NombreSerrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles
Área de conocimientoEstomatología
Categoría profesionalProfesora Titular de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Biological Response of the Peri-Implant Mucosa to Different Definitive Implant Rehabilitation Materials

Baus Domínguez, María; Oliva-Ferrusola, Elena; Maza-Solano, Serafín; Ruiz-de-León, Gonzalo; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Macías García, Laura (MDPI, 2024)
Background: Sealing the peri-implant tissue is a determining factor for long-term implant survival. In the transmucosal ...

Prospective observational cohort study of the change of the marginal bone crest in relation to the prosthetic abutment height and the peri-implant vertical mucosal thickness at implants positioned subcrestally

Maza-Solano, S.; Baus Domínguez, María; Romero-Ruíz, M. M.; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Wiley, 2024)
Aim: To evaluate the influence on peri-implant crestal bone loss exerted by the vertical mucosal thickness and the abutment ...

Quantification and Influence of IL-1β on Pain and Inflammatory Response after Placement of a Cement-Screw-Retained Restoration

Arbelaez-Bonozo, L.; Maza Solano, Juan Manuel; Baus Domínguez, María; Gómez-Diaz, R.; Ruiz-de-Leon-Pacheco, G.; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (MDPI, 2024)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the pain and inflammatory response in soft tissues using healing and prosthetic ...

Clinical practice guideline of the Spanish society of oral surgery for dental care in patients with oral cancer

Baus Domínguez, María; Rizo-Gorrita, María; Herráez Galindo, Cristina; Bakkali, Sara; Fernández-Figares Conde, Íñigo; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral S.L, 2024)
Background: Oral cancer is the sixteenth most common malignant neoplasm worldwide, with a high mortality rate, greater ...

Clinical practice guideline of the spanish society of oral surgery for oral surgery in patients with coagulation disorders

Valenzuela Mencía, Javier; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Sánchez Fernández, Elena Matilde; Valmaseda-Castellón, Eduard; García-García, A. (Medicina Oral S.L, 2024)
Background: The number of patients treated with coagulation disorders, and more specifically with anticoagulant therapy, ...

Mucoadhesive Pharmacology: Latest Clinical Technology in Antiseptic Gels

Baus Domínguez, María; Aguilera, Felipe-Rodrigo; Vivancos-Cuadras, Fernando; Ferra-Domingo, Lourdes; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Pereira-Riveros, Tanya; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (MDPI, 2023)
Chlorhexidine (CHX) is one of the most widely used antiseptics in the oral cavity due to its high antimicrobial potential. ...

Behaviour of the Peri-Implant Soft Tissue with Different Rehabilitation Materials on Implants

Baus Domínguez, María; Maza Solano, Serafín; Vazquez-Pachon, Celia; Flores-Cerero, Marta; Torres Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Macías García, Laura (MDPI, 2023)
Background: Mucointegration seems to gain interest when talking about success in the maintenance of dental implants. As ...

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Systemic and Local Antibiotic Therapy in the Surgical Treatment of Peri-Implantitis

Baus Domínguez, María; Bakkali, S.; Hermida-Cabrera, P.; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (MDPI, 2023)
Given the existing controversy regarding the use of antibiotics in the treatment of peri-implantitis, this systematic ...

Retrospective case-control study genes related to bone metabolism that justify the condition of periodontal disease and failure of dental implants in patients with down syndrome

Baus Domínguez, María; Gómez-Díaz, Raquel; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (MDPI, 2023)
Abstract: Down syndrome patients show success rates in dental implants much lower than those observed in the general ...

Doped electrospinned material-guides high efficiency regional bone regeneration

Toledano, Manuel; Vallecillo, Cristina; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Vallecillo-Rivas, Marta; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Lynch, Christopher D.; Toledano-Osorio, Manuel (MDPI, 2023)
The main target of bone tissue engineering is to design biomaterials that support bone regeneration and vascularization. ...

Detection of NOTCH1 mutations in paraffin samples in patients with potentially malignant lesions

Baus Domínguez, María; Gómez-Díaz, Raquel; Martín-Lozano, Guiomar; Iglesias-Martín, Fernando; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída (2023)
Background: On certain occasions, oral cancer is preceded by potentially malignant lesions. The degree of dysplasia in ...

Influence of different drilling protocols and bone density on the insertion torque of dental implants

Fernández Olavarria, Ana; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; González Martín, María Isabel; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Torres Carranza, Eusebio; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Medicina Oral S.L, 2023)
Background: The insertion torque of dental implants will depend on a combination of different factors such as bone density, ...

Bone necrosis as a complication of sodium hypochlorite extrusion. A case report

Ortiz Alves, Tatiana; Díaz Sánchez, Rosa María; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; González Martín, María Isabel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (2022)
Sodium hypochlorite is the most used irrigant in endodontics, although its toxic effect on tissue is known. Sodium hypochlorite ...

