NombrePérez Urrestarazu, Luis
DepartamentoIngeniería Aeroespacial y Mecánica de Fluidos
Área de conocimientoIngeniería Agroforestal
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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VOCs_removal_LivingWall [dataset]

Suarez-Cáceres, Gina Patricia; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Fernández Espinosa, Antonio José; Rossini Oliva, Sabina; Franco Salas, Antonio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2024)
Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Volatile organic compounds removal by means of a felt-based ...

Improving_performance_felt-based_livingwall_irrigation [dataset]

Kaltsidi, Maria Pinelopi; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Franco Salas, Antonio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2024)
Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Improving the performance of felt-based living wall systems in ...

DATAbase_PlantsCOVID19 [dataset]

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Kaltsidi, M.P.; Nektarios, P.A.; Markakis, G.; Loges, V.; Perini, K.; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (2023)
Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Particularities of having plants at home during the confinement ...

Aquaponics_lettuce [dataset]

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Lobillo Eguibar, José; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel (2023)
Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Suitability and optimization of FAO's small-scale aquaponics ...

LW_waterconsumption [dataset]

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2023)
Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Water consumption of felt-based outdoor living walls in warm ...

LW_particulate_capture [dataset]

Rossini Oliva, Sabina; Montiel de la Cruz, J.M.; Fernández Espinosa, Antonio José; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2023)
Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Potentially toxic elements capture by an active living wall in ...

Temp_distribution_green_areas [dataset]

Rodríguez Gómez, Francisco; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez, Gabriel.; del Campo-Ávila, José; López-Rodríguez, Domingo.; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2023)
Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Detection of unfavourable urban areas with higher temperatures ...

LED_indoor_living_walls [dataset]

Kaltsidi, M.P.; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2023)
Dataset acquired for the study published in the article: “Assessment of different LED lighting systems for indoor living ...

Potentially toxic elements capture by an active living wall in indoor environments: effect of species in air phytoremediation

Rossini Oliva, Sabina; Montiel de la Cruz, J.M.; Fernández Espinosa, Antonio José; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Elsevier, 2023)
Indoor air pollution is a serious health problem throughout the world. Plants are known to be able to reduce the effect ...

Detection of unfavourable urban areas with higher temperatures and lack of green spaces using satellite imagery in sixteen Spanish cities.

Rodríguez-Gómez, F.; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Pérez, Gabriel.; del Campo-Ávila, José.; López-Rodríguez, Domingo.;  (Elsevier, 2022)
This paper seeks to identify the most unfavourable areas of a city in terms of high temperatures and the absence of green ...

Early production of strawberry in aquaponic systems using commercial hydroponic bands

Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel; Delgado García, Antonio; Lobillo Eguibar, José; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (ELSEVIER, 2022)
Aquaponics is emerging as an interesting alternative for sustainable agriculture which meets the philosophy of circular ...
Tesis Doctoral

Caracterización y optimización de la producción de alimentos a través de sistemas acuapónicos de pequeña escala

Suárez Cáceres, Gina Patricia; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel (2021)
La acuaponía combina la producción de peces (acuicultura) y de plantas (hidroponía), de forma sostenible ...

Volatile organic compounds removal by means of a felt-based living wall to improve indoor air quality

Suárez Cáceres, Gina Patricia; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Fernández Espinosa, Antonio José; Rossini Oliva, Sabina; Franco Salas, Antonio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Elsevier, 2021)
Currently, the population spends most of the time in indoor environments, which makes Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) very important ...

Susceptibility to water-borne plant diseases of hydroponic vs. aquaponics systems

Suárez Cáceres, Gina Patricia; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Avilés Guerrero, Manuel; Borrero Vega, Celia; Lobillo Eguibar, José; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel (ELSEVIER, 2021)
Waterborne diseases pose a significant risk in hydroponic crops, especially those caused by some species such as Fusarium, ...

Water consumption of felt-based outdoor living walls in warm climates

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Elsevier, 2021)
Living walls are vertical building integrated systems that allow increasing vegetation in cities, providing many benefits. ...

Characterisation of aquaponic producers and small-scale facilities in Spain and Latin America

Suárez Cáceres, Gina Patricia; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel; Lobillo Eguibar, José; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Springer, 2021)
Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system combining hydroponics and aquaculture. Although the domestic/small-scale ...

A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems

Goddard, M.A.; Guenat, S.; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Springer Nature, 2021)
Technology is transforming societies worldwide. A significant innovation is the emergence of robotics and autonomous systems ...

Particularities of having plants at home during the confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Kaltsidi, M.P.; Nektarios, P.A.; Markakis, G.; Loges, V.; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (Elsevier, 2021)
The present study evaluated the role of having plants at home during the confinement period as a result of the COVID-19 ...
Tesis Doctoral

Assessment and optimization of felt living walls in terms of water retention performance and artificial lighting

Kaltsidi, Maria Pinelopi; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2021)
Living walls, also referred as green walls or vertical gardens, are becoming a new reality worldwide, mainly in urban areas ...

