical approximation of two-layer shallow water system. First, a new approximation of the ...

Multilayer shallow model for dry granular flows with a weakly non-hydrostatic pressure

Escalante, C.; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José; Mangeney, Anne (Springer, 2023)
The multilayer model proposed in this paper is a generalization of the multilayer non-hydrostatic model for shallow granular ...
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Estudio de la influencia del uso de colillas como aislante térmico en el confort interior de edificios. Aplicación de herramientas de diseño paramétrico. Análisis mediante herramientas paramétricas

Mengod Recaño, Ana; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2022)
En este trabajo de investigación se analizará el comportamiento de un material reciclado, el filtro de cigarro, como ...

Numerical simulation of submarine landslides and generated tsunamis: application to the on-going Mayotte seismo-volcanic crisis

Poulain, Pablo; Friant, Anne Le; Pedreros, Rodrigo; Mangeney, Anne; Filippini, Andrea G.; Grandjean, Gilles; Lemoine, Anne; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Peruzzetto, Marc (Institut de France: Académie des sciences, 2022)
Since May 2018, Mayotte Island has been experiencing seismo-volcanic activities that could trigger submarine landslides ...
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Marco de Marcos: Parque arqueológico y centro de conservación del arte rupestre y de divulgación del arte contemporáneo

Redondo Sánchez, Germán; Rodríguez Estévez, Sergio; Luque García, Eva; Fernández Moro, Jaime; Fernández-Valderrama, Luz; Larive López, Enrique; Segura Raya, Mª Victoria; Ampliato Briones, Antonio Luis; Hildenbrand Scheid, Andreas; Vigil-Escalera Pacheco, Manuel; Llatas Oliver, Carmen; Ordóñez Martín, Manuel; Galindo del Pozo, Miguel; Vázquez Vicente, Enrique; Mascort-Albea, Emilio J.; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2022)
En la actualidad el entorno del embalse del Celemín se encuentra sumergido en una problemática relacionada con su patrimonio. ...
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Agua tallada. Control y fitodepuración de la laguna de La Janda

Almazo Benítez, Pepa; Rodríguez Estévez, Sergio; Luque García, Eva; Fernández Moro, Jaime; Fernández-Valderrama, Luz; Larive López, Enrique; Segura Raya, Mª Victoria; Ampliato Briones, Antonio Luis; Hildenbrand Scheid, Andreas; Vigil-Escalera Pacheco, Manuel; Llatas, Carmen; Ordóñez Martín, Manuel; Galindo del Pozo, Miguel; Vázquez Vicente, Enrique; Mascort-Albea, Emilio J.; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2022)
Para llevar a cabo el desarrollo del master habilitante del Grupo 6, se nos propuso la intervención en La Laguna de la Janda ...

A semi-implicit approach for sediment transport models with gravitational effects

Garres-Díaz, José; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier, 2022)
In this work efficient semi-implicit methods for sediment bedload transport models with gravitational effects under ...

A bed pressure correction of the friction term for depth-averaged granular flow models

Bouchut, François; Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier, 2022)
Depth-averaged models, such as the Savage-Hutter model with Coulomb or Pouliquen fric tion laws, do not in some cases ...

Numerical simulations of a dispersive model approximating free-surface Euler equations

Escalante Sánchez, Cipriano; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Penel, Yohan; Sainte-Marie, Jacques (Springer, 2021)
In some configurations, dispersion effects must be taken into account to improve the simulation of complex fluid flows. A ...

Modelling of surface and inner wall temperatures in the analysis of courtyard thermal performances in Mediterranean climates

López Cabeza, Victoria Patricia; Carmona Molero, F.J.; Rubino, Samuele; Rivera Gómez, Carlos Alberto; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Galán-Marín, Carmen; Chacón Rebollo, Tomás (Taylor & Francis, 2021)
Courtyards are an effective passive strategy for improving the energy performance of buildings. However, there is a lack ...

A Weakly Non-hydrostatic Shallow Model for Dry Granular Flows

Garres-Díaz, José; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Morales de Luna, Tomás (Springer, 2021)
A non-hydrostatic depth-averaged model for dry granular flows is proposed, taking into account vertical acceleration. A ...
Capítulo de Libro

Modelling of bedload sediment transport for weak and strong regimes

Escalante Sánchez, Cipriano; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Greiner, David; Montenegro Armas, Rafael; Asensio Sevilla, María Isabel (Springer, 2021)
A two-layer shallow water type model is proposed to describe bedload sediment transport for strong and weak interactions ...

