Hábitat y sociedad - 2020 - Nº 13

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/11441/107196


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  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Ciudades y bicicletas: Una publicación de usuarios para técnicos urbanistas y legisladores en movilidad
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Martín Fernández, Manuel
    “Cities and Bicycles: The role of municipal ordinances” is a book that comes from expert users, both in infrastructure and data analysis and legislation, to fill an important gap in sustainable mobility. Though It is recommended for all interested public, it is focused in technicians who want to enrich their own knowledge, based on content coming from the preferences and experiences of people who use the bicycle as a means of transport in a daily basis, and apply them in their work. In the article, the author, an exceptional witness as a representative of ConBici for a decade, tells, in first person, how the publication was conceived and who contributed to its writing and realization. It also, to some extent, fills a void for municipalities that currently encourage the drafting of ordinances that affect the bicycle and demand a standard text on which to rely. However, its elaboration is not possible without addressing a deep refurbishment of National mobility regulations . This proccess always seems imminent but it never arrives. “Cities and bicycles: the role of municipal ordinances” aims to contribute in the right way to the changes that sustainable mobility requires, at least at least regarding the bicycle
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    La función de la colección sostenibilidad de la editorial Universidad de Sevilla y el libro “La importancia de la bicicleta. Un análisis del papel de la bicicleta en la transición hacia una movilidad urbana más sostenible"
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique
    The Sustainability collection of the Editorial Universidad de Sevilla has published, between 2012 and 2020, 9 volumes that demonstrate the interest of the University of Seville in this essential concept without which society cannot adequately advance and is still key more in the face of the challenges of the 21st century. The collection navigates disclosure and professionalism, knowledge and application, for a wide audience. In the book The importance of the bicycle. An analysis of the role of the bicycle in the transition towards more sustainable urban mobility makes a careful analysis of the inexcusable role of the bicycle in the transition to sustainable urban mobility. This book clearly analyzes the reasons why the bicycle is returning to cities around the world as an essential element to solve and overcome the crisis of the dominant model of urban mobility, based on the abuse of the private car, with its well-known consequences of congestion, pollution, degradation of urban space, decrease in public health and quality of life, and contribution to climate change
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Mejora participativa del hábitat en contextos de desigualdad en ciudades intermedias
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Boldrini, Paula; Malizia, Matilde
    The conditions that are vulnerable urban varied qualitatively in the last ten years. To the already known prevailing inequality conditions are added the increase and consolidation of drug production, sale and consumption circuits, mainly paco, which generate and deepen various problems, structurally transforming regional, local and neighborhood socio-spatial dynamics. Given this situation, other modes of social organization arise, which bring with them new coping strategies, technical support (public, academic and non-governmental institutions, among others), design and implementation of public policies that seek to influence specific transformations in the territory. However, this scenario finds technicians mostly de-instrumented to intervene in the territory with the old strategies —already rudimentary and now also outdated— that require rigorous transformations to reach an appropriate social approach. That is why it is proposed as a main objective to identify those appropriate strategies for the integral improvement of the popular habitat through community participation and strengthening processes. For its development it is based on concrete experiences of technical support carried out in five vulnerable neighborhoods of the Gran San Miguel de Tucumán agglomerate, located in northwestern Argentina, since 2015
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Avanços na política de mobilidade por bicicleta em Campinas: comparação entre os planos diretores de 2006 e de 2018
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Shue Lang Lin, Pamela; Girotti Sperandio, Ana Maria
