NombreCasado Pascual, Jesús
DepartamentoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Área de conocimientoFísica Teórica
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Trabajo Fin de Grado

Aplicaciones del desarrollo de Magnus a la Mecánica Cuántica

Martín Romero, Guillermo; Casado Pascual, Jesús (2023)
En este trabajo de fin de grado se aborda el estudio de los desarrollos perturbativos de Magnus y de Floquet-Magnus como ...
Trabajo Fin de Grado

Una introducción a la decoherencia cuántica

Ledo Antúnez, Álvaro; Casado Pascual, Jesús (2023)
En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se presenta el concepto de la decoherencia cuántica como fenómeno natural derivado de las ...

Benefits of Open Quantum Systems for Quantum Machine Learning

Olivera Atencio, María Laura; Lamata Manuel, Lucas; Casado Pascual, Jesús (Wiley, 2023)
Quantum machine learning (QML) is a discipline that holds the promise ofrevolutionizing data processing and problem-solving. ...

Quantum reinforcement learning in the presence of thermal dissipation

Olivera Atencio, María Laura; Lamata Manuel, Lucas; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Casado Pascual, Jesús (American Physical Society, 2023)
A study of the effect of thermal dissipation on quantum reinforcement learning is performed. For this purpose, a nondissipative ...
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Interferencias de Landau-Zener en Sistemas Cuánticos de Dos Niveles

García Blázquez, Manuel Antonio; Casado Pascual, Jesús (2022)
Los sistemas con únicamente dos niveles energéticos son de gran interés en física experimental y teórica. Por un lado, ...

Universal patterns in multifrequency-driven dissipative systems

Olivera Atencio, María Laura; Lamata Manuel, Lucas; Kohler, S.; Casado Pascual, Jesús (IOP Publishing, 2022)
The response of dissipative systems to multi-chromatic fields exhibits generic properties which follow from the discrete ...
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An Introduction to Open Quantum Systems

Tirado Heras, Benjamín; Casado Pascual, Jesús (2022)
The main purpose of this project is to serve as a self-contained and properly motivated introduction to the theoretical ...

System Size Synchronization

Olivera Atencio, María Laura; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Casado Pascual, Jesús (American Physical Society, 2021)
In this paper we bring out the existence of a kind of synchronization associated with the size of a complex system. A ...

Spin dynamics under the influence of elliptically rotating fields: Extracting the field topology from time-averaged quantities

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Lamata Manuel, Lucas; Reynoso, A.A. (American Physical Society, 2021)
Systems that can be effectively described as a localized spin-s particle subject to time-dependent fields have attracted ...
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Ecuaciones tipo Lindblad y su obtención mediante modelos microscópicos

Díaz Real, Sara; Casado Pascual, Jesús (2020)
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el estudio de las ecuaciones tipo Lindblad. Estas ecuaciones resultan de gran ...

Soliton ratchet induced by random transitions among symmetric sine-Gordon potentials

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo; Quintero, Niurka R. (AIP Publishing, 2019)
The generation of net solitonmotion induced by randomtransitions among N symmetric phase-shifted sine-Gordon potentials ...

Directed motion of spheres induced by unbiased driving forces in viscous fluids beyond the Stokes' law regime

Casado Pascual, Jesús (American Physical Society, 2018)
The emergence of directed motion is investigated in a system consisting of a sphere immersed in a viscous fluid and subjected ...

Dynamical Systems with Spatiotemporal Periodicities through the Symmetries

Quintero, Niurka R.; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Álvarez Nordase, Renato; Cuesta, José A. (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2018)

Book of abstracts: NoLineal 2016, International Conference on Nonlinear Mathematics and Physics

Palmero Acebedo, Faustino; Carmona Centeno, Victoriano; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cuevas-Maraver, Jesús; Fernández Sánchez, Fernando; García Medina, Elisabeth; Lemos, M. Carmen; Quintero, Niurka R.; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo; Archilla, Juan F. R. (NoLineal 2016Juan F.R. Archilla, 2016)

Kink ratchet induced by a time-dependent symmetric field potential

Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Quintero, Niurka R. (American Physical Society, 2016)
The ratchet effect of a sine-Gordon kink is investigated in the absence of any external force while the symmetry of the ...

General approach for dealing with dynamical systems with spatiotemporal periodicities

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cuesta, José A.; Quintero, Niurka R.; Álvarez Nodarse, Renato (American Physical Society, 2015)
Dynamical systems often contain oscillatory forces or depend on periodic potentials. Time or space periodicity is reflected ...

Irrationality and quasiperiodicity in driven nonlinear systems

Cubero Gómez, David; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2014)
We analyze the relationship between irrationality and quasiperiodicity in nonlinear driven systems. To that purpose, we ...

Universal asymptotic behavior in nonlinear systems driven by a two-frequency forcing

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cubero Gómez, David; Renzoni, Ferruccio (American Physical Society, 2013)
We examine the time-dependent behavior of a nonlinear system driven by a two-frequency forcing. By using a nonperturbative ...

Stochastic resonance in finite arrays of bistable elements with local coupling

Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Gómez-Ordóñez, José; Casado Vázquez, José Manuel; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cubero Gómez, David (EDP Sciences ; Springer Verlag ; Societá Italiana di Fisica, 2009)
In this article, we investigate the stochastic resonance (SR) effect in a finite array of noisy bistable systems with ...

Thermal equilibrium and statistical thermometers in special relativity

Cubero Gómez, David; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Dunkel, Jörn; Talkner, Peter; Hänggi, Peter (American Physical Society, 2007)
There is an intense debate in the recent literature about the correct generalization of Maxwell’s velocity distribution ...