Dilatancy in dry granular flows with a compressible μ(I) rheology

Bouchut, François; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Koné, El Hadji; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier, 2021)
Dilatancy plays a key role in mixtures of grains and fluid but is poorly investigated in dry granular flows. These flows ...

Modelling of surface and inner wall temperatures in the analysis of courtyard thermal performances in Mediterranean climates

López Cabeza, Victoria Patricia; Carmona Molero, F.J.; Rubino, Samuele; Rivera Gómez, Carlos Alberto; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Galán-Marín, Carmen; Chacón Rebollo, Tomás (Taylor and Francis, 2021)
Courtyards are an effective passive strategy for improving the energy performance of buildings. However, there is a lack ...
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Propuesta de aplicación del poliacrilato de sodio proveniente del reciclaje de pañales para su aplicación en cubiertas ajardinadas

Colón Paniagua, Marta; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2020)
El presente trabajo realiza una investigación sobre el Poliacrilato de Sodio proveniente del reciclaje de pañales. El ...

A two-layer shallow flow model with two axes of integration, well-balanced discretization and application to submarine avalanches

Delgado Sánchez, Juan Manuel; Bouchut, François; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier, 2020)
We propose a two-layer model with two different axes of integration and a well-balanced finite volume method. The purpose ...
Tesis Doctoral

Modelos numéricos de evaluación de las soluciones de Le Corbusier para el acondicionamiento térmico de edificios: el muro neutralizante y la respiración exacta. El caso de La Ciudad del Refugio de París

Ramírez Balas, Cristina; Sendra, Juan J.; Suárez, Rafael; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys (2020)
La obra de Le Corbusier ha sido ampliamente estudiada y ha sido una de las principales referencias de la Arquitectura del ...

A Multilayer Shallow Water Approach for Polydisperse Sedimentation with Sediment Compressibility and Mixture Viscosity

Bürger, Raimund; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Osores, Víctor (Springer, 2020)
A three-dimensional multilayer shallow water approach to study polydisperse sedimentation and sediment transport in a ...

Multilayer models for shallow two-phase debris flows with dilatancy effects

Garres-Díaz, José; Bouchut, François; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier, 2020)
We present here a multilayer model for shallow grain-fluid mixtures with dilatancy effects. It can be seen as a generalization ...
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An Efficient Two-Layer Non-hydrostatic Approach for Dispersive Water Waves

Escalante, C.; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús (Springer, 2019)
In this paper, we propose a two-layer depth-integrated non-hydrostatic system with improved dispersion relations. This ...

A dynamic multilayer shallow water model for polydisperse sedimentation

Bürger, Raimund; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Osores Escalona, Víctor (EDP Sciences, 2019)
A multilayer shallow water approach for the approximate description of polydisperse sedimentation in a viscous fluid is ...

Exploring the Interplay between CAD and FreeFem++ as an Energy Decision-Making Tool for Architectural Design

Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Galán-Marín, Carmen; Rivera-Gómez, Carlos; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (MDPI AG, 2018)
The energy modelling software tools commonly used for architectural purposes do not allow a straightforward real-time ...

Thermal 3D CFD Simulation with Active Transparent Façade in Buildings

Ramírez Balas, Cristina; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Sendra, Juan J.; Suárez, Rafael (MDPI, 2018)
In recent years active façades have acquired greater importance given their capacity to improve the energy efficiency of ...
Tesis Doctoral

Multilayer methods for geophysical flows: modelling and numerical approximation.

Garres-Díaz, José; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2018)
Esta tesis se enmarca en el ámbito de la Matemática Aplicada y la Mecánica de Fluidos Computacional. Concretamente, aborda ...
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Incorporación de filamentos de PET reciclado a conglomerantes de yeso y mortero, para crear paneles de yeso ecoeficientes, de aplicación en particiones interiores

Herrera García, Arantxa; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2018)
La primera aparición del plástico fue a finales del siglo XIX, pero no fue hasta la mitad del siglo XX cuando alcanzó su ...

2D granular flows with the μ(I) rheology and side walls friction: A well-balanced multilayer discretization

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier Inc., 2018)
We present here numerical modelling of granular flows with the rheology in confined channels. The contribution is twofold: ...

