NombreEscudero Cuadrado, Luis María
DepartamentoBiología Celular
Área de conocimientoBiología Celular
Categoría profesionalProfesor Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Tesis Doctoral

Mechanisms of epithelial packing in proliferative tissues

Tagua Jáñez, Antonio Jesús; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (2024)
Tissue morphogenesis is intimately linked with the complex changes that occur in the shape and organization of individual ...

Local and global changes in cell density induce reorganisation of 3D packing in a proliferating epithelium

Barone, Vanessa; Tagua Jáñez, Antonio Jesús; Andrés San Román, Jesús Ángel; Hamdoun, Amro; Garrido García, Juan; Lyons, Deirdre C.; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (The Company of Biologists, 2024)
Tissue morphogenesis is intimately linked to the changes in shape and organisation of individual cells. In curved epithelia, ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudio de la arquitectura epitelial en 3D, su variación natural y la aparición de patrones morfológicos a nivel celular

Gordillo Vázquez, Carmen María; Annese, Valentina; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (2023)
Una de las cuestiones más fascinantes de la Biología del desarrollo es entender cómo los tejidos y órganos adquieren su ...
Trabajo Fin de Grado

Métodos de software libre para el análisis de imágenes biológicas

Román Camacho, Julián; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (2023)
Hoy en día, los métodos computacionales son indispensables para el análisis de imágenes biológicas. Gracias a ellos, es ...

Curvature in Biological Systems: Its Quantification, Emergence, and Implications across the Scales

Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Tagua Jáñez, Antonio; Schamberger, Barbara; Ziege, Ricardo; Anselme, Karine; Ben Amar, Martine; Bykowski, Michał; Castro, André P.G; Dunlop, John W.C (John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2023)
Surface curvature both emerges from, and influences the behavior of, living objects at length scales ranging from cell ...

CartoCell, a high-content pipeline for 3D image analysis, unveils cell morphology patterns in epithelia

Andrés San Román, Jesús Ángel; Gordillo Vázquez, Carmen María; Franco Barranco, Daniel; Morato Concejero, Laura; Huertas Fernández-Espartero, Cecilia; Baonza, Gabriel; Tagua Jáñez, Antonio Jesús; Vicente Munuera, Pablo; Palacios Barea, Ana María; Gavilán Dorronzoro, María de la Paz; Martín Belmonte, Fernando; Annese, Valentina; Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Arganda Carreras, Ignacio; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (Elsevier, 2023)
Decades of research have not yet fully explained the mechanisms of epithelial self-organization and 3D packing. Single-cell ...

A quantitative principle to understand 3D cellular connectivity in epithelial tubes

Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Vicente Munuera, Pablo; Anbari, Samira; Tagua Jáñez, Antonio; Gordillo Vázquez, Carmen María; Palacios, Ana M.; Velasco, Antonio; Capitán Agudo, Carlos; Grima Ruiz, Clara Isabel; Robles Arias, Rafael; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Buceta, Javier; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Annese, Valentina (Cell Systems, 2022)
Apico-basal cell intercalations (scutoids) optimize packing and energy expenditure in curved epithelia. Further consequences ...

Mechanics and self-organization in tissue development

Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Anbari, Samira; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Buceta, Javier (Elsevier, 2021)
Self-organization is an all-important feature of living systems that provides the means to achieve specialization and ...

The complex three-dimensional organization of epithelial tissues

Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Vicente Munuera, Pablo; Anbari, Samira; Buceta, Javier; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (The Company of Biologists Ltd., 2021)
Understanding the cellular organization of tissues is key to developmental biology. In order to deal with this complex ...
Tesis Doctoral

Topological analysis of the tumour microenvironment to study Neuroblastoma

Vicente Munuera, Pablo; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (2020)
Solid tumours and their tumour microenvironment (TME) can be considered as complex networks whose elements are in constant ...
Tesis Doctoral

Scutoids unveil the three-dimensional packing in curved epithelia

Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (2020)
As animals develop, the initial simple planar epithelia of the early embryos must acquire complex three-dimensional ...

