NombreGarcía León, Manuel
DepartamentoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Área de conocimientoFísica Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Categoría profesionalCatedrático de Universidad
Correo electrónicoSolicitar
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Optimization of a new liquid scintillation spectrometer for the measurement of environmental levels of 3H in water samples

García León, José Luis; García León, Manuel; Manjón Collado, Guillermo; Rivera Silva, Jorge (Elsevier, 2024)
The activity concentration of 3H in water samples collected from places unaffected by nuclear activities or for human ...

Efficiency calibration and optimization of a liquid scintillation spectrometer for low level 55Fe and 63Ni measurements

García León, José Luis; García León, Manuel; Manjón Collado, Guillermo (Elsevier, 2023)
An experimental study on the counting efficiency, background, and Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) of a liquid scintillation ...
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Puesta a punto de una nueva técnica radiométrica para la medida del par radiactivo 210Pb/210Po en el oceáno

López Rodríguez, Álvaro; Villa Alfageme, María; García León, Manuel (2023)
Nuestro trabajo ha consistido en el desarrollo de un nuevo método de medida de la pareja 210Pb/210Po en el océano a lo ...
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Characterisation of a pure LaCl3-based detector for proton therapy application

Xifra Goya, Georgina; Nácher González, Enrique; Martínez Roig, Marcos; García León, Manuel (2023)
Proton therapy is an increasingly used technique for cancer treatment worldwide. However, the uncertainty in proton range ...
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Determinación de dosis periféricas debidas a neutrones en tratamientos de protonterapia

Guijosa Araez, Pol; Domingo Miralles, Carles; García León, Manuel (2022)
En este trabajo de fin de máster se lleva a cabo el estudio de las dosis periféricas debidas a neutrones en protonterapia ...
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Caracterización radiológica de agua de consumo humano

Muñoz Chimbo, Carla Tatiana; García León, Manuel; Manjón Collado, Guillermo (2022)
El agua de consumo humano puede contener sustancias radiactivas que presentan un riesgo para la salud, por lo que se han ...
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Determinacion de U antropogénico mediante Espectrometría de Masas con Aceleradores

Díaz Tomé, Laura; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; García León, Manuel (2021)
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Tesis Doctoral

Factors related to 41K interference on 41Ca AMS measurements

Vivo Vilches, Carlos; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel; Vockenhuber, Christof (ScienceDirect, 2019)
Dealing with the 41K interference during 41Ca measurement with low energy AMS systems is challenging. The detection of 39K ...

Meteoric 10Be in aerosol filters in the city of Seville

Padilla, S.; López Gutiérrez, José María; Manjón Collado, Guillermo; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Galván, J.A.; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2019)
Cosmogenic radionuclides in the one-million-year half-life range, like 10Be, find application fields in several Sciences. ...

Determination of denudation rates by the measurement of meteoric 10Be in Guadiana river sediment samples (Spain) by low-energy AMS

Padilla, S.; López Gutiérrez, José María; Sampath, D.M.R.; Boski, T.; Nieto, J. M.; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2018)
The concentration of meteoric 10Be in estuarine sediment samples has been measured by Spanish Accelerator for Radionuclides ...

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) in Radioecology

García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 2018)
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) provides with an excellent sensitivity for the determination of radionuclides in the ...

Ca-41 measurements on the 1 MV AMS facility at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA, Spain)

Vivo Vilches, Carlos; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel; Vockenhuber, Christof; Walczyk, Thomas (ScienceDirect, 2017)
We present a detailed study of the performance parameters for 41Ca measurements at the 1 MV AMS system at the Centro ...

Estimating the impact from Fukushima in Southern Spain by I-131 and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry detection of I-129

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; López Gutiérrez, José María; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Agulló, L.; Peruchena, Juan Ignacio; Manjón Collado, Guillermo; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2017)
After the Fukushima accident, large amounts of radionuclides were discharged to the atmosphere. Some of them travelled ...

Recent developments of the 1 MV AMS facility at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

Scognamiglio, Grazia; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; López Gutiérrez, José María; Müller, A.M.; Padilla, S.; Santos, F. Javier; Vivo Vilches, Carlos; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2016)
The Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA) hosts a 1 MV accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) apparatus since September 2005. ...
Tesis Doctoral

Medidas de 10Be y 26Al en espectrometría de masas con acelerador de baja energía en el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

Padilla Domínguez, Santiago; García León, Manuel; López Gutiérrez, José María (2015)
Los radionucleidos cosmogénicos de periodo de semidesintegración grande se encuentran en la naturaleza a niveles traza, ...