Analysis of psychic imbalance, caused by screening of a video of surgical extraction of a lower third molar in a sample of mental patients as compared to the general population

Bermúdez Bejarano, Elena Beatriz; Bermúdez Sánchez, Juan Antonio; Ruiz Rey, Francisco José; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral S. L., 2022)
Background: The goal of this study is to validate the psychometric properties of the Hamilton Rating Scales for anxiety ...

Metallothioneins in dental implant treatment failure and periodontitis in patients with Down's syndrome: validation of results

Baus Domínguez, María; Gómez-Díaz, R.; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (MDPI, 2022)
Metallothioneins (MTs) are low molecular weight cysteine-rich proteins that can bind up to seven zinc ions. Among their ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudio de la pérdida de material óseo en pacientes con bruxismo e implantes dentales

Oliveros López, Luis Guillermo; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Castillo Oyagüe, Raquel (2022)
El bruxismo es una actividad motora inconsciente, involuntaria y sostenida que produce un rechinamiento excesivo de los ...

Dimensional Changes in the Alveolus after a Combination of Immediate Postextraction Implant and Connective Grafting and/or Socket Shield Techni

Gómez-Meda, Ramón; Rizo-Gorrita, María; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Esquivel, Jonathan; Herraez Galindo, Cristina; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (MDPI, 2022)
: Immediate implant placement protocols after dental extraction have enabled a reduction in surgical phases. This procedure ...

A review on CAD/CAM Yttria-stabilized Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystal (Y-TZP) and Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) and their biological behavior

Herráez Galindo, Cristina; Rizo-Gorrita, María; Maza Solano, Serafín; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (MDPI, 2022)
Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) are used very often in ...

Metallothioneins in Dental Implant Treatment Failure and Periodontitis in Patients with Down’s Syndrome: Validation of Results

Baus Domínguez, María; Gómez-Díaz, Raquel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (MDPI, 2022)
Metallothioneins (MTs) are low molecular weight cysteine-rich proteins that can bind up to seven zinc ions. Among their ...

Histomorphometric Analysis of Differential Regional Bone Regeneration Induced by Distinct Doped Membranes

Toledano, Manuel; Vallecillo, Cristina; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Toledano-Osorio, Manuel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (MDPI, 2022)
Our objective is to evaluate the regional regenerative potential of calvarial bone in critical- sized defects in a rabbit ...

Effect of Combined Manual Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise Protocols on the Postural Stability of Patients with Non-Specific Chronic Neck Pain. A Secondary Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trial

Bernal-Utrera, Carlos; Anarte-Lazo, Ernesto; Gonzalez-Gerez, Juan José; Saavedra-Hernandez, Manuel; Barrera Aranda, Elena de; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Rodríguez Blanco, Cleofás (MDPI, 2021)
Postural stability is a little-studied factor in non-specific chronic neck pain; the causes that can alter it are unknown. ...

Perspectives and Attitudes of Patients with COVID-19 toward a Telerehabilitation Programme: A Qualitative Study

Bernal Utrera, Carlos; Anarte-Lazo, Ernesto; de-la-Barrera-Aranda, Elena; Fernandez-Bueno, Laura; Saavedra Hernández, Manuel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Rodríguez Blanco, Cleofás (MDPI, 2021)
The total isolation of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) requires non-faceto-face medical assistance. There ...
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Manifestaciones orales por COVID-19. ¿Qué sabemos hasta ahora?

Rodríguez Guzmán, Carla Alejandra; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (2021)
La aparición del coronavirus Covid-19 ha supuesto una pandemia mundial que nos afecta actualmente. Además de la implicación ...

Effectiveness of silicon platelet-rich fibrin and autologous bone on bone regeneration in rabbit calvarian defects: a radiological and histological study

Hernández-Suarez, Argimiro; Rizo-Gorrita, María; Suárez-Vega, Dubraska; Velazco, Gladys; Rodríguez Gelfenstein, Iván; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (MDPI, 2021)
Repairing bone defects in oral surgery often requires the use of bone regeneration techniques. Silicon is an element that ...

Breathing exercises versus strength exercises through telerehabilitation in coronavirus disease 2019 patients in the acute phase: A randomized controlled trial

Rodríguez Blanco, Cleofás; Bernal-Utrera, Carlos; Anarte-Lazo, Ernesto; Saavedra-Hernández, Manuel; de-la-Barrera-Aranda, Elena; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; González-Martín, Maribel; Gonzalez-Gerez, Juan José (SAGE Publishing, 2021)
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of two different exercise-based programs through telerehabilitation in patients ...

Zn-containing membranes for guided bone regeneration in dentistry

Toledano, Manuel; Vallecillo-Rivas, Marta; Osorio, María T.; Muñoz-Soto, Esther; Toledano-Osorio, Manuel; Vallecillo, Cristina; Toledano, Raquel; Lynch, Christopher D.; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Osorio, Raquel (MDPI, 2021)
Barrier membranes are employed in guided bone regeneration (GBR) to facilitate bone in-growth. A bioactive and biomimetic ...