EpiGraph: an open-source platform to quantify epithelial organization

Vicente Munuera, Pablo; Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Tetley, Robert J.; Forja Barbosa, Cristina; Tagua Jáñez, Antonio Jesús; Letrán, Marta; Tozluoglu, Melda; Mao, Yanlan; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (Oxford University Press, 2020)
Here we present EpiGraph, an image analysis tool that quantifies epithelial organization. Our method combines computational ...

The topology of vitronectin: A complementary feature for neuroblastoma risk classification based on computer-aided detection

Vicente Munuera, Pablo; Burgos Panadero, Rebeca; Noguera, Inmaculada; Navarro, Samuel; Noguera, Rosa; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (Wiley, 2020)
Tumors are complex networks of constantly interacting elements: tumor cells, stromal cells, immune and stem cells, ...

Characterising epithelial tissues using persistent entropy

Atienza Martínez, María Nieves; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Soriano Trigueros, Manuel (Springer, 2019)
In this paper, we apply persistent entropy, a novel topological statis- tic, for characterization of images of epithelial ...

Persistent entropy: a scale-invariant topological statistic for analyzing cell arrangements

Atienza Martínez, María Nieves; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Jiménez Rodríguez, María José; Soriano Trigueros, Manuel (Cornell University, 2019)
In this work, we develop a method for detecting differences in the topological distribution of cells forming epithelial ...
Tesis Doctoral

Hypoxia and alzheimer's disease: the processing of amyloid precursor protein and the role of prolyl-hydroxylase 3 in microglia.

Sánchez García, Manuel A.; Pascual Bravo, Alberto; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (2018)

Nintedanib decreases muscle fibrosis and improves muscle function in a murine model of dystrophinopathy

Piñol Jurado, Patricia; Suárez Calvet, Xavier; Fernández Simón, Esther; Gallardo, Eduard; Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Díaz Manera, Jordi (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
Duchenne muscle dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive skeletal muscle weakness. Dystrophin ...

Author Correction: Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia

Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Vicente Munuera, Pablo; Tagua Jáñez, Antonio Jesús; Forja, Cristina; Castro Rodríguez, Ana María; Grima Ruiz, Clara Isabel; Bermúdez Gallardo, Marina; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (Nature Research, 2018)

Scutoids are a geometrical solution to three-dimensional packing of epithelia

Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Vicente Munuera, Pablo; Tagua Jáñez, Antonio; Forja Barbosa, Cristina; Castro Rodríguez, Ana María; Letrán, Marta; Grima Ruiz, Clara Isabel; Bermúdez Gallardo, Marina; Serrano Pérez-Higueras, Óscar; Márquez Pérez, Alberto; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María;  (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
As animals develop, tissue bending contributes to shape the organs into complex three-dimensional structures. However, the ...

X-ray emission from a liquid curtain jet when irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses

Valle Brozas, F.; Papp, D.; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Roso, L.; Peralta Conde, A. (Springer Nature, 2017)
Laser-based sources of ionizing radiation have attracted considerable attention in the last years for their broad potential ...

Rules of tissue packing involving different cell types: human muscle organization

Sánchez Gutiérrez, Daniel; Sáez Manzano, Aurora; Gómez Gálvez, Pedro; Paradas López, Carmen ‎; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (Nature Publishing Group, 2017)
Natural packed tissues are assembled as tessellations of polygonal cells. These include skeletal muscles and epithelial ...