Multilayer shallow water models with locally variable number of layers and semi-implicit time discretization

Bonaventura, Luca; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Elsevier Inc., 2018)
We propose an extension of the discretization approaches for multilayer shallow water models, aimed at making them more ...

Efficient numerical schemes for viscoplastic avalanches. Part 2: the 2D case

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Gallardo, José M.; Vigneaux, Paul (Elsevier, 2018)
This paper deals with the numerical resolution of a shallow water viscoplastic flow model. Viscoplastic materials are ...

A hierarchy of dispersive layer-averaged approximations of Euler equations for free surface flows

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Parisot, Martin; Penel, Yohan; Sainte-Marie, Jacques (International Press, 2018)
In geophysics, the shallow water model is a good approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes system with free surface ...
Tesis Doctoral

Termodinámica del patio mediterráneo: cuantificación y aplicación al diseño de arquitecturas eco-eficientes

Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Galán-Marín, Carmen (2017)
El presente trabajo estudia el uso de patios mediterráneos en la arquitectura como sistemas pasivos de ahorro energético ...

Some Geophysical Applications with Finite Volume Solvers of Two-Layer and Two-Phase Systems

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Springer, 2017)
There exists in the literature a huge range of geophysical applications that have been modeled trough two-layer or two-phase ...

Derivation of a Multilayer Approach to Model Suspended Sediment Transport: Application to Hyperpycnal and Hypopycnal Plumes

Morales de Luna, Tomás; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús (Global-Science Press, 2017)
We propose a multi-layer approach to simulate hyperpycnal and hypopycnal plumes in flows with free surface. The model ...

Thermodynamics of mediterranean courtyards: quantification and applications in eco-efficient architectural design

Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Galán-Marín, Carmen; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Tejedor Cabrera, Antonio; Molina Huelva, Marta (Universidad de Sevilla, 2017)
This work studies the use of Mediterranean courtyard in architecture as a passive system of saving energy, through the ...

A two-phase solid-fluid model for dense granular flows including dilatancy effects: comparison with submarine granular collapse experiments

Bouchut, François; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Koné, El Hadji; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (2017)
We simulate here the collapse of granular columns immersed in a viscous fluid based on a simplified version of the model ...

Microclimatic conditions of internal courtyards in warm climates and their influence in eco-efficient construction

Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Galán-Marín, Carmen; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Brotas, Luisa; Roaf, Susan; Fergus, Nicol (NCEUB, 2017)
A reduced shape factor of the building has become a general recommendation in order to achieve eco-efficient architecture ...

Formal deduction of the saint-venant–exner model including arbitrarily sloping sediment beds and associated energy

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Zabsonré, J.D. (Dunod, 2017)
In this work we present a deduction of the Saint-Venant–Exner model through an asymptotic analysis of the Navier–Stokes ...

A two-layer shallow water model for bedload sediment transport: convergence to Saint-Venant-Exner model

Escalante Sánchez, Cipriano; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Cornell University, 2017)
A two-layer shallow water type model is proposed to describe bedload sediment transport. The upper layer is lled by water ...

A multilayer shallow model for dry granular ows with the (I)-rheology: application to granular collapse on erodible beds

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Garres-Díaz, José; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Cambridge University Press, 2016)
In this work we present a multilayer shallow model to approximate the Navier–Stokes equations with the μ(I)μ(I)-rheology ...

A two-phase two-layer model for fluidized granular flows with dilatancy effects

Bouchut, François; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Cambridge University Press, 2016)
We propose a two-phase two-thin-layer model for fluidized debris flows that takes into account dilatancy effects, based ...

Microclimate simulations by Freefem++ for efficient Architecture design

Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Galán-Marín, Carmen (2015)
The interaction between the buildings and the atmospheric phenomena produce microclimates in its nearby environment, ...

Numerical simulation of the temperature evolution in a room with a mur neutralisant. Application to "The City of Refuge" by Le Corbusier

Ramírez Balas, Cristina; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Sendra, Juan J.; Suárez, Rafael (2015)

Building and surroundings: thermal coupling

Rodríguez, E.; Sánchez de la Flor, Francisco José; Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Galán-Marín, Carmen; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Rincón Casado, Alejandro; Catalán, A.; Díaz Moreno, José Manuel; Díaz Moreno, J. C.; García-Vázquez, Carlos; Medina Moreno, J.; Ortegón Gallego, Francisco; Pérez Martínez, C.; Redondo Neble, María Victoria; Rodríguez Galván, José Rafael (Universidad de Cádiz, 2015)
Energy building performance can be different according to outdoor conditions or urban environment, at the same time that ...