Efficacy of different surgical techniques for peri-implant tissue preservation in immediate implant placement: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Bakkali, Sara; Rizo-Gorrita, María; Romero-Ruiz, Manuel María; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Springer, 2021)
Introduction Preserving peri-implant tissues after immediate implant placement (IIP), especially in aesthetic zones, is a ...

Proposal for a preventive protocol for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw

Romero-Ruiz, Manuel María; Romero-Serrano, Marta; Serrano González, Ascensión; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral S.L, 2021)
Background: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a severe adverse reaction experienced by some patients ...

Study of bone loss in bruxist patients wearing dental implant prostheses: A finite element analysis

Oliveros-López, Luis-Guillermo; Castillo de Oyagüe, Raquel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Martínez-González, Álvaro-José; Pérez-Velasco, Andrea; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (2020)
Bruxism is an unconscious, involuntary and sustained motor activity that results in excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching ...

Internal oblique line implants in severe mandibular atrophies

Hernández Suárez, Argimiro; Oliveros López, Luis Guillermo; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Vázquez Pachón, Celia; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral S.L., 2020)
Background: Maxillary atrophy may be related to mechanical, inflammatory or systemic factors, being a consequence of a ...

Using Genetics in Periodontal Disease to Justify Implant Failure in Down Syndrome Patients

Baus Domínguez, María; Gómez Díaz, Raquel; Corcuera Flores, José Ramón; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Ruiz-Villandiego, José-Cruz; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2020)
Peri-implant bone loss leading to dental implant failure does not develop in the same way across subjects who apparently ...

Influence of Three Dental Implant Surfaces on Cell Viability and Bone Behavior. An In Vitro and a Histometric Study in a Rabbit Model

Rizo-Gorrita, María; Fernández Asián, Ignacio Rafael; Garcia-de-Frenza, Andreina; Vazquez-Pachon, Celia; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (2020)
The chemical composition and the surface characteristics of dental implants are factors that have a decisive effect on ...

A Comparison of Photoelastic and Finite Elements Analysis in Internal Connection and Bone Level Dental Implants

Herráez Galindo, Cristina; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Martínez-González, Álvaro-José; Pérez-Velasco, Andrea; Torres Carranza, Eusebio; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (2020)
This study is a contribution to our understanding of the mechanical behaviour of dental implants through the use of the ...

Doxycycline and Zinc Loaded Silica-Nanofibrous Polymers as Biomaterials for Bone Regeneration

Toledano, Manuel; Toledano-Osorio, Manuel; Osorio, Raquel; Carrasco-Carmona, Álvaro; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Gutiérrez-Corrales, Aida; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (MDPI, 2020)
Themain target of bone tissue engineeringis to design biomaterials that support bone regeneration and vascularization. ...

Effectiveness of salivary stimulation using xylitol-malic acid tablets as coadjuvant treatment in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: Early findings

Sánchez Blanco, Irene; Rodríguez Téllez, Manuel José; Corcuera Flores, José Ramón; González Blanco, Carolina; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo (Medicina Oral S. L., 2020)
Background: Besides dental erosion syndrome, other oral syndromes could benefit from the stimulation of sali vary secretion, ...
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Cambios en el perfil facial: una revisión bibliográfica

Romero Vega, Cristina Isabel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel;  (2020)
Objetivo: Determinar los cambios que se producen en los tejidos blandos del perfil facial con diferentes técnicas ...
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Actualización en la aplicación clínica de los nuevos anticoagulantes orales

Gómez Guerra, María; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (2020)
Introducción: Los antagonistas de la vitamina K han sido los anticoagulantes más usados durante las últimas décadas, sin ...

Bone Loss in Bruxist Patients Wearing Dental Implant Prostheses: A Finite Element Analysis

Oliveros López, Luis Guillermo; Castillo de Oyagüe, Raquel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Martínez González, Álvaro José; Pérez Velasco, Andrea; Torres Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (MDPI, 2020)
Bruxism is an unconscious, involuntary and sustained motor activity that results in excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching ...

In Vitro and In Vivo Study of Titanium Grade IV and Titanium Grade V Implants with Different Surface Treatments

Díaz Sánchez, Rosa María; Paz Carrión, Álvaro de; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Barranco Quero, Ángel; León Ramos, Juan Rey; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (2020)
The aim of our study is to evaluate different implant surface treatments using TiIV and TiV in in vitro and in vivo studies. ...

Use of Botulinum Toxin in Orofacial Clinical Practice

Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Ruiz de León Hernández,Gonzalo; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Castro-Araya, Alejandra; Torres-Ferrerosa, Omar; Hernández-Pacheco Camarero, Esther; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (2020)
Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) is a potent biological toxin and powerful therapeutic tool for a growing number of clinical ...