Improving the performance of felt-based living wall systems in terms of irrigation management

Kaltsidi, Maria Pinelopi; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Franco Salas, Antonio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Elsevier, 2020)
Vertical greening systems are becoming a new reality worldwide in urban areas in order to increase and enhance green spaces. ...
Tesis Doctoral

Respuesta y recuperación a la sequía de especies formadoras de céspedes utilizadas en campos de golf en Andalucía. Modelo de gestión

Monje Jiménez, Rafael Jesús; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Egea Cegarra, Gregorio (2020)
Resumen: La gestión del agua de los campos de golf es un tema de preocupación en las áreas propensas a la sequía, en las ...
Tesis Doctoral

Evaluación de la distribución del agua en sistemas de riego por aspersión estacionarios con viento

Salvatierra Bellido, Benito; Montero Martínez, J.; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2020)
En la agricultura de regadío, el parámetro que califica mejor la calidad del riego es la uniformidad del riego. El riego ...

Assessment of different LED lighting systems for indoor living walls

Kaltsidi, Maria Pinelopi; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Elsevier, 2020)
Building-integrated vegetation systems, such as living walls (LW), are becoming common tools for improving the sustainability ...

Economic Sustainability of Small-Scale Aquaponic Systems for Food Self-Production

Lobillo Eguibar, José; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel; Bermejo, Luis Alberto; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (MDPI, 2020)
Aquaponics involves the simultaneous production of plants and fish and it is increasingly being used with a self-consumption ...

Comparative Analysis of Horizontal and Vertical Decoupled Aquaponic Systems for Basil Production and Effect of Light Supplementation by LED

Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Juárez, Alexes; Kaufman, Nathan T.; Gross, Jackson A. (MDPI, 2020)
Aquaponic facilities allow the joint production of fish and plants in a reduced space. This hydroponic technique, combined ...

Suitability and optimization of FAO's small-scale aquaponics systems for joint production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and fish (Carassius auratus)

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Lobillo Eguibar, José; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel (Elsevier, 2019)
Aquaponics is a developing technique that combines the simultaneous production of plants (hydroponics) and fish (aquaculture). ...
Trabajo Fin de Grado

Proyecto de plantación y puesta en riego de finca de 12Ha de pistachos sita polígono 210 en T.M. de Don Benito provincia de Badajoz

Murillo Chamorro, José Mª; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (2018)
El proyecto consiste en la plantación de una explotación de pistachos de 12ha, usando la variedad Kerman para plantones ...

Development of an automatic test bench to assess sprinkler irrigation uniformity in different wind conditions. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture

Salvatierra Bellido, Benito; Montero Martínez, J.; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Elsevier, 2018)
In sprinkler irrigation the water distribution uniformity in field conditions is not always a known factor, mainly due to ...

Water management assessment in a historic garden: the case study of the Real Alcazar (Seville, Spain)

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Egea Cegarra, Gregorio; Ruiz Alcalá, Cecilia; Roldán Olmo, Fuensanta; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (Elsevier, 2018)
Irrigation plays a very important role in a Mediterranean garden. In spite of this, there are not many studies assessing ...

Linking thermal imaging and soil remote sensing to enhance irrigation management of sugar beet

Quebrajo Moya, Lucía; Pérez Ruiz, Manuel; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Martínez, G.; Egea, G. (Elsevier, 2017)
The use of reliable information and data that are rapidly and easily acquired is essential for farm water management and ...

Media and social impact valuation of a living wall: The case study of the Sagrado Corazon hospital in Seville (Spain).

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Blasco Romero, Ana; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (Elsevier, 2017)
Vertical greening systems have increased in popularity during the last years due to their experienced added ecological and ...
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Diseño, construcción y análisis de funcionamiento inicial de un sistema de acuaponía que combina un estanque ornamental con un jardín vertical exterior

González Bermúdez, Ana María; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (2017)
La sociedad avanza en busca de un modelo de ciudad más sostenible donde poder vivir con un entorno lo más natural posible, ...

Role of green roofs in climate change mitigation. A case study in Seville (Spain), The

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Herrera Gómez, Sergio S.; Quevedo Nolasco, Abel (Elsevier, 2017)
The intense anthropogenic urban activity generates a phenomenon known as heat island, which is related with high temperatures ...

Influence of an active living wall on indoor temperature and humidity conditions

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Franco Salas, Antonio; Egea Cegarra, Gregorio (Elsevier, 2016)
Living walls are systems that allow the development of vegetation in a vertical surface attached to building facades or ...

XXXIV Congreso nacional de riegos. Sevilla, 7-9 de junio de 2016

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Quintero Ariza, José Manuel (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica. Universidad de Sevilla , 2016)

Ahorro energético en riego por aspersión. Pruebas de nuevos aspersores en banco automático con viento

Salvatierra Bellido, B.; Morillo Velarde, R.; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Andrades Gonzalez, J.A.; Bermejo Corrales, J.L. (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, 2016)
El consumo energético en regadío es directamente proporcional a los valores objetivos de presión de una red colectiva de ...

