NombreAlonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia
DepartamentoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Área de conocimientoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Categoría profesionalInvestigadora Honoraria
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Review of Shape Phase Transition Studies for Bose-Fermi Systems: The Effect of the Odd-Particle on the Bosonic Core

Böyükata, Mahmut; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, L.; Vitturi, Andrea; Böyükata, Mahmut (MDPI, 2021)
The quantum phase transition studies we have done during the last few years for odd-even systems are reviewed. The focus ...

Importance of the single-particle continuum in BCS pairing with a pseudostate basis

Lay Valera, José Antonio; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (EDP Sciences, 2016)
In a recent work [arXiv:1510.03185] the use of the Transformed Harmonic Oscillator (THO) basis for the discretization of ...

β-decay rates of 121–131Cs in the microscopic interacting boson-fermion model

Mardones, E.; Barea, J.; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Physical Society, 2016)
β -decay rates of 121–131 Cs have been calculated in the framework of the neutron-proton interacting boson- fermion model ...

Continuum discretised BCS approach for weakly bound nuclei

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea; Lay Valera, José Antonio (IOP Publishing, 2016)
The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) formalism is extended by including the single-particle continuum in order to analyse ...

Quantum phase transitions in odd-A nuclei: The effect of the odd particle from spherical to oblate shapes

Böyükata, Mahmut; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2015)
Quantum shape-phase transitions in odd-nuclei are investigated within the framework of the interacting boson-fermion model ...

Quantum shape phase transitions from spherical to deformed for Bose-Fermi systems: the effect of the odd particle around the critical point

Böyükata, Mahmut; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (EDP sciences, 2014)
Quantum phase transitions in odd-nuclei are investigated within the framework of the interacting boson-fermion model with ...

The one nucleon transfer operator in the microscopic IBM without NOA

Barea, J.; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (Elsevier, 2014)
The mapping of the single fermion creation operator (ci†) onto the Interacting Boson-Fermion space (IBFM) is revisited ...

Review of critical point symmetries and shape phasetransitions within algebraic and collective models

Fortunato, Lorenzo; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Vitturi, Andrea (2012)
Several aspect of shape phase transitions and critical point symmstries are reviewed inthis contribution within the ...

Phase diagram for a cubic-Q interacting boson model Hamiltonian: Signs of triaxiality

Fortunato, Lorenzo; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; García Ramos, José Enrique; Vitturi, Andrea (American Physical Society, 2011)
An extension of the Interacting Boson Model that includes the cubic (QI×QI×Q I)(0) term is proposed. The potential energy ...

Odd-even 147–153Pm isotopes within the neutron-proton interacting boson-fermion model

Barea, J.; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Physical Society, 2011)
Low-lying energy states of the 147 -153Pm isotopic chain are studied within the framework of the neutron-proton interacting ...

Shape phase transition in odd-even nuclei: From spherical to deformed γ -unstable shapes

Böyükata, Mahmut; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (The American Physical Society, 2010)
Shape phase transitions in odd-A nuclei are investigated within the framework of the interacting boson-fermion model. The ...

UBF(5) to SUBF(3) shape phase transition in odd nuclei for j=1/2, 3/2, and 5/2 orbits: The role of the odd particle at the critical point

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (The American Physical Society, 2009)
We investigate the phase transition in odd nuclei within the Interacting Boson Fermion Model in correspondence with the ...

Coherent state approach to the interacting boson model: Test of its validity in the transitional region

Inci, I.; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (The American Physical Society, 2009)
The predictive power of the coherent state (CS) approach to the interacting boson model (IBM) is tested far from the IBM ...

Remarks on shape phase transitions in nuclei

Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2009)
Various aspects of shape phase transitions in even as well as odd systems are reviewed. Firstly, the case of an odd j 3/2 ...

Shape phase transitions and critical points

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (American Institute of Physics, 2009)
We investigate different aspects connected with shape phase transitions in nuclei and the possible occurrence of dynamical ...

Shape phase transitions in odd-A nuclei

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, L.; Vitturi, A. (American Institute of Physics, 2008)
We investigate shape phase transitions in odd nuclei within the Interacting Boson Fermion Model. Special attention is given ...

Population of mixed-symmetry states via α transfer reactions

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Pietralla, N.; Vitturi, Andrea (The American Physical Society, 2008)
Within the neutron-proton interacting boson model we study the population of mixed-symmetry states via α transfer processes. ...

Critical-point symmetries in Boson-Fermion systems: The case of shape transitions in odd nuclei in a multiorbit model

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Vitturi, Andrea (American Physical Review, 2007)
We investigate phase transitions in boson-fermion systems. We propose an analytically solvable model [E(5/12)] to describe ...

Shape-phase transitions and two-particle transfer intensities

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Fossion, R.; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, Lorenzo; Vitturi, Andrea (The American Physical Society, 2007)
In the light of renewed interest in experiments on two-particle transfer reactions, we study the evolution of the transfer ...