A two-phase shallow debris flow model with energy balance

Bouchut, François; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Narbona Reina, Gladys (2015)
This paper proposes a thin layer depth-averaged two-phase model provided by a dissipative energy balance to describe ...

The mur neutralisant as an active thermal system: Saint Gobain tests (1931) versus CFD simulation (2015)

Ramírez Balas, Cristina; Sendra, Juan J.; Suárez, Rafael; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015)
At the same time as the initial development of air conditioning systems for indoor climate control in buildings were ...

Potential energy savings in air-conditioning building systems, due to the improvement of outdoor air

Sánchez de la Flor, Francisco José; Rodríguez, E.A.; Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Galán-Marín, Carmen; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Rincón Casado, Alejandro; Díaz Moreno, José Manuel; Díaz Moreno, J. C.; García-Vázquez, Carlos; Medina Moreno, J.; Ortegón Gallego, Francisco; Pérez Martínez, C.; Redondo Neble, María Victoria; Rodríguez Galván, José Rafael (Universidad de Cádiz, 2015)
In Mediterranean countries, air-conditioning in buildings can represent up to 80% of their total energy consumption and ...

A second order pvm flux limiter method. Application to magnetohydrodynamics and shallow stratified flows

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Asunción, M. de la (Academic Press, 2014)
In this work we propose a second order flux limiter finite volume method, named PVM-2U-FL, that only uses information of ...

On the influence of the thickness of the sediment moving layer in the definition of the bedload transport formula in Exner systems

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Lucas, C.; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Cordier, Stephane (Elsevier, 2014)
In this paper we study Exner system and introduce a modified general definition for bedload transport flux. The new ...

A multilayer method for the hydrostatic Navier-Stokes equations: a particular weak solution

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Koné, El Hadji; Chacón Rebollo, Tomás (Ed. Plenum Press, 2014)
In this work we present a mutilayer approach to the solution of non-stationnary 3D Navier-Stokes equations. We use piecewise ...

Efficient numerical schemes for viscoplastic avalanches. Part 1: The 1D case.

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Gallardo, José M.; Vigneaux, Paul (Elsevier, 2014)
This paper deals with the numerical resolution of a shallow water viscoplastic flow model. Viscoplastic materials are ...

Un modelo 1D NPZ de acoplamiento entre la hidrodinámica y los flujos biogeoquímicos en estrechos bicapa. Aplicación a la dinámica mareal en el Estrecho de Gibraltar.

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Macias Sanchez, Jorge (2013)
Los modelos NPZ (siglas para Nutrientes-Fitoplancton-Zooplancton en inglés) son comúnmente utilizados en estudios de ...

Un modelo 1D NPZ de acoplamiento entre la hidrodinámica y los flujos biogeoquímicos en estrechos bicapa. Aplicación a la dinámica mareal en el Estrecho de Gibraltar

Macías Sánchez, Jorge; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2013)
Los modelos NPZ (siglas para Nutrientes-Fitoplancton-Zooplancton en ingl es) son com unmente utilizados en estudios de ...

A HLLC scheme for nonconservative hyperbolic problems. Application to turbidity currents with sediment transport.

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Parés Madroñal, Carlos (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
This paper focuses on the generalization of the HLLC Riemann solver for nonconservative problems. First, the general ideas ...

Formal derivation of a bilayer model coupling shallow water and Reynolds lubrication equations: evolution of a thin pollutant layer over water

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Zabsonré, J.D. (Cambridge University Press, 2013)
In this paper a bilayer model is derived to simulate the evolution of a thin film flow over water. This model is derived ...

Efficient GPU implementation of a two waves TVD-WAF method for the two-dimensional one layer Shallow Water system on structured meshes.

Asunción, M. de la; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mantas, José Miguel; Ortega Acosta, Sergio; González Vida, José Manuel (Elsevier, 2013)
The numerical solutions of shallow water equations are useful for applications related to geophysical flows that usually ...