Status report of the 1 MV AMS facility at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

Chamizo Calvo, Elena; Santos, Francisco Javier; López Gutiérrez, José María; Padilla, Santiago; García León, Manuel; Heinemeier, Jan; Schnabel, Christoph; Scognamiglio, Grazia (ScienceDirect, 2015)
SARA (Spanish Accelerator for Radionuclides Analysis) was the first multielemental AMS facility installed in Spain in 2005. ...

Influence of releases of 129I and 137Cs from European reprocessing facilities in Fucus vesiculosus and seawater from the Kattegat and Skagerrak areas

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Holm, E.; Niagolova, N.; López Gutiérrez, José María; Pinto Gómez, A. R.; Abril, J. A.; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2014)
129I is a very long-lived radionuclide (T1/2 = 15.7 × 106 years) that is present in the environment because of natural and ...
Tesis Doctoral

Caracterización de partículas calientes mediante técnicas analíticas avanzadas

Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; García López, Francisco Javier; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael (2013)
Este trabajo se centra en el estudio del uranio y los elementos transuránidos presentes en escenarios contaminados por ...

Long-lived radionuclides in residues from operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants

López Gutiérrez, José María; Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; Peruchena, Juan Ignacio; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2013)
Radioactive residues, in order to be classified as Low-Level Waste (LLW), need to fulfil certain conditions; the limitation ...

Pre- and post-Chernobyl accident levels of I-129 and Cs-137 in the Southern Baltic Sea by brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Holm, Elis; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Abril Hernández, José María; Pinto Gómez, Alonso Ramón; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 2013)
129I is a very long-lived radionuclide (T1/2 = 15.7 × 106 years) that is present in the environment both because of natural ...

Pre- and post-Chernobyl accident levels of 129I and 137Cs in the Southern Baltic Sea by brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Holm, E.; Enamorado Báez, S.M.; Abril Hernández, José María; Pinto Gómez, A.R.; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2013)
129I is a very long-lived radionuclide (T1/2 = 15.7 × 106 years) that is present in the environment both because of natural ...

AMS measurements of 129I in seawater around Iceland and the Irminger Sea

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Villa Alfageme, María; Le Moigne, Frederic; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (ScienceDirect, 2013)
Large amounts of iodine-129 were, and still are, released into the environment from nuclear facilities, in particular from ...

Anthropogenic 129I concentration and 129I/127I ratio in rainwater from Seville (Spain) in the period 2005–2008 as affected by airborne releases from Sellafield and La Hague facilities

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; Enamorado Báez, Santiago Miguel; Pinto Gómez, Alonso Ramón; Abril Hernández, José María; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 2012)
129I is a very long-lived radionuclide (T1/2 = 15.7 × 106 years) that is present in the environment both because of natural ...

Reassessment of 239Pu on planchets from human urine samples at ultra-trace levels using Aridus-ICP-SFMS and AMS

Hernández Mendoza, Héctor; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; Delgado, Antonio; García León, Manuel; Yllera, Abel (2012)
New analytical methods developed at the facilities here, based on two ultra-sensitive mass spectrometry (MS) techniques, ...

Deteminación del cociente isotópico 240Pu/239Pu en partículas calientes

Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García León, Manuel (2011)
En este trabajo se exponen las principales características de las tres técnicas de medida utilizádas y puestas a punto en ...

Nuevo sistema portátil de micro-fluorescencia de rayos X basado en óptica de policapilares para aplicaciones en Patrimonio Cultural

Laclavetine, Kilian; Ager Vázquez, Francisco José; Gómez-Tubio, Blanca María; Križnar, Anabelle; Moreno-Suárez, Ana Isabel; Ortega-Feliú, Inés; Respaldiza Galisteo, Miguel Ángel; Scrivano, Simona; García León, Manuel (Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2011)

Measurement of Pu and U isotopes on the 1 MV AMS system at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

Chamizo, E.; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Hotchkis, M. (2011)
In the last decade, compact AMS systems have demonstrated their potential to measure actinides (236U, 239,240,244Pu, 237Np). ...

Datación mediante radiocarbono de manuscritos medievales de la Universidad de Sevilla

Santos, F. Javier; Gómez Martínez, Isabel; García León, Manuel (2010)
Tesis Doctoral

Medida de 129I en el Sistema de Espectrometría de Masas con Aceleradores de 1 MV del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores : Aplicación a problemas medioambientales.