Very large stochastic resonance gains in finite sets of interacting identical subsystems driven by subthreshold rectangular pulses

Cubero Gómez, David; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Gómez-Ordóñez, José; Casado Vázquez, José Manuel; Morillo Buzón, Manuel (American Physical Society, 2007)
We study the phenomenon of nonlinear stochastic resonance (SR) in a complex noisy system formed by a finite number of ...

Forced synchronization of a quantum dissipative dynamics

Goychuk, I.; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Lehmann, J.; Hanggi, P. (American Institute of Physics, 2007)
We generalize the phenomenon of forced stochastic synchronization into the quantum domain within the framework of a ...

Stochastic resonance with weak monochromatic driving: Gains above unity induced by high-frequency signals

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Cubero Gómez, David; Baltanás, José P. (European Physical Society, 2007)
We study the effects of a high-frequency (HF) signal on the response of a noisy bistable system to a low-frequency ...

Quantum stochastic synchronization

Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Goychuk, Igor; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Lehmann, Jörg; Hänggi, Peter (American Physical Society, 2006)
We study, within the spin-boson dynamics, the synchronization of a quantum tunneling system with an external, time-periodic ...

Flux reversal in a simple random-walk model on a fluctuating symmetric lattice

Casado Pascual, Jesús (American Physical Society, 2006)
A rather simple random-walk model on a one-dimensional lattice is put forward. The lattice as a whole switches randomly ...

High-frequency effects in the FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron model

Cubero Gómez, David; Baltanás Illanes, José Pablo; Casado Pascual, Jesús (American Physical Society, 2006)
The effect of a high-frequency signal on the FitzHugh-Nagumo excitable model is analyzed. We show that the firing rate is ...

Overdamped deterministic ratchets driven by multifrequency forces

Cubero, David; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Álvarez Chillida, María Azucena; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Hänggi, Peter (Jagellonian University, Cracow, 2006)
We investigate a dissipative, deterministic ratchet model in the overdamped regime driven by a rectangular force. Extensive ...

Comment on “Soliton ratchets induced by excitation of internal modes”

Quintero, Niurka R.; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo; Casado Pascual, Jesús (2005)
Very recently Willis et al. [Phys. Rev. E 69, 056612 (2004)] have used a collective variable theory to explain the appearance ...

Theory of frequency and phase synchronization in a rocked bistable stochastic system

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Gómez Ordóñez, José; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Lehmann, Jörg; Goychuk, Igor; Hänggi, Peter (American Physical Society, 2005)
We investigate the role of noise in the phenomenon of stochastic synchronization of switching events in a rocked, overdamped ...

Effects of additive noise on vibrational resonance in a bistable system

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Baltanás, José P. (American Physical Society, 2004)
We study the overdamped motion of a particle in a bistable potential subject to the action of a bichromatic force and ...

Nonlinear stochastic resonance with subthreshold rectangular pulses

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Gómez Ordóñez, José; Morillo Buzón, Manuel (American Physical Society, 2004)
We analyze the phenomenon of nonlinear stochastic resonance (SR) in noisy bistable systems driven by pulsed time periodic ...

Two-state theory of nonlinear stochastic resonance

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Gómez Ordóñez, José; Morillo Buzón, Manuel (American Physical Society, 2003)
An amenable, analytical two-state description of the nonlinear population dynamics of a noisy bistable system driven by a ...

Subthreshold stochastic resonance: Rectangular signals can cause anomalous large gains

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Gómez Ordóñez, José; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Hänggi, Peter (American Physical Society, 2003)
The main objective of this work is to explore aspects of stochastic resonance (SR) in noisy bistable, symmetric systems ...

The role of different reorganization energies within the Zusman theory of electron transfer

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Goychuk, Igor; Hänggi, Peter (AIP Publishing, 2003)
We consider the kinetics of electron transfer reactions in condensed media with different reorganization energies for the ...

Gain in stochastic resonance: Precise numerics versus linear response theory beyond the two-mode approximation

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Denk, Claus; Gómez Ordóñez, José; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Hänggi, Peter (American Physical Society, 2003)
In the context of the phenomenon of stochastic resonance (SR), we study the correlation function, the signal-to-noise ratio ...

Rocking bistable systems: Use and abuse of linear response theory

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Gómez Ordóñez, José; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Hänggi, Peter (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2002)
The response of a nonlinear stochastic system driven by an external sinusoidal time-dependent force is studied by a variety ...

Relaxation in charge-transfer systems with very large tunnel splitting: A semiclassical stochastic approach

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Denk, Claus; Morillo Buzón, Manuel; Cukier, Robert I. (AIP Publishing, 2000)
Electron transfer in strongly coupled systems, appropriate to mixed-valence compounds, is studied to explore the competition ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudio de fenómenos resonantes en algunos modelos estocásticos sencillos

Casado Pascual, Jesús; Brey Abalo, José Javier (1996)

Resonant behavior of a Poisson process driven by a periodic signal

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Casado Pascual, Jesús; Sánchez-Rey, Bernardo (American Physical Society, 1995)
The statistical properties of the residence times of a periodically modulated Poisson process (time-dependent shot noise) ...

Resonant activation in a simple kinetic model

Brey Abalo, José Javier; Casado Pascual, Jesús (American Physical Society, 1994)
We present a very simple Markovian kinetic model displaying a stochastic resonant behavior which is similar to the one ...