Uso de imágenes térmicas aéreas en remolacha azucarera (Beta vulgaris) para propuesta de riego de precisión

Quebrajo Moya, Lucía; Egea Cegarra, Gregorio; Pérez Ruiz, Manuel; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis (Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Agrícola, 2016)
Para un manejo adecuado del riego es necesario tener información disponible de una manera rápida y sencilla. Gracias a los ...

Design and preliminary assessment of a vertical aquaponics system for ornamental purposes

Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Egea Cegarra, Gregorio (2015)
Trabajo Fin de Grado

Diseño y construcción de dos sistemas acuapónicos horizontales para la producción conjunta de peces dorados y lechugas

Alcocer Palma, Manuel Jesús; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Fernández Cabanás, Víctor Manuel (2015)
La acuaponía es la técnica que une a la hidroponía y la acuicultura para la producción conjunta de plantas y peces con ...

Social impact assessment of a living wall installed in a hospital

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Blasco Romero, Ana; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (Green Roofs and Living Walls Centre, University of Greenwich, 2015)

Vertical Greening Systems and Sustainable Cities

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Franco Salas, Antonio; Egea Cegarra, Gregorio (Taylor and Francis, 2015)
Urban development is causing environmental and social concerns that are compromising human welfare and cities sustainability. ...

Wind tunnel analysis of artificial substrates used in active living walls for indoor environment conditioning in Mediterranean buildings.

Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Franco Salas, Antonio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Valera Artínez, Diego Luis (Elsevier, 2015)
In this paper, a low-speed wind tunnel was used for experimental analysis of water volume retained, pressure drop, saturation ...

Riego de Precisión para un manejo más eficiente del agua

Egea Cegarra, Gregorio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Franco Salas, Antonio; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez Ruiz, Manuel; Puerta Castelló, Cristóbal de la (Editorial Agrícola Española, 2014)
El artículo proporciona una visión general del estado de la programación eficiente del riego utilizando herramientas de ...

Aprendizaje basado en proyectos y trabajo en equipo: experiencia de innovación docente en hidráulica para graduados en Ingeniería Agrícola

Egea Cegarra, Gregorio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Franco Salas, Antonio (2014)
En este trabajo se describe un proyecto de innovación docente para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de ...

Lighting systems evaluation for indoor living walls

Egea Cegarra, Gregorio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Franco Salas, Antonio; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; González Pérez, Julio (Elsevier, 2014)
Living walls (LW) are vertical greening systems that are becoming popular due to their multiple social and environmental ...

Irrigation systems evaluation for living walls. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Franco Salas, Antonio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Egea Cegarra, Gregorio (ASCE Library, 2014)
Living walls are becoming popular solutions to alleviate negative effects of urban development. They are vertical greening ...

Influence of different variables on living wall irrigation

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Egea Cegarra, Gregorio; Fernández Cañero, Rafael (Staffordshire University, 2014)
Patente. Invención

Sistema modular de reducido espesor y material flexible para el cultivo de vegetación en superficies verticales

Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Franco Salas, Antonio; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Gaviño Escobar, Manuel Iván; Hidalgo Romero, Fernando (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2013)
El objeto de la presente invención es un elemento modular vegetado de reducido espesor, material flexible y de tamaño ...
Trabajo Fin de Grado

Naturación urbana y jardinería vertical: de las fachadas verdes a los muros vegetales

Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Franco Salas, Antonio (Asociación Española de Parques y Jardines Públicos, 2013)
En las últimas décadas, las urbes están creciendo considerablemente, dedicándose un porcentaje cada vez más elevado a ...
Patente. Invención

Sistema de acondicionamiento bioclimático mediante estructuras ajardinadas verticales

Franco Salas, Antonio; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Gaviño Escobar, Manuel Iván; Hidalgo Romero, Fernando (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM), 2012)
El objeto de la presente invención es un sistema de acondicionamiento bioclimático que consiste en unos paneles evaporativos ...

The paradox of irrigation scheme modernization: more efficient water use linked to higher energy demand

Camacho Poyato, Emilio; Montesinos Barrios, María Pilar; Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Rodríguez Díaz, Juan Antonio (2011)

Multidisciplinary Education for New Landscape Engineering Concepts using Problem-Based Collaborative Learning. A Case Study in Spain

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Franco Salas, Antonio (Tempus Publications, 2011)
Problem-based learning (PBL) is widely regarded as a successful educational method. In Spain, most engineering degrees are ...

Assessment of the cooling potential of an indoor living wall using different substrates in a warm climate

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Fernández Cañero, Rafael; Franco Salas, Antonio (Sage Journals, 2011)
The use of vertical greenery systems in buildings is becoming very popular as they provide several benefits. In this work, ...

Characterization of Pumps for Irrigation in Central California: Potential Energy Savings

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Burt, Charles M. (American Society of Civil Engineers, 2011)
The annual agricultural electric pumping usage in California is around 10 million MWh and most of it occurs in the ...

Irrigation distribution networks' vulnerability to climate change

Pérez Urrestarazu, Luis; Smout, I. K.; Rodríguez Díaz, Juan Antonio; Carrillo Cobo, M.T. (ASCE, 2010)
Climate change will lead to changed demands on ex isting irrigation systems. This paper presents a methodology for ...