Gómez Guzmán, José Manuel; López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (2010)
La Memoria que desarrollamos a continuación consta de seis capítulo, cuyo contenido se discute a continuación. En el ...

Characterisation of the plutonium isotopic composition of a sediment core from Palomares, Spain, by low-energy AMS and alpha-spectrometry

Chamizo, E.; Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; Enamorado, S. M.; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Más Balbuena, José Luis; Masqué, Pere; Merino, J.; Sánchez Cabeza, J. A. (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010)
The measurement of plutonium isotopes, 239Pu and 240Pu, at 670 kV on the compact accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) system ...

A highly sensitive method for the reassessment and quantification of 239Pu in urine samples based on a 1 MV accelerator mass spectrometry system

Hernández Mendoza, Héctor; Chamizo Calvo, Elena; Yllera, Abel; García León, Manuel; Delgado, Antonio (2010)
A new and highly sensitive method for the determination of 239Pu in human urine has been developed permitting the reassessment ...

Characterization of terrestrial hot particles from the Palomares accident using destructive and non-destructive analytical techniques

Jiménez Ramos, María del Carmen; García López, Francisco Javier; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García León, Manuel (EDP Sciences, 2009)
Several radioactive particles from the Palomares area have been analyzed with the nuclear microprobe of the National ...
Tesis Doctoral

Medida de isótopos de Plutonio, 239Pu y 240Pu, mediante espectrometría de masas con aceleradores de baja energía

Chamizo Calvo, Elena; García León, Manuel; Suter, Martin (2009)
El primer bloque, sobre la descripción de la técnica y de los dos sistemas empleados, comprende los Capítulos 2, 3 y 4. ...

Radiocarbon measurement program at the centro nacional de aceleradores (CNA), Spain

Santos Arévalo, Francisco Javier; Gómez Martínez, Isabel; García León, Manuel (2009)
In September 2005, an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) system based on a 1MV Tandetron accelerator arrived at the Centro ...

On the applications of IBA techniques to biological samples analysis: PIXE and RBS

Falcón González, J. M.; Bernal Alvarado, J.; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Morilla García, Yolanda; Sosa, M. (AIP Publishing, 2008)
The analyticaltechniques based on ion beamsorIBA techniquesgive quantitativeinformationonelemental concentrationin samples ...

A fitting algorithm based on simulated annealing techniques for efficiency calibration of HPGe detectors using different mathematical functions

Hurtado Bermúdez, Santiago José; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael (Elsevier, 2008)
In this work several mathematical functions are compared in order to perform the full-energy peak efficiency calibration ...

A revision of energy and resolution calibration method of Ge detectors

Hurtado Bermúdez, Santiago José; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael (Elsevier, 2006)
The energy and resolution calibration of germanium detectors being basic procedures in gamma-ray spectrometry have not ...

Evaluación de la Seguridad Alimentaria y Radiológica en la Aplicación del Fosfoyeso Como Enmienda de Suelos Agrícolas en las Marismas del Guadalquivir

Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Delgado García, Antonio; Quintero Ariza, José Manuel; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Polvillo Polo, Oliva; Andreu Cáceres, Luis (2006)
The main goal of this Project has been the radiological and alimentary assessment of the agriculture use of phosphogypsum ...

Overcoming ICP-QMS instrumental limitations for Tc-99 determination in environmental solid samples using radiochemistry

Más Balbuena, José Luis; García León, Manuel; Bolivar, J. P. (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2006)
Besides its capabilities, quadrupole-based ICP-MS counting establishes several limitations on 99Tc analysis in environmental ...
Tesis Doctoral

Determinación de 36Cl y 129I mediante espectrometría de masas con aceleradores

Santos Arévalo, Francisco Javier; García León, Manuel; Synal Hans, Arno (2004)
Desde poco después del descubrimiento del fenómeno de la radiactividad, la comunidad científica fue consciente de la gran ...

Mecanismos de transferencia de radionucleidos en el medio ambiente

Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Manjón Collado, Guillermo (Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos, ENRESA, 2004)
Tesis Doctoral

Análisis de la respuesta de espectrómetros gamma de fondo bajo y su simulación mediante el método de Monte Carlo

Hurtado Bermúdez, Santiago José; García León, Manuel; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael (2004)

Tc-99 detection in water samples by ICP-MS

Más Balbuena, José Luis; García León, Manuel; Bolivar, J. P. (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2004)
In this work three radiochemical procedures are presented for the determination of 99Tc in aqueous environmental samples ...