Differential biodegradation kinetics of collagen membranes for bone regeneration

Toledano, Manuel; Asady, Samara; Toledano-Osorio, Manuel; García-Godoy, Franklin; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Benítez-García, José A.; Osorio, Raquel (MDPI, 2020)
Native collagen-based membranes are used to guide bone regeneration; but due to their rapid biodegradation, this treatment ...
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Éxito de rehabilitación sobre implantes en pacientes con cáncer oral

Saucedo Padilla, José Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2020)
En la actualidad, con la gran demanda estética orofacial que presenta la sociedad, los pacientes buscan en la Odontología, ...
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Actualización y puesta al día en la queiloscopia como método de identificación

Ruiz Jiménez, Iñaki; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (2020)
En la actualidad, cada vez son más las exigencias para la identificación personal de un individuo. Debido a la rapidez y ...

Active unilateral condylar hyperplasia: Assessment of the usefulness of single photon emission computed tomography

Guerrero Arenillas, Vanesa; González Padilla, Juan David; Díaz Sánchez, Rosa María; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Medicina Oral S.L., 2020)
Background: This study aims to evaluate whether the uptake difference by the condyles evaluated using single photon ...

Comparison of diode laser – Oral tissue interaction to different wavelengths. In vitro study of porcine periodontal pockets and oral mucosa

Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Rizcala-Orlando, Yudex; Montero Miralles, Paloma; Volland, Gerd; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Medicina Oral S.L, 2020)
Background: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of diode lasers at different wavelengths and power ...

Stem cells and oral surgery: a systematic review

Mosquera Pérez, Regina María; Fernández Olavarria, Ana; Díaz Sánchez, Rosa María; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral S.L., 2019)
Background: Considering the structural loss that occurs after surgical procedures for cystic and tumoral pathology, in ...

External Connection Versus Internal Connection in Dental Implantology. A Mechanical In Vitro Study

Fernández Asián, Ignacio Rafael; Martínez-González, Álvaro-José; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (MDPI, 2019)
Background: In today’s dentistry, implantology has become a therapeutic resource of choice in certain clinical situations. ...

Influence of Titanium Oxide Pillar Array Nanometric Structures and Ultraviolet Irradiation on the Properties of the Surface of Dental Implants: A Pilot Study

León Ramos, Juan Rey; Diosdado Cano, José María; López Santos, Carmen; Barranco Quero, Ángel; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (MDPI, 2019)
Aim: Titanium implants are commonly used as replacement therapy for lost teeth and much current research is focusing on ...

Metallothioneins in Failure of Dental Implants and Periodontitis Down Syndrome Patients

Baus Domínguez, María; Gómez Díaz, Raquel; Corcuera Flores, José Ramón; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Ruiz-Villandiego, José-Cruz; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (MDPI, 2019)
Background: Sometimes dental implants seem to be the only therapeutic alternative for the oral rehabilitation of patients ...

Biocompatibility of Polymer and Ceramic CAD/CAM Materials with Human Gingival Fibroblasts (HGFs)

Rizo-Gorrita, María; Herráez Galindo, Cristina; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (MDPI, 2019)
Four polymer and ceramic computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) materials from different manufacturers ...

In vitro comparative study of fibroblastic behaviour on polymethacrylate (PMMA) and lithium disilicate polymer surfaces

Herráez Galindo, Cristina; Rizo-Gorrita, María; Luna-Oliva, Irene; Castillo-Oyagüe, Raquel; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2019)
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and lithium disilicate are widely used materials in the dental field. PMMA is mainly used ...

Influence of bone quality on the mechanical interaction between implant and bone: A finite element analysis

Azcarate-Velázquez, Francisco; Castillo-Oyagüe, Raquel; Oliveros-López, Luis Guillermo; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Martínez-González, Álvaro José; Pérez-Velasco, Andrea; Lynch, Christopher D.; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Elsevier, 2019)
Objectives: To evaluate the influence of bone type in terms of bone density and cortical bone thickness, on the stresses ...

Human Osteoblast Cell Behaviour on Titanium Discs Treated with Argon Plasma

Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; González Blanco, Carolina; Rizo-Gorrita, María; Luna-Oliva, Irene (MDPI, 2019)
Background. Titanium is characterized by its biocompatibility and resistance to stress and fatigue. Treatment with argon ...

Novel non-resorbable polymeric-nanostructured scaffolds for guided bone regeneration

Toledano, Manuel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Toledano-Osorio, Manuel; Rosales-Leal, Juan I.; Aguilar, Mariano; Osorio, Raquel; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Springer, 2019)
Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the bone-regeneration efficiency of novel polymeric nanostructured ...

Differential Expression of Inflammation-Related Genes in Down Syndrome Patients with or without Periodontal Disease

Baus Domínguez, María; Gómez Díaz, R.; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Corcuera Flores, José Ramón; Ruiz Villandiego, J. C.; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (HINDAWI LTD, 2019)
Aim. Aware that Down Syndrome patients present among their clinical characteristics impaired immunity, the aim of this ...

