NombreBernal Guzmán, Patricia
Área de conocimientoMicrobiología
Categoría profesionalInvestigadora Contratada (Ramón y Cajal)
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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A concept for international societally relevant microbiology education and microbiology knowledge promulgation in society

Timmis, Kenneth; Hallsworth, John Edward; McGenity, Terry J.; Armstrong, Rachel; Colom, María Francisca; Karahan, Zeynep Ceren; Chavarría, Max; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Boyd, Eric S.; Serna, Jéssica Gil (Wiley Open Access, 2024)
The biosphere of planet Earth is a micro-bial world: a vast reactor of countless microbiallydriven chemical transformations ...

How are microbes helping end hunger?

Bernal Guzmán, Patricia (Wiley, 2024)
Capítulo de Libro

A Robust Method to Perform In Vitro and In Planta Interbacterial Competition Assays: Killing Plant Pathogens by a Potent Biocontrol Agent

Civantos Jiménez, Cristina; Ruiz Camas, Adrián; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia (Springer, 2024)
Interbacterial competition assays have become an essential tool for understanding the interactions between bacteria and ...

Transcriptional organization and regulation of the Pseudomonas putida K1 type VI secretion system gene cluster

Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Civantos Jiménez, Cristina; Pacheco Sánchez, Daniel; Quesada, José M.; Filloux, Alain; Llamas, María A. (Microbiology Society, 2023)
The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is an antimicrobial molecular weapon that is widespread in Proteobacteria and offers ...

Microbial biotechnology in the effort to end hunger

Ramos, Juan Luis; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Salvachua, Davinia (Wiley-Blackwell, 2023)

Nanotube‐mediated plasmid transfer as a natural alternative for the improvement of industrially relevant bacteria

Molina Santiago, Carlos; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia (Wiley Open Access, 2023)

Killing in the name of: T6SS structure and effector diversity

Allsopp, Luke P.; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia (Microbiology Society, 2023)
The life of bacteria is challenging, to endure bacteria employ a range of mechanisms to optimize their environment, ...

Breaking antimicrobial resistance by disrupting extracytoplasmic protein folding

Furniss, R Christopher D.; Kaderabkova, Nikol; Barker, Declan; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Maslova, Evgenia; Antwi, Amanda Aa; McNeil, Helen E; Pugh, Hannah L.; Dortet, Laurent; Mavridou, Despoina Ai (eLife Sciences Publications, 2022)
Antimicrobial resistance in Gram-negative bacteria is one of the greatest threats to global health. New antibacterial ...

The P. aeruginosa effector Tse5 forms membrane pores disrupting the membrane potential of intoxicated bacteria

González-Magaña, Amaia; Altuna, Jon; Queralt-Martín, María; Largo, Eneko; Velázquez, Carmen; Montánchez, Itxaso; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Alcaraz, Antonio; Albesa-Jové, David (Nature Publishing Group, 2022)
The type VI secretion system (T6SS) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa injects effector proteins into neighbouring competitors and ...
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La flotilina y su importancia en el ensamblaje del sistema de secreción de tipo VI y del flagelo en Pseudomonas putida

Peña Noya, Javier de la; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia (2022)
Pseudomonas putida es una bacteria colonizadora de la rizosfera de plantas de interés agrícola. Esta bacteria utiliza los ...

Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 type VI secretion systems mediate bacterial killing and adaption to the rhizosphere microbiome

Durán, David; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Vázquez Arias, David; Blanco Romero, Esther; Garrido Sanz, Daniel; Redondo Nieto, Miguel; Rivilla, Rafael; Martín, Marta (Nature, 2021)
The genome of Pseudomonas fluorescens F113, a model rhizobacterium and a plant growth-promoting agent, encodes three ...

Understanding Plant–microorganism Interactions to Envision a Future of Sustainable Agriculture

Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Eberl, Leo; Jonge, Ronnie; Lepek, Viviana C.; Malone, Jacob G. (Wiley-Blackwell, 2021)

Plant holobiont interactions mediated by the type VI secretion system and the membrane vesicles: promising tools for a greener agriculture

Borrero de Acuña, José Manuel; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia (Wiley, 2021)
A deeper understanding of the complex relationship between plants and their microbiota is allowing researchers to appreciate ...

A novel stabilization mechanism for the type VI secretion system sheath

Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Furniss, R. Christopher D.; Fecht, Selina; Leung, Rhoda C. Y.; Spiga, Livia; Mavridou, Despoina A. I.; Filloux, Alain (National Academy of Sciences, 2021)
The type VI secretion system (T6SS) is a phage-derived contractile nanomachine primarily involved in interbacterial ...
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Sistemas de secreción tipo VI (T6SS) en Rhizobiales. Estudio in sílico del clúster de s. FREDII USDA257

Sánchez Reina, Ana; Bernal Guzmán, Patricia (2020)
El sistema de secreción tipo VI (T6SS) es una maquinaria bacteriana a través de la cual se secretan toxinas/efectores al ...

Integrating signals to drive type VI secretion system killing

Bernal Guzmán, Patricia; Murillo Torres, Marina; Allsopp, Luke P. (Society for Applied Microbiology, 2020)
Capítulo de Libro

Programa de Innovación docente en la asignatura de Microbiología I

Bernal Guzmán, Patricia (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2020)