NombreJimeno González, Silvia
Área de conocimientoGenética
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Cell consequences of loss of function of the epigenetic factor EHMT1

Iglesias Ortega, Lucía; Megías Fernández, Clara; Domínguez Giménez, Paloma; Jimeno González, Silvia; Rivero Canalejo, Sabrina (Elsevier, 2023)
EHMT1 is an epigenetic factor with histone methyltransferase activity that appears mutated in Kleefstra syndrome, a ...
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Un ciclo de mejora docente para estudiar Evolución Molecular

Jimeno González, Silvia (Universidad de Sevilla, 2022)
En asignaturas de genética, aprender a resolver problemas es esencial para fortalecer la integración de los conceptos que ...

ADAR-mediated RNA editing of DNA:RNA hybrids is required for DNA double strand break repair

Jimeno González, Sonia; Prados Carvajal, Rosario; Fernández Ávila, María Jesús; Pinela Da Silva, Sonia Cristina; Silvestris, Domenico Alessandro; Endara Coll, Martin; Rodríguez Real, Guillermo; Domingo Prim, Judit; Mejías Navarro, Fernando; Romero Franco, Amador; Jimeno González, Silvia; Barroso, Sonia; Cesarini, Valeriana; Aguilera López, Andrés; Gallo, Angela; Visa, Neus; Huertas Sánchez, Pablo (Nature Publishing Group, 2021)
The maintenance of genomic stability requires the coordination of multiple cellular tasks upon the appearance of DNA ...

Topoisomerase IIα represses transcription by enforcing promoter-proximal pausing

Herrero Ruiz, Andrés M.; Martínez García, Pedro Manuel; Terrón Bautista, José; Millán Zambrano, Gonzalo; Lieberman, Jenna Ariel; Jimeno González, Silvia; Cortés Ledesma, Felipe (Elsevier, 2021)
Accumulation of topological stress in the form of DNA supercoiling is inherent to the advance of RNA polymerase II (Pol ...

Human prefoldin modulates co-transcriptional pre-mRNA splicing

Payán Bravo, Laura; Fontalva Ostio, Sara; Peñate Salas, Xenia; Cases, Ildefonso; Guerrero Martínez, José A.; Pareja Sánchez, Yerma; Odriozola Gil, Yosu; Lara, Esther; Jimeno González, Silvia; Suñé Negre, Carlos María; Muñoz Centeno, María de la Cruz; Reyes, José C.; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (Oxford University Press, 2021)
Prefoldin is a heterohexameric complex conserved from archaea to humans that plays a cochaperone role during the ...
Tesis Doctoral

Regulación transcripcional mediada por la DNA topoisomerasa II

Herrero Ruiz, Andrés M.; Cortés Ledesma, Felipe; Jimeno González, Silvia (2020)
La topología del DNA condiciona todos los procesos del metabolismo cromosómico y, en especial, la transcripción, ya que ...

Endogenous topoisomerase II-mediated DNA breaks drive thymic cancer predisposition linked to ATM deficiency

Álvarez Quilón, Alejandro; Terrón Bautista, José; Delgado Sainz, Irene; Serrano Benítez, Almudena; Romero Granados, Rocío; Martínez García, Pedro Manuel; Jimeno González, Silvia; Bernal Lozano, Cristina; Quintero, Cristina; García Quintanilla, Lourdes; Cortés Ledesma, Felipe (Springer Nature, 2020)
The ATM kinase is a master regulator of the DNA damage response to double-strand breaks (DSBs) and a well-established ...

Chd7 is indispensable for mammalian brain development through activation of a neuronal differentiation programme

Feng, Weijun; Kawauchi, Daisuke; Körkel-Qu, Huiqin; Ariel Lieberman, Jenna; Jimeno González, Silvia; Cortés Ledesma, Felipe (Nature Publishing Group, 2017)
Mutations in chromatin modifier genes are frequently associated with neurodevelopmental diseases. We herein demonstrate ...

A positioned +1 nucleosome enhances promoter-proximal pausing

Jimeno González, Silvia; Ceballos Chávez, María; Reyes , José Carlos (Oxford University Press, 2015)
Chromatin distribution is not uniform along the human genome. In most genes there is a promoter-associated nucleosome free ...

Rat1p maintains RNA polymerase II CTD phosphorylation balance

Jimeno González, Silvia; Schmid, Manfred; Malagón Cobos, Francisco; Haaning, Line Lindegaard; Jensen, Torben Heick (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2014)
In S. cerevisiae, the 5′-3′ exonuclease Rat1p partakes in transcription termination. Although Rat1p-mediated RNA degradation ...

Recruitment of a chromatin remodelling complex by the Hog1 MAP kinase to stress genes

Mas, Glòria; Nadal, Eulàlia de; Reinhard Dechant; Rodríguez de la Concepción, María Luisa; Logie, Colin; Jimeno González, Silvia; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (EMBO Press, 2009)
For efficient transcription, RNA PolII must overcome the presence of nucleosomes. The p38-related MAPK Hog1 is an important ...

Regulon-Specific Control of Transcription Elongation across the Yeast Genome

Pelechano, Vicent; Jimeno González, Silvia; Rodríguez Gil, Alfonso; García Martínez, José; Pérez Ortín, José E.; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (Public Library of Science, 2009)
Transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II was often considered an invariant non-regulated process. However, genome-wide ...

Yeast Genetic Analysis Reveals the Involvement of Chromatin Reassembly Factors in Repressing HIV-1 Basal Transcription

Vanti, Manuela; Gallastegui, Edurne; Respaldiza, Iñaki; Rodríguez Gil, Alfonso; Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Jimeno González, Silvia; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (Public Library of Science, 2009)
Rebound of HIV viremia after interruption of anti-retroviral therapy is due to the small population of CD4+ T cells that ...

A gene-specific requirement for FACT during transcription is related to the chromatin organization of the transcribed region

Jimeno González, Silvia; Gómez Herreros, Fernando; Alepuz, Paula M.; Chávez de Diego, Sebastián (2006)
The FACT complex stimulates transcription elongation on nucleosomal templates. In vivo experiments also involve FACT in ...