Datos de investigación (Biología Vegetal y Ecología)
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Dataset Is it healthy urban agriculture? [Dataset](2024-05-31) Rossini Oliva, Sabina; López Núñez, Rafael; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Rossini Oliva, Sabina; Universidad de Sevilla; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM294: Química Analítica AmbientalEl proyecto tenía como objetivo ver si los cultivos de huertos urbanos era seguros para la alimentación humana. Se fueron analizando (contenido de elementos potencialmente tóxicos) varias muestras de plantas durante más de dos años en los distintos huertos urbanos de Sevilla, área minera de Riotinto, Huelva y Cordoba. Los análisis se hicieron por ICP/MS. La fecha va del 2021/2023Dataset Consistent geographical gradient of water use efficiency evidences local adaptations to drought across the complete latitudinal distribution of Quercus suber [Dataset](2024-03) Morillas Viñuales, Lourdes; Leiva Morales, María José; Gandullo Tovar, Jacinto Manuel; Pérez Ramos, Ignacio Manuel; Cambrollé Silva, Jesús; Matías Resina, Luis; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Morillas Viñuales, Lourdes; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). España; Junta de Andalucía; European Commission (EC). Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Universidad de Sevilla. RNM 318: Ecología de Sistemas Agrarios, Ganaderos y ForestalesConjunto de datos (Metadatos, variables químicas (MDA y prolina), isótopos (d13C, d15N y C/N), variables fisiológicas (A, Ca, Ci y GSW) y biomasa aérea) correspondientes a al artículo Morillas et al., 2024. “Consistent geographical gradient of water use efficiency evidences local adaptations to drought across the complete latitudinal distribution of Quercus suber” publicado en la revista Plant Stress. Ver el resumen del artículo para más información.Dataset Datos_Morfológicos_Flora.Iberica:_Sonchus_y_Lactuca [Dataset](2024-02-07) Mejías Gimeno, José Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Mejías Gimeno, José Antonio; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). España; Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (MCYT). España; Gobierno de España; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM-210: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of Mediterranean PlantsDatos de caracteres para el análisis morfométrico de especies de interés taxonómico de los géneros Lactuca y Sonchus en la Península Ibérica.Dataset Estudio morfométrico de Lactuca livida [Dataset](2024-02-07) Palomino de la Rosa, Javier; Mejías Gimeno, José Antonio; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Mejías Gimeno, José Antonio; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIN). España; Gobierno de España; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM-210: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of Mediterranean PlantsRegistro de 24 caracteres (12 cuantitativos y 12 cualitativos), considerados de interés en la literatura taxonómica para la discriminación de Lactuca livida y L. virosa. El estado de los caracteres se registró en 164 pliegosDataset Main characteristics of rainfall recordings for the rain gauge stations included in the dataset of Morbidelli et al. [Dataset](2024-02-07) Morbidelli, Renato; García Marín, Amanda Penélope; Mamun, Abdullah Al; Atiqur, Rahman Mohammad; Ayuso Muñoz, José Luis; Taouti, Mohamed Bachir; Baranowski, Piotr; Bellocchi, Gianni; Sangüesa-Pool, Claudia; García Barrón, Leoncio; Sousa Martín, Arturo; Saltalippi, Carla; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Morbidelli, Renato; Morbidelli, Renato; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM116: Plantas Acuáticas, Cambio Climático y AerobiologíaRainfall records collected by gauges lead to key forcings in most hydrological studies. Depending on the type of sensor and recording systems, such data are characterised by different temporal resolutions (or temporal aggregations), ta. We present a historical analysis of the temporal evolution of ta based on a large database of operational rain gauge networks in many study areas. Globally, data were collected from 25,423 rain gauge stations in 32 geographical areas, with major contributions from Australia, USA, Italy and Spain. For very old networks, the first recordings were manual with a coarse temporal resolution, usually daily or sometimes monthly. With some exceptions, mechanical recordings on paper rolls started in the first half of the 20th century, usually with times of 1 h or 30 min. Digital records began only during the last three decades of the 20th century. This short period limits research requiring long time series of sub-daily rainfall data, e.g. analysis of the effects of climate change on short-duration (sub-hourly) intense rainfall. Furthermore, in areas with rainfall data characterised over many years by coarse temporal resolutions, the annual maximum depths of short-duration rainfall can potentially be underestimated and their use would lead to errors in the results.Currently, only 50% of the stations provide useful data at any temporal resolution, which practically means ta = 1 min. However, a significant reduction of these problems can be obtained through the information content of the present database. Finally, we suggest an integration of the database by including additional rain gauge networks to improve its usefulness, particularly in a comparative analysis of the effects of climate change on short duration extreme precipitation available at different locations.Dataset Sistemática y filogenia de Sonchus boulosii sp. nov. [Dataset](2024-02-07) Mejías Gimeno, José Antonio; Chambouleyron, Mathieu; Kim, Seon-Hee; Infante, M. Dolores; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Mejías Gimeno, José Antonio; Fondo Internacional