NombreSánchez Jerez, Ana Belén
DepartamentoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Área de conocimientoLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Categoría profesionalProfesora Ayudante Doctora
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Toward Dependency-Aware API Gateways

Barakat, Saman; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio (SISTEDES: Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software, 2023)
Web APIs often include inter-parameter dependencies that constrain how input parameters can be combined to form valid calls ...

Automated Code Generation for Inter-parameter Dependencies in REST APIs

Barakat, Saman; Barba Roque, Enrique; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio (Sistedes, 2022)
The generation of code templates from REST API specifications is a common practice in industry. However, existing tools ...

Mutation testing in the wild: findings from GitHub

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Delgado Pérez, Pedro; Medina Bulo, Inmaculada; Segura Rueda, Sergio (Springer, 2022)
Mutation testing exploits artificial faults to measure the adequacy of test suites and guide their improvement. It has ...

Pruebas de Mutación de APIs Web: Un Enfoque de Caja Negra

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Martín López, Alberto; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruíz Cortés, Antonio (Sistedes, 2022)
Las Interfaces de Programación de Aplicaciones (APIs) web tienen un papel clave en la integración de aplicaciones, por lo ...

Pruebas de Mutación de Caja Negra para APIs Web

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Martín López, Alberto; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruíz Cortés, Antonio (SISTEDES: Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software, 2021)
Las Interfaces de Programación de Aplicaciones (APIs) web desempeñan un papel clave en la integración de aplicaciones, por ...

Performance mutation testing

Delgado Pérez, Pedro; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Medina Bulo, Inmaculada (Wiley, 2021)
Performance bugs are known to be a major threat to the success of software products. Performance tests aim to detect ...
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Evaluating Testing Techniques in Highly-Configurable Systems: The Drupal Dataset

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Gupta, Varun; Gupta, Chetna (Auerbach Publications, 2021)
Context: Software applications exposing a high ability to be extended, changed or configured are usually referred to as ...

TANDEM: A Taxonomy and a Dataset of Real-World Performance Bugs

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Delgado Pérez, Pedro; Medina Bulo, Inmaculada; Segura Rueda, Sergio (IEEE Computer Society, 2020)
The detection of performance bugs, like those causing an unexpected execution time, has gained much attention in the last ...

Search-based mutation testing to improve performance tests

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Delgado Pérez, Pedro; Medina Bulo, Inmaculada; Segura Rueda, Sergio (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2018)
Performance bugs are common and can cause a significant deterio ration in the behaviour of a program, leading to costly ...

Evaluación y mejora de pruebas de rendimiento utilizando mutación del software: Un enfoque evolutivo

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Delgado Pérez, Pedro; Medina Bulo, Inmaculada; Segura Rueda, Sergio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2018)
Los defectos de rendimiento del software pueden causar una importante degradación en la experiencia de usuario y dar lugar ...

Performance mutation testing: hypothesis and open questions

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Delgado Pérez, Pedro; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Medina Bulo, Inmaculada (Elsevier, 2018)
Performance bugs are common, costly, and elusive. Performance tests aim to detect performance bugs by running the program ...

SmarTest: A Test Case Prioritization Tool for Drupal

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2017)
Test case prioritization techniques aim to identify the optimal ordering of tests to accelerate the detection of faults. ...

Variability testing in the wild: the Drupal case study

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Parejo Maestre, José Antonio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Springer, 2017)
Variability testing techniques search for effective and manageable test suites that lead to the rapid detection of faults ...
Tesis Doctoral

Test case prioritization in highly-configurable systems

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; Segura Rueda, Sergio (2016)
Highly-configurable software systems (HCSs) provide a common core functionality and a set of optional features, where a ...

A Survey on Metamorphic Testing

Segura Rueda, Sergio; Fraser, Gordon; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2016)
A test oracle determines whether a test execution reveals a fault, often by comparing the observed program output to the ...

Multi-objective test case prioritization in highly configurable systems: A case study

Parejo Maestre, José Antonio; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio; López Herrejón, Roberto E.; Egyed, Alexander (Elsevier, 2016)
Test case prioritization schedules test cases for execution in an order that attempts to accelerate the detection of faults. ...

Metamorphic Testing: A Literature Review - Version 1.3 (Technical Report ISA-16-TR-02)

Segura Rueda, Sergio; Fraser, Gordon; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2016)
A test oracle determines whether a test execution reveals a fault, often by comparing the observed program output to ...

Automated metamorphic testing of variability analysis tools

Segura Rueda, Sergio; Durán Toro, Amador; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Le Berre, Daniel; Lonca, Emmanuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Wiley, 2015)
Variability determines the capability of software applications to be configured and customized. A common need during the ...

A Comparison of Test Case Prioritization Criteria for Software Product Lines

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2014)
Software Product Line (SPL) testing is challenging due to the potentially huge number of derivable products. To alleviate ...

The Drupal Framework: a Case Study to Evaluate Variability Testing Techniques

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2014)
Variability testing techniques search for effective but manageable test suites that lead to the rapid detection of faults ...

Towards Multi-Objective Test Case generation for Variability-Intensive Systems

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2014)
Testing variability-intensive systems is a challenge due to the potentially huge number of derivable configurations. To ...

Automated Variability Analysis and Testing of an E-Commerce Site. An Experience Report

Segura Rueda, Sergio; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ACM, 2014)
In this paper, we report on our experience on the development of La Hilandera, an e-commerce site selling haberdashery products ...

Priorización de casos de prueba. Avances y retos

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (Asociación de Técnicos de Informática, 2013)

Priorización de casos de prueba: Avances y retos

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (ATI: Asociación de técnicos de Informática, 2013)
La priorización de pruebas consiste en establecer un orden de ejecución para los casos de prueba que permita alcanzar un ...

Automated Metamorphic Testing on the Analysis of Software Variability: Technical Report ISA-2013-TR-03

Segura Rueda, Sergio; Durán Toro, Amador; Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Le Berre, Daniel; Lonca, Emmanuel; Ruiz Cortés, Antonio (2013)
Variability determines the ability of software applications to be configured and customized. A common need during the ...

Automated testing on the analysis of variability-intensive artifacts: An exploratory study with SAT Solvers

Sánchez Jerez, Ana Belén; Segura Rueda, Sergio (Asociación de Ingeniería del Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software (SISTEDES), 2012)
The automated detection of faults on variability analysis tools is a challenging task often infeasible due to the combinatorial ...