Shape phase transition in odd nuclei in a multi- j model: The UB(6) ⊗ UF(12) case

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Vitturi, Andrea (The American Physical Society, 2007)
The phase transition in odd nuclei when the underlying even-even core nuclei experience a transition from spherical to ...

One-particle spectroscopic intensities as a signature of shape phase transition: The γ -unstable case

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Vitturi, Andrea (American Physical Society, 2006)
We investigate the evolution of one-particle spectroscopic intensities as a possible signature of shape phase transitions. ...

Phase transitions in the interacting boson fermion model: The γ -unstable case

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Fortunato, R.; Vitturi, Andrea (American Physical Society, 2005)
The phase transition around the critical point in the evolution from spherical to deformed γ-unstable shapes is investigated ...

One nucleon transfer operator and nuclear supersymmetry

Barea, J.; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Jolie, J. (American Physical Society, 2005)
The appropriate use of the interacting boson-fermion model one nucleon transfer operator in connection with ...

U(5)-O(6) transition in the interacting boson model and the E(5) critical point symmetry

Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Vitturi, Andrea; García Ramos, José Enrique; Dukelsky, Jorge; Frank, A. (American Physical Society, 2003)
The relation of the recently proposed E(5) critical point symmetry with the interacting boson model is ...
Tesis Doctoral

Desarrollos microscópicos y cálculos en el marco del modelo de bosones y fermiones en interacción

Barea Muñoz, José; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Barranco Paulano, Francisco (2002)
La presente Tesis Doctoral se desarrolla en el marco de los modelos de bosones en interacción (IBM) y de bosones y fermiones ...

Boson-conserving one-nucleon transfer operator in the interacting boson model

Barea, J.; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Physical Society, 2002)
The boson-conserving one-nucleon transfer operator in the interacting boson model (IBM) is reanalyzed. Extra ...

Search for E(5) symmetry in nuclei: The Ru isotopes

Frank, A.; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (American Physical Society, 2002)
We carry out an interacting boson model study of the Ru isotopes using a U(5)-SO(6) transitional Hamiltonian with fixed ...

Anharmonic double-γ vibrations in nuclei and their description in the interacting boson model

García Ramos, José Enrique; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Isacker, Piet van (American Physical Society, 2000)
Double-γ vibrations in deformed nuclei are studied in the context of the interacting boson model with special reference ...

Coupling of Dipole Mode to γ -unstable Quadrupole Oscillations

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Andrés Martín, María Victoria; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Lanza, Edoardo G.; Vitturi, Andrea (Elsevier, 2000)
The coupling of the high-lying dipole mode to the low-lying quadrupole modes for the case of deformed γ-unstable nuclei ...

Intrinsic structure of two-phonon states in the interacting boson model

García Ramos, José Enrique; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Isacker, Piet van; Vitturi, Andrea (Elsevier, 1998)
A general study of excitations up to two-phonon states is carried out using the intrinsicstate formalism of the Interacting ...

Algebraic determination of scattering matrices

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Frank Hoeflich, Alejandro; Gómez Camacho, Joaquín José (1993)

Quadrupole moments and E2 transitions in the O(6) limit of the IBM

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Lozano Leyva, Manuel Luis; Dasso, Carlos Hugo; Vitturi, Andrea (Elsevier, 1988)
Quadrupole moments and E2 transitions in the O(6) limit of the interacting boson model are studied within a formalism based ...

Backbending of Dy isotopes described with the neutron-photon IBA plus two-quasiparticle model

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Lozano Leyva, Manuel Luis (Elsevier, 1986)
The formalism of the neutron-photon interacting boson model, extended to include two-quasiparticle excitations, is used ...

Test of the proton-neutron interacting boson-fermion model in the region around A=190

Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Lozano Leyva, Manuel Luis (American Physical Society, 1986)
We present systematic calculations on nuclei in the region around A=190 within the framework of the proton-neutron interacting ...

Nuclear structure information obtained from charge radii

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Iachello, F. (Elsevier, 1985)
We analyze the nuclear structure information obtained from measurements of charge radii in even-even and even-odd nuclei ...

A calculation of low-lying collective states in odd-even nuclei

Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel; Bijker, R.; Iachello, F. (Elsevier, 1984)
We present results of a calculation of properties of low-lying collective quadrupole states in odd-even nuclei within the framework of the proton-neutron interacting boson-fermion model.

Prealignment B(E2)-anomaly in 124Xe

Hanewinkel, H.; Gast, Werner; Kaup, U.; Harter, H.; Dewald, Alfred; Gelberg, Adrian; Reinhardt, R.; Brentano, Peter von; Zemel, A.; Alonso Alonso, Clara Eugenia; Arias Carrasco, José Miguel (Elsevier, 1983)
Lifetimes of 17 levels of 124Xe were measured using the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift method. An anomalous E2-reduction ...