Analysis of marginal bone loss and implant stability quotient by resonance frequency analysis in different osteointegrated implant systems. Randomized prospective clinical trial

Díaz Sánchez, Rosa María; Delgado Muñoz, José María; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; González Martín, María Isabel; Torres Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral S.L, 2019)
Background: The aim of the present prospective clinical study is to compare the stability of the implant-bone interface ...

Descriptive retrospective study analyzing relevant factors related to dental implant failur

Castellanos Cosano, Lizett; Rodríguez Pérez, Antonio; Spinato, Sergio; Wainwright, Marcel; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral S.L, 2019)
Background: The objective of this retrospective descriptive study was to analyze the characteristics of incident reports ...

Superficial characteristics of titanium after treatment of chorreated surface, passive acid, and decontamination with argon plasma

Rizo-Gorrita, María; Luna-Oliva, Irene; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (MDPI, 2018)
Background. Titanium is characterized by its biocompatibility, resistance to maximum stress, and fatigue and non-toxicity. ...

Comparison of cytomorphometry and early cell response of human gingival fibroblast (HGFs) between zirconium and new zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate ceramics

Rizo-Gorrita, María; Luna-Oliva, Irene; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (MDPI AC, 2018)
New zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate ceramics (ZLS) could be a viable alternative to zirconium (Y-TZP) in the manufacture ...

Influence of dental treatment in place on quality of life in oral cancer patients undergoing chemoradiotherapy

Núñez Aguilar, Jesús; Oliveros-López, Luis-Guillermo; Fernández-Olavarría, Ana; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez-Corrales, Aida; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (SEMO, 2018)
BACKGROUND: This study aims to assess, in the population of patients with oral cancer treatment, the influence on the ...
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Queratoquiste odontogénico : ¿Qué se esconde tras el nombre?

Baus Domínguez, María; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2018)
El Queratoquiste Odontogénico es una lesión, propia de los maxilares, que se definió por primera vez como quiste primordial, ...

Comparative study of debris and smear layer removal with EDTA and Er,Cr:YSGG laser

Montero Miralles, Paloma; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Segura Egea, Juan José; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Castillo-Dalí, Gabriel (Medicina Oral S.L., 2018)
Background: To evaluate in vitro, the ability in removing debris and Smear Layer of 17% EDTA and Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Material ...

Implant survival in patients with oral cancer: A 5-year follow-up

Flores Ruiz, Rafael; Castellanos Cosano, Lizett; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Cano Díaz, Eloy de la Peña; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral S.L., 2018)
Background: To evaluate the evolution of patients rehabilitated with endosseous implants after oral cancer treatment. Material ...

Survival rates and bone loss after immediate loading of implants in fresh extraction sockets (single gaps). A clinical prospective study with 4 year follow-up

Velasco-Ortega, Eugenio; Wojtovicz Salomon, Eduardo Luiz; España López, Antonio; Jiménez Guerra, Álvaro; Monsalve Guil, Loreto; Ortiz García, Iván; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Medicina Oral S.L., 2018)
Background: The aim of this prospective study was to report the outcome of treatment with implants inserted after tooth ...

In Vitro Comparative Study of Oxygen Plasma Treated Poly(Lactic–Co–Glycolic) (PLGA) Membranes and Supported Nanostructured Oxides for Guided Bone Regeneration Processes

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Castellanos Cosano, Lizett; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; López Santos, Carmen; Barranco Quero, Ángel; Rodríguez González-Elipe, Agustín; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (MDPI, 2018)
Background: The use of physical barriers to prevent the invasion of gingival and connective tissue cells into bone cavities ...

Evolution of oral health in oral cancer patients with and without dental treatment in place: Before, during and after cancer treatment

Nuñez-Aguilar, Jesus; Fernández-Olavarría, Ana; Oliveros-López, Luis Guillermo; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (2018)
Background: This study aims to evaluate the influence of two dental treatment protocols, outpatient non-regulated treatment ...

Postoperative effects on lower third molars of using mouthwashes with super-oxidized solution versus 0.2% chlorhexidine gel: A randomized double-blind trial

Coello Gómez, Ana; Navarro-Suárez, Selene; Diosdado Cano, José María; Bargiela Pérez, Patricia; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina oral S.L, 2018)
Background: The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the effects and possible benefits with regard to the ...

Evolution of oral neoplasm in an andalusian population (Spain)

Flores Ruiz, Rafael; Castellanos Cosano, Lizett; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Castillo-Oyague, Raquel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina oral S.L, 2018)
Background: Head and neck cancer are one of the most common neoplasm pathologies in humans. The aim of this study was to ...