    The growing use of bicycle as a means of transportation in urban centers points to an alternative to the current means of transportation crisis. The progress of the cycling results in several benefits that continuously attract populations and public institutions to invest in its expansion. However, attention must be paid to the legal consistency of this development process in order to fully ensure the potentials it has to offer. The study of the evolution of urban documents that determine urban mobility is of great importance to identify the legal advances regarding the cycling mobility policy. In the city of Campinas, Brazil, the comparison between the 2006 and 2018 Master Plans allowed to affirm that there are advances in the political recognition of the cycling as a mean of transportation to be developed. Other legal documents dealing with the use of bicycle for mobility, however, highlighted the uniquely technical nature of these advances, which revealed the need for an interdisciplinary approach that considers the specificities of this mode and that gives the cyclist proper centrality
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    The economic value for cycling – a methodological assessment for Starter Cities
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Ferreira, João Pedro; Isidoro, Catarina; Sá, Federico Moura; Baptista Da Mota, José Carlos
    The concerns about climate change, the effects of congestion and pollution in urban areas have led to the debate about the need for alternative mobility patterns to reduce the negative impacts of transport. At the same time, research on sustainable urban mobility highlights the value of cycling as a mean of transport and its economic, social and environmental benefits. Despite the proven benefits, investments in cycling are not always considered a priority, especially in contexts where cycling is residual, such as Portuguese cities, with an average modal share of 0.5%. In this context, the Boost project is developing a Starter Cities Roadmap to promote cycling. This article aims to discuss the methodological steps beyond a comprehensive Economic Value for Cycling (EVC) tool. This tool is aimed to analyze the impacts of a higher use of the bicycle as a transportation mode and its multi-dimensional impacts in the economy. Departing from the example of starter cities in Portugal and the available statistical information, a full description of the methodology applied (and challenges) is offered. This method covers from the calculation of the bicycle industry value chain; economic impacts of reduced fuel consumption caused by modal shift; and the value of environmental, energy and health benefits at a local level
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    El asociacionismo y la participación vecinal luchando por la vivienda, haciendo ciudad
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Montañés Serrano, Manuel; Gómez Sánchez, María Carmen
    2020 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the constitution of the Orcasitas Neighbors Association (Madrid). In this neighborhood, immigrants coming mainly from Andalusia, Extremadura and Castilla-La Mancha settled on land classified as being for rural use, building their own homes - shacks - lacking the minimum services. Initially, the neighborhood struggle was focused on achieving infrastructure improvements, but it did not take long for the Association to be non-complacent, demanding decent housing and educational, socio-cultural, sports, leisure and supply facilities, etc. The struggle for dignified housing spreads to other neighbourhoods. In the 1980s, Madrid underwent the largest urban development operation in Europe in terms of housing after the one carried out to repair the damage caused by the Second World War. The residents of Orcasitas not only participated in the struggle, they also participated in the urban design of the urban layout, the typology and distribution of the space of the house or in the selection of the construction materials, or of the thermal power station, or even in the design of the Pradolongo park, one of the largest newly created parks in Madrid. Making use of a combined emic (account of the native population) and etic (analysis by the research staff) in a projective way methodology, this article pays tribute to the Association and the process of struggle and participation undertaken in the spatial transformation, making city
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Yacyretá y los efectos de segunda generación. Desarrollo urbano, asentamientos y avance de la ciudad formal
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Fernando Brites, Walter
    The socio-spatial and urban effects of the Yacyretá project, today constitute a complex and still unfinished phenomenon, and can be fully interpreted in the long time of its execution. Thus, from a descriptive, processes and historical methodology, it has been analysed the way in which the hydroelectric project, located close to the city of Posadas (Argentina), generated strong and intermittent processes of urban development, resulting from the effect of great infrastructure works and remodelling of the city. The study shows how the increase of the waterfront, the removal of settlements, as well as the relocation, the regeneration and revaluation of new urban areas, etc., have situated a large part of the informal city at the crossroads. Among the findings, it´s stands out that the effects of the hydroelectric project continue, despite having finalized, , exposing an old informal settlements spaces, often adjacent to the new coastline, where the revaluation and redevelopment is increasing. This is a gradual and simultaneous process with changes in urban legislation, and new urban plans that are consolidating the development of the formal city, re-qualified and open to the market