para la conservación de la Hubara (IFHC); Universidad de Sevilla. RNM-210: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation of Mediterranean PlantsDescripción de la nueva especie Sonchus boulosii Chamboul., Mejías & J.F. Léger y de Sonchus L. sectio Pulvinati S.C. Kim, Mejías & Chamboul. Incluye descripción morfológica, análisis filogenético, estudio cromosómico, sistemática, consideraciones evolutivas y biogeográficasDataset LW_particulate_capture [dataset](2023-12-19) Rossini Oliva, Sabina; Montiel de la Cruz, J.M.; Fernández Espinosa, Antonio José; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Ingeniería Aeroespacial y Mecánica de Fluidos; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Química Analítica; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Agronomía; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Rossini Oliva, Sabina; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Junta de Andalucía; AGR 268-Naturación Urbana e Ingeniería de BiosistemasDataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Potentially toxic elements capture by an active living wall in indoor environments: effect of species in air phytoremediation”. This is part of the project “Fytorremediation of air and water by means of living walls” financed by the Andalusian Plan of Research, development and innovation 2020 (grant number P18-TP-1657) in the 2018 call for Research projects for universities and qualified public research entities as agents of the Andalusian Knowledge System (Junta de Andalucía, Spain). This study aims to quantify compare the effectiveness of four plant species planted in an active living wall for capturing particle pollutants. The living wall was introduced in a glass chamber and exposed to large (10–40 μm) and fine (1.2–10 μm) airborne particles containing a fixed concentration of potentially toxic elements (Al, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb). The surface particle deposition (sPM) was estimated in the leaves from the four species and the potentially toxic element concentration in the particulate matter (PM) was measured in plants, medium culture and in the living wall support system.Dataset Dataset obtained for the preparation of the manuscript "Strong floral morphology conservatism during the rapid diversification of the genus Helianthemum" based on the analysis of 1122 flowers and 83 Helianthemum taxa(2023-02) Martín Hernanz, Sara; González Albaladejo, Rafael; Lavergne, Sébastien; Rubio Pérez, Encarnación; Marín-Rodulfo, Macarena; Arroyo Marín, Juan; Aparicio Martínez, Abelardo; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Martín Hernanz, Sara; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España; Universidad de Sevilla. RNM-210: Ecología, Evolución y Conservación de Plantas MediterráneasPremise: Divergence of floral morphology and breeding systems are often expected to be linked to angiosperm diversification and environmental niche divergence. However, available evidence for such relationships remain idiosyncratic, due to different taxonomic, geographical and time scales. The Palearctic genus Helianthemum shows the highest diversity of the family Cistaceae in terms of breeding systems, floral traits and environmental conditions, resulting from three recent evolutionary radiations occurred since the Late Miocene. Here, we investigate the tempo and mode of evolution of floral morphology in the genus, and its link with species diversification and environmental niche divergence. Methods: We quantified eighteen floral traits from 83 taxa and applied phylogenetic comparative methods using a robust phylogenetic framework based on genotyping by sequencing data. Results: The results revealed three different floral morphologies, putatively related to three different breeding systems: (i) type I, characterized by small flowers without herkogamy and low pollen to ovule ratio; (ii) type II, represented by large flowers with approach herkogamy and intermediate pollen to ovule ratio; and (iii) type III, featured by small flowers with reverse herkogamy and the highest pollen to ovule ratio. Each morphology has been highly conserved across each radiation and has evolved independently of species diversification and ecological niche divergence. Conclusions: The combined results of trait, niche and species diversification ultimately recovered a pattern of potentially non-adaptive radiations in Helianthemum and highlight the idea that evolutionary radiations can be decoupled from floral morphology evolution even in lineages that diversified in heterogeneous environments as the Mediterranean Basin.Dataset Dataset of Open Array Loci for genotyping Abies nebrodensis [Dataset](2022-05-13) Arista Palmero, Montserrat; Balao Robles, Francisco J.; Ortiz Ballesteros, Pedro Luis; Terrab Benjelloun, Anass; Valle García, José Carlos del; Jiménez López, Francisco Javier; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; Jiménez López, Francisco Javier; Balao Robles, Francisco J.; Arista Palmero, Montserrat; European Union (UE)El objetivo principal del proyecto LIFE4FIR (LIFE18_NAT_IT_000164 – Decisive in situ and ex situ conservation strategies to secure the critically endangered Sicilian fir, Abies nebrodensis) es aumentar la diversidad genética y mejorar el estado de conservación de la población de Abies nebrodensis en grave peligro (la población residual es de solo 30 especímenes adultos). De hecho, esta especie es objeto de una dramática erosión genética y escasa regeneración natural. El dataset contiene 124 secuencias de SNPS generados para Abies nebrodensis, con la finalidad de explorar la diversidad genética y la consanguinidad de los individuos presentes en la única población natural existente de la especie, así como de multiples individuos cultivados en invernadero para tareas de reforestación y conservación.