Straight and tilted implants for supporting screw-retained full-arch dental prostheses in atrophic maxillae: A 2-year prospective study

Menéndez Collar, Manuel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Hita Iglesias, Pilar; Castillo-Oyagüe, Raquel; Casar Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina oral S.L, 2018)
Background: To evaluate, over a 2-year period, the treatment outcomes for maxillary full-arch fixed dental pros theses ...

Advantages of surgical simulation in the surgical reconstruction of oncological patients

Iglesias-Martín, Fernando; Oliveros-López, Luis Guillermo; Fernández-Olavarría, Ana; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral S.L, 2018)
Background: Stereolithography, which consists of computer-aided designed/computer-aided manufactured (CAD CAM) and computer ...

Prospective study of the 532 nm laser (KTP) versus diode laser 980 nm in the resection of hyperplastic lesions of the oral cavity

Bargiela Pérez, Patricia; González Merchán, Jorge; Díaz Sánchez, Rosa María; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Volland, Gerd; Joergens, Martin; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral S.L, 2018)
Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate the resection of hyperplastic lesions on the buccal mucosa comparing the ...
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Técnicas de exodoncia atraumática para la colocación de implantes inmediatos postextracción

Rivera Jiménez, Cristóbal Miguel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2017)

In Vitro and in Vivo Study of Poly(Lactic–co–Glycolic) (PLGA) Membranes Treated with Oxygen Plasma and Coated with Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite Ultrathin Films for Guided Bone Regeneration Processes

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Castellanos Cosano, Lizett; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; García García, Francisco Javier; López Santos, Carmen; Barranco Quero, Ángel; Rodríguez González-Elipe, Agustín; Rivera Jiménez, Cristóbal Miguel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), 2017)
The novelty of this study is the addition of an ultrathin layer of nanostructured hydroxyapatite (HA) on oxygen plasma ...
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Implantes angulados en la rehabilitación del maxilar atrófico

Garrido Pérez, Juan Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Delgado Muñoz, José María (2017)
Introducción: Tras la pérdida dental se produce la reabsorción ósea del hueso alveolar, dificultando su rehabilitación. ...
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Infección por HPV en los resultados de tratamiento del cáncer oral

Bermudo Fuenmayor, María; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gonzalez Martín, Maribel (2017)
Introducción: El cáncer oral de células escamosas (COCE) se diagnostica con frecuencia de forma tardía, en estadíos avanzados ...

Effectiveness of flossing loops in the control of the gingival health

Azcarate-Velázquez, Francisco; Garrido Serrano, Roberto; Castillo Dalí, Gabriel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gañán-Calvo, Alfonso M.; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral Sl, 2017)
Background: One of the key factor in the good condition of periodontal tissues is their daily hygiene. Oral hygiene techniques ...

Evolution of oral cancer treatment in an andalusian population sample: Rehabilitation with prosthetic obturation and removable partial prosthesis

Flores Ruiz, Rafael; Castellanos Cosano, Lizett; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; González Martín, María Isabel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (2017)
Background: Radical surgical resection as a treatment modality for oral cancer often leads to an extensive deficit in both ...

Prophylaxis and antibiotic therapy in management protocols of patients treated with oral and intravenous bisphosphonates

Bermúdez-Bejarano, Elena Beatriz; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Romero-Ruiz, Manuel María; Castillo-de-Oyagüe, Raquel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (2017)
Introduction: Osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) linked to bisphosphonate treatment has specific characteristics that render ...

Reduction rate by decompression as a treatment of odontogenic cysts

Oliveros López, Luis; Fernández-Olavarría, Ana; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Castillo-Oyagüe, Raquel; Segura Egea, Juan José; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina oral S.L, 2017)
Background: Odontogenic cysts are defined as those cysts that arise from odontogenic epithelium and occur in the tooth-bearing ...

Analysis of different therapeutic protocols for osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with oral and intravenous bisphosphonates

Bermúdez-Bejarano, Elena Beatriz; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Romero-Ruiz, Manuel María; Castillo-de-Oyagüe, Raquel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina oral S.L, 2017)
Introduction: Chemotherapy-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw caused by bisphosphonates is an exposure of necrotic bone ...

Production of bone mineral material and BMP-2 in osteoblasts cultured on double acid-etched titanium

Velázquez Cayón, Rocío Trinidad; Castillo-Dalí, Gabriel; Corcuera Flores, José Ramón; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Castillo-Oyagüe, Raquel; González Martín, María Isabel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina oral S.L, 2017)
Background: The study of osteoblasts and their osteogenic functions is essential in order to understand them and their ...