A method for the measurement of 99Tc by Quadrupole ICP-MS in dry fallout and sea grass samples

García León, Manuel; Más Balbuena, José Luis; Bolívar Raya, Juan Pedro (2003)
A method for the detection of "Tc by ICP-MS in environmental samples is proposed and explained in detail. This method ...

Determination of U isotopic ratios in environmental samples by ICP-MS

Uchida, Shigeo; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; Tagami, Keiko; García León, Manuel (2000)
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been used for the determination of trace elements in a variety ...

The use of 99mTc as a tracer in the determination of 99Tc by ICPmass spectrometry

Más Balbuena, José Luis; García León, Manuel; Bolívar Raya, Juan Pedro; Sánchez Angulo, Celestino Ignacio (2000)
The aim of this paper is to carry out a deep study on the possibilities of using 99mTc from 99Mo-99mTc clinical isotope ...
Tesis Doctoral

Niveles y comportamiento de isótopos de U y Th y descendientes en medios estuarios

García Orellana, Isabel; García León, Manuel (1999)
Tesis Doctoral

Aplicación de la espectrometría de masas con aceleradores a la determinación de radionúclidos de semivida grande en la naturaleza

López Gutiérrez, José María; García León, Manuel (1999)
La detección de radionúclidos de periodo de semidesintegración grande en muestras ambientales es interesante, entre otras ...
Tesis Doctoral

Radionúclidos artificiales en la industria forestal

Vaca Galán, Federico; García León, Manuel; Manjón Collado, Guillermo (1999)
En el Capítulo 2 se hace una revisión de los trabajos previos relacionados con nuestra investigación. Pretendemos justificar ...

Kinetic transfer coefficients for radionuclides in estuarine waters: Reference values from133Ba and effects of salinity and suspended load concentration

Laissaoui, Abdelmourhit; Abril Hernández, José María; Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; García León, Manuel; García Montaño, Estrella (Springer, 1998)
In estuarine environments there are important spatial and temporal changes in both salt and suspended load concentrations. ...

Radioactive impact of phosphate ore processing in a wet marshland in southwestern Spain

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1997)
In this paper an extensive study of the presence of natural radionuclides in a marshland area located in the vicinity of ...

210Pb enhancement in rivers affected by the phosphate rock processing in southwestern Spain

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1997)
The activity levels of 210Pb in solution and bottom sediments were measured in the estuary formed by the Odiel and Tinto ...

Transfer of natural radionuclides from soils to plants in a marsh enhanced by the operation of non-nuclear industries

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García Orellana, Isabel; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1997)
Two sampling campaigns were performed in 1993 at the marsh area (Odiel marsh) located in southwestern Spain, in the city ...

Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters .2. Application to Ra-226 dispersion in an estuarine system

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
The Odiel river is an estuary system located in the south-west of Spain and affected by tidal dynamics. A phosphate ...

210Pb distribution in riverwaters and sediments near phosphate fertilizer factories

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
two fertilizer factories operate at the estuary formed by the Odiel and Tinto rivers in Southwestern Spain. In previous ...

A method for the determination of counting efficiencies in gamma-spectrometric measurements with HPGe detectors

Bolívar, Juan Pedro; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
In this paper a general method for y-ray efficiency calibration is presented. The method takes into account the differences of ...

U- and Th-isotopes in an estuarine system in southwest Spain: Tidal and seasonal variations

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
The presence of U- and Th-isotopes in suspended matter from an estuarine system which surrounds a phosphate fertilizer ...

Anthropogenic emissions of Po-210, Pb-210 and Ra-226 in an estuarine environment

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel; Gascó, C.; Travesi, A. (Springer, 1996)
An extensive study on the distribution of natural radionuclides in an estuarine ecosystem located in Southwestern Spain ...

Modelling the suspended matter distribution in an estuarine system : Application to the Odiel river in southwest Spain

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
A numerical model which solves the advective-diffusive dispersion equation for suspended matter and includes the deposition ...

Enhanced U and Th concentrations in soils from a wet marshland washed by contaminated riverwaters

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García Orellana, Isabel; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
A study of the presence of U and Th isotopes in soil samples from a saline wet Marshland located close to a phosphoric ...