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    De rutas seguras a rutas bakanes en Chile: cocreación con enfoque de género, educación cívica y derechos
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Sagaris, Lake; Flores, Maya; Lanfranco, Daniel
    An extensive literature examines the usefulness of “Safe Routes to Schools programs” to encourage active travel (walking and cycling) to school, thereby increasing physical activity with all its benefits for mental and physical health, mainly in the Global North. This article reports on an adaptation for vulnerable schools in several Chilean cities (2016-2019). This change of context transformed the program, which focused on gender, civic education, and rights as central to to a just, sustainable transport system. “Sustainable transport” is an ecology of modes that improves connections among walking, cycling and public transport. “Transport justice” becomes central in an unequal country such as Chile, focus on gender, civic education and rights. During the first experience in co-design, with students, they changed the name, rejecting “safe” and insisting on “bakan”, a Chilean term for “cool”. The results included changes in attitudes, skills and visions. The resulting program, Kool Routes, improves physical activity, but above all influences the social determinants of health. It has proven to be a relatively simple way of dealing with the complexity of the challenges inherent in achieving sustainable development goals for cities in the 21st century
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Zikloteka, centro de documentación de la bicicleta. Una iniciativa avanzada de recopilación, tratamiento y difusión de documentación sobre la movilidad ciclista
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Bergua Jiménez, Edorta; González Baragaña, Manu
    During the last two decades, a significant volume of materials related to everyday cycling have been produced in Gipuzkoa. This documentation, scattered in many locations until now, represents a considerable heritage of administrative, scientific, technical and citizens’ knowledge produced in this area, as well as underlining the effort undertaken to normalize the use of the bicycle as a means of transport in this territory. The Gipuzkoa Provincial Council and the Cristina Enea Foundation set up the Zikloteka in 2015, a specialized documentation centre in cycle mobility in Gipuzkoa, in order to identify, compile, preserve and disseminate this heritage, which currently contains over 3,800 references. The article presents the main characteristics, services, management system and takes stock of its trajectory. The glossary drawn up to classify the materials is its main contribution in the technical documentation area specialized in mobility. It underlines the collaboration with different entities, such as the Red de Ciudades por la Bicicleta (Cities for Cycling Network), ConBici, and the Network of Environmental Information and Documentation Centres which, complemented by a lengthy search, collection and management process, make it a unique specialized documentation centre in cycle mobility in Europe
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Contribución al análisis del impacto de la creación de una red de vías ciclistas en la economía local y en la imagen turística de las ciudades. El caso de Sevilla
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Marqués Sillero, Ricardo; López Peña, Manuel; Hernández-Herrador, Vicente; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Electrónica y Electromagnetismo; Universidad de Sevilla. Microondas TIC112
    This paper analyzes the impact of the creation of a continuous network of segregated cycle paths on local economy and on the touristic image of cities, through the case study of the city of Seville by developing a methodology that could be applied to the analysis of other similar experiences. The implementation of a network of bike tracks in the city from 2007 onwards led to the revitalization of a sector, quite marginal until that date, turning it into a dynamic and growing sector in an environment of economic crisis, with high job creation rates per euro billed, something quite beneficial in a city with high rates of unemployment. The impact of the creation of the mentioned network of cycle paths in the touristic image of the city, something very important given the relevance of the tourism in its economy, is apparent from the inclusion of the aforementioned infrastructure in the main international tourist guides of the city. The microanalysis of the opinions of the visitors, users of said infrastructure, evidences a positive valuation, and its high multiplier power as an argument for recommending Seville as a tourist destination in their immediate social environments. However, some deficiencies that should still be corrected are detected, such as conservation problems, or the low level of knowledge of such infrastructure at the international level
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    ¿El “Grande Numero” participa en la ciudad 50 años después?