Maxillary peripheral keratocystic odontogenic tumor. A clinical case report

Vázquez Romero, María del Carmen; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Alberdi Navarro, Javier; Cabezas Talavero, Javier; Romero Ruiz, Manuel María; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Aguirre Urizar, Jose Manuel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral S.L., 2016)
The keratocystic odontogenic tumor is a benign odontogenic cystic neoplasia characterized by its thin, squamous epithelium ...
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Injerto de tejido conjuntivo y grado de recubrimiento radicular en reabsorciones gingivales

Domínguez Gallardo, Berenice; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2016)
Introducción: A lo largo de los años se han descrito diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas para corregir recesiones gingivales ...
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Autotransplante dentario

Bazán Nieto, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2016)
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Relationship Between Osteoporosis and Marginal Bone Loss in Osseointegrated Implants: A 2-Year Retrospective Study

Corcuera Flores, José Ramón; Alonso Domínguez, Ana María; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Castellanos Cosano, Lizett; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo (American Academy of Periodontology, 2016)
Background: Fitting implants in osteoporotic patients has raditionally been controversial, and there is little scientific ...

Pathogenesis and clinicohistopathological caractheristics of melanoacanthoma: A systematic review

Cantudo-Sanagustín, Elena; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Vigo Martínez, Manuel Francisco; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (2016)
Introduction: The melanoacanthoma is a rare benign pigmented tumor, characterized by a fast radial growth and clinical ...

The effects of a topical gel containing chitosan, 0,2% chlorhexidine, allantoin and despanthenol on the wound healing process subsequent to impacted lower third molar extraction

Madrazo-Jiménez, Marta; Rodríguez-Caballero, Ángela; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Garrido Serrano, Roberto; Gutiérrez Corrales, Aída; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina oral S.L, 2016)
Background: Despite efforts to prevent postoperative discomfort, there are still many immediate side effects associated ...

Histological and histomorphometric study using an ultrasonic crestal sinus grafting procedure. A multicenter case study

Wainwright, Marcel; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Pérez Dorao, Beatriz; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Troedhan, Angelo; Kurrek, Andreas (Medicina oral S.L, 2016)
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a hydrodynamic ultrasonic driven transcrestal sinus ...
Tesis Doctoral

Implantes angulados en la rehabilitación parcial de sectores posteriores en maxilares atróficos

Casar Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2015)
Introducción: Tras la pérdida dental se producen una serie de cambios anatómicos que dificultan rehabilitación de los ...
Tesis Doctoral

Implantes angulados en la rehabilitación total de la arcada superior

Menéndez Collar, Manuel; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2015)
Introducción: los cambios anatómicos producidos tras la pérdida dental, aún habiendo sido los pacientes portadores de ...

The role of serum biomarkers in the diagnosis and prognosis of oral cancer: A systematic review

Fernández-Olavarría, Ana; Mosquera Pérez, Regina María; Díaz Sánchez, Rosa María; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral S.L., 2015)
Introduction: Oral cancer is one of the causes of major morbidity and mortality in the world although incidence varies in ...

Kissing molars extraction: Case series and review of the literature

Arjona-Amo, Manuel; Torres Carranza, Eusebio; Batista Cruzado, Antonio; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Crespo Torres, Santos; Belmonte Caro, Rodolfo; Albisu Andrade, Claudio; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral S.L., 2015)
Kissing molars are a very rare form of inclusion defined as molars included in the same quadrant, with occlusal surfaces ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudio prospectivo del láser 532nm versus láser de diodo 980nm en la exéresis de lesiones hiperplásicas en la cavidad oral

Bargiela Pérez, Patricia; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2015)
Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo fue el realizar exéresis de lesiones hiperplásicas en la mucosa yugal comparando ...
Tesis Doctoral

Influencia del protocolo de información en la ansiedad estado en pacientes sometidos a la extracción de terceros molares inferiores incluidos

Heras Meseguer, Marisa; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (2015)
Introducción.- El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la influencia de los formatos de información (oral, escrito y ...

Conservative management of dentigerous cysts in children

Arjona-Amo, Manuel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Hernández Guisado, José María; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (Medicina Oral, 2015)
Purpose and Introduction: Dentigerous cysts are epithelial in origin and are the most commonly found cyst in children. The ...

Influence of State Anxiety and Trate Anxiety in Postoperative in Oral Surgery

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Recio Lora, Concepción; Castillo Dalí, Gabriel; Ruiz de León Hernández,Gonzalo; Hita Iglesias, Pilar; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Segura Egea, Juan José; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral, 2014)
Introduction: The aim of this article was to study the influence of anxiety (both state and trait) in postoperative recovery ...

Evaluation of apical preparations performed with ultrasonic diamond and stainless steel tips at different intensities using a scanning electron microscope in endodontic surgery

Rodríguez Martos, Ramón; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Castellanos Cosano, Lizett; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Segura Egea, Juan José; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral, 2012)
Objective: The objective of our study is to analyse (with the help of scanning electron microscopes) the quality of the ...

Cardiovascular effect of dental anesthesia with articaine (40 mg with epinefrine 0,5 mg % and 40 mg with epinefrine 1 mg%) versus mepivacaine (30mg and 20 mg with epinefrine 1 mg%) in medically compromised cardiac patients: A cross-over, randomized, single blinded study

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo; Corcuera Flores, José Ramón; Machuca Portillo, María del Carmen; Castillo-Oyagüe, Raquel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral, 2012)
Objectives: The aim of the present study is to compare cardiovascular safety profiles of two dental anesthetics: articaine ...

