Now showing items 1-20 of 65

    • Chapter of Book

      Labeling Subway Lines 

      Garrido Vizuete, María de los Angeles; Iturriaga, Claudia; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Portillo Fernández, José Ramón; Reyes Colume, Pedro; Wolff, Alexander (2001)
      Graphical features on map, charts, diagrams and graph drawings usually must be annotated with text labels in order to ...
    • Chapter of Book

      An algorithm for computing cocyclic matrices developed over some semidirect products 

      Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro; Álvarez Solano, Víctor (2001)
      An algorithm for calculating a set ofgenerators ofrepresentative 2-cocycles on semidirect product offinite abelian groups ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Well-balanced Finite Volume schemes: some stability and convergence results 

      Chacón Rebollo, Tomás; Domínguez Delgado, Antonio; Fernández Nieto, Enrique Domingo (Universidad de Zaragoza, 2003)
      We report a stability and convergence analysis for some simplified well-balanced Finite Volume solvers of Hyperbolic Systems ...
    • Article

      Computation of cohomology operations of finite simplicial complexes 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Real Jurado, Pedro (2003)
      We propose a method for calculating cohomology operations on finite simplicial complexes. Of course, there exist well–known ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Towards digital cohomology 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Real Jurado, Pedro (2003)
      We propose a method for computing the Z 2–cohomology ring of a simplicial complex uniquely associated with a three–dimensional ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Algebraic topological analysis of time-sequence of digital images 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Real Jurado, Pedro; Sáchez Peláez, Javier (2005)
      This paper introduces an algebraic framework for a topological analysis of time-varying 2D digital binary–valued images, ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Reusing integer homology information of binary digital images 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Sánchez Peláez, Javier; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
      In this paper, algorithms for computing integer (co)homology of a simplicial complex of any dimension are designed, extending ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Reducing Computational Costs in the Basic Perturbation Lemma 

      Real Jurado, Pedro; Berciano Alcaraz, Ainhoa; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José (2006)
      Homological Perturbation Theory [11, 13] is a well-known general method for computing homology, but its main algorithm, ...
    • Chapter of Book

      A Mathematica Notebook for Computing the Homology of Iterated Products of Groups 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
      Let G be a group which admits the structure of an iterated product of central extensions and semidirect products of abelian ...
    • Chapter of Book

      A genetic algorithm for cocyclic hadamard matrices 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
      A genetic algorithm for finding cocyclic Hadamard matrices is described. Though we focus on the case of dihedral groups, ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Calculating cocyclic hadamard matrices in Mathematica: exhaustive and heuristic searches 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
      We describe a notebook in Mathematica which, taking as input data a homological model for a finite group G of order |G| = ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Simplicial perturbation techniques and effective homology 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Sánchez Peláez, Javier; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
      In this paper, we deal with the problem of the computation of the homology of a finite simplicial complex after an “elementary ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Comparison maps for relatively free resolutions 

      Álvarez Solano, Víctor; Armario Sampalo, José Andrés; Frau García, María Dolores; Real Jurado, Pedro (2006)
      Let Λ be a commutative ring, A an augmented differential graded algebra over Λ (briefly, DGA-algebra) and X be a relatively ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Extending the notion of AT-Model for integer homology computation 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Real Jurado, Pedro (2007)
      When the ground ring is a field, the notion of algebraic topological model (AT-model) is a useful tool for computing ...
    • Chapter of Book

      A Graph-with-Loop Structure for a Topological Representation of 3D Objects 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Real Jurado, Pedro (2007)
      Given a cell complex K whose geometric realization |K| is embedded in R 3 and a continuous function h: |K|→R (called the ...
    • Chapter of Book

      On the Computation of Ainfinity-Maps 

      Berciano Alcaraz, Ainhoa; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Real Jurado, Pedro (2007)
      Starting from a chain contraction (a special chain homotopy equivalence) connecting a differential graded algebra A with ...
    • Chapter of Book

      DANTE The Combination between an Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and a Depth Search Method 

      Cardoso, Pedro; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Jesus, Mário (2008)
      The isin-DANTE method is an hybrid meta-heuristic. In combines the evolutionary ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Advanced homology computation of digital volumes via cell complexes 

      Molina Abril, Helena; Real Jurado, Pedro (2008)
      Given a 3D binary voxel-based digital object V, an algorithm for computing homological information for V via a polyhedral ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Some Covariants Related to Steiner Surfaces 

      Aries, Franck; Briand, Emmanuel; Bruchou, Claude (Springer, 2008)
      A Steiner surface is the generic case of a quadratically parameterizable quartic surface used in geometric modeling. This ...
    • Chapter of Book

      Integral operators for computing homology generators at any dimension 

      González Díaz, Rocío; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Medrano Garfia, Belén; Real Jurado, Pedro; Molina Abril, Helena (2008)
      Starting from an nD geometrical object, a cellular subdivision of such an object provides an algebraic counterpart from ...