Modelling the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters—Part 1: Conceptual and mathematical model

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
A 2D four-phase model to study the dispersion of non-conservative radionuclides in tidal waters, in conditions of ...

Transfer of natural radionuclides from soils to plants in a wet marshland

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1996)
Soils and two wild plant species (Spartina densiflora and Spartina maritima) have been collected from the Odiel river marsh ...
Tesis Doctoral

Aplicaciones de la espectrometría gamma y alfa al estudio del impacto radiactivo producido por industrias no nucleares

Bolívar Raya, Juan Pedro; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García León, Manuel (1995)

U and Th speciation in river sediments

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel; Ivanovich, M. (Elsevier, 1995)
A study of the distribution of some natural radionuclides in different chemical fractions of river bottom sediments has ...

A modeling study of Ra-226 dispersion in an estuarine system in south-west Spain

Periáñez Rodríguez, Raúl; Abril Hernández, José María; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1994)
A numerical model to study 226Ra dispersion in the Odiel River, in which two fertilizer plants release their wastes, has ...

The distribution of U, Th and 226Ra derived from the phosphate fertilizer industries on an estuarine system in Southwest Spain

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel; Ivanovich, M. (Elsevier, 1994)
This paper reports an extensive study of the presence of natural radioactivity around a phosphate fertilizer factory complex ...

U and Th distribution in solution and suspended matter from rivers affected by the phosphate rock processing in southwestern Spain

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel; Ivanovich, M. (Elsevier, 1994)
A study is presented on the distribution of U and Th isotopes in the solid and liquid fractions of waters collected along ...

Identification and effects of anthropogenic emissions of U and Th on the composition of sediments in a river/estuarine system in Southern Spain

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel; Ivanovich, M. (Elsevier, 1994)
A study of the distribution of natural radionuclides in different fractions of river bottom sediments has been carried ...

Low-level radioactivity studies in the marine environment of the South of Spain

Manjón Collado, Guillermo; Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel (Elsevier, 1992)
In this paper preliminary levels of natural and man-made radionuclides in the South Spanish marine environment are presented. ...
Tesis Doctoral

Radiactividad artificial en varios compartimentos naturales de Andalucía

Manjón Collado, Guillermo; García León, Manuel (1992)

The use of 137-cs in marine and lacustrine sediment dating

Sánchez, C. I.; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García León, Manuel; Abril Hernández, José María; El-Daoushy, F. (Pergamon Press, 1992)
En este trabajo, la técnica de datación 137 Cs con precisión mejorada se muestra como una herramienta poderosa para ...
Tesis Doctoral

Aplicaciones ambientales de la espectrometría gamma de bajas energías

Martínez Lobo, Antonio; García León, Manuel; Travesi Jiménez, Antonio (1991)
Tesis Doctoral

Radiactividad natural en diversos compartimentos naturales de Andalucía

Martínez Aguirre, Aránzazu; García León, Manuel (1991)
El trabajo se ha centrado en el estudio de radionúclidos naturales, emisores alfa, en diversos compartimentos de Andalucía ...
Tesis Doctoral
Tesis Doctoral

Aplicación y desarrollo de modelos compartimentales para el estudio de la dispersión de radionuclidos en el medio ambiente y en el cuerpo humano

García Montaño, Estrella; García León, Manuel (1987)
Se ha aplicado la técnica de modelos compartiméntales al estudio de la dispersión de radionúclidos en el ambiente marino ...

An Easy Method for the Determination of Ra Isotopes and Actinide Alpha Emitters from the Same Water Sample

Morón Romero, María del Carmen; García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García Montaño, Estrella; García León, Manuel; Madurga, G. (Elsevier, 1986)
Radium isotopes and actinide α emitters are easily determined from the same water sample. The Ra fraction is obtained by ...
Tesis Doctoral

Estudios sobre el método de fechado por 210 Pb y su aplicación a sedimentos

García-Tenorio García-Balmaseda, Rafael; García León, Manuel (1986)
La determinación de los valores de una fracción del radionidido natural 210Pb a diversas profundidades del sedimento ...
Tesis Doctoral

Medida de actividades Alfa y Beta en muestras ambientales con un detector proporcional y detección de 99Tc

García León, Manuel; Madurga Lacalle, Gonzalo (1983)
Se utiliza un detector proporcional de flujo de gas para la medida de actividades Alfa y Beta ambientales y la detección ...