Use of Anesthetics Associated to Vasoconstrictors for Dentistry in Patients With Cardiopathies. Review of the Literature Published in the Last Decade

Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Velázquez Cayón, Rocío Trinidad; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Corcuera Flores, José Ramón; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo (Medicina Oral, 2012)
Objective: The use of local anesthetics associated to vasoconstrictor agents in dentistry is thoroughly justified and is ...

Suture needles in Oral Surgery: Alterations depending on the type and number of sutures

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Barranco Piedra, Sebastián; Rodríguez-Caballero, Ángela; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Segura Egea, Juan José; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral, 2012)
This study examined whether the number and type of sutures used in oral surgery influence two ad hoc variables (incision ...
Tesis Doctoral

Efectos cardiovasculares de los anestésicos locales de uso odontológico

Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo (2010)
Introducción. La anestesia en Odontología se lleva a cabo con varios tipos de f&aacu ... te;rmacos, que pueden estar ...

Prospective assessment of post-extraction gingival closure with bone substitute and calcium sulphate

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Bonilla Mejías, Carlos; García Calderón, Manuel; Gallego Romero, David; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral, 2010)
Introduction: The closure of post extraction gingival defects has not been studied in depth, although their achievement ...

Cri du chat syndrome: A critical review

Rodríguez-Caballero, Ángela; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Rodríguez-Pérez, Antonio; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Hernández Guisado, José María; Machuca-Portillo, Guillermo (Medicina Oral, 2010)
A new syndrome was identified in 1963, when Lejeune et al. reported a genetic disease resulting from a partial or total ...

Parotid sialolithiasis in Stensen´s duct

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Martínez-Sahuquillo Márquez, Ángel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral Sl, 2006)
Salivary duct lithiasis is a condition characterized by the obstruction of a salivary gland or its excretory duct due to ...

Intra-alveolar chlorhexidine gel for the prevention of dry socket in mandibular third molar surgery. A pilot study.

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Romero Ruiz, Manuel María; García Calderón, Manuel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles (Medicina Oral, 2006)
Purpose: Chlorhexidine is a good prophylactic agent for post-extraction dry socket alveolitis. The bio-adhesive 0.2% ...
Capítulo de Libro

Clasificación de los tumores odontogénicos

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Garcia Calderón, Manuel; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2006)

Sialolitiasis parotídea del conducto de Stensen

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Hita Iglesias, Pilar; Martínez-Sahuquillo Márquez, Ángel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (2005)
La litiasis salival es una afectación consistente en la obstrucción mecánica de una glándula salival o de su conducto ...

Alveolitis seca: Actualización de conceptos

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Romero Ruiz, Manuel María; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; García Calderón, Manuel; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Medicina Oral, 2005)
La alveolitis seca es una complicación postoperatoria que acontece tras la extracción dental, quedando definida como una ...

Quiste folicular.¿Es posible su involución? A propósito de un caso

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Gráficas Fomento, 2005)
Presentamos el caso clínico de un paciente de 12 años afecto de un quiste folicular con origen en el segundo premolar ...

Fractura de órbita, fracturacigomáticas y fractura orbitocigomáticas: Análisis de la producción científica (1992-2002)

Heras Meseguer, Marisa; Casar Espinosa, Juan Carlos; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Gráficas Fomento, 2005)
Objetivo: Realizar un análisis estadístico descriptivo y bibliométrico de las fuentes bibliográficas periódi cas relacionadas ...

La historia clínica en cirugía bucal: Adaptación a la ley 41/2002

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Cordero Acosta, Eugenio María; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Corzo Cañete, Carmen C.; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Gráficas Fomento, 2004)
La ley 41/2002, de 14 de noviembre, (vigente desde el 15 de mayo de 2003) surge como instrumento necesario para adaptar ...

Formación de profesores noveles en Odontología

Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Ridao Sacie, Cristina (Universidad de Sevilla, 2004)

Nociones básicas y aplicaciones clínicas de la Clorhexidina: Revisión y puesta al día

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Gráficas Fomento, 2004)
The chlorhexidine is at the moment one of the main antiseptic of use generalized in odontology. Disco vered in investigations ...

Uso del cañón en las presentaciones científicas: Una actualización hacia las nuevas tecnologías

Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis (Gráficas Fomento, 2002)
Las presentaciones científicas han sido objeto de múltiples artículos, editoriales e incluso libros. Tras un periodo en ...

Evaluación del profesorado universitario de cirugía bucal mediente encuestas de opinión entre los estudiantes: análisis de cinco años

Serrera Figallo, María de los Ángeles; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis; Infante Cossío, Pedro Antonio; Torres-Lagares, Daniel (2002)