A multilayer shallow water system for polydisperse sedimentation

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Koné, El Hadji; Morales de Luna, Tomás; Bürger, R. (Elsevier, 2013)
This work considers the flow of a fluid containing one disperse substance consisting of small particles that belong to ...

A well-balanced finite volume-augmented lagrangian method for an integrated Herschel-Bulkley model

Acary-Robert, C.; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys; Vigneaux, Paul (Plenum Press, 2012)
We are interested in the derivation of an integrated Herschel-Bulkley model for shallow flows, as well as in the design ...

Parametric Study of Thermodynamics in the Mediterranean Courtyard as a Tool for the Design of Eco-Efficient Buildings

Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Galán-Marín, Carmen; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Energies Editorial Office, 2012)
Traditionally, people in the Mediterranean region knew that the temperatures in their courtyards were cooler in summer ...

An MPI-CUDA implementation of an improved Roe method for two-layer shallow water systems

Asunción, M. de la; Mantas, José Miguel; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Elsevier, 2012)
The numerical solution of two-layer shallow water systems is required to simulate accurately stratified fluids, which are ...

Proyectar arquitecturas de transición desde una investigación objetiva

Sánchez de la Flor, Francisco José; Álvarez Domínguez, Servando; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Rojas Fernández, Juan Manuel; Galán-Marín, Carmen (FYCMA, 2012)
El patio es un elemento característico de la arquitectura tradicional mediterránea, en el que se consigue crear unas buenas ...

A Class of Computationally Fast First Order Finite Volume Solvers: PVM Methods

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2012)
In this work, we present a class of fast first order finite volume solvers, named as PVM (Polynomial Viscosity Matrix), ...

Numerical treatment of the loss of hyperbolicity of the two-layer shallow-water system

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; González Vida, José Manuel; Parés Madroñal, Carlos (Plenum Press, 2011)
In this work, a characterization of the hyperbolicity region for the two layer shallow-water system is proposed and checked. ...

On an Intermediate Field Capturing Riemann solver based on a Parabolic viscosity matrix for the two-layer shallow water system

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Parés Madroñal, Carlos (Plenum Press, 2011)
The goal of this article is to design a new approximate Riemann solver for the two-layer shallow water system which is ...

Coupling superposed 1D and 2D shallow-water models: Source terms in finite volume schemes

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Marin, J.; Monnier, J. (Elsevier, 2010)
We study the superposition of 1D and 2D shallow-water equations with non-flat topographies, in the context of river-flood ...

On a shallow water model for the simulation of turbidity currents

Morales de Luna, Tomás; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Parés Madroñal, Carlos; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
We present a model for hyperpycnal plumes or turbidity currents that takes into account the interaction between the turbidity ...

An energetically consistent viscous sedimentation model

Zabsonré, J.D.; Lucas, C.; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (World Scientific Publishing, 2009)
In this paper we consider a two dimensional viscous sedimentation model which is a viscous Shallow-Water system coupled ...

Two-dimensional sediment transport models in shallow water equations. A second order finite volume approach on unstructured meshes

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Ferreiro Ferreiro, Ana María; Parés Madroñal, Carlos (Elsevier, 2009)
In this paper, we study the numerical approximation of bedload sediment transport due to shallow layer flows. The ...

Modelling and numerical simulation of submarine sediment shallow flows: transport and avalanches

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2009)
This work presents two different types of models to study submarine sediment movements and its numerical discretization ...

Derivation of a bilayer model for shallow water equations with viscosity. Numerical validation

Narbona Reina, Gladys; Zabsonré, J.D.; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Bresch, Didier (Tech Science Press, 2009)
In this work we present a new two-dimensional bilayer Shallow-Water model including viscosity and friction effects on the ...

High order extensions of Roe schemes for two dimensional nonconservative hyperbolic systems

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Ferreiro Ferreiro, Ana María; García Rodríguez, José Antonio; Parés Madroñal, Carlos (Plenum Press, 2009)
This paper is concerned with the development of well-balanced high order Roe methods for two-dimensional nonconservative ...

A consistent intermediate wave speed for a well-balanced HLLC solver.

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Bresch, Didier; Monnier, J. (Gauthier-Villars, 2008)
In this work, we present a HLLC scheme modification for application to nonhomogeneous shallow-water equations with pollutant ...