Fundamental physical cellular constraints drive self-organization of tissues

Sánchez Gutiérrez, Daniel; Tozluoglu, Melda; Barry, Joseph D.; Pascual, Alberto; Mao, Yanlan; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)
Morphogenesis is driven by small cell shape changes that modulate tissue organization. Apical surfaces of proliferating ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudio de la organización compleja de tejidos biológicos usando conceptos matemáticos

Sánchez Gutiérrez, Daniel; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Muñiz Guinea, Manuel (2015)
Patente. Invención

Método para obtener información útil para el diagnóstico de enfermedades neuromusculares

Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Montero Sánchez, Adoración; Paradas López, Carmen ‎; Rivas Infante, Eloy; Pascual Bravo, Alberto; Sáez Manzano, Aurora; Serrano Gotarredona, Carmen; Acha Piñero, Begoña (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2014)
Método para obtener información útil para el diagnóstico de enfermedades neuromusculares. Procedimiento para obtener, a ...

ATM specifically mediates repair of double-strand breaks with blocked DNA ends

Álvarez Quilón, Alejandro; Serrano Benítez, Almudena; Ariel Lieberman, Jenna; Quintero Ruiz, Maria Cristina; Sánchez Gutiérrez, Daniel; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Cortés Ledesma, Felipe (Nature Publishing Group, 2014)
Ataxia telangiectasia is caused by mutations in ATM and represents a paradigm for cancer predisposition and neurodegenerative ...

Biotensegrity of the Extracellular Matrix: Physiology, Dynamic Mechanical Balance, and Implications in Oncology and Mechanotherapy

Tadeo Cervera, Irene; Berbegall, Ana Pilar; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Álvaro Naranjo, Tomás; Noguera Salva, Rosa (Frontiers Media, 2014)
Cells have the capacity to convert mechanical stimuli into chemical changes. This process is based on the tensegrity ...

Quantifiable diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases through network analysis

Serrano Gotarredona, María del Carmen; Acha Piñero, Begoña; Rivas, Eloy; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Sáez Manzano, Aurora; Montero Sánchez, Adoración; Paradas, Carmen; Pascual Bravo, Alberto (2013)

Neuromuscular disease classification system

Sáez Manzano, Aurora; Acha Piñero, Begoña; Montero, Sánchez, Adoración; Rivas, Eloy; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Serrano Gotarredona, María del Carmen (Spie-soc photo-optical instrumentation engineers, 2013)
Diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases is based on subjective visual assessment of biopsies from patients by the pathologist ...

Age-mediated transcriptomic changes in adult mouse substantia nigra

Gao Chen, Lin; Hidalgo-Figueroa, María; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Díaz Martín, Juan; López Barneo, José; Pascual Bravo, Alberto (2013)
Substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) is highly sensitive to normal aging and selectively degenerates in Parkinson’s disease ...

Topological Progression in Proliferating Epithelia Is Driven by a Unique Variation in Polygon Distribution

Sánchez Gutiérrez, Daniel; Sáez Manzano, Aurora; Pascual Bravo, Alberto; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María (Public Library of Science, 2013)
Morphogenesis is consequence of lots of small coordinated variations that occur during development. In proliferating stages, ...

Dual role of myosin II during Drosophila imaginal disc metamorphosis

Aldaz, Silvia; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Freeman, Matthew (Nature Publishing Group, 2013)
The motor protein non-muscle myosin II is a major driver of the movements that sculpt three dimensional organs from two ...

Epithelial organisation revealed by a network of cellular contacts

Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Luciano da Fontoura Costa; Kicheva, Anna; Briscoe, James; Freeman, Matthew; Babu, M. Madan (Nature Publishing Group, 2011)
The emergence of differences in the arrangement of cells is the first step towards the establishment of many organs. ...

Live imaging of Drosophila imaginal disc development

Aldaz, Silvia; Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Freeman, Matthew (National Academy of Sciences, 2010)
Live imaging has revolutionized the analysis of developmental biology over the last few years. The ability to track in ...

Mechanism of G1 arrest in the Drosophila eye imaginal disc

Escudero Cuadrado, Luis María; Freeman, Matthew (2007)
Background: Most differentiating cells are arrested in G1-phase of the cell cycle and this proliferative quiescence appears ...