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Jorge Huertas, Virginia de
    This discussion paper deals with the participation in the exhibition entitled The “Greater Number”. This exhibition was the ghost stage of the Milan Triennale XIV in 1968. A scenario that could be perceived as an inverted “amarcord” today. The exhibition was organized with the Italian architect Giancarlo De Carlo in a leading role. The “Greater Number” defined the construction details, invited prestigious speakers, attracted international participants, designed the physical space, and called on the media. However, it did not take place. It was absent and occupied, a priori, by a citizen’s movement, by a generalized and crystalline discontent on an international scale. In the face of the tangible crisis of May 1968, we now find the “intangible” one of May 2020. This is when the debate on The “Greater Number” and “participation” in the city arose again 50 years later
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Entre infraestructuras y culturas. Discursos y prácticas en torno a la movilidad urbana en Andalucía
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Hernández-Ramírez, Macarena; Jordi Sánchez, Ángel Mario
    De forma habitual, las cifras y hechos que se emplean para analizar la movilidad ciclista en el ámbito urbano están fuertemente basadas en las infraestructuras como factor que facilitan/dificultan esa movilidad. Con el convencimiento de la necesidad de considerar otras variables influyentes, abordamos desde el proyecto CICLA el objetivo general de conocer la movilidad en zonas urbanas de Andalucía. Más concretamente, apostamos por estudiar los principales discursos y prácticas sociales en torno al uso de la bicicleta, dentro de la necesidad de incorporar aspectos sociales, económicos, políticos y culturales habitualmente apartados del análisis. Con una metodología de corte cualitativo y un enfoque holístico, los resultados de esta investigación arrojan luz sobre algunos de estos aspectos, aportando algunas conclusiones y reflexiones de interés para la promoción de la bicicleta como medio de transporte en nuestras ciudades
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    La bicicleta en el país de la (auto)movilidad eléctrica
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Bergua Jiménez, Edorta
    Electric mobility has had a great impact as a major axis of intervention to move forward to a landscape at once less dependent on fossil fuels and more sustainable. Starting out from this framework, the objective we wish to pursue is to draw attention to the restrictive reading imposed on the concept of electric mobility, predominately identified with its automotive branch, leaving aside the bicycle. The contribution of the electric automobile to the fulfilment of the objectives demanded by sustainable mobility has been tackled, thus demonstrating the limitations of technological solutions and emphasising the need to reduce the number of cars, their usage and speed, and the need to prioritise pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. After analysing the evolution, benefits and risks of the electric bicycle, it is confirmed that this is by far the most widespread electric vehicle, despite the tiny amount of public aid it receives. It stands out for its powerful strategic value to attract many people to cycling who are reluctant to use conventional bicycles, or who want to make longer journeys effortlessly, or are put off by steep slopes, or want to carry loads or children. Finally, greater public attention is advocated for electric bicycles, suggesting criteria and lines of action to give shape to policies in this area
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    La Bicicleta y el Estado social de derecho
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Bastida Freijedo, Francisco J.