Sediment transport models in Shallow Water equations and numerical approach by high order finite volume methods.

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Ferreiro Ferreiro, Ana María (Elsevier, 2008)
This paper is concerned with the numerical approximation of bedload sediment transport due to water evolution. For the ...

Well-balanced finite volume schemes for 2D non-homogeneous hyperbolic systems. Application to the dam-break of Aznalcóllar.

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; González Vida, José Manuel; Parés Madroñal, Carlos (Elsevier, 2008)
In this paper, we introduce a class of well-balanced finite volume schemes for 2D non-homogeneous hyperbolic systems. We ...

A new Savage-Hutter type model for submarine avalanches and generated tsunami

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Bouchut, François; Bresch, Didier; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Mangeney, Anne (Elsevier, 2008)
In this paper we present a new two-layer model of Savage-Hutter type to study submarine avalanches. A layer composed of ...

Extension of WAF type methods to non-homogeneous Shallow Water Equations with pollutant

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Narbona Reina, Gladys (Plenum Press, 2008)
This paper deals with the extension of the WAF method to discretize Shallow Water Equations with pollutants. We consider ...

On new erosion models of Savage-Hutter type for avalanches

Bouchut, François; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Mangeney, Anne; Lagreé, P.-Y. (Springer, 2008)
In this work, we study the modeling of one-dimensional avalanche flows made of a moving layer over a static base, where ...

Deducción y simulación numérica de un nuevo modelo de avalanchas submarinas

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Bouchut, François; Bresch, Didier; Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Mangeney, Anne (2007)
En este trabajo se estudia un nuevo modelo de tipo Savage-Hutter para avalanchas submarinas. El modelo obtenido es de tipo ...

Esquemas numéricos bidimensionales de alto orden para resolución numérica del sistema de aguas someras con transporte inerte de un contaminante

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Ferreiro Ferreiro, Ana María; García Rodríguez, José Antonio; Parés Madroñal, Carlos (2007)
En este trabajo se aplican esquemas numéricos bidimensionales de alto orden (ver [5] A.M. Ferreiro Ferreiro. Desarrollo ...

Un esquema centrado de cuarto orden no oscilatorio con compresión artificial para leyes de conservación hiperbólicas

Balaguer Beser, Ángel; Martínez García, Vicente; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2007)
En este trabajo se presenta un m´etodo numérico de cuarto orden, no oscilatorio, que utiliza un esquema centrado de volúmenes ...

Esquemas 2D de alto orden basados en reconstrucciones de estado, para sistemas hiperbólicos no conservativos. Aplicación a problemas de transporte de sedimentos

Castro Díaz, Manuel Jesús; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Ferreiro Ferreiro, Ana María (2007)
En este trabajo se aborda la aproximación numérica del problema de arrastre de sedimentos causada por la evolución del ...

On well-balanced finite volume methods for non-conservative non-homogeneous hyperbolic systems

Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Parés Madroñal, Carlos (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2007)
In this work we introduce a general family of finite volume methods for non-homogeneous hyperbolic systems with non-conservative ...
Tesis Doctoral

Un estudio de esquemas bien equilibrados en sistemas hiperb∂olicos no homog∂eneos.

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada, 2005)
Capítulo de Libro

Well-balanced Finite Volume schemes: some stability and convergence results

Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Domínguez Delgado, Antonio; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Palacios Latasa, Manuel Pedro; Trujillo, David; Torrens Iñigo, Juan José; Madaune-Tort, Monique; López de Silanes Busto, María Cruz; Sanz Sáiz, Gerardo (Universidad de Zaragoza, 2003)
We report a stability and convergence analysis for some simplified well-balanced Finite Volume solvers of Hyperbolic Systems ...

An Entropy-correction free solver for non-homogeneous Shallow Water equations

Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Domínguez Delgado, Antonio; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Dunod, 2003)
In this work we introduce an accurate solver for the Shallow Water equations with source terms. This scheme does not need ...
Tesis Doctoral

Aproximación numérica de leyes de consevación hiperbólicas no homogéneas aplicación a las ecuaciones de aguas someras

Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo; Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Domínguez Delgado, Antonio (2003)

Flux splitting solvers for shallow water equations with source terms

Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Domínguez Delgado, Antonio; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (2003)
In this work we study some finite volume methods for shallow water equations with source terms. We can find flux difference ...