    The aim of this work is analyzing the legal relevance of the bicycle in a social rule of law, as well as the poor and unfortunate legal attention that has been paid to this mode of transport. Its social role has been limited, at least in Spain, to being a toy and a casual instrument of leisure, combined with the political function of extolling patriotic sporting achievements of illustrious cyclists. Until recently, the bicycle suffered a social stigma as a vehicle linked to a status of poverty and insufficient resources to buy a car, of inability to thrive. This social contempt has been reflected in its legal regulation, as will be seen later. It seems however that something is changing presently, mainly at the local government level
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    La imagen de la bicicleta en la comunicación publicitaria: movilidad sostenible y cambio climático
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Pedrós-Pérez, Gerardo; Martínez Jiménez, Pilar; Aparicio Martínez, Pilar
    Active mobility has been described as a healthy action, it also contributes to diminish climate change and improvethe air quality. Research the advertisements in the roles of mobility from anenvironmental and energy point of view is highly relevant. In this analysis the bicycle appears as an added element, from company campaigns to institutional advertising, and also of specific advertisements where bicycles are directly marketed. This study had as objective to provide a novel analysis of adverting regarding bicycle and mobility. A quantitative and qualitative analysis has been carried out based on diverse publicizing documents spread during the last twenty years. Based on the analysis, the results showed how the role of the bicycle presented in publicity not related about mobility seems to be equal better communication between people, transport, fun and healthy element good and bad practices identified and analyzed in both corporate and institutional campaigns. Also, some bicycle advertisements reuse the slogans for automobiles, focusing on gadgets or design. Based on the analysis, it would be wise to insist on the development of communication guides that focus on the bicycle as an element of the smart city, electric mobility, zero emissions vehicle and healthy transport, both from individual and collectivebeneficial perspective
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Elementos clave para la introducción de la perspectiva de género en las infraestructuras ciclistas
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Obach Lapieza, Anna; Ramos Sanz, María
    Gender mainstreaming generated a wide diversity of innovative measures and interventions in new areas not explored until the moment. This is the case of mobility policies, linked to the sustainable urban design and the measures for the environment’s improvement. The literature review and the analysis of the cities’ experiences, allow us to establish some criteria to audit the level of inclusivity of transport infrastructures. In the case of cycling infrastructures, the following criteria have to be taken into account: security, ensuring road safety elements and adequate lighting; conciliation, connecting areas of the city linked to child care, elderly care, daily shopping and personal dealings, through Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis; apply an inclusive and participatory approach, from the comprehension that there is a diverse citizenship with multiple needs and that these have to be taken into account during the design of these policies; and the visibility of cyclist women, as a tool of empowerment and promotion of the use of the bicycle
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    La influencia del campo social pro-bicicleta en el proceso de promoción del ciclismo urbano en Sevilla
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Malpica Soto, Pedro Tomás; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Sociología; 2010/HUM-833
    In the successful process of planning, design and implementation of cycling infrastructures in Seville, the intervention and participation of certain actors proved to be decisive. In order to identify and characterize the evolution, milestones, components, interests and other relevant aspects of this process of cultural production, various qualitative and ethnographic techniques have been used, especially the interview, the participant observation and the analysis of sources, using Bourdieu’s concept of field as a methodological axis according to Martín’s proposal. Through the historical analysis of this local social field of urban cycling —formed by technicians, politicians, institutions, firms and academics around a pre-existing core of activist kind— it can be stated that the specific knowledge held by its members, as well as their positions in different fields of influence, turned out to be decisive for such a proposal from municipal institutions to be well valued and embodied by broad social segments
  • Acceso AbiertoArtículo
    Salud urbana, bicicletas y árboles
    (Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) Figueroa Luque, Enrique; Figueroa-Luque, Teresa; Mateos Martínez, Elena; Luque Palomo, María Teresa; Figueroa Clemente, Manuel Enrique; Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Biología Vegetal y Ecología; RNM224: Ecología, Citogenética y Recursos Naturales
    Urban health depends on the environmental matrix of the different streets of the city through which urban bicycle users circulate through the bike lane. Our results show that the circulation of the bike lane in cities takes place in an urban atmospheric layer that shows pollution, mainly due to motorized traffic, which can affect the health of bicycle users. It is essential to clean the air exerted by the green infrastructure in relation to air quality. An evaluation of the situation of the city’s bike lane in relation to urban pollution and the presence of green infrastructure is necessary. A correct choice of plant species is essential as well as an adequate alignment of the specimens and a subsequent management of the trees that allow the function of air purification. The issue of urban radiative and thermal balance is a momentous issue especially in the predicted scenarios of climate change. We have shown that the presence of trees in the bike lane favors conditions of less incidence of solar radiation which minimizes the possibility of heat stroke, suffocation and heat waves. Green infrastructure, especially woodland, has an important value in facilitating a healthy urban matrix for users of active mobility and especially for urban cyclists developing a healthy bike lane